After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 74 – Politics are Dumb

Before speaking, Ashton glanced at Elana. She received his wink with all the disgust she could show without breaking his teeth and freezing his balls into ice.

Elana felt stifled. Before, it was Catarina holding her back. But at least her friend was an excellent stress toy to squeeze and prod. She could gently edge the girl and have a handful of breasts whenever she fished.

Here, Elana had nothing to keep herself calm. She felt her mana bubble - trying to break out. Her body filled with strength, and she…

“Greetings!” Ashton’s voice boomed. The rogue looked around as if the place belonged to him. There was vicious disregard in the way he apprised the King. “I have come as an Emissary, representing my home, the greatest Kingdom - Palkon.” He sneered at the advisors and guards. “We received news of a gathering of great importance.” Ashton didn’t stop, even though the King tried to speak. “As a neighbouring country, we felt it prudent to witness the proceeding of this assembly.” His rudeness seemed to know no bounds.

Elana inwardly shook her head. The King couldn’t stop Asthon. The nobles around him didn’t dare. With her father at Asthon’s side, they had too much advantage.

The King’s choice to hold the meeting here had backfired. This would worsen the Royal faction’s standings even more - something that would serve Elana’s own little coup. She rearranged her own plans while still listening to Ashton.

“-and the best perfume for the Prince,” Ashton finished presenting his gifts, belittling Elana’s old fiance with the choice.

It was a little strange. Clearly, the gift was meant to emasculate Frederick, but Elana found it oddly fitting. There was something wrong with her previous fiance. She just couldn’t put her finger on it. Elana had her suspicions, though, and they had to do with one dear Saintes she knew.

“This is an affront-” Frederick reacted to the slight but was silenced by his father’s glance. He slunk back into his seat, positioned to stand above everyone else, but the King yet seemed to be lower than a pit.

These political games were confusing. Elana tried to understand, but she simply could not find it in her to care about the dying dynasty. She let her gaze travel to where some of her own supporters were.

There were not many, and many seemed to have doubts. Elana simply didn’t have enough sway or importance to influence the upper echelons of society.

But Elana’s and Catarina’s visits had bore results. Most people gambled on her future achievements, partly because of who her father was and partly because of their own agendas.

In the end, they were not enough. Elana then looked at the Bishop near the King. She had avoided looking at the man for the longest time, wondering if he could notice Elana’s bond with the current Saintess.

Elana’s eyes bore into the aged, silver-haired man in the flashy white and pink outfit. The man didn’t even notice it. 

Bishop Romoly was simply staring at the ceiling, appearing disinterested in the politicking. Which he was. Elana knew the Church of Love had focused on appealing to the common folk for a few decades now.

As a result, the Church lost the support of the nobles and closeness to the Crown. They were pious people, devoted to their Goddess. But their position wasn’t the strongest.

That was about to change. Elana knew they would rally behind a Saintess. They would support and protect her. Their blind faith would serve Elana’s and Moira’s needs perfectly.

“-my marriage with Lady Elana.”

Elana’s head snapped back to where Ashton held his arms wide open, presenting himself as some kind of gift from a God. She felt murderous thoughts bubble and seethe. Her fingers turned into claws as she began planning the best way to turn the pest into a sieve.

And there was more. Elana felt her body grow stronger. Her muscles filled with strength, making her feel powerful.

Much more than what should be possible for a human. Elana traced back to the source of this feeling, finding the bracelet enchanting her with energy that elevated her body to new heights.

At this point, Elana felt like she could tear Ashton into pieces with her hands alone. Which sounded like a plan. She glared at the irritant, noticing her father do it as well.

Ashton had not moved according to Elana’s dear father’s plans. But it didn’t mean Elana could kill the foreign prince now. She had to bide her time.

With difficulty, Elana reigned in her anger, calming her nerves and stopping the forming spells. She took a deeper breath, returning to her act of a haughty Princess.

The audience continued, and Elana stayed quiet. This was not her place to speak. She was just an ornament in the eyes of these men.

It was something Elana was eager to change by removing their heads. She began imagining how they would look a head shorter when she noticed the Bishop looking straight at her.

Bishop’s eyes were alert and curious. Romoly was studying Elana with barely contained happiness. He even began smiling when he noticed Elana return the look.

Elana’s heartbeat quickened. So the Bishop wasn’t just a useless old man standing at the top of the church due to nepotism. She was careful to not give away anything more.

This was not planned. They had planned to force the Church into accepting them by making a big showing at the assembly.

After all, according to what Elana knew, the only way to recognise a Saintess was by using the lantern. It was too risky to go to a Church before gathering enough momentum.

Perhaps a mistake. But Elana and Moira were confident in making this work.

But from how the Bishop was looking at her, Elana knew she would have to meet him. Perhaps even right after this audience.

I totally forgot I said I wont try to add more stuff.

It still happened. Damn.

Probably not much smut before the true ending begins. Sorry.


Enkiari the Dull

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