Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 187 The Grace Bestowed by the Gods

After giving a severe lesson to Laura, who tried to seize the position of Winter's ruler, David walked out of Glamorgan Castle.

Because the etiquette class is over, David now has a lot of free time every day.

Especially after appointing Wetherby Swan as his administrative officer, someone even took care of some trivial matters for him. Now David only needs to do some exercises every day according to his habits, and the rest of the time is completely free.

With nothing else to do, he was going to visit the gradually formed Cold Winter Town.

Since the completion of the construction of Fort Glamorgan and Cold Winter Fortress, and the construction of various buildings in Cold Winter Town, he has not visited this city of his own.

As soon as he walked out of the south gate of Winter Fortress, he met Helen with a middle-aged man.

David, this is my father, King Tyndarius of Sparta. After seeing David, Helen was very happy, and almost immediately moved to David's side, warmly cheering for him. Introduce your father.

This is the ruler here, David.

When Helen introduced the two, David and Tyndarius were looking at each other. The moment he saw David, Tyndarius understood why his daughter said that this person was called Dai Wei's young people are not married.

I was just visiting your palace in the distance. It's really a beautiful palace. Standing at the gate, Tyndarius could clearly see Fort Glamorgan in front of him, the town center building on the left, and the other side. fortress barracks.

David's Castle of Glamorgan, it is not unusual to put it in the background of the modern earth, but because the shape is very similar to a certain palace, it may attract some complaints.

But in the eyes of ancient people like Tyndarius who lived more than 1,000 years BC, it was a very gorgeous and spectacular palace.

It's not that there were no spectacular buildings in ancient Greece, but that building such buildings was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the kingdoms that could build such buildings were all very powerful forces.

David's ability to live in such a luxurious palace indirectly proved that he ruled a very powerful force.

As for the place where the gods dwell, Tyndarius did not fully believe it.

Of course, he admitted that it was indeed a miracle that he could come to this strange place from Sparta in an instant.

He just doubted the identity of David's god!

However, after seeing David himself, he felt that even if the king called David was not a god himself, he was probably the reincarnation of a god, or a descendant of a certain god.

As long as this young man named David stands here, it is as if he is telling people in the world what perfection is!

Such an existence would definitely not be a mortal.

David, who didn't know that he had become a demigod or the incarnation of a god in the other party's heart, after a few brief greetings with Tyndarius, he took the Spartan king and Helen and turned back to Fort Glamorgan. Take the father and daughter to visit the interior of Lower Glamorgan Castle first.

After entering the bright Fort of Glamorgan, Tyndareus once again sighed—a major disadvantage of large ancient buildings is that the lighting is not good, even during the day when the sun is most abundant, there are many places in palaces and castles Very dark.

Modern buildings like Castle Glamorgan do not have this problem.

Looking at those huge glass windows, Tyndareus believed his daughter's words to a certain extent. This is definitely not a country where mortals live. He thought of the high mountains he saw when he was outside. Could it be the legendary Olin? Mount Pease?

When he carefully asked David what the name of the distant mountain was, he failed to get the answer he wanted to hear.

That mountain is far away from here, because it is an area that no one has visited, so that mountain has no name yet.

Notwithstanding David's words, Tyndarius still suspected that the mountain was the dwelling place of the gods.

After walking around Glamorgan Castle, David led his father and daughter back to the square from the south gate of Winter Fortress.

To the south of Winter Fortress is a very empty square, and to the southwest of the south gate of Winter Fortress and to the west of the square is a cathedral.

That was the Cathedral of the Holy Light that Liadrin requested to build. She would live in this five-story cathedral including the attic and the basement, preparing to spread the way of the Holy Light here in the Brennia continent.

When introducing the cathedral to Helen and Tyndarius, David also visited it by the way.

In fact, it was also the first time for him to take a closer look at this cathedral, which was very close to Winter Fortress. Liadrin was the real tour guide who introduced the internal structure of the cathedral to several people.

According to Liadrin's plan, the Cathedral of the Holy Light is not only a place of worship for the believers of the Holy Light, but also has special accommodations, canteens, lodging areas for patients, libraries, classrooms and other areas with different responsibilities.

With the completion of the Holy Light Cathedral, Liadrin has begun to plan to develop believers, recruit apprentices, and train more priests.

This was the first time David knew about Liadrin's plan. If Liadrin could succeed, the Church of the Holy Light might become the most powerful religious group in the northern part of the Brennian continent.

As for Helen and Tyndarios next to them, the two listened in a daze. They basically didn't understand much of what Liadrin said (David was responsible for the translation when talking in different languages). Liadrin's elf features made them even more concerned.

From the Holy Light Cathedral, go straight south along the main road. There are many beautiful two-story or three-story houses on both sides of the wide and flat road, and the people who choose to live beside the main road are those who want to open some kind of shop.

Although few shops are open yet, the framework of the house has already been built, so Cold Winter Town looks like a very advanced city at this time.

I saw a lot of store signs, but why aren't many of them open?

These houses have only been built recently, and the owners of the houses are still busy with interior decoration. It will take some time for the actual opening of the houses.

Tyndarius had learned from David before that all the buildings in this place called Cold Winter Town have just been built, and there is even a lot of finishing work that has not been completed.

At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to it. At this moment, he saw that so many beautiful houses were built not long ago. He began to wonder how the people here built so many beautiful houses in such a short period of time. ?

If possible, after Helen marries David, can he ask David to send someone to help him repair his Spartan Kingdom?

Among other things, he really wanted a palace similar to David's Glamorgan Castle, even if it was two or three times smaller, he could accept it!

Just when Tyndareus was about to ask, Helen reminded her father in a low voice to look east.

Looking in the direction Helen was pointing at, Tyndarius noticed that the green object, which he hadn't paid much attention to before, turned out to be a huge metal giant.

The sight of these giants building houses at an astonishing rate cleared his doubts.

Those are... Tyndarius suspected that these metal giants were the legendary Titans?

Those are Diggers. They are the strongest construction and engineering team in Rinwinter Town. Rinwinter Town can be built like this in a short period of time, thanks to the Diggers.

Briefly introduce the Digger to Tyndarius, they are silicon-based life forms from Cybertron, and they are a kind of intelligent life that is completely different from humans.

Tyndarius listened for a while, and thought it was a Titan!

After walking to the edge of the area covered by the current buildings in Cold Winter Town, David led the father and daughter to turn west and walk towards the direction of the Cold Winter River. On the way, they can also visit the farmland area of ​​​​Rin Winter Town.

At this time, the crops in the farmland have gradually entered the mature stage, and the entire farmland area is a beautiful scene of a bumper harvest.

Looking at the bountiful crops growing in the large farmland, Tyndarius, the king, knew what it meant—there was no shortage of food in Cold Winter Town, and the variety was so great that he envied him.

Looking at the farmers smiling and working in the fields, Tyndarius wished he could hold a wedding for his daughter and David right away.

Although he wouldn't sell his daughter in order to gain more power, but now that his daughter has taken a fancy to David, as Helen's father, it's not too much to get some benefits along the way, right?

Go outside the farmland area to the bank of the Cold Winter River, and then walk along the river to the wide road leading westward to the river in Cold Winter Town.

Along the way, Tyndarius and Helen saw many gerbils, and they were very curious about this kind of simple-looking blue creature. When Tyndarius learned that this creature called gerbera had When there are many magical abilities, I really want to catch one and take it back.

However, when he learned that this magical creature was protected in Cold Winter Town, he resolutely gave up that idea.

Afterwards, David did not continue to take Tyndareus and Helen to continue to the north. There are only a few buildings and a medicine field there, besides that, there are Eevee, Orb Silk Spiders and some Squirrels. Living area, nothing to visit.

According to the plan, this area will not be gradually developed and utilized until the Winter River Wharf is established.

Walking back along the main road, just before the main entrance of Winter Fortress, Arcee flew back from the sky, and under the shocked eyes of Tyndarius and Helen, she changed from a big pink metal bird to a Young beautiful woman.

... Tyndarios felt that he had seen enough miraculous things today, but the scene in front of him still had a huge impact on him.

While David was talking to the woman who could transform into a huge metal flying bird, Tyndarius pulled his daughter aside and solemnly told the other party: You must seize this opportunity, this is definitely a gift from the gods. the grace of...

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