Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

44. Obey


Michael: "...This is only some of it, but it will give you an idea of what I got. What exactly do ya wanna know?"

Me: "Everything, whatever you have."

Michael: "I mean, I can tell you how the company got started-"

Me: " 'Johnson and Eve's', I know that bit."

Michael: "But did you know there was a Dragon that approached them? Offered his own DNA samples for them to study and replicate? They mention it several times in their notes, along with the words 'Extra terrestrial' I don't know why they think that."

Me: "Let me guess... his name was Skylen?"

Michael: "Yeah- wait, you know him?"

Me: "You could say I've had a couple of run-ins with him... Michael, I don't mean to be rude, I already know a fair bit about their history, I need something a little more up to date. Locations, names, any big corporate secrets you can tell me."

Michael: "Oh right..." He dug his way through the pile some, pushing the files on top to one side, some even toppling to the floor which he ignored. "...I have a list here of confirmed sites, unconfirmed sites and suspicious locations."

Me: "What's the difference between unconfirmed sites and suspicious locations?"

Michael: "Unconfirmed sites are places which are highly suspect, but Sky High Technologies flat out deny are theirs. Suspicious locations are where there has been unusual activities by Sky High Technologies but no proof to back it up... like here's a good one you might find interesting..." He pulled a file out and handed it to me, I opened it and had a look through. Inside it were aerial footage screen shots from satellites and drones, photos from ground level at various locations in the vicinity, logs of vehicles coming and going, personnel numbers and descriptions and container descriptions, all regarding a certain supposedly abandoned facility in a desert...

Me: "Barstow..." I muttered.

Michael: "No one claims to own it, yet any offers made on the site to buy it have been refused. Trace it along the shell companies and eventually you get back to Sky High Technologies. Their trucks have been seen going in and out but nothing has ever been found there. Then just two weeks ago..." He turned the pages over in my hands to some recent shots of the site, "... the facility collapsed, like a huge sinkhole, releasing a huge plume of gamma radiation. You know what I think? I think they were trying to hide some under there, then BOOM!, small scale nuke set off underground, no one's going to go digging if the site's irradiated eh?" I tossed the file onto the table, remembering all the people that were down in that hell hole.

Me: "That was me."

Michael: "What?"

Me: "That was me, 'I' caved that place in. They were experimenting and abusing innocent people down there."

Michael: "And you killed them??"

Me: "Because they didn't want to be saved!..." I replied a little too loudly, one or two heads briefly glanced at me, so I toned my voice down, "... I didn't want to, but it's what they wanted... but that's why I'm here, asking you for help. I know there's more places like this one, but I need to know where. Where did you get all of this info anyway?"

Michael: "Err... mixture. Forums, conspiracy theorists, news, friend's of friends tip off kinda things but mostly my own research. Like the other day on the forums there's been talk of bodies found."

Me: "Bodies? of who?"

Michael: "Dragons. Apparently there was a Dragon body found in Folkestone in the United Kingdom… the one you killed apparently..."

My mind wound back to the Executioner that Reikon killed...

'Shit... That means that who ever has that body has access to Vanguard cloaking tech... Brilliant...'

Michael: "...But it was taken away by the authorities apparently, no one knows where. Did you hear about that radiation spike in Iceland in the middle of nowhere? Again apparently there were remains found near the source by locals, but again authorities took them away too."

'Ahh... my apparent rebirth and where Reikon first took control of me... not that I remember anything that happened at that point, but I remember Wrex telling me that Reikon had killed two SkyTech there."

Me: "And no one has any idea where they've been taken?"

Michael: "Nope. No one knows. Hey!, what about this guy, anything to do with you??" He said excitedly, pulling a lone picture out from between the files.

A rather badly pixelated cctv still of a Dragon, armoured, and although I couldn't make out the exact details, the figure appeared to be wearing some kind of black armour, outlined with a banding of gold on certain parts. The figure could be seen jumping from the rooftop of a building, knees somewhat spread, feet almost meeting, hands and arms spread wide. The pose kind of reminded me of a ninja, or maybe even Trinity from the Matrix films, moments before she performs a kick. This figure was lunging down on a suited figure in an alleyway, who looked somewhat startled by his attacker, going by his stance anyway.

Me: "Nope. Nothing to do with me. Where was this taken? And who's the suit?"

Michael: "Guy's a... Hang on, let me get this right, a Shat-eiga-shi-ra... think that's how it's pronounced, 'Shateigashira'... one of the high lieutenants of a Yakuza gang in Tokyo. Name's Kanagi Tango. He was found dead the following morning, throat slit, hanging by a cable from a fire escape."

Me: "And this armoured Draconian... what's his motive?" Michael shrugged his shoulders before replying,

Michael: "No idea. Other than maybe half a dozen people at most who have only ever gotten a glimpse of him have lived to tell the tale, calling him 'Naitosutōkā' ... The 'Night Stalker'..." He replied adding a dramatic effect to his voice, I just raised an unamused eyebrow at him, trying not to grin from his foolishness, "...Yeah... right... anyway, this brief cctv footage is the only time this guy has ever been caught on camera. But it seems Yakuza, mafia and gangs around the world, but mostly in Japan, are his main target, aaannd, they're afraid of him. Like, literally pissing themselves about it."

I contemplated whether this would be an issue, but seeing as this guy was only really attacking gangs or Mafia I decided that it probably will have little to no affect on me and my activities, for the time being anyway.

Me: "Ok... Can you keep looking? See what else you can find that out for me. But mainly I want more of these facilities, like Barstow... this can't be all of them surely."

Michael: "But, I have the cease and desist and gag orders, I have to go careful on how much I go poking my nose about. Until I get an interview with you out to the public-"

Me: "Michael please, if I don't find them all, especially the more secret ones, then the world is doomed, you'll either end up dead, as good as, or..." I pushed the Barstow file across the desk closer towards him, "...or wishing that you were..." I looked back down to the Grave Digger file, then to the one beside it that I just uncovered by sliding Grave Digger off the top of it... labeled 'Stadharholskirkja, Iceland?' "...What's this?" I grabbed the file and opened it, blurry aerial shots only of a cliff top and very little information on it other than a zoomed out map pin pointing a location on the North East corner of the island.

Michael: "Oh, that one the conspiracy theorists absolutely love, apparently it was a site where Vikings were once settled, but apparently in the late 800s A.D. the village was attacked by Dragons and an opposing Viking clan simultaneously. No one really knows if they just abandoned it or were wiped out. Trouble is that's just a story told by the locals, but the tin foil hat nut jobs reckon that Sky High Technologies have been seen on a number of occasions the surrounding areas, with vehicles, boats and aircraft of theirs just disappearing. But there's never any hard evidence so I doubt that one's legit."

Me: "It seems... familiar..." I said touching the photograph, I momentarily hear the sounds of people screaming in fear faintly, women, children... a little boy, ruining between burning wooden buildings in the night crossed my vision, my little brother... Magnus!

'Wait... I don't have a brother... I'm an only child...' Magnus was being chased by an invader! but the memory changed... the burning houses disappeared, nothing replaced them but rotten foundations and it was day time now. As I turned on the spot, there was Skylen, reaching for his cannon on his back and directing it at a freshly opened Jump. And from the Jump, out stepped those Executioners, Difaren and Craven... 

'This was a recent memory!...' But before I could watch anymore the scene was quickly washed from my mind, replaced by a sea of static and a ear piercing and crippling screech through my skull. I screamed im pain holding my head as I fell to my knees.

*"THOSE ARE NOT YOUR MEMORIES TO WATCH!"* She sneered at me. Then as quickly as the screech noise came it disappeared along with the pain.

Michael: "As much as I am worried for you, you are making a scene..." He said through partially gritted teeth crouching down next to me. I looked around, sure enough, most of this office had fallen silent, stopped and staring at me...

Me: "Err... he he... I'm fine, just... Michael giving here me a headache as normal." I blagged as I got back to my feet.

"Tch, Yeah, we know that one girlfriend." A woman replied a few desks down and she, and most of the onlookers went back about their business.

Michael: "Are you ok? What the hell was that all about?" He asked discreetly.

*"I warned you Alex... I warned you not to come here. I warned you not to go poking your nose into things that don't concern you. Now you're going to pay the price."*

*Me: "What are you drivelling on about now?"* ... But she never answered, in fact disturbingly, there was nothing. No talking, no feeling of her presence, not even the inane inaudible whispering, I actually found it quite disconcerting.

Me: "It's a long story... Is there anything-" I froze, staring into space, feeling as though something wasn't right... and not in regards to Reikon either, something else... The feeling of authority was on it's way.

Michael: "Hey, come on, you alright? Still with me?"

Me: "Did you tell anyone I was here?" I asked him sternly.

Michael: "What? Err, no? I never got a chance."

Me: "You've told no one who I was?"

Michael: "I- no! I wasn't even sure if you were who I thought you were until I spoke to you. What's this about?"

Me: "We got company on their way up."

Michael: "Company? Who?"

Me: "FBI."

Michael: "FBI?! You serious? How do you know??"

Me: "I see and hear a lot of things... You need to act casual. Do not mention me, this meeting never happened and hide all this. I know where you live now so I will meet you there after work ok." He frantically nodded as he scampered around, picking up all his research. I turned around in Michael's shared office, aiming for the lifts or stairs so that I could make my way to the roof top to  escape. But as I made my way between the desks and close to the doorway, in stepped two FBI agents headed straight toward me. In a moment of panic I diverted myself down the far end of the office.

'Why the fuck did I do that?! I'm disguised as an office worker! I could have walked straight past them and they wouldn't have had a clue!' I carried on walking through the office, back past Michael at his desk, he briefly glanced at me as he tried to make himself look busy. Thankfully there was another door way in and out of this office down the far end of the room, the one I came in initially, so I made a brisk walk for it. The room almost fell silent again and I glanced back to see that this was due to the FBI agents making their presence known.

"Mr Jones? Micheal Jones?..."

I halted and turned to see them stood over Micheal, "... would you care to accompany us? We'd like to ask you a few questions."

'They're not here for me?' I questioned myself. Michael initially didn't move, but appeared to quiver slightly.

Me: "Oh hell..." I said quietly, I didn't know why they needed Micheal, but I know I needed to finish talking to him first at least... I mentally sent Micheal's computer an email, just a short one,

'On my signal, run.' I saw Michael briefly look at the message as he slowly stood.

Me: "Hey boys!..." The Agents turned to look at me, one looked quite young, maybe late 20s, short black hair, the other, a more elderly gentleman, maybe mid 40s, black but greying even shorter hair " might be more interested in me." I immediately started dropping my facade, revealing my Draconian extremities through my office worker get-up and quickly the office erupted into shouting, screams and panic as I slightly extended my wings and slinked my tail behind me.

Both agents grabbed their guns and aimed them at me.

"Get down on the ground now! Hands behind your head!"

I watched Michael jump up and scoot off behind them as I quickly armoured up in response to their threat... But not quite quick enough... I just about pulled my already fully armoured wing around in front of my not quite fully armoured body, just in time as the younger agent fired two shots, both rounds ricocheting off my wing. I pulled my wing back slightly, peeking past it, seeing the older agent, glance at his colleague disapprovingly before looking back at me, still gun raised. I gave them both a smile and a wink as my helmet finished covering my face and I suddenly ran for the door.

"Stop right there!" I heard one of the men shout as I ran into the hall and towards the staircase, waiting for them to catch up. As soon as they had sight of me I leapt up a flight if stairs in one bound, then another, then another... And again waited deliberately again for them to catch up, just for them to see where I was heading. They followed me as I lead them into the hall on this floor, sprinting ahead of them and I came to a stop in front of the elevator doors. I dug my claws in and with minimal effort, prised the doors open, turned and stood in the gap as then men ran up in front of me, completely out of breath.

"Ma'am... *Pant pant* ... Step away from the elevator and *Pant* place your hands on your head!" The older of the two agents ordered me.

My only response was giving them the double bird and I allowed myself to fall backwards into the elevator shaft. I just saw them run towards me as they went out of view and I fell into the dark abyss. I rotated myself in the air as I fell and fired my jets and shot straight up the shaft to head for the roof, blowing past the agents who were poking their heads in the doorway, narrowly missing them as they jumped back away from me. 'Hopefully with this little distraction Micheal would have had enough time to escape.' I reached the top of the elevator shaft, found a maintenance way and an emergency exit to the roof. I slowed, hovered and then landed on a catwalk.

A moment of dizziness hit me as soon as I landed, almost like I was about to black out, but not quite... Just as I got to the door, she was back... her annoying voice ringing through my head again, sounding clearer and rather sinister than ever...

*"Hmmm... I like this track... very suiting..."*

My grip on reality returned as the door was opened by someone else from outside and revealed an armoured dragon, which judging by his reaction, wasn't expecting to see me there. The armour kinda looked Jarvie Tech... But it wasn't, it looked no where as elegant or advanced as the ones Sarah and myself created, it had a more bare bones basic look to it and wasn't painted, literally just bare metal. I had no time, he recomposed himself and barged into me, tackling me to the maintenance cat walk. I managed to kick him off me, into the guard rail, which snapped and he barely grabbed a hold of the edge of the cat walk. I stood up as he tried to pull himself up off edge.

Me: "Who are you? Who are you with?!" I never heard an answer from him, all I heard was Reikon, singing...

*" 'Obey!, We hope you have a lovely day!,'..."* She sang to me as I it felt like something was pulling me from reality once more. Her voice was alluring, in an almost enticing voice which immediately switched to her usual evil and unforgiving tone, *"...Your time is up!"* Her voice boomed and echoed, I recognised those lyrics though, I was sure of it, but I wasn't going to let it draw me in.

I was smashed back into reality as ANOTHER armoured Dragon rammed into my side, this one being female by the looks of the hornless helmet. Her claws scratching off of my armour and we collided with the opposite guard rail, breaking this one as well and we both fell down the elevator shaft, bouncing between the walls as we fell. We punched, kicked and swiped at each other before finally smashing into the top of the raising lift, heavily damaging the top of it. The lift creaked in complaint and I could hear people scream inside as I rolled over on to my front with a groan.

The female Dragon remained motionless though, so I started pulling myself up, just to hear the odd hum and screech of the cables vibrating next to me that were attached to the lift, so I looked up. Sliding down the cable toward me was the initial armoured male. He leapt off the cables at me, kicking me into the lift wall. I charged and fired a shot, it caught him square in the left shoulder, blowing the armour off of it and revealing some now burnt scales underneath.

'So their armour is not as robust as ours... good...'

He hissed in pain but continued his advance, aiming for a punch to my head, but I quickly evaded the throw, leaving him to punch the metal wall with a loud *dong* and leaving a small crater.

'...Still enhances the strength well enough though.'

I punched him in the gut, just right before the female tackled me, smashing both of us through the metal lift doors, leading to one of the many floors of the building in a roll. I kicked her off me down and stopped my roll, ending in a braced squat position. The female got to all fours and stood in front of many scared onlookers who were hastily retreating, ignorant of their existence as her helmeted head was fixated on me, her tail slinking viciously behind her. There was a clonk from behind. In my minds eye I looked behind me. The male had also just emerged from the lift doors and was squaring up behind me. The pair charged simultaneously, but with the male being closer he was my first concern. I jumped at the last moment, performing a back flip over him as his clawed hands grabbed nothing but air. The female launched herself into a spin over her stumbling comrade, tail blades flared and I landed on the floor in time to grab her, just below the tip of her tail and use her momentum against her to fling her her into and through the corridor wall.

The male recovered, went for me again, but my speed was my advantage... I side stepped as he swiped his claws at me and grabbed him by the horns throwing him too at the opposite wall in the hall. He crashed to the floor of a bathroom and I stepped in to follow.

Me: "Give up?...." The only response I got was a short and extremely angered growl as he got back up and squared up to me again, "...take that as a no then." He spun towards me, tail blades flared, the blades screeched off of my gauntlet as I instinctively brought it up to defend myself. I should have seen her coming but I was too occupied with the male... The female grabbed me from behind, picked me up and flung me down into the line of sinks. The porcelain sinks and worktop disintegrated under my weight and force, rupturing pipes and causing showers of water to be sprayed over the bathroom.

*" 'Obey, You don't want us to come out and play..."* Reikon sang to me again, her words causing my vision to darken and me to partially lose my balance.

'I knew that song! I loved it! But noo, she's going to ruin it for me, I won't have it!', I fought back to control myself, shaking my head as I was about to get back to my feet, but I was roughly grabbed by an ankle and my tail and ripped backwards and through the air. I was whipped from side to side, into a toilet cubicle, then into a dividing wall then into another cubicle before being released and thrown at one of toilets, the bowl and cistern smashing under me. The female went to try and use her blades on me again, so I briefly fired the jets on my arms to get me back up faster. I kicked her away, before she even got a follow through on her spin. After kicking her, and in the same fluid motion, I spun and I managed to grab the male, spinning him around, launching him at a stone wall, smashing his helmet.

I could see I had done done some damage to his helmet, the front of it looking very buckled now with gaps showing bits of his scaly snout below. So I grabbed him by shoulder and by a back leg and ran him down the line of cubicles, smashing him through each one head first before finally throwing him down the end of the bathroom.

Me: "TELL ME WHO YOU'RE WORKING FOR!" I demanded as he rolled slowly on the floor.

The female managed to sneak up behind me and tried stabbing me in the back, but her tail blades merely screeched off my armour. I spun and looked at her... Suddenly I completely left reality, arriving in complete darkness... And fading into existence from the darkness in front of me, towered a great big version of Reikon, in her Draconian form, as tall as a sky scraper!

*"...'Away, now now, There's nothing to see here, It's under control'..."* Reikon sung again in the same alluring voice and which immediately switched to her usual evil and unforgiving tone, "...Your time is up!" Her voice boomed and echoed.

Me: "NOO!" I screamed at her as her humongous hand pelted down towards me. I ducked and covered myself with my arms and fought back the darkness, fought back for control and it worked, I stumbled back into reality. However, she clearly had control of me that whole time, for a good few seconds at least... The female Dragon was blown to pieces. Blood, body parts and armour pieces were spewed for a dozen feet away from me down the long bathroom floor, the blood being washed away by the many showers of broken pipework. My jaw dropped at the scene, 

'I didn't want them dead!, I had no idea who they were!'

I turned around, my arm was raised on it's own at the male Dragon who was getting to his feet. He reached up and ripped his destroyed helmet off, revealing a bloody snouted and snarling face of someone I knew...

Me: " '42?!" I promptly dropped my arm,

'There was me thinking they were more Vanguard in this armour, they're just SkyTech!'

He lunged for me, so I spun out of his way and tripped him, making him crash to the floor...

'What am I doing?! If they're SkyTech then...'

I jumped onto his back, just as he was about to get up, I held on tightly and pinned him down as he tried to resist me, trying to force himself up and to shake me off. I very quickly called up the design on the Jarvie Industries chip in my mind, analysed it's workings and precise functions and procedures... I placed my palm on the back of his head and top of his neck, sending a counter signal to his control chip, basically just instructing it to 'switch off' and disable the remote access and reboot functions. Within seconds he screeched in pain and his thrashing stopped, his head splashing into the water and he remained still.

'Did it work? Or did I just kill him?' I had done this before, apparently so anyway, with Jinx. But what I did at the time was subconscious, I don't remember doing it. So I wasn't a hundred percent sure if what I just did to 42 was exactly what I did to Jinx. I stepped up off of him and analysed him... Heart beat present, life signs appeared normal. Brainwave patterns were low in the hippocampus, amygdala and neocortex, parts of the brain I know were linked to explicit and long term memories, but activity in those regions were quickly returning to a 'normal' level... Normal by Human standards anyway, so it should have worked...?

*"...'We're only gambling with your soul!'..."* I felt much weaker again, to the point that I staggered and collapsed to my knees with a gasp and toppling to my hip, only just catching myself in time with my hand, propping myself up, my vision going dark and blurry once more... This wasn't good... This many episodes of Reikon pushing for control in a short space of time... I know she's taken full control before, but up until now it's felt like we've both been taking turns as to who is driving the car on a road trip, just swapping seats when needed... Now it feels like she's kicking me out of the door and I'm clinging on for dear life while being dragged along the road.

D42 sat bolt upright, gasping, then panting heavily and looking around him. He eyed up the splattered remains of his previous partner then turned his head to look at me, shear panic filling his face and he tried scurrying away, I leapt at him and with what little strength I had left I tried to hold on to his arm to stop him running away.

Me: "42, James, James! Wait it's me Alex!..." I replied opening my face plates, " remember from the prison? Or the 're-training facility'? What ever you want to call it!" He still tried backing away so I grabbed him by one of his horns, and pulled him back, "...James, please!, I know I look different, but it's me, remember? Alex? D24? You remember Jinx?, Sam?" He looked over to the mess of the other Dragon again.

D42: "You're not Alex! You just killed her in cold blood! Alex wouldn't do that! Why should I trust you?!" He stated while trying to pull himself from my grip.

Me: "You're right, you can't trust me, because that wasn't me, something is trying to fight for control over me and it's winning. I thought I could keep fighting her off but I can't, she's suddenly become much stronger. Listen, I have friends, including Jinx!, they can help you. But I need to get away from here alright?"

D42: "Erm... Ok... What do I do?"

Reikon: "Follow me or die!" She spoke through my mouth, my vision going tunnelled and blurry as she spoke. I immediately screwed my face up in agony, trying to fight my way back.

Me: "AAARGGGHH... NOO!!..." I released and pushed myself away from him, "...I'm sorry! You just need get out of here... Maryland! You need to get to Welcome in Maryland! I leant back forward, quickly placing an index finger on his forehead... Not as easy as a Human because a Dragon's was more subtle and sloped back... I sent him the location of Sarah's safe house, images of the area and the house itself then removed my finger.

D42: "Argh... What was that?!"

Me: "That's where you need to go, it's only a few hours flight from here! You need to get there, I have a friend named Wrex there, Jinx is there too. Pass a message to Wrex for me, tell him to call 'Sora' back and get them all to that house in Barcelona. He'll know what you mean. Come on, we gotta get you outta here."

D42: "Where are we going?"

Me: "To the roof!"

I pulled him up from the floor and made our way through the new water fountain features and towards the bathroom exit.

D42: "No no no! We can't go to the roof!"

Me: "Why not?"

D42: "We weren't alone! Some big Dragon dude brought us here!"

Me: "Who?"

D42: "You remember Skylen?, from the prison?" I screeched to a halt as we left the bathroom and stared intently at James.

Me: "Skylen is here?!"

Skylen: "Indeed I am." His deep voice grumbled from down the hall. He had just made way out from the smashed lift doors. I stumbled backwards as a piercing pain shot through my head yet again, crumpling me to the floor.

*"... 'Whatever you do, just don't wake up and smell the curruption!' .......... You're all mine now, Alex!"*

Reikon: "Skylen, my love! Kill him, Alex set him free! He's off to warn Wrex!" She forced me to speak and hold a pointing finger at James. James's face turned to a look of horror and betrayal, and simultaneously, Skylen pulled his cannon from over his shoulder and targeted James.

Me: "JAMES! RUUNN!" That was all I could do, my body otherwise resisted any command I sent it, any attempt to try and protect him was halted, I just laid there half collapsed on the floor. James hesitated for a split second, before clearly deciding that running was indeed the best option, he ran down the hall, opposite way to Skylen, who started firing short charged shots, *Pow**Pow**Pow**Pow* one shot after the other, while walking. The rounds sizzled over me, narrowly missing James as he darted down the corridor. The missed rounds inpacted the glass at the end of the building, shattering it and blowing perfectly circular melted holes through it. James ran on, darting this way and that, trying to make a turn into a room at the end of the hall. He almost made it, but unluckily, a round caught him in the side, knocking him off his feet and blowing a section of armour he was wearing off of his flank. He crashed to the floor in front of the window with a growl of pain.

Me: "JAMES!" I tried getting to my feet but I just stumbled again as my body resisted me. But Skylen didn't let up, he continued to fire... *Pow**Pow**Pow*... A round caught James in the thigh as he staggered to his feet, another hit him in the gut, another in the opposite shoulder to which I hit him earlier, each shot knocking him back, melting and blowing bits of armour off, revealing recently burnt and charred flesh underneath. One final shot hit in the neck, causing him to somersault backwards and smash through the remains of the glass, tumbling out and he fell out of view.

Me: "NOOO!..." I turned to, Skylen as I knelt on the floor, " fucking bastard." I growled at him through gritted teeth. Skylen huffed in amusement before crouching down to me, grabbing ahold of my chin.

Skylen: "Now... Where is my lover?"

I cringed as pain overtook my whole body, and I felt myself go light headed...

Reikon: "Night night Alex!" then I was plunged into darkness, falling, tumbling end over end... I landed hard on a solid floor, my bare skin taking the brunt of the hit and forcing a short scream of pain from me. I groaned and slowly and painfully pulled myself up and looked at what seemed like cold white marble floor.

'Where was my armour?, why am I naked??' I tried to recall my armour, but none appeared...

'Ok, just some clothes at least?' I tried to imagine any sort of clothing to come into existence to cover me, it felt cold here, cold enough to see my own breath, but no clothes appeared either. I tried to look over my shoulder, reaching around to try and feel for the Shard, or at least any of the 'spider leg' frame work that usually reached over my back only to find nothing. I was a Hybrid, and nothing more.

Me: "Ok ok ok... Okaayy... How to get out of here... Where ever 'here' is?..." I looked around this place I was in. The white marble like floor stretched off in every direction as far as I can see, only meeting a completely black sky way off in the horizon. "...Hello? HELLO?!..." I shouted to the void that surrounded me, only being met by an echo of myself. "...Can anyone help me? Please! Get me out of here!..." I started running off in one direction before resorting to spreading my wings and taking flight for some added speed... I flew for a fair few minutes, half hour even, maybe, but none of my scenery changed. I landed in a run and slowed to a halt, still looking around at my unchanged scenery, it didn't even look like I had moved an inch from where I landed, "...please." I started tearing up, knowing that my pleas were reaching no one, I couldn't control my fear or my anxiety,

'Was I doomed?' I dropped to the floor and started sobbing.


Welcome, MD, Monday 7th Feb 22 17:19

Jinx: "Hey Wrex? Whatcha cooking tonight? Smell's good." As I entered the kitchen with Wrex hovering in front of a pot on the stove, stirring it's contents.

Wrex: "Ragu."

Jinx: "Bless you." I said trying to be funny, but it clearly went straight over his head,

Wrex: "Er... What?"

Jinx: "You said 'ragu'... never heard of it and it sounded a bit weird... Oh nevermind, was tryna be funny... but what the hell is a 'ragu'?"

Wrex: "It's Spaghetti Bolognese you uncultured swine." I could tell by his face as he gave me and angled glance that he was just playfully mocking me.

Jinx: "Why not just call it that?"

Wrex: "Because... Did you know, that if you go to Italy and ask for a 'spaghetti bolognese' from a restaurant, you won't get the dish you're thinking of? You need to ask for a 'Ragu' to get the typical mince and pasta dish."

Jinx: "How do you know?"

Wrex: "With a thousand years behind me I've done my fair share of travelling the world." I silverish glint caught my eye out of the kitchen window, barely noticeable in the fading dusk light. Suddenly it dropped and a large splosh was heard seconds later causing Wrex to snap his head in the same direction as the sound.

Wrex: "What was that?"

Jinx: "Something just crashed into the lake." Wrex dropped his stirring spoon and headed out the back door, with me quickly following him down to waters edge. A figure, a Dragon haphazardly sploshed and clawed his way to the shore. It was only once we got close enough that I could just about see who the Draconian figure, who it actually was, badly injured and in heavily damaged silvery bare metal armour... My hands shot up to my mouth as I gasped, momentarily pausing my approach. But I quickly resumed and tried to run to his aid past Wrex who put an arm out to hold me back.

Wrex: "Hey hey hey! Easy! We don't-"

Jinx: "But I know him Wrex!..." I replied forcing his arm out of the way and rushed down to '42's side just as he collapsed, sprawled out, just as he made it halfway out of the water, "...oh my god! Is alive?!" I demanded, trying not to get myself too worked up. Wrex rushed to get in front of him, placing his ear near his snout.

Wrex: "He's breathing..." He pulled his head back and placed his index and middle fingers under the edge of his neck  armour and paused for as few seconds... "...and he's got a pulse. He's alive, just unconscious..."

Jinx: "Is he going to be ok??" I asked, trying to hold myself together.

Wrex: "Hard to say... but I think so... hey!, give me a hand to get him inside alright?"

He asked looking up at me to pull me from my stare.

(-Bring Me The Horizon)

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