Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

43. Parasite Eve


Barcelona, Spain, Sun 6th Feb 22 10:20

Raina: "She's certainly on her way now eh?"

Me: "Indeed..." I replied as I dropped my hand, Shard's glow fading from it as I did so, still looking at Sarah's now mostly formed Draconian body. Her wounds had all healed, any disorders she had obtained from using the Shard on me were healed and reverted... So to speak... and apart from the her right arm of course. The shoulder had somewhat reformed, but it was just too much material to regrow, maybe if the process had been started before it was amputated it might have been salvageable. But I guess we'll never know. Otherwise her body was almost completely transformed now, another week and the final patches of Human skin would fade away into scales and the final bulking up of muscle will take effect. "...which means, no more sessions from me are needed now, what ever Human cells are left are not enough to trigger rejection."

Raina: "So... What now?" 

Me: "Nothing, we wait. One more week and she will be ready and the sequence will auto complete. Still would be wise to monitor of course, but this far along the chances of any issues should be next to nothing. But also the system does have an early release function. Meaning that if we are satisfied with her progress, we can open the tank up to four days early."

Raina: "She will still be her, won't she? When she wakes up?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Raina: "Well physically she's gone through a lot of changes, but what about her mental state? Will she still be her old self?"

Me: "Hmm, well I'm only speaking from experience here... although Draconians are more advanced than Humans, they do resort more to their primitive nature when angered or threatened, I mean, they are a born killing machines..." I took note of Raina's worried expression, "...Buuuttt... I retained who I was for the most part, my personality remained unchanged. Any of the other Draconians I've met can be treated no differently as to how you judge individual Humans when you first meet them. Some can be nice, some are assholes. Wrex, my other half, I have heard he is fearsome in battle, though I have yet to see him properly, but he is a big softie towards me."

Raina: "You quite like him huh?"

Me: "He he, I would say so, yeah."

Raina: "So, if you don't mind me asking, were you gay or bi before your changes? Or-"

Me: "What?! Noo... no... I just... I was completely straight, never even considered anything like that... But since I was changed, I was told there was no going back. So I had to learn to accept what had happened to me. And then I met Wrex, then everything just felt... right, you know? He didn't judge me on who I use to be and I really appreciate him for it."

Raina: "I think somebody's in love." She jeered.

Me: "Ha ha, yeah, and?" I smiled back at her, truly not minding admitting that.

Raina: "Nothing, just happy it worked out for you."

Me: "Yeah, me too..."

I trailed off after hearing something... a heartbeat, well, another one. I could hear four sets in the room now... a moment ago there were only three... now four... I heard it start, tiny, but strong. I stepped back and scanned the logical person in the room... Raina...

Raina: "What?... What is it? What's wrong?" She asked seeing the way I was eyeing her up and down analytically and looking back at me worried because of it.

I scanned her womb, focused my vision and looked deep... sure enough a tiny little embryo sat in it's clutches,

Me: "Ha ha ha!" I cheered with a bit of excitement on her behalf.

Raina: "What is it?!" she said looking down at herself now even more worried.

Me: "Oh Raina... erm, I'm not sure if you know already and there's no easy way to say it, but erm… you're pregnant."

Her mouth dropped as she looked back up at me, then to her belly, then back to me.

Raina: "You're fibbing!"

Me: "I am not!" I said smiling back."

Raina: "I can't be! I had my normal monthly- *Gasp* Oh my god! I thought it was far too light! Like barely anything! Oh my god! I should have known!, But I was so distracted to even think about it! I'm actually pregnant?! Are you serious?!"

Me: "Yes! Do you want to hear it?"

Raina: "What? You can hear the heart beat?!"

Me: "Let me show you..." I raised my hand towards Sarah's tank, as if to capture the sound like a microphone, then focussed my hearing in to her heart beat. The slow thumps that I was listening to with my overly sensitive ears, I was able to channel, replicate them, essentially through the small amount of armour on my back, as today I was in my casual set up of clothing anyway., "...You hear that? In time with her ECG I bet you, yeah?..." Raina looked over to the monitoring screen on the tank as she listened intently for a couple of seconds.

Raina: "Yeah?"

I trailed my hand over Raina now, focussing on her heart beat, the quicker beats thumping through from her excitement,

Me: "That's yours... and..." I lowered my hand down toward her belly, a lighter and equally quick thumping came through now instead, "...congratulations." I said to her with a smile as I watched her break down in hysterical excitement as she ran up and hugged me.

*"Enjoy this sweet little moment while you can... It's one of your last."*

*Me: "I've put you off for this long, I'm starting to think you're not even serious."*

*"Then you are a fool."*

Raina: "Oh my god! This is amazing!..." She squealed in my ear with excitement, making it ring slightly. She then jumped out of the hug, "...Oh my god I need to tell Des!"

Me: " 'Des' being your other half I presume?"

Raina: "Yes, oh my god I'm so excited! Is this real? You're not pulling my leg are you?!"

Me: "I wouldn't be so mean! I'm telling the truth, I promise you."

She started wiping tears from her face,

Raina: "God... we've been trying for more than a year. Do I tell him now? Or save ot for when I get back?"

Me: "That's up to you. Maybe save it for when you're there in person? I'd imagine he'd like that more, you both would- oh ok..." She had launched herself into another hug with me again.

Raina: "Thank you thank you thank you!, you have no idea how happy this has made me."

Me: "I don't know why you're thanking me, I didn't do anything."

Rain: "You told me, you didn't have to. I had been wondering why I had felt so up and down in the last few weeks, I just put it down to stress at work and here. Oh god I feel so relieved, and excited! Ha ha!"



We had a celebratory Chinese take out that evening, I know... we're in Spain... but we both fancied it, my treat, well... SkyTech's technically speaking... I just falsified some records again and wrote it off on their accounts as a loss. While eating and still long after finishing, we talked for hours, which was nice actually, all this time we had shared this villa, looking after Sarah, and it had only just occurred to us the we knew little to nothing about each other.

Raina: "...then, right there in the middle of the ski ranch on top of the Alps, with the most spectacular view of the mountain ranges, he dropped to one knee and proposed... is was just so surreal but perfect."

*"Soo sweeet."* Reikon mocked. Once again, I ignored her.

Me: "That's lovely... so of course you said yes?, got a date in mind?"

Raina: "Of course. And well, originally it was meant to be January last year, but with all the restrictions in place due to covid we had to push it back, but we haven't got a new date yet."

Me: "Shame... Well, when I get my issue sorted out, I had better get an invite now." I replied jokingly, sticking my tongue out at her.

Raina: "Oh definitely!... I mean, you have essentially bought a house for us, I think that definitely warrants an invitation... Yeah, that would be nice..."

*"Better put the invite in my name."*

*Me: "Oh shut up, you'll be long gone by then."*

*"He he he..."* She gave a slow, evil chuckle, *"...Are you sure?"*

Raina: "...and I wouldn't let you hide your natural looks either, and you can bring Wrex too! Wait... Does he eat Human food? I wouldn't want to offend him-"

Me: "Ha ha, yes he eats normal food, don't let the carnivorous teeth fool you. But you'd want him there? And me with my Dragon bits on show?"

Raina: "Definitely! You have no reason to hide yourselves."

Me: "Well, we'll see. I don't think the world is ready to see us yet."

Raina: " 'See you yet'? You've been all over the news??"

Me: "Yeah but mostly not in a good way and we haven't announced ourselves in any official form yet.- Oh helllooo..." I said staring of into space, Raina looking rather confused...

What had distracted me and was now occupying most of my attention was not actually in the room, it was in my head. That search I had set up days ago, the one scouring news for anything to do with Draconians? Had just returned something potentially good. A journalist by the name of Michael Jones at Fox News in New York City, had tried to get an article online. Well, it's there, and the conspiracy theorists fan boy over it, but it never made the headlines. I mentally skimmed through the article that was posted a year ago, the main points talking about unethical research being conducted by SkyTech, it spoke about that this journalist was doing more research into it, but there was no further reports from him on Sky High Technologies. That said, there were other reports by him though. There was one just a few days ago in actual fact, so he was alive, he just seemed to have dropped the SkyTech subject.

*"I don't want you poking your nose where it isn't wanted."*

*Me: "ooo... Someone scared I'm going to find out something they don't want me to?"*

There was no reply from her but I was brought out of my trance as I caught Raina leaning over into my line of sight staring at me, pulling me from my research and my internal conversation.

Me: "Sorry, just found something interesting."

Raina: "Interesting how so?"

In my mind, I knew my priority should be to focus on getting Reikon out, but this was an opportunity to get back on the case to taking SkyTech down, it just seems like a good idea to while I could make some progress.

Me: "Looks like I'm going to New York."

Raina: "Not more 'Destressing' I hope?"

Me: "Hopefully not no, this should just be for research purposes. I'll leave tomorrow around midday, catch this guy while he's at work."

Raina: "You're just going to leave me and the little one here on our own?"

Me: "You'll be fine, I just need to chat with someone, I'll..." I quickly made up a profile on Facebook, twisted the rules and forced it to just accept 'Alex' as my name, no profile picture, no other details at all, "...I've found you on Facebook, sent you a friend request. I'll drop you a message to update you to let you know how I'm getting on, how's that?"

__________*_Michael Jones_*__________

Fox News, NYC, USA, Mon 7th Feb 22 09:01

Placing my cup of Starbucks coffee down on my desk and my jacket on the back of the chair, I sat down with a depressed sigh as I started another mundane weeks work and logged into my computer. My initial intention was to merely glance at the tabs I still had open from last week, the ones regarding photos and videos of sightings of this 'Alex' and these other Dragon like creatures, but I ended up staring at the information for a little longer than I had intended, searching for anything new.

I had just picked up my coffee for another sip, but SHE almost made me drop it by making me jump...

"Michael! Your report on the hotel staff's pension scandal? The one you promised would be with me Friday?! Where is it?!" She shouted at me while being stood a mere couple of feet from me at the end of my desk. 'She' being my supervisor, Janice. I only just managed to sneakily switch tabs to something other than any of those to do with the Dragons.

Michael: "I err... Just got the final draft to proof read then I'll send it right on over."

Janice: "Nine thirty! I want to see that email in my inbox Michael." She strode off through the office to go and bother someone else.

Michael: "God... Not what I want to be dealing with first thing on a Monday morning." I groaned burying my head in my hands, sliding up and ruffling through my short curly hair. I pulled my head up and again, tried to take another sip of my coffee. It was almost to my lips when the was a 'pop' of an email notification on my computer screen in the bottom right corner made me pause, the sender and subject line grabbing my attention immediately. The name only stating 'Alex - [email protected]' with the subject of 'SkyTech'. Deeply intrigued I placed my cup back down and snapped quickly to open up the email, being wary of course, thinking that it was potentially a spam email or some sort of prank, but I had to be sure. The email opened and I quickly read through...


'Mr Jones,

I only recently discovered your article posted online on 18/02/21, titled 'Dungeons, Dragons and Shady Dealings of Sky High Technologies.' I must say, it was an interesting read, there was actually one two bits in there that I didn't even know about, I'm impressed on what you managed to find on the matter. I'd certainly be interested to know what other information you have on said company.

Let me know if you are interested in talking, maybe I can supply you with one or two bits of information in return that you are unaware of.

Kind regards,



I sat back in my chair slightly as I reread the message a couple of times before typing out my reply.


'Hi Alex,

Please, do not take this the wrong way, but this seems too good to be true. I like to check my sources before I commit to anything so how can I be sure you are who I think you are?

Kind regards,



I pressed send and waited, though not long at all as within a minute I had a reply and eagerly opened it.



Other than meeting you in person, there's not a lot I can really say or do right this moment to persuade you otherwise, you will simply have to take my word for it and trust me that this will be of great value to the both of us I'm sure.



I thought about it, only for a moment... if this was THEE Alex, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I hastily replied again,

'Ok, hopefully this won't be a waste of my time, but how soon can we meet? And where?'


I sent the email and waited...

Her reply popped up seconds later...


'Well, I would say now... But have you not got a report to proof read and send by 09:30? ;) '


I was about to reply and ask how she knew that, but it clicked to me that this one of two things... Either this was a prank by one of my colleagues, or this 'Alex' was close by, probably even in this very office. I looked up from my monitor and stared around at all the familiar faces. I had been at Fox for several years now and although I couldn't put names to some of the faces, all were at least familiar as I scanned around the room... Until I met the gaze of a rather pretty girl, short dark blonde hair in the style of a pixie cut, with almost luminous blue glowing eyes staring back at me, a girl I had never seen before. Sure, people come and go here, but she looked confident, as though she was meant to be here, yet I had never seen her before. She raised an eyebrow at me with a confident smile, sat at a desk that I knew to be someone else's and almost simultaneously, another email popped up on my screen from Alex and I glanced at it...

'Yep, there you go. :) '

I caught her moving out of the corner of my eye, getting up from the desk and moving out of the office, the white blouse and black skirt hugging her body tightly, showing off her beautifully slender build, with a modest bust and a gorgeous ass and thighs to match as she made for the exit to this office. I leapt from my seat, grabbing my jacket to follow her out to the hall.

Michael: "You can't be THEE Alex?!" I shouted to her as I almost caught up to her. She ignored me and stepped through the door of the nearby ladies room and I promptly followed, barging my way in through the door, almost clipping a woman I knew and got on reasonably well with who was on her way out of it.

Jenny: "Michael! This is the ladies you doofus!"

Michael: "I know, just pretend I'm not here!" I said pushing past her.

Jenny: "What? Aww hell no, get your ass out of there you perv! or I'll report you to HR!" She resisted and tried to hold me back.

Michael: "Then report me! Get the fuck out!" I managed to spin her around me,

Jenny: "Wha- Hey!" ...Shoving her out of the door and closed it behind her, leaning on the back of it to prevent her or anyone else from opening it again and looked ahead of me. There was this 'Alex' checking and adjusting her hair in the mirror at the sinks.

Michael: "You certainly don't look like Alex."

Alex: "And how do you know what 'Alex' looks like?" She replied turning her head away from her reflection to look at me.

Michael: "I don't know, I kinda imagined a bit more... Dragon-ny? You look like a normal Human. AND I mean that in a nice way! 'cause your very pretty but... err..."

Alex: "Flattery will get you nowhere..." She stated with a smile, "...but you are correct, I'm not a Dragon, I'm not quite Human either." I'm sure I saw her eyes momentarily narrow to slits before returning to a normal Human state, or did I imagine it?

Michael: "Then what are you?"

Alex: "Something in between, a hybrid, an accident, fate's desire... Call me what you will, but I prefer 'Alex' just fine."

Michael: "Can you prove it?"

Alex: "Prove what?"

Michael: "That you are 'Alex', the one that is everywhere in the news at the moment."

She sighed and raised her arm, grasping the air in front of her, her skin on her for arm changed along with the bone structure in her hand slightly, a faint red and purple mist covering the details of the transformation, but when the mist promptly lifted it revealed a scaly clawed hand and forearm. I couldn't help but let my jaw drop in awe. She waved arm in a fanning motion and in the same red and purple mist it quickly returned back to a Human look.

Alex: "Good enough?"

Michael: "Err... yeah... I guess so... You err... You say you have information for me?"

Alex: "Indeed, hopefully we can share some. You made one report on the matter, the one I mentioned in the email, but you never followed it up with anything else, why?"

Michael: "Sky High Technologies filed gag and cease and desist orders, enforced by the courts on myself and Fox news on any further 'Slander', I had no choice."

Alex: "That doesn't surprise me in the slightest... But do you actually have more information on them? Or anything to do with them?"

Michael: "I have a few bits here, but most of my research is at my apartment."

Alex: "Show me."

Michael: "What's in it for me?"

Alex: "What do you want?"

Michael: "Exclusive interview, any dirt you can shed on them."

Alex: "You're willing to go against your gag order?"

Michael: "Hey, if I we play this right and you have some good shit on them as an insider's perspective then my gag order will be the least of their concern."

Alex: "Hmm... Exclusive maybe, but I will draw lines on certain things."

Michael: "Yeess! Deal!..." I cheered at the ceiling, pumping both fists, "...Follow me."

We made my way out of the bathroom, back to my desk and to the filing cabinet at the end of it. I knelt down to the bottom drawer, opened it, pulling all the files on the runners to one end and grabbing an A4 sized box stashed underneath them. I noticed Alex watching me intently, only occasionally looking around and checking her surroundings. I got back up and dropped the box on my desk, pulling the lid off and flipping the box upside down and emptying the contents onto the desk.

Alex: "Are you sure it's ok to do this here?"

Michael: "It's Fox News. No one here look gives a fuck about what anyone else does in here..." I replied while sifting through the mess of my research. "...This is only some of it, but it will give you an idea of what I got. What exactly do ya wanna know?"

(-Bring Me The Horizon)

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