Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 166 Dare to Ask Where the Autobots Are Going

If the Decepticons knew that someone had already listed some members of the Decepticons as their trophies before they actually started fighting with them, what would they think?

Especially when this person is someone they don't know at all!

Of course, it doesn't make sense even if they know, as long as their target is a stellar energy collector, then they must attack the earth.

At the same time, in order to obtain the key of the stellar energy collector, that is, the leadership module, they have to keep collecting various clues on the earth to find that thing.

And in order to deal with the Autobots who will stop them, Megatron is an indispensable force.

So David's suggestion to General Moshower is more like a conspiracy: so what if you know there are traps here? Are you not coming?

What's more, with the arrogant character of the Decepticons, they may feel that when they decide to launch a frontal attack, those weak creatures on the earth are powerless to stop them.

The actual situation is similar to David's guess.

After some discussions and arrangements, after some testing on the earth side, it was confirmed that the communication on my side was indeed monitored by the Decepticons.

Then it will be due to the recent frequent activities of the Decepticons on the earth, it is decided to completely destroy Megatron's body. ’ and other information leaked out.

As the main force in the battle against the Decepticons, the lair troops were deployed on the preset battlefield: Egypt.

Why choose Egypt? Because some people will not accept setting the battlefield in their own homes.

How wonderful is Egypt, such a large desert, it will not be affected if it is bombed casually, whether it is the Decepticons or the allied forces of earthlings and autobots, they can kill with their hands and feet.

Before the actual battle, all David had to do was to keep scanning various weapons and equipment and record all kinds of weapon data.

If David, before coming to this world, just casually gave himself the code name of an arsenal, then he is now a veritable arsenal.

I don't know if he really has the talent in this area, but David found that he can easily record and transform into various conventional weapons that have been scanned.

After some adjustments, David's usual state is similar to before, except that his back is deformed and the cannon protruding from his right shoulder has become a six-barreled Vulcan cannon.

On the left is the missile launcher, which can launch missiles with various functions.

The grenade launcher on the shoulder was cancelled, and it was changed to share the same position with the missile launcher that can be retracted into the back. Which one to use can be decided by David himself according to the situation.

It's a shame David didn't get to board the railgun-equipped destroyer USS Kidd, which would have made his arsenal even richer.

Feeling unsatisfied, David wandered around wanting to scan more weapons and equipment, trying to see if he could scan some aircraft data.

It's a pity that I was stationed with the Autobots and the Nest Troops, and what the Nest Troops saw most were helicopters and transport planes, and I couldn't see any fighter jets.

Scanning helicopters? David is not very interested in transforming into a helicopter, and he is not interested in imitating Flying Wolf, even if the word wolf is in his name.

He'd love to scan the F-14 Tomcat if he could, then the F-22 Raptor and the F-15 Eagle, then the A-10 and the Harrier...

This sorting is based on the fact that the appearance is greater than the actual function. After all, no matter what kind of scanning transformation it is, the essence is still a Transformer, not copying the various capabilities of this fighter.

If not seeing any possibility for the time being, David would like to scan and record the data of VF-25 Messiah, VF-27 Lucifer and even YF-29 Durandal, especially YF-29 Durandal, he would like to As its own fixed fighter form.

After wandering around, David, who found that there was nothing good to continue scanning, returned to his resting place.

His barracks is with the Autobots, and several Autobots are parked there to rest in vehicle form.

Optimus Prime was conferring with Lennox, possibly about an impending battle.

For human beings, if this battle can completely defeat the Decepticons, then there will undoubtedly be a period of peace in the future, and there is no need to worry all day long about what conspiracy those Decepticons are up to.

In David's view, without the threat of Decepticons, it might not be a good thing for the Autobots.

Seeing Lennox leave, David noticed Optimus Prime looking at him: You thought about it too?

Optimus Prime may be a bit of a saint, a bit too idealistic, but he is definitely not stupid.

Of course, Optimus Prime can also realize the hidden dangers that David can see, especially after staying on the earth for several years and contacting various human beings, especially a large number of human officials, he can fully guess that there are no Decepticons. After threatening, what do those people do.

David, my friend, what do you think we should do? Optimus Prime was a little tangled, he knew that some humans would do some bad things, but he could also see the good side of humans.

In his heart, he hopes to stay on the earth, and looks forward to the friendly relationship between the earth people and the Cybertronians.

But he also knew that there were some contradictions between the two sides, and he couldn't think of a good solution, so he was going to ask David.

After all, David is also a ruler, and he doesn't seem to mind Cybertronians settling his domain?

Maybe from David, he can learn how to make the Autobots better integrate into the life of the earth?

You want the Cybertronians to truly integrate into Earth?


David pondered for a few seconds, and asked a question: Can you guarantee that the Cybertronians who decided to settle on Earth really regard themselves as Earthlings?

... Optimus Prime wanted to answer, but finally chose to shut up. He felt that he could not represent all Autobots, let alone all Cybertronians.

Let's not talk about the huge difference in race, when you don't think you are a human from the earth, why should the people of the earth treat you as real compatriots? David raised his hand to stop what Optimus Prime was going to say : Don't mention these people in the lair army. They can regard you as comrades-in-arms after long-term contact with you, but most people on earth have no chance to contact you. They can only rely on what they see with their eyes as their first impression.

This first impression may be the impression of a lifetime.

There are billions of people on the earth, and the vast majority of them will never have direct contact with these Cybertronians throughout their lives, and naturally they will not have the opportunity to change their first impression.

I am willing to accept the Cybertronians to live in Cold Winter Town. There is a very important factor, that is, my territory is not big. Now there are less than 500 people in Cold Winter Town. Walking around can get to know everyone almost.

Such a special life form like the Cybertronians quickly became acquaintances in the whole town. After getting along with each other for a long time, and knowing the personality of the Cybertronians, naturally they will not be too conflicted.

Another point is that the majority of the residents of Cold Winter Town are Azerothians. People in that world can be considered well-informed, and they themselves have no resistance to the Cybertronians.

As for the natives of Brennia, because the number of locals has not been growing fast, these people will not be too entangled in those things after living for a period of time and being subtly influenced by the original residents of Cold Winter Town.

Especially when the arrival of the Cybertronians can make the people of Cold Winter Town live a better life!

When David said this, Optimus Prime seemed to think of something.

You realize it too!


After these autobots came to the earth, they did not bring any convenience to the life of the earth people, and did not play any positive role in the development of the earth and the life of human beings.

Everyone only saw that with the appearance of the Autobots, the Decepticons also appeared, and then they crackled into a ball, and the earth became the battlefield of the Cybertronians.

In this situation, everyone would be dissatisfied, right?

The threat of the Decepticons is still there, so the earth officials can allow the Autobots to stay on the earth. What's the use of Autobots when the Decepticons are gone?

It stands to reason that as long as the Cybertronians of a higher civilization are willing to lend a helping hand to help the earth with technology, then these people will definitely be very happy, and then they will confess the Cybertronians as their ancestors—at least in the future It will be like this before the technology is hollowed out.

However, Optimus Prime felt that the people on Earth were too belligerent and unwilling to share technology.


David complained frantically, saying that Optimus Prime's metal face was a little red, and he didn't mean to stop.

In the end, it was the good old man Ambulance who helped out and rescued the leader of the Autobots.

David, maybe what you said is right, but Optimus Prime's concerns are not unreasonable. What if we hand over Cybertron's technology to humans and make the earth the next Cybertron?

They feel that the earth is such a good planet that it should not be destroyed like Cybertron.

Then as 'Earth' going to destruction? David's eyes released a holographic image, projecting the earth: This is the earth decades ago...this is the earth now...according to the current development of the earth , the earth will look like this in the future.”

The three projections of the Earth have differences visible to the naked eye: the first is vivid and bright; the second is dusty; and the third is a tan.

There is no right or wrong technology, the key is how to apply it! Cybertron has a more advanced civilization, and you also know the mistakes you have made. Don't you know how to avoid mistakes and try to help the earth take a new path?

But what if we hand over technology to humans and they don't want to do what we suggest?


David suddenly understood why Optimus Prime was unwilling to hand over Cybertron's technology. Feeling that the leader of the Autobots wanted to give all the technology to the earthlings in one go?

Brother, are you so sincere? Letting you help the poor with technology, didn't let you directly empty out your family!

squeezed dry...

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