Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 165 Waiting for the booty to come to the door

The military transport plane landed smoothly at the military base in North America, and David soon met the General Moshow.

Under the introduction of Major Lennox, David had an exchange with the supreme commander of the nest force.

David provided the general with all the information he knew, including the elite Decepticons who had come to the earth; many Decepticons with special abilities, including the hermit warrior, had already lurked on the earth; Tiger's biggest goal is to find the star energy collector.

That is, if the Decepticons find that machine and activate it, our sun will be destroyed?

That's right!

Morshower pondered for a moment in silence, he realized what a huge crisis he was about to face this time.

With the various communication technologies we currently have, there is no way to escape the monitoring of the Decepticons?

Cybertron's technology is much more advanced than Earth's.

Listening to what David said, General Moshower also started to feel a headache, and after asking some more questions, he said goodbye to David friendly.

General Moshow had great trust in the Autobot ally, and even David received a good courtesy. The other party did not doubt the information provided by David at all, and prepared to formulate the next battle plan based on this information.

And David, who finished his conversation with General Moshower, soon got a 'gift'.

This is the Mustang you selected. How do you feel after actually seeing it?

Epps pointed to the black Ford Mustang next to him and looked at David expectantly. He was very curious, how did David, who was about the same size as a human being, turn into a car?

David looked at the black muscle sports car in front of him, scanned it immediately, and recorded all the data of the car in an instant.

As for metamorphosis...

David found that the matching degree between himself and this sports car was higher than that of the Hummer search and rescue vehicle obtained by scanning the ambulance, but it was still a bit low.

What's wrong?

Seeing David's eyes emitting light, scanning the black Mustang sports car and then staying in place, Epps and Lennox thought there was an accident?

Is there something wrong with this car?

No, it's nothing. Although it doesn't match the car very well, there is a relatively simple way to solve it: Let me ask first, does this car belong to me now?

This car? If you really need it... Epps and Lennox didn't understand what David meant. Usually, the Autobots only need to scan the car to become a scanned car.

They watched with suspicion as David sat in the driver's seat of the black Mustang sports car, and then a golden light flashed, and an electric current seemed to flash across the surface of the black Mustang sports car.

Before they figured out what was going on, the black wild horse made the transformation sound they had heard countless times in the past two years, and turned into a black giant about seven meters tall.


Although it is different from the previous impression, it is still a familiar formula and a familiar taste.

You look more like an Autobot now.

David's appearance at this time is the same as the previous mechanical form (the black knight Optimus Prime). As for why he needs the entire Mustang car to complete the transformation, in the final analysis, it is due to the low matching degree.

Under normal circumstances, if the matching degree is relatively low, although it can be forcibly deformed, it will have some impact on itself, such as not being able to exert its due 'performance': turning into a sports car, it turns out to run like a bullock cart .

David found that he had a special solution, which was to transform the entire car into a part of himself, so naturally there was no problem of matching.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing cannot be done, but the earth situation in the Transformers world is quite special.

In this world, all the technology on the earth comes from the research of Megatron, that is to say, the technology of the earth is actually the technology of Cybertron, but it is still at a relatively low level, which is why the energy of the fire source can An important reason for transforming the technological products of the earth into Transformers.

It can be said that the technological products on the earth in this world are just a bunch of low-level accessory kits for the Cybertronians.

Decepticons and Autobots despise these low-level accessories, but David doesn't care.

Anyway, I just want a deformed form, even if the strength of the body structure is relatively low, he can accept it.

As time goes by, these newly absorbed 'accessories' will be gradually strengthened by the Holy Light in David's body. In the future, he can use alchemy to further improve them, so he will not dislike the low-end of these accessories.

But in this way, David's main body and this newly born accessory will feel somewhat separated, and they will be separated when deformed...David has become a leader warrior in a daze.

His own body becomes the head, and the Mustang sports car becomes other parts, combined into a complete Transformers.

Lead the warriors, lead the warriors! Anyway, David felt that there was no difference. When he came to this world, his first goal was achieved.

The only thing that surprised him was when did he acquire the ability to activate these technological products into Transformers?

Is it because of some benign mutation after the fusion of the Holy Light and the body of Cybertron?

He can be sure that he doesn't have any special authority in this world like in Azeroth. And if he really got the permission, what he activated shouldn't be this kind of 'defective' body.

While doubts arose, David suddenly became curious about the fire source. If he scanned the fire source, maybe he could use it to upgrade this strange activation ability?

Do you have any plans for the future?

Watching David transform from a giant metal giant into a black Mustang muscle car, although I don't know why there are more decorative lights that keep sweeping around the front of the car, but Lennox decided to ignore this problem, who can't be a little personal Aesthetic?

You should be making a plan to deal with the Decepticons next, right?


Although there is no clear order yet, but the Decepticons are going to destroy the earth, can they still negotiate with each other amicably? It must be a fight to the death.

David's brain began to work quickly. Compared to running around the world exhaustingly to collect what he needed, he preferred to use the help of local forces to deliver various things to him.

It's not difficult, he just needs to move his mouth and provide some information, so he really can't think of a reason to give up the simple plan, and then go out alone to toss around the world.

I personally suggest...Although I don't know how many Decepticons have come to the earth, and whether they are monitoring your communication signals. David glanced at Lennox, and the major in front of him was listening quietly. David's words: But as long as Megatron is involved, it will definitely attract the attention of the Decepticons.

Megatron? Lennox didn't expect David to mention the leader of the Decepticons, but isn't that guy dead? He is now thrown on the bottom of the sea...

Megatron has a high prestige among the Decepticons, and his powerful combat power is also indispensable for the Decepticons...especially when it is necessary to deal with the Autobots.

David once again emphasized the importance of Megatron, and by the way complained about the official handling of Megatron: So, the Decepticons will definitely try to resurrect Megatron. As for hiding Megatron's body At the bottom of the sea... that's not really a good choice, to put Megatron in a place where you can't defend well, but the other party can come and go at will.

David admired the brain circuits of these people. Do they think that the ocean of the earth can stop a group of high-level civilized life that can move between galaxies?


Lennox, who was complained by David, also began to feel that this arrangement was a bit mentally retarded, and he decided to present these words intact to those experts and consultants later.

At the same time, he was sorting out the suggestions made by David in his heart, thinking about its feasibility.

So, do you think that since we don't know where the Decepticons are hiding, why not use Megatron to lure them all out and start an ambush?

In this way, a decisive battle can be held on the battlefield of your choice, and you can make sufficient preparations in advance.

David's words made some sense. If enough preparations were made and all kinds of weapons and ammunition were sufficient, Lennox felt that the Decepticons could not be completely wiped out.

But if the Decepticons really revived Megatron, then the initiative to start the war would not be on their side, and even the choice of the battlefield would be dominated by the opponent.

I will report your proposal to General Morshower in detail.

Next... Then David just wait quietly, that General Moshower is still very reliable, he should be able to understand that David's suggestion is the best plan so far.

According to David's suggestion, using Megatron's body and the fragments of the fire source as bait, even if the Decepticons know that this is a conspiracy, they have no other choice, and they will definitely choose to launch an attack to get Megatron back Tian's corpse and revive it with Fire Source Fragments.

What David has to do is to wait quietly for the Decepticons to arrive at his door, and before that, he may still see the fragments of the source of fire—he only needs to scan it to determine whether this thing can make his Seb It's good to upgrade the tank's body.

If there is really a need for fragments, he can go to the actor Sam Witwicky, who happens to have a fragment of the fire source in his hand.

Anyway, it's either Sam's or Michaela's.

Putting the matter of the source of fire aside, David began to think, if the Decepticons were really wiped out in this battle, what 'benefits' would he get?

Starscream's flight module and Cybertron body? An ugly version of Hercules made up of mass-produced Decepticons? By the way, Sonic's robot dog is pretty good. As a hunter, I just need a pet.

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