Aka Amy

69. Playing Goddess (Amy)

content warning: gets a bit lewd

"You had to know that's one of the first things I'd ask about," Tess protested. She was trying to act indignant, but I could see the slight flush in her cheeks and the way her lips kept trying to curl up into a smile.

I just smirked, "It's barely been half a month since you got access to magic, and you're already looking for more! Don't you think most people would be happy to be able to perform those minor miracles?"

My girlfriend's cheeks got brighter as she insisted, "I'm very happy Amy, you know I am! I just think it's unfair giving me magic to conjure wine, then limiting its use to once per day!"

"Do you have any idea how much power conjuration takes?" I asked.

Before she could respond I launched into a little bit of pseudo-science, "Lighting candles is easy, that's just getting some molecules to vibrate fast enough to cause sufficient heat to ignite the wick. And healing wounds or even transforming people? Those are both kinds of transmutation, which means working with existing matter. But creating wine from thin air? A typical serving of wine has a mass of nearly a hundred and fifty grams. That might not seem like much, but creating that from nothing is... I don't even know? You'd have to ask Alex, but I know it's intense. That whole energy equals mass times the speed of light squared thing?"

I was actually exaggerating a little, or maybe a lot, about the challenges involved in conjuring wine from nowhere. There was some truth to it, and if she had unlimited access and used it to excess it would definitely cause me some problems. But mostly it was a convenient excuse for a somewhat artificial limitation.

Tess's shoulders slumped and she pouted for a few seconds, before she gave me a suspicious look. "If it's so difficult then how come you're always conjuring up wine and other things without a second thought? I've lost count how many times you waved your hand and had wine appear by magic because you didn't feel like leaving a cuddle to walk to the fridge and back."

"Well," I smirked as I came up with a plausible answer, "Most of the time I'm not actually conjuring it up from nothing. I just teleport some wine out of the box in the fridge and into our glasses. Or if we're actually out of wine, then in a pinch I can draw the moisture out of the air and transmute that into wine."

"So why can't I do the same thing?" my girlfriend asked with a frown. "Or is that what's already happening? That's why I'm limited to once a day, so I don't accidentally empty all the wine out of our fridge?"

Instead of answering I helped myself to another scoop of the General Tsao chicken, and happily munched away on that while Tess continued to frown at me.

"Or let me do the other thing you said, pulling it out of the air and transmuting it," she finally stated. "Either way my point still stands. I don't know if you want me to use your video game terminology for all this stuff, but I want to level-up my wine-making magic. I've been using that spell every single day since you gave me the ring. And I've used the candle-lighting spell almost daily too. You know full well I just used the big miracle spell for the first time last night, and I haven't had an opportunity yet to try the healing spell. So what do I need to do to advance my wine-conjuring spell?"

I thought all that over as I had another bite of the chicken. Then I admitted, "Despite pulling some of this stuff from games, I hadn't actually thought to gamify your whole cleric-hood."

My tone shifted to more of a tease as I continued, "I didn't think you'd want to worry about going through levels and gaining experience points. But if that's what you really want..."

My girlfriend gave me a look then sighed, "I'm glad your mood's improved enough that you're having fun teasing me Amy, but I'm serious ok? If the answer's no then just say so. And if it's not no, then say that instead. Or if its 'not yet' that's fine too? Just... I'm trying to be serious, ok?"

"Sorry Tess," I sighed. "I didn't mean to upset you, and I guess I thought it was a little funny that that's the spell you wanted more access to. Let's just finish dinner for now though, ok? We'll talk about the other stuff later, I promise. That's more of an 'Amethyst' thing though? You should discuss the spells you have as her cleric with her, and we agreed she'd come and spend time with you after we finished dinner."

She gave me a grateful smile, "Thanks Amy. And sorry I got a little uptight there."

A moment later her expression shifted slightly, to something more thoughtful and curious. She definitely looked like she had a question for me, but she seemed to hold back like maybe she was reluctant to ask.

"Something on your mind?" I asked her. "If there's something you wanted to ask then go for it. I'll do my best to answer."

After a few more seconds Tess finally nodded, "Yeah actually. It's something I've been sort of curious about for the last week or two?"

From her tone I could tell whatever it was on her mind, it had nothing to do with her magic or her status as my cleric. She seemed serious, but I didn't get the impression this was anything bad. Tess paused to drain the last of her wine as she continued looking thoughtful, then finally seemed to figure out how she wanted to phrase her question.

"I know when we were dealing with April and Ada we decided to act like you and Amethyst were two different entities," she said in a slow deliberate tone. "So hopefully we'd convince people that there isn't a real live Goddess living as my girlfriend and attending classes like any other college coed."

She continued, "But just now you were talking about having Amethyst show up after dinner as if she really was someone else? And it's just the two of us here right? Nobody else around, no need for the act. And that reminded me of when you took my mom out for a drive in the country, and you said that gave her some closure with Amy Sullivan. And I guess what I'm wondering about is what is it actually like for you?"

"What I mean is," she clarified a moment later, "When you're being Amethyst the Goddess for someone like Ada, or when you're being Amy Sullivan for my mom, is that just an act you're putting on? Like a performance? Or is it more like those are really separate people and you're channelling them? Do Amethyst or Ms. Sullivan speak to you in some way?"

Even though I knew she was being serious, it was hard for me not to joke about it. I gave her a little smile and responded, "I don't 'hear voices' if that's what you're getting at. Nobody's whispering at me and telling me to do stuff, and I'm not worried about the lizard people reading my thoughts or anything like that."

Tess responded with a hard look, "I'm being serious Amy, I want to understand what this stuff is like for you. And considering what I study, I don't think you should be making fun of those sorts of symptoms."

"Sorry," I apologized. "I didn't mean to belittle anyone's actual symptoms or suffering. I just don't really know how to answer the questions I guess? I feel like you've put a lot more thought into this than I have."

My girlfriend sighed, "Well can you at least describe what it's like? When you were spending time with my mom, how'd that feel?"

"It was a bit awkward," I shrugged. "I'm sure I mentioned that at the time? I don't really have words to describe it though Tess, I'm sorry. I suppose the best I can do is say it was sort of like acting? I wasn't trying to deliberately mimic Amy Sullivan, it just sort of happened naturally. I remember living her life, but that happened before I was me so it's not as clear, the memories aren't as strong. Maybe it was like a subconscious thing? Maybe I wanted to have that connection with your mom, so I subconsciously started to act and talk like Ms. Sullivan used to?"

Tess looked thoughtful again. After a few seconds she commented, "The first night I brought her here after the airport and dinner, when you came out of the office to say hello? You actually sounded different then. Your voice was the same, but your tone and the way you spoke was very different. Mom even told me afterwards, you sounded exactly like Ms. Sullivan."

I frowned as I thought back, "I don't remember doing that on purpose? I'm not even aware I did it at all, to be honest. I know I was anxious about meeting her, considering the history between her and Amy Sullivan? But there's no other Amys in my head Tess, nobody else is taking over and making me do stuff. It was probably just a subconscious thing, like I was saying?"

"As for Amethyst," I paused, but I couldn't hold back the smile any longer, "I know you and she have some fun plans for tonight, so maybe you can ask her yourself? If you're not too distracted, that is."

My girlfriend rolled her eyes but this time she didn't complain about my teasing. I knew she'd been looking forward to more fun with the goddess since her birthday.

"I might just do that," she finally responded. "I'm going to ask her about using the wine spell more than once a day too, since you're being stubborn about it."

That made me smile, and I couldn't help rubbing it in a bit as I used magic to top up both our glasses.

Tess made a face at me but once again she didn't complain. Instead she enjoyed her wine as the two of us finished our dinner together.

"I trust you have the cookies and icewine?" I asked as I started putting away the leftover Chinese food. "Are you going to wear your fancy white gown again?"

She nodded as she started getting out the candles, "Yes and yes. Are you at least going to put on a dress or something? The leggings and t-shirt look seems a bit too casual for a Goddess attending rites in Her honour."

I grinned, "Being a goddess means I get to ignore dress codes. But ok, I'll switch to something more appropriate."

Despite Tess's excitement neither of us rushed. She took her time setting up the candles and things, while I did the dishes and tidied up a bit. Then we both got changed, she wore that pretty white gown while I slipped into a little black dress. And neither of us had anything on underneath. Finally my girlfriend prepared a plate of my favourite cookies along with a glass of ice wine, while I went around and lit all the candles.

And I grabbed a cushion off the back of the sofa so she'd have something comfy to kneel on once I did the goddess-flex thing again.

"I'll just leave these on the dining table again like last time," Tess commented as she frowned at the plate of cookies. "I'm still curious what you're doing with them. I don't remember seeing you eating any of them after my birthday, and you got two dozen right? A box from me and one from your sister?"

I grinned, "I work in mysterious ways, remember?"

She rolled her eyes again then set the offering down on the dining table. Finally she turned out the lights so we had only the candle-light illuminating the apartment, and she moved to stand before me. With a wide excited smile she looked down at me and asked, "So when's my cute little Goddess going to arrive?"

There was a strong temptation to forget about the goddess stuff and let my tall gorgeous redheaded girlfriend have her way with me, but we'd both agreed to this and she was definitely looking forward to it. So I'd be the strong powerful heavenly being for her. I also needed that worship from her to continue fuelling the power I'd granted her. I dropped the cushion on the floor at her feet, and for the third time in one day, the fourth time in less than twenty-four hours in fact, I called upon my inner goddess.

Just like at Theresa's birthday I modified my divine energy slightly as I let some of it shine through, and it had the same effect on her tonight as it did two weeks earlier.

My girlfriend's eyes widened and she gasped as she dropped to her knees. Suddenly her breathing and heart rate were quicker, her face was flushed, and within a couple seconds her nipples were poking at the thin white fabric of her gown. Her eyes remained wide as she quickly lowered them, unable to look me in the face while my divine energy was shining out so brightly.

It had a subtle effect on me too, as my back straightened and I set my shoulders. I felt my confidence soar, and easily slipped into the correct mindset. After a suitably dramatic pause I spoke, although I kept my voice to just above a whisper for now.

"Greetings once again, Theresa Cleary."

I was modulating my voice the same way I'd subtly shifted my energy for the occasion, and sure enough Theresa's body quivered slightly at my words.

"My Goddess," she responded in a soft, breathy, excited voice.

Despite all the casual teasing and smiles earlier, it was now very easy to remain serious. I supposed it had something to do with the divine power I allowed to shine forth, although it may have been due in part to Theresa's expectations. It was her suggestion to worship me in this fashion, she wanted to be the submissive one worshipping on her knees while I was the strong dominant divine figure. Whatever the cause, I found it almost completely natural to maintain the correct demeanour.

My gaze roamed up and down her kneeling figure for a few moments before I spoke again. And although it could have been a question, my tone made it sound more like a statement. "You have questions for Me?"

She trembled slightly again at the sound of my voice, then took a second or two to steady herself. "Y-yes, my Goddess. I have a few."

"Then ask," I stated simply.

Theresa gulped, "Would y-you please allow me to um, to use the wine spell more than once per day? Please?"

I knew she wanted that, but with the effects my aura and voice were having on her body I was almost surprised she was able to focus enough to ask for it. I took a moment to consider her request, and quickly came to a decision.

"Granted. You may use that magic a maximum of fourteen times per week," I stated. "You have more questions?"

"Th-thank you my Goddess," she responded. She gulped once more before asking, "Are you and Amy Price separate entities? What of Amy Sullivan? Or are you... Is this an act Amy puts on for me?"

I watched her for a few seconds, then dialled up my divine energy a little more. It was just enough to be noticeable, and Theresa's breath caught in her throat as she felt it. A soft moan escaped her lips, and although I couldn't see it I knew there was a growing wet spot forming in her gown. That would soon be mirrored on the cushion beneath her, if I didn't dial back my aura. Meanwhile Theresa's nipples were absolutely straining, they looked hard enough they could cut diamond and were threatening to poke holes through the fabric of her gown. Her body was trembling again, and her breathing was quick, shallow, and almost ragged.

"Right now Theresa I am your Goddess," I replied. There was a little more oomph in my voice this time, and the effect on her body was obvious.

I calmly pulled up the hem of my dress then sat back on a comfortable throne-like chair I manifested behind me. I spread my legs and added, "And it is time for you to worship me."

She still couldn't look at my face, but she could see the rest of me. Her eyes widened then she licked her lips and smiled, "Oh yes my Goddess!"

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