After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 75 – Chapter Name

“What?” Duke De’Sorthos blinked at the priest in front of him. “Just her? And not me?” He couldn’t quite wrap his head around the man’s request and exchanged a glance with Ashton, who just shrugged.

The messy meeting with the King had just ended. As Elana had expected, someone had come to see if she was amicable to a meeting with the Bishop. She just hadn’t expected it to arrive right away.

It was a rather hasty move and hard to explain. There was no reason for the Bishop to summon Elana. Not unless the unexpected announcement of her betrothal to a foreign prince worried the Church.

But in that case, why not speak with the Duke himself? It was something that baffled Vermont. “Send a formal invite to me, and we will consider it.” His glare intensified as he tried to unravel the priest and see all the secrets the man held.

The priest didn’t budge. “I must insist,” He stood his ground, offering a small envelope to Elana. “This invite is for the lady only. Bishop Romoly is a busy man, and with the upcoming assembly, there won’t be another free timeslot.”

Vermont hesitated. Elana slowly extended her hand and received the invite. She had delayed long enough to play her role of a dutiful daughter.

If only Elana didn’t need her father’s trust to poison him… Unfortunately, she did. “Thank you,” Elana slightly bowed. “Father. I think it is for the best to see what Bishop has to say.” She sent what she hoped was a ‘meaningful’ look at the Duke.

It worked. Vermont, still under the impression he controlled Elana, slowly nodded. “Very well. I will send a carriage for you.” He turned around and led Ashton away. They resumed their discussion about a possible trade deal, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Elana waited a moment longer, gathering her thoughts. “Show the way,” She ordered, then followed after the polite, now silent priest.

With everyone watching, Elana knew the news would soon spread. She wagered it would do good for her position. An actual faction backing her…

Of course, it wasn’t that simple. Elana could be seen as another pawn. But she could tolerate it for a few days longer.

After walking for almost ten minutes, they exited the main palace and headed towards the nearby chapel. The priest led Elana inside the simple building surrounded by lush flowerbeds.

The chapel was very similar to the one Elana had proposed to Moira. She still cringed at the memory. It had too many details that anyone would consider romantic.

Even if Elana was changing, it didn’t mean she had to like it. Luckily, she still felt just as happy hurting others. Her lust to see others suffer was still there. She didn’t know what she would do if she lost that part of herself.

Would Elana still be herself at that point?

The answer was yes. Of course, Elana would still be herself. And it was a pointless thought anyway. She was distracting herself from the familiar-looking statue that stood at the furthest side of the chapel.

Elana’s steps echoed through the empty place as she neared the Bishop, silently praying under the statue. His white garb seemed to shine in the spare sun beams breaking in through the windows.

The Bishop waited for Elana to come closer before standing up and turning around. “Hello,” His smile was warm and welcoming. “I am glad you found the time to visit this humble holy man.” He bowed. “My name is Romoly Fewio.” His bow grew deeper.

It was a little unnerving how friendly this high-standing person was. Elana tried to understand Romoly’s angle, wondering what he hoped to gain. “Elana De’Sorthos.” She didn’t move, waiting for the man’s reaction to this assertion of power.

Romoly didn’t seem to care. “It’s wondrous, isn't it?” He ponderously asked while looking up at the statue of the goddess. 

When Elana didn’t answer the vague question, Romoly continued. “How love dictates our lives, I mean.” He gestured to one of the many benches filling the hall. “Shall we sit down?”

“There is no need,” Elana shook her head, judging the man. Romoly had finally glanced at her arm where the bracelet was.

“Well, don’t mind if I do.” Romoly chuckled, then slowly sat down while sighing. “I am not young anymore. The many years serving the Goddess… They have taken a toll.” He explained. “But it has been rewarding.”

Elana still waited. She carefully examined all corners of the place. There were little to no decorations. She would have thought that a holy place at the heart of the Kingdom would be more opulent.

“Suprised?” the Bishop noticed. “There is another place where we bring dignitaries and hold the largest ceremonies. The common people like to see something awe-inspiring sometimes, and the rich feel like it is something that must be done. We keep the largest Church complex as richly decorated as possible.”

“But this…” He continued. “A generation ago, this place would have been plated in gold and silver. Not now. It felt like we strayed from the true teachings of the Goddess… In the end, it is love that is important. Not some baubles and shiny things.”

“...Very noble,” Elana nodded, still waiting for the moment the man would unveil his goals.

Romoly snorted. “Well. We had a lot of resistance. The clergy had grown fat and unwilling to truly serve the love. They were selfish and corrupt.” He shook his head. “So, was it a wonder that we received no more favours from our dear Goddess?”

“Why are you telling me this?” Elana prodded.

“To explain our situation. We had strayed from the true path. We were lost. We forgot how to love and knew only to receive.” Romoly sounded heartbroken. “We corrected ourselves, and yet… There was no answer. No matter how we prayed, there was nothing.” He looked up. “Until now, that is.”

A witty author note.

Smart Author Enkiari

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