Aka Amy

70. Answering Prayers (Amy)

Unfortunately the day after the full moon was a Monday, and both Tess and I had classes. So we couldn't sleep in, we couldn't laze around the apartment, and we couldn't have a relaxing brunch. Instead my girlfriend hit the snooze button a few times too many, then spent the following forty-five minutes rushing around trying to shower and dress as fast as she could.

I kept quiet and didn't rub it in, but my morning was a lot less of a panic. I woke up early feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I skipped the shower and cheated with a little magic, to clean myself up and apply make-up and style my hair. Then while Tess was in the shower I relaxed with a mug of coffee and used more magic to tidy up the apartment. I also cleaned our bedding and my girlfriend's white robe.

By the time Tess was finally ready to go there wasn't even time for her to have a cup of coffee, so we grabbed some food and hot drinks at a drive-thru on the way to college.

"It hardly seems fair," she grumped between sips of coffee.

I smiled as we pulled away from the restaurant, "What's not fair?"

"You were up just as late as me," she complained, "Yet this morning you woke bright and early and full of energy. I'm exhausted and I still ache in some delicate areas."

I tried not to smirk as I pointed out, "True. But there's a big difference right? Yes I was up just as late as you were, but you were having sex with a goddess. She's got a lot more stamina than you do love."

Tess gave me a mock scowl before having a bite of her breakfast sandwich. A minute or so later she responded, "I know you said yesterday that you're her, but when I asked the Goddess last night her answer was more ambiguous."

As I navigated around the parking lot to find a space I asked, "Do you want her to be separate? Or what is it you're getting at? I told you as best I could what it was like with your mom, and the goddess stuff. And like I said, there's no voices or anything like that. I don't hear Amethyst or another Amy talking to me. I have Amy Sullivan's memories, and some of Amethyst's, but that's it."

"Sorry Amy," she apologized as I finally found a spot and parked the car. "I'm just very curious, and stuff like last night makes me wonder. And no, I don't want her to be separate? It's more like, I suppose part of it is I worry about you? I love you and I know some of this stuff was uncomfortable for you, at least in the beginning. But last night you seemed completely at ease with it, the way you shifted into character as the Goddess? If she'd have told me you two were separate, I would have believed her. So if that was just acting then you're a really good actress."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "I'll keep that in mind incase the EMT stuff falls through. Maybe I can get a job in theatre or something. Now c'mon, we're going to be late."

"Yeah I know," Tess sighed as we both emerged from the car. Then as the two of us set out across the parking lot together she asked, "Hey did you get another box of cookies last night from your sister?"

"Cookies and icewine," I replied with a smile. "I know it's just the second time, but it feels like she's going to keep at it."

Lowering my voice I added, "I also received prayers from Ada, my friends Krissy and Leah, and a handful of demi-humans, including the two I helped yesterday."

Tess glanced at me, with an expression that was somewhere between surprise and concern. She moved closer and asked quietly, "You actually hear their prayers? But you didn't get anything from April?"

I gave her a reassuring smile, "It's actually hard to describe, and maybe I shouldn't go into that after all? Let's just say I was aware of them. And I'm sure April had a lot on her mind last night, helping Ada move and everything. Though I should probably check with Raven at some point, to make sure things went smoothly after I left."

That was all the time we had together, by that point she had to hurry off for her class and I needed to do the same. We exchanged a brief hug and a rushed kiss before the two of us set off in opposite directions through the halls.

It was a fairly typical Monday for both of us, and as usual it was more hectic for Tess than myself. The end of the school year was in sight, but while I just had some exams and a few assignments coming up she was looking at her finals and graduation. And considering she was tired and achey at the start of the day, by the time we met up after our last classes she looked completely beat.

"I think this'll be an early night for me," she sighed once we were both in the car.

As we pulled out and set off for home I asked, "What about dinner?"

Tess shrugged, "There's left-overs from last night. When we get in I'm going to grab something to eat, then study for an hour or two. And that might be it for me."

"Ok love," I gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'll keep things quiet and try not to disturb you."

"Thanks cutie," she smiled back. "How about you? Are you finally going to start studying for your exams?"

I blushed, "Nah, it's still too early. Maybe in another week or two I'll start getting worried? Then I'll study."

She rolled her eyes but left it at that. We were both quiet the rest of the drive home, then like she said Tess warmed up some leftovers in the microwave before taking her plate and her books into the office.

I brought her a can of soda and a bottle of water, then went back out and curled up on the sofa with my phone. I tapped out a text to Raven, "Are you busy? Is this a good time for me to visit?"

When a minute or two passed without any response I realized she might actually be busy. I reached out with my mind to check, and sure enough I found her at work. I figured she either had her phone set to 'do not disturb', or maybe it wasn't even with her. Either way I decided to have a little fun.

I didn't bother with my purse or anything, my phone was all I needed. I got to my feet and focused again, then teleported into the cafe washroom. Then I emerged and got into line, and when I got to the counter I gave her a smile. "Hi Raven. I'll have an iced cappuccino please. And when's your break?"

She looked a little surly with her green apron overtop of her black dress, and the way her cheeks started to flush added a touch of colour to her otherwise pale skin. She rang up my order as she responded, "My shift ends in forty minutes."

"Perfect," I replied with another smile. "Do you mind if I wait for you here?"

She looked conflicted as she replied, "You're welcome to go wait at my apartment if you like?"

I thanked her but declined, I wanted to stay and watch her work. I made sure to add a decent tip then tapped my phone on the terminal to pay, before moving on to wait for my drink. Then I found a seat and made myself comfortable. I divided my time between messing around with social media and watching my angel deal with the public.

Eventually Raven left the counter and disappeared into the back room, then a half minute later she emerged without her apron and approached my table.

"Shall we go?" she asked quietly.

I nodded and got to my feet, "Lead the way."

Raven headed towards the back again. We got partway down the little hallway between the washroom doors and the emergency exit, then she teleported herself home. I followed a half second later, and appeared next to her in her apartment living-room.

"That was very uncomfortable my Goddess," she grumped. "Both my manager and one of my coworkers now believe you're my girlfriend. They're under the misconception that you came to pick me up from work and take me out on a date."

I asked, "What did you tell them?"

"And please, just call me Amy?" I added

She sighed, "I told them they were mistaken, but I couldn't tell them the truth. And my lack of a compelling counter-story has left them convinced their assumption is correct."

"I'm sorry Raven," I frowned. "I honestly didn't consider that I might make things awkward or uncomfortable for you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

The angel hesitated a second or two, then almost smiled. "Another bottle of my favourite Irish whiskey would go a long way to cheering me up. Apart from that, I believe you had something you wished to discuss with me?"

"Of course," I grinned.

I summoned another bottle of Red Spot into existence on her coffee table, along with a tumbler glass. I also conjured up a glass of cool crisp white wine for myself. Then I sat down at one end of the sofa and after a sip of wine I told her, "There's two things I wanted to discuss. First off I'd like to know how it went with Ada and her family last night after I left? Second thing, I want to find out how to contact the rest of those demi-humans Abby mentioned yesterday."

Raven picked up the bottle and glass then sat down in the large chair across from me. As she poured herself a double measure she replied, "Ada's family did not make any physical attempts to interfere with their daughter's packing or departure. They did however make plenty of bigoted and hurtful comments. As per your orders I did not strike any of them down, I didn't even harm anyone. I merely stood guard and ensured Ada was able to pack and remove all of her belongings unhindered."

After pausing for a gulp of her drink she continued, "In addition to the insults her family also spent time praying loudly to another deity, but as near as I could tell their prayers went unanswered. I remained until Ada and her girlfriend departed in their car, then I left as well."

"That sounds awful," I grimaced. "Sorry to stick you with that responsibility Raven. How did April and Ada look as they left? Probably pretty upset I guess?"

My angel enjoyed another large sip of whiskey then shrugged, "I exist to serve you my Goddess. My only disappointment was you didn't let me punish the nonbelievers. As for your faithful, both were emotional throughout their exodus. I believe Ada was sad and felt betrayed by her family, but she was grateful and happy for all your help. And she was very happy that you summoned me to protect her."

"As for April," she continued, "I think she's upset, scared, and possibly angry. My observation is she's not taking her girlfriend's situation well."

That made me sigh, "Yeah. That's pretty much the same impression I got. I don't know yet what to do, or if I should even try to do anything. I'll keep an eye out for Ada, and maybe April will come back around on her own."

After a sip of wine I changed the subject slightly, "And that brings me to the other thing? Abby and Rachel have already started telling their friends what I did for them, a few people I've never even heard of tried reaching out to me during the full moon last night. I can find them easily enough, but I wanted to get your advice and maybe see if you have any suggestions for how I handle things?"

"Basically I'm already wondering whether or not I should keep showing up in person to everyone," I added, "Like I've done so far for Abby, April, and Ada? Or should I start backing off and do stuff more in secret, or behind the scenes? And by that I mean, like the strangers who prayed to me last night? I could take care of their ID problems at any time, then just trust them to make the connection that I answered those prayers."

Raven drained the last of her glass then set the empty vessel down for now. She looked thoughtful as she replied, "That is a very difficult question for me to answer, Amy. I agree that it's... inappropriate for you to be turning up in person for each and every one of them. Particularly when you insist on dressing and acting like a human college coed."

"And as you continue growing your base of worshippers," she continued with a frown, "It will become impractical to attempt to visit them all. Having said that, answering all their prayers and granting all their wishes is not practical either. Humans are a greedy species and it won't take long before some will try and take advantage of your generosity."

I had another sip of wine as I nodded, "Understood. And I wouldn't be granting wishes or answering prayers with a blank cheque, I'd be vetting each request before deciding whether or not to grant it. Except I don't know what that'll be like if I ever get serious numbers. I really need to make friends with some other goddesses, to try and find out how they handle this sort of thing."

My angel reminded me, "You have those answers within you Amy. Even if you don't immediately remember the details, you have millennia of experience caring for and interacting with your worshipers."

"Right," I grimaced. "It still feels like it'd be easier if I had some goddess friends to hang out with and compare notes."

"That would likely involve revealing your situation to them, and I strongly advise against that. If other deities learn of your inexperience and naïveté you will surely be taken advantage of," she stated.

That made me sigh, "I know Raven. Thanks for reminding me though."

Then another idea came to me and I asked, "What about your friend Tanya? I know she's not a goddess, but I seem to remember you said she used to work for a fairly powerful god? And she's not affiliated with any deity at all now, right? And she seemed friendly. Maybe I could talk with her some more?"

"Perhaps..." I could tell by her tone and expression she wasn't thrilled with the idea of me becoming friends with her friends. "Anything you share with Tatiana would likely make its way to Iulia too, so if you were to seek a friendship with one you may as well get to know them both."

"Thanks Raven," I smiled. "I'll think about it and get back to you."

After a pause to drink the last of my wine I came to some decisions regarding my other questions.

"Ok, the people who prayed to me last night will get their ID situations resolved this evening. Maybe I'll do some little flourish so they know it was from me, and that I appreciate their ongoing support? I could appear in a few dreams or something I think? I'd also like you to compile a list of other demi-humans we can reach out to. You found Abby, so you must be able to find more. Let me know once you've got that, and we can figure out the best way to approach them. How's that sound?"

Raven nodded once, or maybe it was more like bowing her head. "As you wish my Goddess."

I thanked her then got to my feet. Before I left I added, "One last question, unrelated to the other stuff but I'm curious Raven? Why don't you ever conjure up your own whiskey? Or if you can't do that, why not just go buy some? Is there a reason why you seem to rely on me to supply you with booze?"

My angel hesitated, and I was positive she was carefully considering her answer. After a few seconds she finally responded, "If I conjured it myself, or went and bought it, it wouldn't be as special. When I receive it from you, it is literally a gift from my Goddess. That makes it much more special to me than a mere drink."

I had a feeling there was more to it than that. I was positive she wouldn't outright lie to me, but maybe she was omitting something or only gave me half the answer. And I could have simply ordered her to tell me everything, or for that matter I might have been able to find the details in Amethyst's memories if I specifically looked for it. Instead I decided to leave it for now. I didn't want to pry, I wanted her to know that I respected her privacy.

So I just smiled, "All right Raven, thanks for clearing that up. I'm going to head home now. Let me know when you've got that list, then we can go visit a few more of Abby's friends. And have a good evening."

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