Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 186 Fighting Wisdom and Bravery

Laura appeared suddenly, and Eva almost threw out the golden apple in her hand in fright, especially the words that Laura yelled seemed to catch her and David.

You don't call me when you have something good to eat!

In the next second, Laura approached Eva and carefully looked at the golden apple in Eva's hand. Only then did Eva realize that Laura was talking about the thing she was holding, not what she had discovered.

Is this the golden apple from Greek mythology?

This is indeed a golden apple, but I don't know what effect the golden apple in Greek mythology has. David looked at Laura, then at Eva, and asked Eva in order to ease her nervousness. Lower Laura: Did you meet Gwen?

Yeah, I just met Gwen who was about to go home. Laura looked at David with a smile that was not a smile. It was obvious that she had seen that the little girl had been eaten by David, the hungry wolf. Clean and tidy: I heard about Helen and the golden apple from Gwen.

After looking at it for a while, Laura looked at the fruit tree on the side, reached out and picked the golden apple that had just ripened into her hand, took it in front of her and smelled it, then opened her mouth and took a big bite: This golden apple is really good eat.

After a few big mouthfuls, he ate the golden apple into his stomach, and then looked at Eva who was still holding the golden apple beside him: Why don't you eat it?


Eat it quickly, this is a good thing. After eating it, it will make your skin better. After speaking, she leaned into Eva's ear and whispered something, hair...smooth...spots...legs ...' and other words, Eva only listened to it for two seconds, and her eyes stared like light bulbs, emitting an amazing brilliance.

Before Laura finished speaking, Eva couldn't wait to stuff the golden apple into her mouth.

Golden apples are indeed delicious. As long as you take the first bite, you will feel like you can't stop. When you regain your senses, the whole apple has been eaten in your stomach.

Her mouth was filled with the fragrance of apples, and Eva couldn't help but wanted to lift up her collar to see if her skin had gotten better. It was Laura who reminded her: It will take at least a day to see the effect.

Is that so? Eva didn't know how good her skin would be after a day, but she felt a warm current spreading from her stomach to her whole body, and it caused the reaction of the holy light in her body. Eva was a little worried, afraid of causing some bad changes.

But before she opened her mouth to ask, the abnormality on her body disappeared. She groped up and down, and then mobilized the holy light to check, and there was no abnormality at all.


Eva suddenly found that when she mobilized the Holy Light, it became much simpler and smoother than usual.

Tell David his discovery, David thinks that the golden apple may not be as simple as making people beautiful, maybe it is an effect of improving physical fitness?

If that's the case, this thing is really powerful. David looked at the newly grown golden apples again, and considered giving one to each of his friends in the town, so as to see people in different states, eat this Things have changed in the future, so that more accurate conclusions can be obtained.

The key reason why David is so generous is that the golden apples grow very fast. Although there is only one golden apple at a time, new fruits will grow immediately after picking one, and it only takes a short time for it to ripen.

In this case, there is no need for him to be too stingy.

Moreover, the partners currently living in Cold Winter Town have provided a lot of help when building the town, so what's the point of giving out benefits?

What's more, if you send a little bit of good stuff, you may get another round of favorability, and if you don't keep it all, you can reap another round of rewards!

Leave this matter to Eva and you can handle it. All things in Cold Winter Town are on the right track, and with the appointment of Wetherby Swan, the administrative officer, Eva will be much freer.

Okay! Eva was going to make a simple record of everyone's situation, ask about any changes after eating the golden apple, and draw a sufficiently accurate conclusion through comparison.

The recording and analysis of this kind of intelligence data is what she is best at.

Is there any requirement for this order?

There is no requirement, just make sure everyone can eat... Don't forget Addis, Alfie, Freud and Gareth.

As the time spent together increases, David gradually begins to break some boundaries. After gaining his trust, the locals in this world can also enjoy various special benefits.

Turning his head to look at Elias who was standing next to him, David watched the etiquette officer from the royal capital trying to maintain a calm expression, but the occasional glances in his eyes still betrayed some of his thoughts.

As for the one that is about to ripen... David waited until the golden apple was ripe, picked it up and held it in his hand and looked at Elias Parker: Give it to Elias!

This... my lord, this thing is too expensive. Standing by the side and listening to the conversation between David, Laura and Eva, Elias certainly knew the function of this thing.

Even without mentioning the possible function of 'improving physique', even if it can make people 'beautiful', it still has a huge appeal to ordinary people.

Since ancient times, or in any intelligent and civilized world, the pursuit of beauty has never disappeared, and it does not distinguish between men, women and children!

If you think it's valuable, please help me for a few more years. As time passed and winter approached, Elias' working hours in Cold Winter Town also came to an end.

David felt that Elias was a very good etiquette officer, and he could also be used as a half housekeeper and assistant officer. He was reluctant to let such a talent go back.

Before today, David had never made it clear that he hoped that Elias would stay in Winter Town. This made Elias, who had already begun to consider whether to stay here, a little entangled, worried that even if he wanted to stay, the Lord Glamorgan would not like him.

Now he can breathe a sigh of relief. The golden apple handed to him in front of him is the letter of engagement from Lord Glamorgan.

This... is also what I hope.

After taking over the golden apple, Elias accepted David's retention. After the term of this job assigned by the Kingdom of Tilan ends, he will return to the royal capital, and then return to Cold Winter Town to serve as Baron of Glamorgan ceremonial officer.

At that time, he was no longer the ceremonial officer of the Kingdom of Tilan, but the ceremonial officer of Cold Winter Town, loyal to and serving Baron David Glamorgan.

Watching Elias eat the golden apple, when David turned around, Eva had already left to find other partners.

At this time, only Laura and himself were left in the field, as well as Elias who would always minimize his sense of existence.

Without the 'outsider', Laura launched a surprise attack on David.

I didn't expect it! He patted David on the shoulder heavily, which surprised David who was caught off guard: You actually attacked Gwen.

Ah... this... David looked at Laura, and he didn't have the nerve to say who attacked him first, and he just exercised his legitimate right to fight back.

I thought you would eat Eva first. Laura looked at David with a strange expression: Speaking of which, that little girl Gwen can bear you, a Cybertron beast?

David didn't know how to answer Laura's words, so he could only cough twice to cover up his embarrassment (satisfaction?).

I thought Eva's physique was pretty good, so I could share it with me...I didn't expect you to leave Eva to your mouth and not touch it. Laura gave David a blank look again: Pay attention, Greg Wen is just a little girl after all.


David, who was belatedly aware of it, suddenly realized at this time that Laura always asked Jonah to make fried oysters with leeks, and there were often onions, green onions, garlic, etc. in the side dishes, and then turned around and ran away. , actually with such an idea?

Aren't you joking when you let Eva live in Glamorgan Castle?

Of course I'm not joking. It was hard for me to convince Eva to move in. Laura and Eva also chose the room together, and discussed the decoration and furniture style of the room, but they didn't have time to talk to David.

She didn't mention anything about asking Eva to help her share the pressure. She just said that, as David's clerk, Eva lived closer to her and it was more convenient for her to work...

Of course, although Eva smiled very naively and looked like a fool, but Laura knew that Eva finally agreed, not because she was fooled by herself, but because she was willing to be fooled by Laura, so she agreed That's all.

David, who had figured out the actual situation, was a little dazed, even though he wanted to break his head, he never thought that this would be the case.

Even if Laura had said similar things before, they were regarded as various temptations and traps by him, and he was very proud that he had never been tricked!

The relationship has been tossing for a long time, and he has been fighting wits with himself?

He even had some doubts, did he get some strange rewards when he didn't realize it?

Shura field? Good boat? What about the hatchet?

Just when David began to suspect that he might be dreaming, Laura suddenly said: Do you find it incredible? Actually, you can understand it if you think in a different direction.

What direction? David looked at the serious Laura, waiting for the other party's high-level remarks.

You, Baron David Glamorgan, and Clerk Eva McKenna are all serving me, Earl Laura Crawford!

Laura held her head high, expressing that she, Earl Laura Crawford, was the real boss. She allowed David to find other women, just to make David serve herself better!


Looking at Laura who looked like a stinky fart in front of him, David directly carried it on his shoulders and walked towards the second floor, preparing to let her know who is the real master of Winter Town!

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