After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 76 – A Bit of History

“Oh, isn’t that interesting,” Elana didn’t affirm or deny anything. She simply stood, towering over the smiling Bishop. “So. The Church of Love has received a revelation?” She put on the most innocent smile she could manage.

Which, admittedly, wasn’t all that innocent from the expression of bewilderment Elana earned from Romoly.

“Unfortunately, no.” Romoly finally shook his head. “The Goddess has been silent, choosing not to speak to us nor bless us with her shining warmth.” He was full of regret. “But now we know our chosen path was correct.”

Elana snorted. She somehow doubted a Goddess who blessed her, and Moira cared about something stupid like living lavishly. She had no illusions about herself and Moira’s moral standing. “Love comes in various ways.” She added a noncommittal remark.

Which somehow earned a look of admiration from the Bishop’s side. “Indeed!” He fervently nodded as if Elana had said something profound. “There are no limits to it. And through love, we can strive for the betterment of ourselves.”

Just the thought alone made Elana want to gag. How were her feelings ‘a betterment’ of anything? “Unless it leads towards a collapse of what you were.” She couldn’t help but worry.

“It can happen,” Romoly’s voice was full of mixed emotions. “Love is often blind. We do our best to guide our flock, but…” He looked into the distance. “Passion can lead one to do terrible things.” His voice was full of reminiscence - as if he was talking about himself. “And then, regret.”

Elana didn’t give a fuck. They were definitely talking past each other. She wasn’t interested in the old coot's ancient love life. “Why did you invite me?” She was done waiting. It didn’t suit her anyway. Elana had done it mostly because Catarina insisted she should be more careful with the way she acted.

Taken aback by the sudden change, Romoly blinked. “Well, to share our views on love, of course.” He claimed.

“And?” Elana pushed for more, confident there was a ploy here.

Romoly gave an embarrassed smile. “Well, yes. That is not all. Sorry. I am always excited to hear what others have to say about love.” He leaned against the backrest, then studied the statue behind them again. “Especially with someone who is feeling a love so pure they have been bonded by the Goddess personally.”

“No,” A strong denial slipped out of Elana. A lie. These feelings were just for her and Moira. No one else could know. No one else could spell it out like that! She had to…

“Ah,” the audacious man wasn’t bothered by the cold that wrapped around him. “Such a strong reaction. Are you still in denial?” He guessed. “Are things not progressing as you want them to?”

Pushing away her shame and anger, Elana shook her head. “It is not that.” She dismissed the thought of murder.

“I thought you would strike me,” Romoly winked. “Good thing you didn’t. I am not much of a fighter.”

Elana believed him. He didn’t smell of danger. But somehow, she could feel the Goddess liked the man. Maybe it was the bracelet that whispered this thought. And she felt she could be honest with him - to her own displeasure.

“Why did you invite me?” Elana repeated, her tone hinting there wouldn’t be a third time.

“I wanted to meet this generation’s Knight,” Romoly looked into her eyes, keeping himself open, willing to face Elana’s wrath.

“And not the saintess herself?” Elana flicked a stray flock of hair away, changing her pose to be more relaxed.

“Oh, so it is a girl?” Romoly was clearly amused.

“What do you mean?” Elana regretted challenging the man with her question. She sometimes forgot she was new to this world. There was much Elana didn’t know.

Romoly chuckled again. “Well, despite the statues littering the palace, it isn’t always a gal like yourself who gains the right to represent the Goddess of love.” He explained. “Not that people like to be reminded of that.” He began to scowl. “Especially of that time when there was a Saint and a Knight.”

Even more information Elana wasn’t aware of. “Girls are just superior.” She understood why this had happened. “A more pleasant sight for the eye.”

“Bwahaha,” Romoly began cacling. “You are a very biased young lady.” He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “But is there anything wrong with boys experiencing love?” There was an undertone in his voice.

Elana studied Romoly again. “They should do it more.” She spoke without much thought, feeling certain the man was just as gay as she was. “More girls for me.” She puffed out her chest.

“Well, now.” Romoly clapped his knees. “Those are quite free-spirited words. The world is not that easy.” He warned. “You and the Saintess… There will be resistance.”

That was interesting. If Elana’s suspicion was right. “Do you like men?” She decided to ask directly. There was no one else here anyway to overhear. And if she was right…

Romoly winced before rubbing his sides. “...You are not wrong.” He spoke slowly, looking behind. “Even within the church… It is not well looked upon by most.”

“Oh, but there is a way to solve that,” Elana let a vicious smile form on her face. “Do you want to know how?”

“I feel like I don’t…” Romoly appeared to be guarded. “Then again… Against my better judgement…”

“It is quite easy.” Elana let snow and ice grow around her for the impact. “You smash everyone who disagrees and take what is rightfully yours.” She billowed cold.

“That’s…” Romoly started to sweat but didn’t argue back. “That is a savage way to do it. And to achieve it… You would need…

“Have a claim at political power, right?” Elana spoke. “The king is weak - dying.” She emphasised. “The nobles are squabbling and forming their own little factions. Our borders are not safe. There will be a civil war.” Her voice was full of conviction and Romoly shuddered.

“But-” Elana looked into Romoly’s eyes, searching his soul. “Don’t we have a Saintess on our side?” She saw the Bishop’s thoughts swirl and felt satisfied.

This was workable.

Sad. I was finally hit by low ratings. My heart wasn't ready for it.

On other news... Well. There are no other news.



Procrastinating Author Enkiari

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