After the World of Conan is Full of Bad Luck

Chapter 14

Chapter 13:

“I have roughly guessed the cause of death, but before that, there is still a question I want to ask.” Amamiya Qianxue said, and lightly tapped her tear mole with her right hand.

Song Tianzhen standing on the railing on the bank raised his eyebrows. Although he couldn’t hear what he said, he had seen this look before.

He rolled his eyes, “Squad leader, who do you think will solve the case first?”

“Ah? It should be the police. After all, no matter how good our academic performance is, we are still only students.”

Matsuda Jinhei pouted, “Those bastards? Impossible! Let’s bet, I think it’s Amamiya. The bet, how about a week’s worth of chow mein bread?”

“Matsuda, I know you don’t like the police, but this kind of thing shouldn’t be a bet!”

“Got it.”

While the two were talking, Chiyuki Amamiya on the lawn was also continuing her reasoning.

Yuejian May is a qualified cheerleader with round eyes, “What’s the problem? What’s the cause of death?”

In the eyes of everyone, she half-drooped her eyelids, covering her purple eyes that were as clear as glass marbles, “May I ask the next two, does Miss Yamazaki have asthma?”

Most of the people who will carry the spray with them are asthma patients. The first step she needs to do is to rule out whether the sprayer is faulty and whether it has been replaced.

Tanaka Ryo shook his head, he and Yamazaki had known each other for so long, and had never heard of asthma.

Yi Hirayama frowned and opened her mouth to say something, “But, Sakurako…”

Before she finished speaking, Chiyuki Amamiya took the lead, “She had a throat spasm, right?”

The two suspects at this time, the only face of Hirayama was shocked and a little confused. Tanaka Ryo took a step back, a little flustered.

Tanaka Ryo replied, “Yes, she has. That’s why she carries portable oxygen in her bag when she goes out.”

When laryngospasm occurs, mild oxygen inhalation can relieve the symptoms, but if it is too severe, it is necessary to go to the hospital for incision and tracheal intubation to improve ventilation.

Yi Hirayama, who was the first to answer, glared at Ryo Tanaka, and nodded, “The weather has been a little cold recently, so she kept it in her bag for fear of being stimulated.”

“That’s right, she died of drowning, but not drowning as we usually understand it, but dry drowning. Dry drowning is caused by cold stimulation that causes spasms in the throat area and the mouthpiece is tightly closed, The resulting suffocation, dry drowning accounts for 10% to 20% of the total number of drowning people, which is rare. If you do a judicial autopsy, you will find that there is no green algae in her lungs and no symptoms of drowning. This is dry drowning. Sexual drowning.”

She glanced at the two of them carefully, and continued: “The water temperature has been very low recently. After Miss Sakurako fell into the water, she immediately had a throat spasm. She struggled to scratch her own. Throat. The other hand is struggling to get out the oxygen cylinder, which is why the body’s right hand is in this state.”

“Then you mean there is no murderer in this case!?” Yui Hirayama couldn’t believe it, and the whole voice rose.

Zhu Fu Jingguang quickly reassured: “Miss Pingshan, calm down, this is just a preliminary analysis.”

“Why are you guys talking nonsense at the scene!” Ryo Tanaka followed with anger.

Thinking of the appearance of being grabbed by the collar last time, Amamiya Qianxue took a few steps back without a trace, she didn’t want to repeat the same mistake.

Seeing her movement, Gu Ling stood a few steps forward, blocking the direction where the two might attack violently, “Her death was due to suffocation caused by laryngospasm, but It doesn’t mean that there are no murderers. After all, how can a dead person tie a stone to himself again and make a look of committing suicide by throwing himself into a river?”

Jianggu Ling paused and added: “Although the bag you carry with you has been soaked and swollen, you can clearly see the appearance of struggling and scratching. According to the traces, the deceased is a success. He opened the bag, but failed to save himself, so it can be speculated that there may be no oxygen cylinders in the bag at that time.”

His calm words were like a stone thrown into the water, causing a thousand waves at once.

The two suspects were silent for a while.

Amamiya Qianxue continued: “That is to say, someone must have been by her side when she died, and it is even possible that that person took the oxygen bottle and just watched her struggling in the water. Died. In the end, he reacted again, fished out the body, put the oxygen cylinder back, and also took some things, such as a mobile phone?”

No mobile phone was found for the time being, whether it was the salvage in the river or the house of Sakurako Yamazaki. It was initially suspected that it fell into the river and has not been salvaged, but there is also the possibility that the prisoner may take it.

She stretched out her fingers and brushed the strands of hair hanging from her ears, “I advise you, don’t think that if you destroy the mobile phone, there will be no evidence. The police can go to the communication company to retrieve the communication at any time. For the record, it’s too late to turn myself in now.”

As soon as these words came out, the two criminal suspects glared at each other and almost scuffled together. They were both suspecting that the other party took the phone.

Jiaogu Ling turned her head slightly and asked in a low voice, “Amamiya, who do you think took the phone?”

“Tanaka Ryo.”

“Can you hear the reason?”

“Do you believe my intuition?”

She raised her head, looked up at her classmate who was much taller than herself, and muttered softly: “After all, I can’t read minds, and the current evidence is not comprehensive, except for intuitive guesses. There are other ways.”

At this time, the police who were investigating all the way along the embankment also returned the news. According to speculation, they tentatively believed that the body was thrown from the gap in the ramp.

“Student Zhufu, you said that there is only five kilometers away from here, right.” Amamiya Qianxue asked the boy beside him.

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded, “Yes, I just came from there with Zero, five kilometers is right.”

Amamiya Qianxue and Shiguya instantly found something wrong. According to fluid mechanics, the drifting speed of an object is greater than the speed of water and is proportional to its mass.

Although the current river is very calm and the flow rate is very slow, the body of Yamazaki Sakurako has been drifting in the water for at least ten hours, and it is absolutely impossible to only drift for five kilometers.

And it is only five kilometers away, so it is impossible for the clothes of the deceased to be washed clean. The place where the body is thrown should be farther away.

Then the two told the police department of their conjectures. He was very sure of Amamiya Qianxue’s inference, and immediately sent people to investigate further than the gap.

After all this tossing, it is almost ten o’clock in the evening.

Yue Jian May was sitting on the lawn, cradling her arms and shaking, the cold wind made her face flush.

Amamiya Chiyuki, who was beside her, apologized a little, “Seeing classmate Tsuki, I’m sorry.”

“Why do you want to apologize, today I saw Amamiya-san’s reasoning, it’s amazing! You can think of things we couldn’t think of at once, it’s really amazing!”

There are stars shining in her bright eyes, and her tone is sincere and moving.

In the dead of night, the crowd of onlookers became less and less, and the tall Idahang became more and more conspicuous, and was discovered by several people at once.

“How long have you been there?” Rei Fukutani waved his hand and called to the two people leaning against the railing.

Matsuda made a flat cut, turned her back, and ignored him.

Idahang replied: “It’s here from the beginning, it’s getting late, and the school will be closed at 10:30.”

The Mumu Police Department was a little worried when hearing this, and prepared to let several students go back first.

It’s really shameful to drag it out for so long.

However, at this time, the police officer who was in charge of finding the first scene called back, saying that an undercurrent of sea water was found above, and the specific location could not be determined for a while. Checked on.

Amamiya Qianxue immediately asked for a map, she and Jiang Gu Ling guessed the possible place of throwing the corpse according to the location of the undercurrent.

There are three final places, and one of them is not far from Tanaka Ryo’s company. According to the police officers who are familiar with the neighborhood, it does not take an hour to go back and forth on the small road.

In other words, Tanaka Ryo has plenty of time to throw the corpse.

The Mumu Police Department immediately ordered a thorough investigation of this path, and at the reminder of Qianxue Amamiya, they found the gloves that could not be disposed of.

After comparison, there are the fingerprints of Tanaka Ryo and the water by the river.


Hirayama’s only punch hit Ryo Tanaka in the face.

“Pop!” He spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes grim, “Don’t frame me, I didn’t kill her! She drank too much and fell into the river. It’s none of my business. !”

“You’re a **** scum!”

“Oh, Hirayama Yui, what a good thing you are! You like Sakurako! It’s true that those ex-boyfriends cheated, and it’s also true that you went to investigate. After all, the object of the cheating is you! I tell You, Yamazaki Sakurako, she likes men, stop thinking about it!”

Here, his expression was twisted and terrifying, staring at Amamiya Qianxue in front of him, “Besides, I didn’t take any oxygen cylinders and mobile phones, what evidence do you have to convict me? , I’m just throwing a corpse.”

Amamiya Qianxue chuckled lightly, with a bit of sarcasm, “Article 219 of the Japanese Criminal Law stipulates the punishment of “abandonment causing death and injury”. , will be punished with a heavier punishment than the crime of injury. Yamazaki Sakurako was a drunk woman at the time, and she should have had a dispute with you. Even if she stumbles into the water, you are more serious in the relationship of a fiancée. That kind of. Plus throwing corpses, disturbing the police to solve the case. Mr. Tanaka, how long do you think you will be sentenced?”

A series of words were like bullets, making Tanaka Ryo’s face stiff and pale, and he subconsciously wanted to flee the scene and run towards the top of the railing without police officers.

Amamiya Qianxue rubbed her throat that was itching from the cold, and looked at his behavior like a dead man.

As expected, Datehang jumped down from the railing and pushed him to the ground faster than the police.

She shook her head, looking for a dead end.

Yi Hirayama stopped talking after Ryo Tanaka’s remarks. At this moment, he finally couldn’t support his body and knelt on the lawn and cried.

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