After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 73 – Everyone’s Goals

It had been a while since Elana had seen her previous fiance, and she wasn’t looking forward to this time either. The meeting was largely pointless either way. Everyone had already made a decision and communicated it to each other. It all was just a waste of time.

The hostility and uncertainty in the Royal palace didn’t make the visit any better. The air stunk of change, and no one knew how the history would move.

Or at least, that’s how Elana perceived it. Honestly, the most she could feel was fear. That was the emotion she was most attuned to. The rest was an educated guess, mostly based on the information her father and Catarina fed her.

It was annoying how often the information didn’t match at all. Elana’s father had allowed her limited access to the information his spy network gathered, but it was curated. She could tell.

There was more information coming from the spies than what Catarina could bring. A lot more. But at least Elana’s friend was truthful and did her analysis without biases. What Catarina found could be trusted. It allowed Elana to navigate the treacherous waters of politics.

With the assembly in a couple days, this meeting was another way to see where others stood and fish for hints of who they had aligned with.

It was all very tiring and would not be tolerated under Elana’s rule.

But that was not now.

In front of the small procession, the guards parted. No one whispered a word. and all pretended to not stare.

The presence of a rival country's Prince left them baffled. It was unexpected and clearly a power move from Duke’s De’Sorthos side.

Elana felt inquisitive eyes switch to her, evaluating the way she had dressed and the close proximity to the jerk. It was quickly understood what it implied.

It was a move against the throne. Duke’s De’Sorthos was showing his hand. He had brought an enemy to the Royal castle and showed his intentions to marry his daughter to the said enemy.

The fact that no one came to interpret their advance showed how precarious the throne’s position was. Elana had at least expected someone to come and make a noise, even if it would have resulted in nothing.

This was just pathetic. Elana had expected more from the current king. Despite her dislike for the Prince, his father had been an excellent ruler. She would have done things differently, but the man had successfully elevated the Kingdom to new heights.

Elana almost stopped in her tracks. That begged the question… What had happened with the king in the game? She couldn’t recall.

Watching her father's back, Elana marched on. She played the aloof girl’s role she had chosen, using cold to keep away Aston’s arm from touching hers.

At least the ashole could take a hint. Elana wasn’t forced to take any more drastic measures. She glanced around, taking in the sights.

Once Elana took over, she would redecorate the place. There were too many paintings of old men and horses. She would also like more plants instead of the marble statues of warriors and saintesses of the past.

Then again, maybe keeping the statues of the saintesses wouldn’t be that bad. They were mostly depicted in scantily clad attires and were rather pleasant to lay eyes upon.

Elana had to wonder if they all had been beautiful or if it was just the Church’s propaganda. She couldn’t tell. The only specimen she had seen was definitely better than any of these, so maybe? Her thoughts were interrupted when they arrived at the planned meeting place.

As the doors opened, it became clear the King was still keeping the illusion of his might alive.

The King had chosen to hold the meeting in the Royal Chambers, surrounded by various advisors and close allies. The best guards, armoured in full armour, surrounded the hall, holding shiny weapons and holding stoic expressions.

“Enerting. Duke Vermont Joal De’Sorthos with his guest, Prince Ashton Oploraion and daughter, Elana De’Sorthos.” Their arrival was announced.

Elana held her head high but avoided looking at anyone in particular. She could feel displeasure radiating from her father. It was clear this had not been his expectation.

Still, Vermont held his head high, refusing to bow and electing hushed murmurs from all across the hall. “Your Majesty,” His voice boomed, I have come to-” He was shameless and rude, ignoring hundreds of years of tradition to make his point.

It was clear Vermont was making a show, trying to rally support from the present nobles. Or maybe scare them. It was a powerplay nevertheless, and Elana tuned them out, instead studying the King. 

Lucious Heraon the Third was growing old. The many years he had spent ruling had left their traces. This was a man who took his duty towards his people seriously.

And he was sick. Elana quickly realised he was - likely everyone had. But no one spoke of it. It was an open secret that people were afraid to mention.

Well, maybe not everyone did know. Elana glanced to the side at the King’s loyal son. He had an oblivious smile on his face.

The Idiot was glaring at the Duke but soon turned his attention to Elana. He then leaned closer to his father and whispered something inane.

Everyone saw it. The Prince didn’t know. His demeanour, movements and gullible look told Elana everything she needed to know.

This dynasty was at the end. The King’s only son was not fit to be a ruler. He had a good heart - supposedly, but he was a total scatterbrain.

Elana furrowed her brows.

Didn’t the Prince look slightly different? Elana could have sworn he wasn’t this feminine before.

But quickly, Elana dismissed the notion. She looked towards the other prince in the room. It appeared Ashton was done listening and had a few words to say himself.

Whoo, feels a little disjointed, but it's not like you are here for the deep plot. I'll try to get an update ready for tomorrow as well. No promises tho.

Also. I got a really nice review on my main story, so I am really happy now. WOOOOO!


Happy Enkiari

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