After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 40

Zheng Yan didn’t believe the result that Cheng Kangyao had just read. He thought it was a donkey, and he took the phone of Huang Huangmao’s cell phone angrily, and wanted to see the results on the phone.

Of course she saw the above results, first she couldn’t believe it, and then swiped the screen to see the name-Su Xingchen.

Cheng Kangyao had returned to his seat, leaning his legs against the back of the chair. Seeing her expression, she turned round with pride, just like what she had done.

Juan Huangmao is already waiting for Zheng Yan’s expression, seeing her frowning and shocked sliding screen, ha ha ha laughed out loud: “Nothing to say this time!”

Others who did n’t see it were anxiously dead: “Behind, you are finished talking about the trough, who is higher and lower now?”

He Ya also got together to see the mobile phone of classmate Huang Mao.

High school cannot bring a mobile phone, but someone will secretly bring a mobile phone to the school. Cheng Kangyao and Huang Huangmao belong to the category that is not obedient. The school says that they can’t bring a mobile phone. They don’t listen at all.

He Ya, however, was obedient and lived in school. Although she also had a mobile phone, she basically kept it in the bedroom and usually made a phone call with her at home, but did not bring it to the class.

She was also shocked to see the results above, then lost and sad.

She felt that she was particularly useless. How hard she tried was better than the poor student who had been learning at random for two months. The more she thought about it, the more sad she felt, turning her head to sit on the seat, lowering her head, and tears falling down.

The students at the back were still laughing, but when they saw He Ya’s reaction, they lay on the trough and looked at each other: “Aren’t they crying?”

They whispered to each other and dared not laugh anymore.

Zheng Yan saw that He Ya was crying, and she was also crying angrily. She threw her phone to Juan Huangmao. The student Huang Huangmao was frightened to catch it quickly: “Lying trough, you lightly, if you broke, you accompanied me?”

Zheng Yan gasped: “What’s so great? Not copied yet!”

Cheng Kangyao leaned back in his chair, lazily: “The food can be eaten indiscriminately, the words can’t be nonsense, which of your eyes saw her copy it?”

Juan Huangmao immediately expressed his solidarity: “That’s it! The invigilator teacher is so strict, she is a god, she copied it? You talk about, who did she copy?”

Zheng Yan’s mouth moved unconsciously, suddenly burst into a cry and lay crying on the table.

Cheng Kangyao was still the cynical Chung Erlang, who snorted and threw the pen on the table.

Juan Huangmao also felt bored, shouting: “Don’t gamble if you can’t afford it, cry when you lose, as if I forced you to bet.”

Zheng Yan was crying back when he said, “Isn’t it an apology? Isn’t it enough?” She turned to look at Su Xingchen and shouted, “I’m sorry! Okay?”

After talking, he turned to the table and cried, especially wronged.

For He Ya, Curly Huang Mao said nothing. After all, she looked really fragile. She usually had little courage and a small voice. They were also afraid that she could not bear the pressure in her heart. In this way, Zheng Yan bet against them and said that Su Xingchen had plagiarized, but he lost his mobile phone in the end. With this attitude, he was very upset.

But the girls cry, what can he do? Can only wave his hand and said: “Scattered.”

Everyone thought it was quite boring, and it was all gone.

Manana was particularly dismissive of Zheng Yan, sitting in her place and saying in a small voice: “Oh, it’s like we were bullying her.”

She is a sports student with not very good results, and her character is relatively daunting, so she does not give Zheng Yan a face.

Zheng Yan ’s family is also very good. He grew up spoiled. Where has he been wronged? He could n’t help but raised his head and shouted angrily at Manana: “I was wrong when I copied it? Do you dare say you did n’t copy it ?You dare?”

The front still shouted at Manana, and the back just said to Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen is also very uninterested in their children’s games. In her eyes, they are really children, whether it’s a little flamboyant Zheng Yan, or a mentally weak He Ya, or a grumpy Manana, or In the eyes of her, the killing Matts who attracted the attention of others with strange costumes and exaggerated hairstyles were all cute and energetic young people.

But being said to be plagiarized is still very unpleasant. She was not a good-tempered person, but after undergoing the world of immortality, she was no longer affected by their mentality.

She heard the words: “The school has monitoring, since you think there is a problem with your grades …” She sat lazily on the chair and spread her hands: “You can go to the teacher to check the monitoring.”

Zheng Yan stretched his neck and said, “Go, go! Are you afraid of me?”

After looking at Su Xingchen, he was generally angry, and stood up and ran out, really running towards the office building.

In fact, she regretted running out.

She herself knew that Su Xingchen was different from the original during this time. She was very serious in her class every day. She went to the latest self-study class last night and went to Teacher Zhao ’s cram school. Class teacher Chen also gave her a tuition. She I often ask the math teacher Ke to ask questions. As long as I see her, I basically do my homework carefully. Even taking Cheng Kangyao to class, I started to listen to the class. The atmosphere in the class is much better.

She didn’t know these things, but she couldn’t help her, or her mouth was stiff.

Just now Su Xingchen talked to her with such a smile, she actually felt very embarrassed in her heart, but she couldn’t hold her face to apologize.

Now that everyone had run out, he was breathless again and could only cry to the teacher Chen with a scalp.

Teacher Chen watched the little girl crying and ran in. Why did she do it? She immediately pulled a tissue to wipe her face, took her hand, and asked her softly, “What’s wrong with this? Who bullied you?”

Zheng Yan cried and shook his head.

“What’s the matter?”

Zheng Yan sniffed: “I … I just didn’t do well in the exam, and I felt uncomfortable.”

Teacher Chen doesn’t know that they have checked the results.

Foreign language high schools generally have three ways to find the results of such monthly exams, go to the school website to enter the student ID number, go to the class teacher to check, or go to the school’s Academic Affairs Office for inquiries.

Generally, it is rarely checked on the Academic Affairs Office and the school website, because after the test results are out, the class teacher will print out the results at a glance.

This time, it was n’t just that they were betting. They were anxious to know the results. They did n’t wait for the late self-study of Teacher Chen, so they ran and checked.

Teacher Chen really thought she did n’t take the exam well. She moved her mouse, dropped the computer page, and searched for Zheng Yan ’s name. “You did a good job in the exam. Do n’t put too much pressure on yourself. This is just a monthly exam. There is also a final exam, and take the final exam again. “

After searching for her score, Teacher Chen turned off the page and went to the page for the annual ranking.

Zheng Yan glanced at Mrs. Chen ’s computer and wanted to look at the ranking of his class again, but Mrs. Chen patted his arm: “Do n’t cry, go back.”

Zheng Yan wiped the tears on her face, gradually stopped crying, and returned to the class quietly with her head down.

Probably too embarrassed, opened the book, read the book hummingly, and before reading a word, he found that He Ya was in the wrong mood at the same table.

She gently pushed He Ya’s arm, and looked closer at her, and found that her face was all tears.

“Ya, what’s wrong with you?” She asked carefully, thinking that it was her problem, and quickly said: “It’s okay, don’t cry, don’t you just apologize, I apologize, don’t cry, it doesn’t matter . “

He Ya is still crying.

Her crying was silent, and she wept silently.

Zheng Yan just cried, still holding the tissue that Mr. Chen gave her, and quickly found a tissue from her bag, wiped the tears for He Ya, He Ya took the tissue, wiped the tears, but the tears were like the endless wipe , Wiped off again.

She shook her head, with a nasal voice, and said quietly, “I’m fine.”

Zheng Yan thought she was crying for her bet, and touched her back: “It’s okay.”

She didn’t know how to comfort He Ya, and suddenly thought that when she saw Su Xingchen’s results, the last two seemed to be only sixty points, specifically one sixty points, or two sixty points, she was anxious at that time , I did n’t read it clearly, but there must be more than sixty points, so I quickly hugged to He Ya ’s ear and whispered: “The rankings have n’t come out yet, do n’t worry, your total score must be first, I just Seeing that there are more than sixty points behind Su Xingchen. “

He Ya shook her head. She did n’t know what she was sad about. She thought she was stupid. In fact, she always knew that she had spent much more time studying than others, but the efficiency was still very low. She did n’t know. Where is the problem? I only know to blame myself and blame myself for being stupid.

For a time, he fell into a feeling of self-abandonment and he kept denying himself.

Zheng Yan was so panic cried by her that she didn’t know what to do for a while, so she turned back and blamed fiercely: “It’s all of you! Ya Ya cried!”

The first student Huang Juanmao disagreed: “What does she cry have to do with us? Although I was a Matt killer, I didn’t owe you, right? Don’t you push everything on us?”

“Not you guys want to bet with me, why is Ya Ya crying?”

Juan Huangmao really felt this logic was touching.

The curly yellow hair was originally called Tang Cancan. Because of her natural chestnut curly hair, she has been called ‘curly hair’ since childhood.

He himself would rather let others call him nickname ‘curly hair’ than he would call him ‘Cancan’ in a flimsy manner.

He stood up and pointed to Zheng Yan: “Aren’t you talking about Su Xingchen’s plagiarism first, will we bet you?”

Zheng Yan gasped: “I said she plagiarized to control you? I didn’t say you!”

“You have no reason to say that people justify copying, right?”

Rao is Su Xingchen’s good temper, and she was annoyed when she was said to be plagiarized three times or five times. Besides, she couldn’t speak her good temper at all, and now she fell into the face and said, “Is that enough? I said, I suspect that I’m plagiarizing, go to the teacher to check Monitor, I do n’t care about it once or twice, and I ’m really addicted, right? “

She had a provocative face when she was expressionless, and now her face was dull and her expression was cold, and it looked colder and more like a fight.

I used to say that Su Xingchen and Su Xingchen were not angry. Zheng Yan really thought she was good-tempered. She would tolerate her again and again, and she would say it again and again. Now she sees Su Xingchen looking at her so coldly I can’t be wronged. I turned around and didn’t speak or ignore them.

He Ya cried for a while, wiped away her tears with a tissue, and looked at the book blankly.

The evening self-study bell rang, and teacher Chen, the class teacher, came to the class with the printed class ranking table and turned to stick to the upper left corner of the blackboard.

The school has a bulletin board. For each large-scale exam such as the monthly exam, mid-term exam, and final exam, the top two hundred will be printed on red paper and posted on the bulletin board. Students all jokingly call this the Red List.

There are usually two red lists, one to one hundred and one to one hundred to two hundred. Generally, everyone will look at the two red lists separately, that is, one in the experimental class and one in the ordinary class below.

There are 120 people in the experimental class. Twenty people will not be on the red list of the experimental class. They will usually be on the red list of the ordinary class. However, the position of the top of the red list of the ordinary class is not necessarily the experimental class.

The top 20 students in the experimental class are competing only for the experimental class. For the top position in the regular class red list, there are leaders in the general class and students at the end of the experimental class.

One ranking is not the final ranking. After so many years of establishment of foreign language schools, the dark horses of the ordinary class have suddenly emerged, and they have moved to the position of the experimental class red list. The students of the experimental class suddenly fell out of the two red lists.

After all, there are more than six hundred students in a grade, and the two red lists only take the top two hundred. They do not want to squeeze into the red list. The students in the list should strive to maintain their own achievements, and they must strive for the achievements without falling and climbing up.

Therefore, no matter what is on the list or not, the pressure is great.

Class 16 and the Red List Green Gang or something, it’s basically missed. Teacher Chen doesn’t get that, just print out the results in the class and let his classmates see it.

The printed results are made into a table, densely packed, and the characters are not big. The students sitting in the front row must squint the probe to see clearly, and then they see that the name in the first place is-Su Xingchen .

The students in the front row thought they had done it, took off their eyes, rubbed them, rubbed their glasses, and put them on again.

rub! It is really Su Xingchen!

She hurriedly pushed herself at the same table, and whispered: “You see the transcript, the first one, is it Su Xingchen?”

At the same table, he stretched his neck and leaned forward. After seeing the name above, he was as shocked as he was and looked back at He Ya.

He Ya was buried in the head, tears fell one by one on the table, and the broken hair in his ears fell down, covering the sad and sad expression on her face.

After finishing the monthly examination results ranking table, Mr. Chen looked back and looked at the students: “The results of the last monthly examination of this semester came out, and it will be the final examination immediately. The grades are posted here. You do n’t know the grades. Let me see for myself, I have a count in my heart, and there is a month off. Some students have failed the course subjects and do zero points. You just think about it. Take this transcript back, you have it on your face. Without light, you guys are so sorry. “

The classmates in the class said their heads were lowered.

The remixed students all have to bow their heads in front of their achievements.

When Mr. Chen was talking, his eyes were looking at the students below, and then he saw He Ya, who was always sad and looked down.

She was secretly in her heart.

Then came the routine conversation with someone. Teacher Chen took care of He Ya’s mood and didn’t call her immediately, but called out the class leader Zhao Zhurun ​​first.

As the class leader, Zhao Zhurun ​​has always been a very stable and error-free boy. He has always been very clear about what he wants, his goal has always been very stable, and he is the most reassuring student in the entire 16th class.

Teacher Chen basically doesn’t need to say much about him, just talk to him. He just hopes that he can maintain such a stable state of mind, not being arrogant and restless, and then asking about the situation in the class.

Before Zheng Yan cried, she came to her and asked her about her grades, as well as the situation of He Ya, which she had been focusing on. She was keenly aware of what happened in the class.

Zhao Zhurun ​​plagiarized what Zheng Yan said about Su Xingchen, and curated Huang Mao. They bet on Zheng Yan and Mr. Chen, and he said that He Ya was crying.

Teacher Chen had a count in his heart, let Zhao Zhurun ​​go back, and called Su Xingchen.

As soon as Mr. Chen and class leader Zhao Zhurun ​​went out, the class blew up, and all rushed to the podium, looking up at the transcript at the top left of the blackboard and looking at the ranking.

The first to pass by was the female student sitting in the first row of the second group. After seeing that the top ranked student was really Su Xingchen, she shouted, “Gosh! The first place is really Su. Stars! “

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