Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

50. Go To The Light

Science labs, Royal Palace

I was patiently lying on this bed, a semi circular holographic thing, buzzed up and down over me over and over. It kind of reminded me of an MRI machine, especially after the doctor's description of what the machine did, just without the great big claustrophobic coils entrapping you inside the thing. The hologram stopped as it reached above my head and vanished.

Doctor: "All done, you can relax and move now." He instructed me, without even pulling his head from the screen. I gratefully sat up on the edge of the bed and racalled my armour back into place up to my collar again. This was the second attempt to scan me, the doctor said the first time that the scannner couldn't penetrate my armour. The Doctor here, who goes by the name of Dr. Gilsten, was apparently the best doctor to see, considering my situation.

Sora: "Where does all that amour go when you do that?"

Me: "I don't know, just into me I guess."

Sora: "Yeah, bit all that mass, just seems duplicate as it comes out of you, it just doesn't make any sense."

Me: "I thought the Shard didn't have to." She raised her eyebrows and closed her eyes in bemusement, apparently still not clear on it, shook her head clear and turned to the Doctor.

Sora: "So... Anything sticking out to you, Doctor?"

Dr.: "You mean besides the Shard or the fact that she's half Human-half Dragon?, no, nothing at all..." I caught her pulling an unamused glare at him and the smirk on his face promptly vanished, "...Ehem... Well, we'll start with the most obvious. The Shard. There is some sort of metal housing implanted in her back, hard wired  to her nervous system. The Shard, why and how ever it was placed into said housing, it merged into it. The connections to the nervous system now directly link with the Shard, which would explain why your connection is so strong and you are so easily able to access and control it's powers."

Sora: "Soo... It can't be removed?"

Dr.: "Not without killing her, no."

Me: "Told you so."

Sora: "Yeah alright... Was just checking. What else then doctor?"

Dr.: "You know, I am a doctor of all sciences, but my specialty is, or rather, WAS the Heart, and of course the Shard. Biology is not something I actively participate in."

Sora: "I am well aware of that doctor, which is precisely why I have asked you to be involved. We need to know if the Shard is going to cause Alex any issues, please." I could sense a hint of irateness in her voice.

Dr.: " *Sigh* well, everything else looks healthy, best I've seen actually. I will note that while you look mostly Human on the outside, besides the obvious extremities, your skeletal structure is denser to that of a Human's and has the same carbon fibre style interlacing as a Draconian, meaning they are very difficult to break. Your organs are more Draconian in size and layout as well, your heart is slightly larger and in line with Draconian position, ie. Being more central. Lungs are the same as a Human near enough. Your digestive tract are definitely more Draconian in terms of layout. Whether any of these enlarged organs in a confined space will give you any health problems later on in life, I can't say, but your body as a whole seems to otherwise perfectly balanced so I shouldn't have thought so. Your muscle density is also larger, you should be as strong as an average female Draconian. Your wings and tail are smaller and more suiting to the size of you, rather than simply having full sized Draconian just slapped on. Your tail is also oddly placed too, Draconians are unibody between tail and body, there's no clear desertion between where tail ends and body starts. Your tail however follows the curvature of the spine and seems simply attached to your lower half allowing normal Human positioning of your anus and vag-"

Me: "Whoa, doc, please... let's not start getting into that much detail please."

Dr.: "I am a Draconian of science, such use of wording brings no embarrassment to me and neither should it to you. Nothing discussed in here will leave this room... however, if it discomforts you, then I shall move on. Your reproductive organs are also larger scale and Draconian layout, carrying 3, healthy looking eggs-"

Sora: "YOU WHAT?!"

Me: "Ohhh so that's how come I could take him ok..." I said to myself unintentionally out loud, suddenly making sense as to how I could take all of Wrex without injury.

Sora: "You're pregnant?!"

Me: "Yeah, I found out when I was in the Heart domain... And sort of... well... Forgot."

Sora: "How could you forget something like that?!"

Me: "I have been kinda distracted! I have murdered your aunt, the search and rescue, freed the ex-SkyTech here, then called straight to you this morning." That of course was a partial fib... I wasn't going to tell her that I spent the early hours of the morning til sunrise thinking about the murder her mother... Sora remained quiet for a few moments, staring at me, mouth agape which slowly closed then turned her attention back to the quiet doctor.

Sora: "How far along is she?"

Dr.: "From the scan, I would say about four weeks."

Me: "Is this a problem?"

Sora: "Well had you told me this earlier I wouldn't have said about putting you to work."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Sora: "Alex, you're pregnant!"

Me: "So?"

Sora: "You...! *Sigh*... Doctor Gilsten, could you give us five minutes?, please?"

Dr.: "Of course, your majesty." She waited until he left the room and took a deep breath before continuing.

Sora: "Alex... If you're pregnant, I cannot ask you to go out and fight and jeopardise their safety."

Me: "It's fine, I'll put them on hold."

Sora: " 'On hol-'?! Noo! I- Alex... I know you're quite new to the whole female thing... But you can't simply put a baby, or, babies, 'on hold'!"'

Me: "I can..." She stared at me, open mouthed again, you could see she was working it out, what I knew I could do if I wanted to. By using the Shard I could halt their progress... "...look... the doctor just said I have a Draconian..." I gestured down at my lower belly, "... ahem... 'Set-up', and I'm carrying eggs, yeah?... So if you don't mind me asking, how long are Dragons pregnant for?"

Sora: "Err... Six to seven weeks?"

Me: "Is that all?!"

Sora: "Well yeah, to develop to the point of laying them, yeah. Then about another six weeks for them to hatch. I presume they are Wrex's?"

Me: "Well yeah, timings make sense. At least... I hope so."

Sora: "You 'hope so'?! Who else have you slept with?!"

Me: "No one as far as I am aware you cheeky fucker! I had someone else in my head! Sure I have access to most of her memories, but there are patches missing from when we shared my body... I don't know what she did with it... I don't want  to even think about it to be completely honest with you..." I trailed off upset.   Sure the thought had gone through my mind at one point or another, but now saying out aloud seem to aggravate the feeling and I could feel my eyes welling up as I looked at the floor. I heard Sora make a large exhale before moving up to me and putting her arms around me.

Sora: "I'm sorry... This is... The last couple of days has been a lot to take in for me, I'm taking it out on you and I shouldn't be, I'm sorry."

Me: "It's fine... I'm just so sorry about your mother."

Sora: "I said don't... It wasn't you. I don't want you to keep thinking that it was, alright? Look, this is meant to be a happy time for you and I'm ruining it..." We broke our embrace, "...Does Wrex know?..." I slowly shook my head, "...why not?"

Me: "I just... I've just not had the opportunity yet or it's not been the right moment."

Sora: "Well, be sure to soon. If you follow typical Draconian pregnancy rather than a Human's, these last couple of weeks will go past very quickly. You wouldn't want to shock him with that news too late."

Me: "Yeah, you're probably right."

Sora: "Are you going to want to keep fighting after this? Knowing that you have kids at home?"

Me: "I probably shouldn't?... Right?..."

Sora: "It's your choice Alex."

I thought about it for a few seconds, but that was all I needed,

Me: "But then... What kind of parent would I be if I told them I didn't save both of our worlds just to make sure I was home for them every night?"

Sora: "Maybe, but you might think differently once they arrive."

Me: "Yeah maybe, but there's still a job to do... And I want to see it finished."

Sora: "Well I'll be a hypocrite if I wouldn't allow it... my only request then is that you never do it alone."

Me: "Why not?? You know I can."

Sora: "Please... For the kids, if not for me?"

Me: "Ok, fine... I'll talk to Wrex about it." I  begrudgingly replied.

Sora: "Good, so will I..." I shot a look of worry at her, "...don't worry, I won't mention anything about the little ones... I will leave that to you. It's regarding other matters and plans I've been thinking about... Go on, get going, I'll finish talking to the doctor..." I slid of the bed and made for the door, "...And Alex?..." I turned back to her as I reached the door, "...please don't do anything, at least until they're born?"

Me: "You're joking?! Do nothing for a couple of weeks?!"

Sora: "You sent Skylen running with his tail between his legs and he will be pissed after what you did to Reikon. Let him calm down, he doesn't have the Shard now, his powers will be limited and dwindling and SkyTech will pretty much grind to halt. Please Alex, think about your children."

Me: "Grr... Fine... But just so you know, I cut off his connection to the Shard as well." And I left the room.


I strode with purpose through the halls of the Palace, my armoured feet causing a magnified echo of a metallic clatter with each step. I kept my face plates open the whole time I roamed through the Palace  now, I know some of the old timers recognised me but I was still an outsider and technically had no place here. I arrived at the conference room, stopping outside the doors in front of the two Honour Guards stood outside.

Wrex: "I was requested here for a meeting with the Queen."

Guard 1: "Her Majesty has yet to arrive and prepare, Wrex. We require you to wait outside." She stated to me.

Sora: "That won't be necessary..." Her voice echoed down the hall as she emerged from a junction, two more Honour Guards in tow. "...allow him in." She finished as she got closer. One of Guards stationed at the door turned and opened the double doors, allowing me access and I walked in, Sora following shortly after.

Sora: "Wait outside please..." She turned to the Guards that were about to follow her through the doorway and closed the doors between them. "...cor... This is insane... The attention I get now that I'm Queen... It's just too much really." She finished with a chuckle that seemed too awkward and put on.

Wrex: "You summoned me." Trying to get her to stop beating around the bush. She paused half way down one side of the conference table, resting on one of the chair backs.

Sora: "I did..." She said deep in thought before continuing down to the far end of the table and taking the seat at the far end, "...why don't you take a seat?" She gestured widely at the whole table of empty chairs.

Wrex: "I'd rather stand thank you, I don't plan on staying in here long."

Sora sighed and sat back in her seat, resting her elbow on the arm rest then her head into her hand.

Sora: "Why do you hate me Wrex? What have I done?"

Wrex: "It's not so much you, but your blood line and position it holds in this world."

Sora: "What do you mean exactly?"

Wrex: "I'm not sure you want me to go into detail. The last time I did something similar I ended up in a heap of trouble... And a broken leg."

Sora: "Wrex... Let's stop fucking about... You're not Vanguard, you're not here under order, I didn't demand you here... I simply asked you to come and you agreed. YOU are here because YOU wanted to be here, it was your choice. So... WHY are you here?"

Wrex: "You know why."

Sora: "I do indeed, which is PRECISELY why I asked you here."

Wrex: "So what does this have to do with her?"

Sora: "Let me start from the top... I would like you to rejoin the Vanguard-..." I turned for the door, "...wait! Where are you going?" She called over louder, shooting up from her seat and leaning forwards on the table.

Wrex: "What a stupid thing to ask me, seriously!..." I grabbed the door handle.

Sora: "Even though it's a job to do with her?!"

I paused, hand on handle and turned my head back to face Sora,

Wrex: "What are you planning?"

Sora: "Nothing drastic and nothing you wouldn't be doing already or uncomfortable with doing... Just hear me out... Please?"

I released the handle, turned back and took a couple of steps closer to the end of the table.

Wrex: "Keep it brief."

Sora: "Thank you... Wrex, the actions you have been taking against the SkyTech have been noble, worthy of clearing your name, but you and Alex are alone. The whole time you are not with us then I cannot vouch for you, I can't properly help you... So here's my pitch. Rejoin the Vanguard, you will gain all the benefits and none of the negatives that you may think that come with it, you have my word on that. I have already spoken to Alex, she has some news for you for later, some good news, but I will leave that to her... But soon she wants to finish Sky High Technologies and has agreed with me to not do it alone. You are already helping her I know... But there's an old Strike team that hasn't been the same since you left it and has since been disbanded. No one wants to take on the name, believing it to be cursed."

I shook my head,

Wrex: "I can't lead people... not again."

Sora: "What do you mean?" She asked genuinely inquisitive."

Wrex: "I failed too many times, I lost Reikon the first time, so I lost Skylen as a result. I let that get to me and I lost everyone and anyone I loved as a result. Then I lost him again and again, each time I got close, those around me... allies... friends... Died... Only for me to lose him again. Then yesterday in that fight... I wasn't fair on Sarah, Jinx and 42. I was ready to sacrifice them in a fight when their skillset and experience is at novice level and it didn't even occur to me, I didn't even care because I had just lost the only other person I ever truly loved and cared for beside Alex. But looking back, it was out of order of me to expect so much of them and now I feel guilty... I've been alone for so much of my life now and only having to care for myself that I have forgotten what it is to be a good team leader... I'm sorry but I can't take up your offer."

Sora: "Hmm... Counter offer then... The highest rank that doesn't require you to lead as such is Captain. So how about this... rejoin Strike Team Fury but as second in command and train up 42, Jinx and Sarah. You will regain access to our facilities, I'll allow you the top security clearance that you had with your Admiral rank, access to tools and equipment, including a ship should you so request it and homes here for all members of the team if they accept."

Wrex: "What if they don't accept? What if they'd rather retire now that we got Alex back?, that was the only reason they wanted to help before."

Sora: "Well that's down to them... But I'm willing to wager that they will."

Wrex: "Wait... You said second in command, who will lead?"

Sora: "Alex will-..." I was about to interject, but Sora quickly continued on, "...Alex has the Shard, she is stronger and faster then you, you said so yourself. More than likely she's even more powerful than anyone else in the Vanguard. And although she has much to learn about restraint, she's a great leader, a likeable character that people want to follow."

Wrex: "But none of them are true Draconian-"

Sora: "Does that matter?"

Wrex: "Well to me, no, but some-"

Sora: "It doesn't matter what others might think either..." Sora started rounding back down the table toward me, resting on each chair as she passed, "...Alex and Fury will answer to me and me only, like the Executioners but with even more free reign. Alex will call the shots on SkyTech related matters, on Earth and here on Draconia, that's already been agreed..." She came to a stop on the final chair that ran down the side of the table, almost next to me, "...and if there's anything else you want then you need only ask, ok?..." I remained quiet, looking at the table, " don't have to answer me now. Just think about it ok." She made her way for the door, stepping past me.

Wrex: "I don't need to think about it..." She stopped and we turned to each other, "...I'll do it. But on the condition that once the SkyTech are done we can pick and choose what we do, maybe even retire here or on Earth, maybe, depending on Alex of course."

Sora: "You have a deal, Wrex. I'll let you put it to the others. And I hope that one day you'll warm up to me... Life has too much drama and enemies as it is..." She extended her hand out to me, I hesitated, just for a second, wondering if this was a  good idea, but it certainly wasn't a bad one. I grasped her hand, giving it a firm shake. "...Thank you Wrex, welcome back. Talk with the Vanguard requisitions team to arrange somewhere for Sarah to work, no doubt she'll want to tinker and fix up your armours after yesterday. And you may want to get her to remove some of that red banding on your shoulder... Captain."


Wrex was already gone, armour and all, by the time I got back to our guest apartment, not sure where, but I wasn't too worried. So I spent the best part of an hour on the balcony alone with my thoughts once more, contemplating how and when best to tell Wrex about our little unplanned expecting issue. I looked down at my belly. As snug fitting as it was, even in my armour the bump was barely noticeable... Well... I could see it... just... I looked as though I was two or three months gone by a standard Human pregnancy. It probably wouldn't be long before people started noticing though. I gently stroked over my belly with one hand in slow circles,

'This is insane! Seven months ago I was a guy, now look at me! All pregnant and with triplets too! It probably wasn't normal thinking, but I was loving the idea of it!' I smiled to myself, which dropped slightly, I know Wrex had expressed his desire for kids, but still might not take the news well.

But more importantly what I was going to tell Sarah and the others about the SkyTech job still not being over. After I lay these eggs-... Such a weird thing to think... -I need to get back to business, but I can't let my friends be involved, going up against Skylen and what is left of the SkyTech is going to be messy. I have the Shard so I would be fine... Probably... But they didn't stand a chance... No, I had to ask them to back out. I left the balcony and our apartment and headed down the hall to next door, knocking on Jinx's and 42's door, it was a few seconds before 42 answered.

42: "Alex...? You alright?"

Me: "Yeah, fine... Is Jinx in?"

Jinx: "I'm here, what's up?" I saw her appear over 42's shoulder.

Me: "Can you both follow me, please."

42: "Do we need armour? You know, seeing as you're in yours?"

Me: "Difference is is that I don't want my tits bouncing around in public." 42 grimaced, looking rather embarrassed actually,

42: "Sorry."

Me: "It's fine, only messing..." I said with a wink and a cheeky smile, "...come on, need to talk to you both about something important." I beckoned them to follow me out and down the far end of the hall. Now I knocked on Kayley's and Sarah's door... Once again there was no answer, I sighed, mentally unlocked the door as I did before and walked in.

Sarah had removed what was left of her armour and was now lying across the length one of the sofas, her prosthetic fore arm draped over her eyes. Kayley now walked back into the living room and looked partially startled upon seeing the three of us stepping in through the doorway.

Kayley: "Oh, Alex... I err..." He said somewhat croaky, freezing mid stride.

Me: "You look err... 'Well'?" I said a little too awkwardly.

Kayley: "Err... Thank you... I guess..."

Almost simultaneously we walked toward each other with purpose and launched into a strong hug.

Me: "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you from this."

Kayley: "It's fine... As long I don't lose you as a friend at least, then I don't care. I just need your strength to guide me, I'm not as strong as you."

We broke the hug after a few seconds more,

Me: "You know I will do whatever I can to help you... All of you... I'm sorry that- oh for goodness sake, she's not still drunk is she?" I asked Kayley while looking down at an unmoved Sarah.

Kayley: "Oh... She's just rather hungover... Me?, I'm ok, mostly... Slight headache but it's going, but I think she drank a couple bottles more than me..." He rounded the sofa and knelt down beside Sarah, "...Hey, sleepyhead, we have company, wake up." He said while nudging Sarah's hip. She groaned a croaky response and stirred, wiping her robotic hand down her face.

Sarah: "Does it have to be so bright in here? Can you turn the lights off please?" She croaked, her voice breaking throughout the sentence and covering her eyes again with her hands.

Kayley: "The lights are off, it's day light."

Sarah groaned almost in annoyance and started to sit up, Kayley standing up and away to give her space.

Me: "Once again Sarah, you look like shit." I smirked.

Sarah: " *Grumble* morning to you too...  what are you all doing here?" She asked, looking around then burying her head back into her hands once more.

Me: "Afternoon, even. First off to check on your sorry state, secondly I need to talk to you all about something rather important. But how did you let you let yourself get this bad? You mentioned before about trying to quit drinking?"

Sarah: "And there's the all important word 'trying'... I offered to look after Kayley, he... Sorry... 'She'... 'He'-... Kayley, tell me please, how do you want us to refer to you?"

Kayley: "Well... I am, technically a 'he' now I suppose..." He said looking down at himself, "...but I still feel like my old womanly self in my head... I guess it will just take time to get use to it. So by referring to me as 'he' or 'him', It will probably help... I guess." he uncertainly answered while shrugging his shoulders.

Sarah: "Right... Well HE, wanted a stronger drink after I released him. We spoke for hours and in my opinion I thought we were getting on pretty well. The stories kept flowing and so did the drinks."

Me: "Well... Thank you I then I guess. Are you able to comprehend what I am about to tell you or do we need to wait until later?"

Sarah: "No, now is fine, just... not so loud ok?" She replied in more of a whisper while massaging her temples and I chuckled in response to her misfortune.

Me: "Okay... er... Where to start... You guys have been brilliant, I mean at some point or another you've all been there for me even when sometimes I didn't deserve it. And I truly thank you for that..." I hesitated while trying to chose my next words carefully.

Jinx: "-But...? This sounds like it should have a 'but' in it."

Me: "Yes it does... BUT... We have the SkyTech on the run, a couple hundred SkyTech Dragons are now released and no longer a threat. Skylen is now going to be very angry with me in particular. He doesn't have his powers anymore to speed along the process for new abductees. The amazing armours that Sarah made you all, they're brilliant, I know. But they're not Invincible. So here's my problem... I'm not going to send any of you to fight the SkyTech any more, I don't want a single death on my conscience..." Their faces started dropping as they looked amongst each other in shock, "...I want to finish this, alone."

42: "Alex I-"

He was interrupted by a knock at the door, with 42 being the closest he turned to it and opened it.

Wrex: "Oh, 42-, oh you're all here, good, I wondered where you all were. May I come in?"

Kayley: "Sure, everyone else has." He said with a bemused grin.

Wrex: "Thanks..." He stepped through and 42 closed the door behind him, "...soo, what are you all talking about?"

Jinx: "Alex was just kindly telling us how we're all not needed any more."

Alex: "I never said that! I just don't want any of you getting hurt because of me."

Wrex: "Looks like I've made perfect timing then."

Alex: "How come?"

Wrex: "I've just been speaking with our newly anointed Queen. She's asked me to rejoin the Vanguard, back as a Captain again."

Alex: "Awww, well that's good..." I said genuinely happy for him, "...that is good, right? Full pardon I guess?"

Wrex: "Yeah I suppose, she wants us to do something special."

Alex: "I know, she's already said she wants me and you to keep working together."

Wrex: "Not just me and you, all of us. She wants Strike Team Fury back in action."

Jinx: " 'Strike Team Fury'? What's one of them?"

Wrex: "Teams of five, Strike Teams are higher ranked than the general military of the Vanguard, usually selected from the best. We go in and get the harder jobs done, like a Human commando squad or special forces. I use to lead Fury but now Sora wants you all on it, if you accept and with Alex in charge. Except for you Kayley, sorry." He suddenly added with regret. She waved her hands profusely.

Kayley: "Noooo... That's fine by me, not too keen on the bloodshed anyway... Yesterday was bad enough now that I remember I don't like it."

Me: "Wrex... Maybe you and I should have spoken about this before announcing it to everyone." I said, slightly pissed off with him actually.

Wrex: "Alex, I know you want to stop the SkyTech, you've already told Sora that much. So this is the offer of some back up. They can say no if they want."

Me: "Wrex! I don't want them dying for some silly cause of mine!"

Wrex: "Hardly silly is it?"

Sarah: "So you're what? Sidelining us?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why are you always pushing us away?!"

Me: "I just don't want anyone hurt because of me."

42: "Look at us. We're all outcasts... What do you expect us to do? Go home? Rejoin our families? Let me tell you something that you don't know yet. I had no home, I had no family. When you unlocked my memories I wished you hadn't. I had nothing when I was Human, I lived in £500 campervan that leaked, I moved from job to job and most of my family are either dead or they abandoned me. But now, I have a purpose, I have a family... You guys..." He pulled Jinx in for a hug with one arm, making both of them smile as they looked to each other, "...if you side line us, you're cutting off your family... Now I don't know where the others stand on this but I'm with you, I have a purpose now and I intend to pursue it."

Well, I knew the basics of his past from his SkyTech file, as I did with Jinx, but I wasn't about to admit that...

Jinx: "Home is where the heart is. Where ever he goes, I'm with him... Plus, this is kinda fun, I mean, it's an interesting life. I want to see my family again so the best way would be to help you."

42: "Exactly. So Wrex, whether Alex approves or not, we're in."

Before I had a chance to argue, Sarah stood to her feet and interrupted,

Sarah: "Alex, my life has been washed away because of the SkyTech, I mean, half of this mess is because of my parents and me anyway. This is my problem too. I'm just riding the rapids and here I am now, what would the point of stepping out be now?" She stepped away from the sofa and stood between Wrex and Jinx, hooking her arm through Jinx's own and went to do the same with Wrex but Kayley quickly made her way over and barged between Wrex and Sarah, being sure of linking arms with Sarah's prosthetic one first, then Wrex's after.

Kayley: "Count me in as well, I don't want to fight, but I'll help what ever way I can. Family of Alex's is family of mine." He said with a beaming smile, in fact, all of them were smiling.

Me: "Cor... You guys... So cliche!..." I said while trying to hide my welling up eyes by wiping them " emotions and hormones literally can't handle this right now... grr... Look, I was going to tell Wrex separately and tell you guys later... But I can't keep it in anymore and this moment just seems too perfect. But erm... Wrex and me... We're erm..." I stroked my belly with both hands, "...we're expecting."

The faces of each one of them was a picture, most of their jaws dropped, 42 and Kayley looked shocked, but Jinx, Sarah and most importantly, Wrex, looked excited,

Wrex: "YOU'RE JOKING??!!" He said looking so happy and started walking toward me,

Me: "Noo-hoh-oh!" I started breaking down hysterically as Wrex launched himself into a strong embrace with me, I was just so happy that Wrex was happy about it, else this announcement could have gone very differently. I felt more arms wrapping around us as Wrex rocked us from side to side excitedly.

Sarah: "N'aaww! My little girl's all grown up!"

Kayley: "You really didn't mess around huh? Ha ha!"

42: "Congratulations!"

Jinx: "Oh my God! Can you officially call me Auntie Jinx now?, please?!"

Our little huddle broke after after a few seconds, Wrex still staying close though.

Wrex: "Oh God! Is this real?! This isn't a prank is it?" Looking down at me analytically.

Me: "No, I promise you, it's real." I said, still so happy.

Wrex: "How long have you known?"

Me: "Only since yesterday... This might sound weird, but while Reikon had me captive, I saw one of them, in my own womb... That's what jolted me back, I just knew I had to come back, I had a family to complete." I said, still smiling.

Sarah: "How does it work for you?, With you being half Human and all?"

Me: "I have 24 pairs of chromosomes, and yes, half of me is Human, but that part of me, down there, is Draconian. I've already seen them and know what we have, if you want to know?" I directed more at Wrex.

Wrex: "Yeah... Yeah I think I do."

Me: "Triplets... Two boys and a girl."

Wrex: "Triplets!... Wow..."

Sarah: "Wow... well you guys have got your work cut out for yourselves."

Wrex: "How do you know this already?"

Me: "I'll tell you later ok... But guys... I don't expect any of you to do this... obviously I'm going to be out of action because of this for a couple of weeks, providing I follow a typical Draconian pregnancy cycle. They are eggs, I know that much, so once I- erm, well... 'lay them', I want to get on, they will hatch about six weeks later. I'm not waiting around for nine weeks, as soon as I am able to I want to get on with taking the SkyTech down-"

Jinx: "We're with you Alex."

Sarah: "No matter what."

Kayley: "Well at least I have a job now while you're away, baby sitting, or rather, egg sitting. If you want me to that is?"

Me: "That would be an honour, thank you Kayley, thank you, all of you."

Jinx glanced at Sarah briefly,

Jinx: "I think this calls for a celebratory drink!"

Sarah: "Noo! You can fuck off!" Her response giving us all something to laugh at.


---Two days after The Heart destruction---

The night sky seemed blacker than usual, but the open air was lit up well with an orange glow of flame torches, in this almost coliseum type structure we were in, it kinda reminded of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, but more oval than a semi-circular and much longer.

I stood in the front row of the large oval structure that contained many a Draconian in stadium type seating. My get up was something I had taken from my last vision with the Stranger, the cat suit. It didn't look as threatening as my armour, highlighting and hugging my humanoid figure.

The same royal blue colour in design with silver crests of majestic looking patterns covering it, and two Dragons facing each other forming the central crest. I kept the plain silvery white hood over my head tonight. To my left was Wrex, holding my hand, looking straight ahead, wearing a formal looking robe, mostly dark green in colour, besides the purple liner... In fact, so were most of the Draconians in here, including Sarah to his left and Kayley to her left. To my right was Jinx and 42, also holding hands and looking on at the scene in front of us. Sora stepped up to a podium, her eyes red and teary.

Sora: "Thank you all for coming tonight. Draconians far and wide I know have  traveled here for this service which I am truly appciative of. Many have questioned my mother's methods. Many more followed her unquestionably, believing that she knew best. Maybe, in her eyes she did indeed know best. I... Was one of those that didn't believe in her... Queen Arisu's own daughter... But only once she was gone, and I looked back on all the lessons she taught me, I realised that she was much wiser than I took her for granted for. Maybe just because we think someone is stuck in the old ways that we think they're wrong. Maybe because of her unfaltering attitude she was actually protecting us more than we realised. If there's one thing I will take away from her teachings is the sense of honour, nobility and the upkeep of tradition..."

"...I don't know if I will be able to stand up to my mother's triumphs but my hope is that even if I can be half the Draconian she was, then I will feel I have accomplished something. This service though is not only for my mother's, but for Vanguard, palace staff, civilians, even the transformed Humans that were in and around the palace tragedy from two days ago..." she gestured out in front of her, to the four long rows of caskets, smooth, oblong, grey pill shaped capsules. 174 altogether, by the time the death toll of those who died in and around the palace, before and after the tower collapse... "...Tradition and change do not always go in hand to hand, but it can not be ignored that times have changed and it can not be ignored anymore that an invisible wedge has been driven between us as a species..."

"...Which is why, tonight, my mother's casket exactly matches that of the Vanguard, civilian population and ex-Humans, it doesn't matter who we are in this universe... We are all the same underneath, and we shouldn't need reminding of such. You're never alone in this life, family... Friends... Complete stangers... We're all in this together and no one should suffer, I want each and everyone of you to remember that. If you see someone down in the dirt, extend them a hand and pick them up."

And with that, she stepped down from the podium and slowly paced between the rows of caskets and down the opposite end, stroking, gliding her hands over the end of each with her red and purple sleeve of her robe draping behind as she passed them. I could see the name of each unfortunate soul engraved on the lid of each. Sora glided down to the final two, furthest from the podium... The names showing 'Star Light' on one, 'Arisu' on another. She stared at her mother's  for a good few seconds before looking over in our direction, more specifically, at Wrex.

I glanced up to him, seeing that he seemed frozen. I gave him a tighter squeeze of his hand, to try and bring him out of it, to assure him I was here for him. Without looking at me, he squeezed my hand back before releasing and stepping off of the stand in the direction of Sora. He met her and looked down at Star Light's coffin, placing a hand on top of it and stroking it gently, wiping an escapee tear away from his eyes with his free hand. Sora stepped up to him and rubbed his shoulder in comfort, he turned to her and did something I never thought I would see either of them do... They hugged, for a good ten seconds before breaking apart and Wrex walking away, out of the coliseum. Sora raised her hands in the air and beckoned to all to come down as well. Slowly almost everyone made their way down to do the same, touch the caskets and pay the final respects.

I stepped down from the stand, looked back to the remaining four... I was pretty sure I saw Kayley and Sarah hold hands, promptly letting go as I turned around to look at them, I might have imagined it, but it didn't matter right now, I wanted to find Wrex.

Me: "I'll catch up with you guys later ok."

And I sped off through the crowd, past many of the stationed Honour Guards in and around the coliseum and the many more stationed outside the same exit I saw Wrex take.

Once I made it outside in the rather empty street, I found a robe dropped in a pile on the floor. I looked up and down but Wrex was nowhere to be seen.

Me: "Oh Wrex... Where are you?..." I brought my HUD on then pinged his gauntlet I knew he still had on... There!... his IFF marker showed him doing some 42mph, heading South West of where I was, I ran, spreading my wings and leapt into the air. My hood was blown back as I beat my wings as hard and as fast as I could, trying to gain altitude and speed. I say 'speed' but this was slow, sure I could armour up and use my jets, but that would be inconsiderate to tear up behind Wrex when he was clearly upset. It didn't matter too much, I flew as fast as I could in the direction of the hills on the outskirts of the city and I was catching him up, the cool night wind smashing me like ice to the face, it certainly wasn't a feeling I was use to.

His marker stopped between some hills so I came down and landed at the top of the hill side, panting heavily and made my way down the hill, making my way through the odd looking local trees and foliage. The closer I got to Wrex the louder the sound of running water got. Gently I pushed my way past the last lot of foliage, finding Wrex sat upright, like a dog, by a gentle flowing river's edge. I gave one final sigh as my breath finally caught up with me and made my way down to him.

Me: "Heeyyy... Want some company?" I asked as gently as possible.

Wrex: "Mm-hmm..." He mumbled very quietly, he continued to speak before I even had a chance to finish sitting on a rock next to his left, "...I am sorry, I know talking about past relationships isn't something you're supposed to do in a relationship... But I need to get it off my chest."

Me: "It's fine, I'm here for you, I'm listening."

Wrex: "Thank you... well Star Light and I met when we were very young, she was about two I think, me about three... We were friends for years but only ever hung out in groups... We grew closer and our first actual date was by this river..." He went quiet, I stroked his shoulder, occasionally moving my fingers gently up and down his back, in between his thick dorsal scales and his left wing but he stayed quiet for a few minutes more before continuing on. "...The last couple of days have been enough of a distraction for me, but with the service just now, it's only just hit home..." He paused again, "...and SHE killed her... I thought it was you to start with until you appeared from the Jump next to her and saved me... I wanted her dead, I wanted revenge for killing my oldest best friend. But you took that away from me."

I pulled my hand from his shoulder,

Me: "Wrex... I'm sorry."

Wrex: "No, it's fine, it needed to be done. Revenge can eat at people's souls and it's not healthy, so I'm just grateful that if anyone had to kill Reikon, then I'm glad it was you who did it instead of anyone else..." He went quiet again for another minute, "...But Skylen's mine." He said slightly angrily, turning his head to me, tears rolling down his cheeks. I forced a bit of a smile on and nodded to him, returning to stroking his shoulder.

Wrex: "You do look beautiful." He said in more of a calmed tone as he continued to stare at me. I unwittingly smiled more at him as I used my thumb to wipe the tears  from his eye. I leant over more to do the other side but he leant in and kissed me, taking me by surprise, but not unwelcome at all.

(-Murder By Death)

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