Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 164 Choose a new skin

Ambulance had talked to other Autobots about David having the ability to transform into a Cybertronian some time ago.

So the Autobots weren't surprised when David showed off his Cybertronian form to Lennox and Epps.

But they are also very curious, what does David's Cybertron form look like? And what capabilities?

Now the Autobots have seen it. From their point of view, David is indeed an authentic Cybertronian in this state. As for the weapons and equipment, Ironhide even admired him.

This look is cool, and I think you should maintain this state at ordinary times.

In that case, I'm afraid it will cause some people to be overly nervous. David put away all the weapons on his body, and he had already noticed that more than one or two guards were looking at him with vigilant eyes.

On the contrary, Robert Epps in front of him just praised the weapons on David: If I can carry so many weapons to carry out the mission, then I will not be afraid to face the Decepticons alone.

Maybe there will be such an opportunity in the future.

After a brief chat, Epps was in charge of arranging David's accommodation, because David's body is the same as that of ordinary humans, and he usually moves in the shape of a human being. Epps will arrange a temporary living room for David.

By the way, do you need to eat and drink like a human?

Need. In fact, as David's own holy light gradually became stronger, he could maintain himself only by relying on the holy light, especially in the mode of Cybertron's body.

However, he still prefers to keep his original habits, after all, he is not really a silicon-based life.

What's more, even real Cybertronians have the need to replenish energy.

So... the robot also eats?

Of course you need to eat. Eating is to replenish energy. David saw Epps showing a strange expression, knowing that he was probably complaining about something in his heart, and added another sentence by the way: Some mechanical life can even Using plants, ores and other substances to supplement the energy I need is nothing compared to me.

Plant and ore?

Yes, you can understand it as eating wood and stone.

Is there a mechanical life with such a strong appetite? What's his name... or her?


Is this Icarus on Earth?

No, that guy should be busy with his work in some galaxy!

David casually dealt with various questions raised by Epps. After confirming the location of the room he lived in, he followed Epps to visit the entire nest base.

During the visit, David also scanned some weapons by the way, and upgraded the weapon database in his body again.

Now, in addition to the original machine gun, machine cannon and grenade launcher, he can also transform into various types of missile launchers, as well as a more ferocious 25mm caliber rotary cannon.

When David turned around and came back, Major Lennox, who had gone to report to the general earlier, appeared again.

We attach great importance to the news you mentioned earlier. I wonder if you can provide us with more information? Also, you said that there are hermit warriors coming to Earth. Do you know their purpose for coming to Earth?


David was not afraid of Lennox and Earth's military asking himself these things, he was even more worried that these people would not ask anything.

According to his original idea, let the plot develop on its own, wait for the right opportunity by himself, take away all the things he needs and finish the job.

But after thinking about the plot carefully, he realized that instead of waiting for the plot to develop, he might as well take the initiative to attack.

Anyway, there is no plot at all, the entire second part of Transformers is actually a war around the development of stellar energy collectors.

This machine, which can harvest energy by destroying stars, was built long ago by several leaders of the Cybertronians.

These seven ancient Cybertron leaders are called the Supremes. The Seven Supremes search for suitable stars to collect energy in the universe, and the Supremes have a principle: they cannot destroy living planets.

But one of the seven Supremes wants to break this principle, and this Supreme is the Fallen King Kong.

The Supremes broke out in a civil war, the Fallen King Kong was defeated, and the remaining Supremes hid the activation key of the stellar energy collector, which is the leader module.

So... what does this have to do with us?

Listening to David suddenly telling a piece of ancient Cybertron history, Epps wondered what this matter had to do with the Decepticon hermit warriors coming to Earth?

Lennox had some guesses, but he desperately hoped he was wrong.

This inactive stellar energy collector is on Earth.


Lennox had such a constipated expression on his face, and Epps next to him was also in a similar state.

The situation of the Cybertronians is not good now. Whether it is the Autobots or the Decepticons, they are all facing a crisis of survival. In this case, the Decepticons know that there is still such a device left on the earth, which can allow them to obtain enough When you have a huge amount of energy, what will you do, you shouldn’t need me to go on, right?”

As an excellent American major, Lennox certainly understands what this means. The troops he served in have often been dispatched because of 'energy'.

In addition, he finally figured out why Decepticons have been found all over the world in the past two years.

The news brought by this Cybertronian named David, code-named Arsenal, perfectly answered their biggest question.

Thank you very much for the information you provided.

Major. David called out to Major Lennox, who wanted to report to General Moshower again: Are you going to report this information to your superiors?

Yes, what's the problem?


David pointed to the top, and everyone looked up in puzzlement, but they only saw the roof. The next second they knew that they had misunderstood what David meant.

The members of the Decepticons are all kinds of military-related equipment, and Cybertron's technology is many times ahead of the Earth... Do you think this kind of important information is really safe enough to transmit through signals?


Lennox understood what David meant. When he fought against the Decepticons earlier, although the Decepticons were good at fighting, they didn't show their advantages in this aspect. This made Lennox and the entire lair army get used to it. Sexually ignored this aspect of the problem.

Preferably if possible, the debriefing will be done face-to-face in a completely safe space free of any electronic devices.

Is it too exaggerated?

It was not David who answered Lennox this time, but Optimus Prime, who had fought against the Decepticons for an unknown number of years: No, if the purpose of the Decepticons is a stellar energy collector, and this device is really If it is on Earth, then those elite Decepticons should have come to Earth.

Others don't talk about it, if the old opponent Sonic comes, and the earth continues to use technological means to communicate, then it is likely to be monitored by the opponent.

Why didn't Optimus Prime mention the Decepticon's 'technical advantage' before? ’, because Optimus Prime doesn’t know what the purpose of the Decepticons is, and many of the Decepticons eliminated during this period are mass-produced machines that are not worth mentioning.

These circumstances caused the Autobots to always think that only some Decepticons were active here on the earth, but they did not expect that all the elites of the other party came to the earth.

Now that he knew the real purpose of the other party, Optimus Prime also understood that the number of Decepticons on this side of the earth is probably much more than what he estimated before, and the strength is not comparable to those mass-produced machines.

After learning that Major Lennox had important information to report to him face to face, and vaguely reminded himself that the current communication situation was unsafe, the commander of the Nest Troop, General Moshower, allowed the Nest Troop to return to North America for a rest '.

In this way, David also caught the wind to go to North America.

Because of the important information provided, Lennox and Epps also regarded David, a new Cybertronian who came to Earth, as a new comrade-in-arms. Epps also pointed to the cars parked in front of him, and David Made a joke.

You are not a car man, can you transform into a car?

I have the deformation module for the car form.

Oh? At the mention of this, Epps became interested: Do you need us to provide you with a car?

Autobots don't fix their image after scanning a module. When the lair troops perform tasks, the Autobots will often change the appropriate image to facilitate the execution of tasks.

These cars used as templates are all provided by the Nest Troops.

It sounds like a good suggestion. What are the options? David had already considered scanning the car to obtain the form of the car vehicle. Since someone is willing to provide a template for free, he certainly will not refuse.

Epps was also interested in seeing David, and immediately signaled to wait a moment, and then quickly picked up a car magazine: There are many beautiful cars here, do you want me to give you some advice?

David took the magazine, flipped through it briefly, and found that there were mainly sports cars on it, and they were products of the past two years.

Coupled with Epps' science popularization from time to time, David, an alien, quickly had a relatively rough understanding of the various models of cars above.

After flipping back and forth for a while, David saw a familiar pattern on it.

This one looks good.

The new 2008 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR? Epps looked at the magazine in David's hand and read out the model of the car written in the magazine.

How? Can I get it?

It's not difficult! This is a local sports car, which can be obtained relatively easily. On the contrary, top sports cars of some European brands are much more troublesome: Do you like this style?

What Epps didn't know was that David would choose this car entirely because of the influence of the past. If the matching degree is right and it can be successfully transformed into a car, he will get two red decorative lights on the front of his car.

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