After the World of Conan is Full of Bad Luck

Chapter 13

Chapter 12:

But what is the real cause of death of the deceased?

This kind of question popped up in their hearts at the same time, no trauma, no drowning, and it doesn’t seem to be poisoned, how did she die? Sudden death? There is no need for the prisoner to throw his body into the river.

Amamiya Chiyuki, who was unable to think about it, was going to take a look at the river where the body was just picked up.

Due to the rainfall of the past two days, the river water from top to bottom is not so clear, with a bit of turbidity. The closer it is to the river, the softer the grass is. Apart from the footprints, no other traces were found.

Just when she wanted to get closer, she was stopped by Yugu Ling, “Student Amamiya, it’s not easy to walk over there, it’s very slippery. I’d better go, if you’re sick, don’t Go somewhere windy by the river.”

Speaking, the blond and dark-skinned student has walked behind him.

Amamiya Qianxue was a little surprised, “Did you see me going to the infirmary to get medicine?”

“No, you saw it when you ran in the morning.”

“It really deserves to be number one.”

Amamiya Chiyuki sighed, preparing to talk to the witnesses who had regained their composure.

When she passed by, Zhu Fu Jingguang and Yue Jian May also came over.

The young woman was still a little scared, and asked with a trembling voice: “You, who are you?”

“Well, nearby police academy student, are you feeling better now?”

The answer is that the moon sees May, the friendly appearance and the sweet and gentle voice make the woman feel relieved.

She began to recount how she found the body.

She had dinner and was going to run at night. When she passed the bridge, the hat on her head was blown away by the wind, so she went over the railing to the river to pick up the hat. Pushing aside the water plants, she saw a pale arm, which made her scream and hide on the lawn without caring about her hat.

There were only a few pedestrians on the bridge at that time. She also has no more clues to offer because of fear.

There was no informative reply, so Amamiya Qianxue frowned, she turned her head to look at the river.

Zhu Fu Jingguang said to her: “This river is protected by railings from top to bottom, the only one without railings is the highest point of the **** five kilometers above, that There was a car accident at the place and the railing was broken.”

At this time, Jianggu Ling also came back, “There is nothing special about the river beach over there. We still need to find the first scene of the crime. Let’s take a look at that ramp?”

Amamiya Qianxue lowered her eyes halfway, and returned to the corpse. She always felt that the corpse was a little weird.

Generally speaking, the deceased is thrown into the water, and there should be no such corpse spasms. She looked at the right hand of the deceased, lost in thought.

Zeromorphism occurs 1 to 3 hours after death and then peaks 12 to 15 hours later.

The corpse’s corpse reached its peak in a time that shouldn’t exist. Either her judgment of the time of death was wrong, or this person experienced a struggle before death and lost a lot of energy.

And why is her right hand twisted like this? This doesn’t look like a posture of being killed on the shore.

She lowered her head, habitually stroked her hair with her right hand, and fell into thinking.

At this time, the police came.

The police came along with Date Hang and Matsuda Jinhei.

Matsuda Jinping carried the daily necessities he bought and asked, “Squad leader, didn’t you buy fruit at noon? Why did you buy a bunch of them?”

“You said that, it was for Amamiya. She had a cold, so I brought her some apples.”

“Huh?? So she was running with an illness when she was dying?” Matsuda Jinping was a little dumbfounded.

Idahang also has a look of hating iron and not steel, and was about to agree, but because she saw a familiar figure, “Yeah… Look over there, Matsuda, it seems that the valley is still falling. There are Amamiya and the others.”

Matsuda Jinping looked at the crowd and the police car, and raised his eyebrows. The first time he met Amamiya Qianxue was at the murder scene. Did she encounter the crime scene again?

As he expected, it was.

The two listened to the conversation of the people around them and got a general idea of what happened before the police came.

Because of the cordon, it is difficult for him and the squad leader to participate in it.

“Amamiya seems to be familiar with the police officer in the hat. Are Jiang Gu and her participating in solving the case?”

Ida Hang looked at Amamiya Chiyuki who was talking on the lawn, a little surprised.

Matsuda Jinping pouted, “That guy Amamiya has a strong reasoning ability, squad leader, she will definitely find the murderer before that golden bastard!”

“Oh? Are you so confident in her?


Mu Mu Shisan, who just arrived on the lawn, is directing the investigation of the scene.

Amamiya Qianxue smiled awkwardly, “Mr. Police Department, good evening.”

“Miss Amamiya already enrolled, are you still used to life in the police academy?”

“Thank you for your concern, it’s good. Those are my classmates. Let me introduce the clues we have sorted out first?”

The Mumu Police Department nodded and began to listen to Amamiya Qianxue’s story. After she finished her reasoning, Yugu Ling also added.

But when they heard Amamiya Qianxue’s doubts about the corpse, several people were silent.

This is indeed a doubtful point, full of contradictions.

Soon, the police officer in charge of the inspection began to report the situation, “The age of the deceased should be between 20 and 25 years old, the time of death was between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning, no fatal injuries on the body, knees The trauma above was caused by friction and collision in water, and there are no other objects to prove his identity. According to the detection of the inside of the oral cavity and respiratory tract, there is no drowning liquid. The blood samples have been collected and are being tested. Preliminary judgments suggest that the deceased should be thrown after death. .”

Hearing the last sentence, Amamiya Qianxue frowned.

Due to the gathering of police cars and onlookers, someone who was familiar with the deceased soon came to the scene, a young woman Yui Hirayama.

As soon as she saw the deceased, she looked flustered, covered her mouth and took a few steps back. After vomiting, she regained her composure.

The deceased was named Yamazaki Sakurako, 22 years old. There is a fiancé, Ryo Tanaka, and the two work as ordinary employees in the same company. On weekdays, he has a good-natured personality and has no bad friends. Last night, they drank together all night, and at five o’clock in the morning, Yamazaki Sakurako woke up and sent her out.

I didn’t expect that the two people who were saying goodbye to each other in the morning are now separated from each other.

The police officer in charge of the inquiry asked: “Miss Pingshan, do you have an alibi from 6:00 to 8:00 in the morning?”

Yi Hirayama replied: “Yes, I bought something at a convenience store before returning home. That time should be 6:30, and then I went back to my home to sleep. From my home to It’s far away, and I won’t kill Sakurako! It must have been Ryo Tanaka who killed her!”

The tone became even more excited at the end.

“Nonsense! What kind of friend are you Yingzi! You are the most motivated to kill her!”

The one who yelled was Ryo Tanaka who was notified by the police.

“Mr. Tanaka, calm down and speak slowly.”

Tanaka Ryo, who was gasping for a while, finally calmed down, “I was working overtime at the company yesterday, and I was working overtime with the juniors in the same group. Because I missed the zero o’clock train, I was in the company. I slept in the rest room of my house, and I went home with my colleagues at 8 o’clock this morning. Then I couldn’t find Yingzi, and no one answered the phone call to Hirayama.”

Amamiya Chiyuki looked at these two people, and it was obvious that neither of them had a perfect alibi.

“Excuse me, let’s ask you both to say that the other party has a motive for murder, what’s the matter?” After the police completed the basic investigation, Jiang Gu Lingjian began his own inquiry.

Yi Hirayama glared at Ryo Tanaka, “Because this guy wants Sakurako to give him the opportunity to be promoted in the company! Sakurako complained to me last night, saying that he didn’t understand him. What’s the matter? You also said that you always quarreled with her and forced her to give up opportunities for promotion.”

Tanaka Ryo is not to be outdone, “What about you? You are her young tamer, but you have always been jealous of her. You also robbed her two ex-boyfriends in a row, who knows if you are taking advantage of it? It’s not dawn and the corpses are thrown away!”

“I won’t hurt Sakurako, those men cheated, I just went to investigate! Where did you hear the nonsense?”

Tanaka Ryo’s expression twisted, “Hehe, come to think of it, you have been with her last night.”

“So what?”

“Mr. Police, wouldn’t that prove my innocence? According to what she said, she separated from Yingzi at five o’clock this morning, and it takes an hour to sit at Yingzi’s house from the company Do I have to grow wings to fly from the company to her house, kill and throw the body, and finally fly back to the company? Besides, you said you showed up at the convenience store at 6:30, and there was no alibi!”

Hirayama was the only time she couldn’t argue, and it was true that she had been drinking with Yingzi all night last night, and she did not separate from Yingzi until 5:00 in the morning. She also went home and slept all the time, and no one could prove it to her.

“What do you think?”

Amamiya Qianxue exhaled, “I don’t think either of them lied, at least there is nothing wrong with the current alibi. The first thing to do now is to find the first crime scene.”

“Yes, where will this crime scene be?”

The police soon sent people to Yamazaki Sakurako’s house, which was in chaos with a hangover overnight. According to Hirayama’s confession, this scene was no different from when she left in the morning.

In other words, Yamazaki Sakurako didn’t come home after going out in the morning.

This time, Hirayama Yui is even more suspicious.

“It’s not me, it’s really not me!” She stubbornly defended, looking at the corpse with so painful eyes, “I won’t kill Yingko, I absolutely can’t hurt Yingko .”

The salvage personnel went all the way up the river, speculating on the possible throwing place of the corpse, and found the clothes and personal belongings of the corpse washed away by the water along the way. There is no information on any prisoners.

Amamiya Qianxue half-bent, looked at the salvaged items together with Yugu Rei.

The small bag was swelled and whitish from the water, and inside was a vanity mirror, wallet, driver’s license, broken pieces of paper, and a bottle of spray with a mostly damaged label.

“This is?” Amamiya Chiyuki pointed at the sprayer without the label and asked.

Yue Jian May, who was approaching together, took the sprayer, looked at it, tried to spray it again, and replied, “It’s oxygen.”

Zero Valley: “Oxygen?? It’s very dangerous to carry this with you, it will blow up accidentally, right?”

Oxygen spray? ? Cold water? Suspected of falling into the water and like a corpse-throwing death? Scratches on the neck and throat?

All the puzzle pieces were gathered in her mind, and the truth was about to come out.

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