Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

51. We’re In This Together

---Three days after The Heart destruction---

Wrex needed a lot of consoling last night, Star Light's death had hit him pretty hard. Since that kiss he hadn't said a word... We stayed by the river, huddling close for a little over four hours before I suggested that we return to our temporary accommodation. I had to take his low hung nod and a subtle grunt as an agreement to my suggestion. My next suggestion was to Jump back, but he merely shook his head and walked past my Jump that I had just created. So we flew back to the palace, very casually, retiring to bed once we were back. Wrex still not saying a word this whole time, only being very clinging I had noticed, not like his usual self at all. It wasn't until this morning, after him spooning me all night, holding me tightly and we finally got up and about that he finally broke the silence...

Wrex: "I am sorry... Ruining what should be a special time for us." He said from the kitchen over the breakfast bar to me sat on the sofa in the living area, actually catching me off guard slightly and making me sit more to attention before replying,

Me: "Wrex, what are you on about??..." I quickly stood and walked over to the breakfast bar and leaned over it to him stroking his hand that was rested on the counter, "...we're not machines... It's ok to 'feel'. I get it, she was the love of your life, a good friend who you only just got back. I don't blame you at all for being upset over her, I mean, if the same thing had happened to Kayley then I'd be the same... But I'm here for you, alright? If you want me to be." I finished while using the back of my hand and fingers of my other hand to stroke down his jaw line. He closed his yes and nudged more into my hand as I stroked, clearly enjoying the affection. He then sighed, moved his spare hand up to meet and hold mine as he refixed his gaze upon me.

Wrex: "I didn't expect you to sit with me last night, or even follow me in the first place. But I'm glad you did. As long as I have you then I feel like I can do anything... So thank you..." He pulled my hand to meet the front of his mouth, kissed the top of it before placing it on the counter while holding it, "...but I can't keep focusing on the past now, I-"

Me: "Wrex... You can't just dismiss her-"

Wrex: "I'm not, far from it, just, hear me out... I have Sarah, Jinx and 42 to talk to, I have a step brother and his legacy that needs stopping, I have you and three little additions to the family on the way... I miss her... I'll honour her my own way in my own time, what's in front of me here and now, that's what I need to focus on..." He cracked the slightest of smiles which I returned, "...So the other day, you said you saw them?" Gesturing down at my belly.

Me: "Hmm... Yeah I did. While fighting Reikon there was a moment I visited the future again, four years from now and I saw the future version of me again. Apparently we did it, we won. I won't go into details just yet, but I saw them, two boys and a girl, play fighting."

Wrex scoffed at the idea, but in a good way, he shook his head but smiled as he did.

Wrex: "If it wasn't for the Shard I'd have said you were dreaming... But I have a pretty good idea what it and you are capable of. So did you hear their names?...." I gave a small shake of my head, "...well... we get the fun of that then eh. At least we know what we're having."

Me: "How about Star Light for the girl?..." Wrex's smile vanished, "...or not? Just an idea."

Wrex: "You- What?... No, we can't-... No."

Me: "She meant the world to you, didn't she? I mean I'm hoping that so will this little one... So... you said you want to honour her your own way, why not honour her like that?..." Wrex now gave a few small nods, "... it's just an idea-"

Wrex: "No, I like it... Star Light it is. Well that's one, just the boys to go, he he."

Me: "I haven't got anything at the moment, you?"

Wrex: "No... But we have got a couple of months yet to decide I suppose."

Me: "True, we can work them out a bit later."

Wrex: "Indeed... Right, well I must go, see to Sarah and the others."

Me: " 'See' to them? What do you mean?"

Wrex: "They need training up, we agreed this remember?"

Me: "Yeah... Was just hoping you weren't serious."

Wrex: "I am serious, we all are, we're all in this together."

Me: "If that's the case, then why aren't you training me?"

Wrex: "Two reasons: One, you're already a pretty good fighter and most importantly, two, you're pregnant!"

Me: " *Sigh* fine... But I'm coming with you anyway, got nothing better to do... Besides, who said I'm just 'pretty good'?" I jeered with a hint of a smile.

Wrex: "I've seen you in battle-"

Me: "You mean when I kicked your arse?" I winked at him while smirking and leaning more over the counter closer to him.

Wrex: "I wasn't referring to that specifically that but-"

Me: "-but I'm stronger and faster than you are, admit it!" I said playfully taunting.

Wrex: "The Shard makes you stronger and fast than me, Yes... But don't let it go to your head, missy! You still have a lot to learn on the tactical side of things..." He bopped me on the nose with his index finger, then swiftly followed my stunned self with a kiss to the forehead, making me feel all mushy inside, "...Shall we?" He said with a smile and gestured to the door.


After leaving, rounding up the others, even Kayley asking to tag along we then followed Wrex to the Vanguard headquarters behind the Palace. More specifically, some training halls. The training hall we entered was relatively large looked like an aircraft hangar more than anything, but much bigger than Sarah's back on Earth, this could hold an Airbus A380 with ease and room to spare. It was predominantly empty besides a ten foot high walled area which followed the perimeter of the room, giving a corridor almost to walk all the way around it and a doorway directly opposite the main entrance for the building. Upon entering the hall there were weapons benches and computer console on one side of the main entrance and on the other side was the a small raised seating area, like a grand stand, but could maybe seat about ten at most.

Me: "Sure you don't want me to help out?" He grabbed one of my hands with both of his and looked me dead in the eye.

Wrex: "Yooou, are going to relax, ok?" He said with an insistent tone while grinning and giving me an analytical yet persuading look.

Me: "Grr... Fine... I'll sit up there then." I smiled back at his insistent charm, gave him a quick kiss and pulled away from him, being sure to give him another glance over my shoulder as I walked away. Kayley soon pulled me from my glance-turned-stare as she approached me.

Kayley: "Er, mind if I sit with you?"

Me: "Oh... yeah?, don't see why not?"

We made our way into the stands as Wrex started talking to the other three.

Wrex: "Ok guys, usually newbies aren't allowed straight into Strike Teams. But we've been given special privileges by her Royal Highness, so we had better live up to Strike Team standards, you wanna be a part of Fury? Well then I have even higher standards. Today I want to put you through some scenarios, completing tasks and objectives that I set you. Remember you're a team, watch each other's back and help each other. You each won't be perfect at everything but-" We made ourselves comfortable as possible on the bench seats, Kayley sitting just a foot to my left and he started talking straight from the off.

Kayley: "This is weird, huh?"

Me: "What is?" I replied to him while still trying to overhear what Wrex was saying to the trio.

Kayley: "Well, it wasn't that long ago we were talking about getting married, we were planning for December this year, if you remember? Now look at us, I'm a monster and you're this knocked up pretty thing." Something about the tone of his voice and the way he asked... Which if it rung true back to when she was Human, meant something was bothering her, or now rather him. So I had to pull my attention away from the group.

Me: "Kayley...? Are you okaaay...?"

Kayley: "Yeah, I'm fine..." He said rather bluntly, "...and can you just call me Kay, from now on, please? Sounds too weird people calling me Kayley when I'm a guy."

Me: "Okaay... good, 'Kay' I like that, at least you seem ok on that part... but you're not fine, are you? I know you well enough to know when something's bothering you. Why call yourself a monster?"

Kay: " 'Cause I can't handle being out of a relationship for more than five minutes!, Grr..." He quickly blurted out.

Me: "Oh... I'm... sorry... You know I.... Er, Can't-" I replied rather awkwardly, dreading to think what he was going to ask next, but he cut me off.

Kay: "I'm not asking us to get back together, don't worry... After you disappeared, I fell for David of course because I needed someone... You know that much. But as time went by during your absence, it just didn't feel right. I wasn't over you and I know that wouldn't have helped. But you came back on the scene, even as you are now, I stupidly got my hopes up. I just wanted someone there for me that I knew I can trust. And I thought that being a detective, David would be perfect, that someone I could trust, but we didn't gel well enough really. Then, that same day after you ran off and left me... oh, I saw you on the news by the way, having the fight down in Folkestone. Anyway, I was snatched, Kidnapped, right when I was asleep in bed, I woke up to some guys in balaclavas coming into our room, OUR bedroom! They grabbed me, put a rag over my mouth. I had wondered if it was because of you, because of course you spoke to me that day. Next thing I knew, I woke up in this glass box thing, looking like this and not remembering who I was."

Me: "They were coming to get you anyway, but it's my fault, I went there to warn you, but I got distracted. And I'm sorry."

Kay: "Don't worry about it, things have worked out alright for me anyway."

Me: "Well, good, glad to hear. This glass cell... Was it hexagonal? Looking into some small office space with a door at the back of it that lead into a tunnel?"

Kay: "Yeah! How'd-...? Oh you were there as well weren't you?"

Me: "Yep... Let me guess, you had two scientists speak to you. Dr Skiff, a woman with glasses trying to be your best friend? and Dr Paul?"

Kay: "Huh? Oh, no... It was just Dr. Paul."

Me: "Huh... Interesting. So let me guess, he said you had amnesia from an explosion? And they were going to do what they can to help by retraining you?"

Kay: "Sort of, he said that I was needed for an urgent mission first but they will help after. Next day this Dragon named Skylen in this big suit of armour took us all in big batches through that worm hole thing to bring us out here. Then you know what happened next."

Me: "Yeah..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say next.

Kay: "Buuut... This wasn't the intention to recite my story to you. I wanted to talk to you about the relationship thing."

Me: "I'm not sure how I can help Kay, I'm sorry. But you will find someone. A young strapping Dragon such as yourself, girls will be falling for you... Or guys! If... that's still your thing? I won't judge-"

Kay: "I think I already have fallen for someone..." She trailed off looking down at the group... Wrex was setting up something on the console by the weapons bench and the arena area came alive with holograms that quickly formed yellow wireframe structures, buildings, some almost as tall as the hangar roof. The yellow fadded into typical colouring of actual buildings and a realistic looking miniature town had been formed in front of us. The group then started making their way inside the partitioned walled arena. I watched Kay's stare as the group moved in trying to analyse his eyes to see who she was eyeing up. It was a choice between two... Wrex or Sarah... So I went for the logical option.

Me: "Sarah?"

Kay: "What?! Noo... Well, I'm straight... I think, I mean technically speaking... God this is confusing... Am I gay if I've fallen for her?"

Me: "You are what you feel, but don't make it sound like a bad thing alright? It's not healthy, so don't overthink it. I mean, you like her, right?"

Kay: "Well I guess..."

Me: "It's pretty obvious, I saw you holding hands last night and you've shared that apartment since you two have met."

Kay: "Please don't get me wrong! I like her, I really do, AND NO, we haven't shagged yet! So please don't think of me like that! I just don't want to upset you."

Me: "I wasn't gonna say anything of the sort, I mean, come on, I'd be a bit of a hypocrite. But if you like her, then go with it!"

Kay: "You really don't mind?"

Me: "Kay... Through no fault of our own, our path separated, we've both moved on. Friends still, I'd like to think and hope so, but you know what I mean. If you're happy, then I'm happy. Sarah's nice, a good friend as well. She could do with someone who can stay loyal to her, I know." He leant over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, completely unexpectedly.

Kay: "Thank you Alex, that means a lot."

Kay and I watched from the sidelines as Wrex gave the trio a little pep talk in the arena and telling them what he wanted to see from them. Wrex certainly put them through their paces to analyse their weaknesses. They ran multiple scenarios... defensive and offensive assaults, infiltrations, neutralise a target, VIP defence, working in teams, working alone, you name it, they did it. Scenario after scenario of hard light holographic set ups were ran, Wrex swapping out the map every so often to keep them on their toes. Each map came with realistic enemies, both Humans and Draconians, and interactive environments,... All of this and through most of the day was revealing some results though, even I could see...

Jinx and 42 worked very well together, completely in sync with each other actually and where one had a weakness, the other more than made up with. For example, Jinx was fast, agile and very stealthy, but didn't always make the best plans. 42 on the other hand lacked a bit of grace at times, but he seemed to be good at stepping back and taking an analytical look at the situation before acting on it, most of his plans worked. Sarah meanwhile although did her best to work with Jinx and 42, but her lack of social skills was apparent.

She would start to 'lone wolf' in some of the scenarios, completely losing the team effort in some tasks entirely, opting for taking a different route and usually worked out some way to hack some electronics to work in her favour. Most of the time her ingenuity actually aided their progress, impressing Wrex on a few occasions, I could tell. But the lack of keeping the others in the loop was letting the side down. Her other main issue was, although I knew she had weapons training and could hold her own in a firefight maybe, her hand to hand combat skills were mediocre, showing the lack of SkyTech training that she never received unlike the other two or myself.

Wrex: "Ok guys... Come on over I've seen what I've need to..." He said late in the day to the rather exhausted looking trio, all out of breath, Jinx even partially collapsed onto 42, which almost knocked him over. "...Come back here 08:00 tomorrow, I'll have exercises for you to try and improve the areas that I feel you're weak on. Well done though, I didn't go easy on you today and you all kept pushing on."

He was met only by pants and exaggerated exhales upon his order of returning in the morning. Myself and Kay stood up... Cor I was numb from sitting there for so long, watching the way Kay stiffly moved as well I'd say he was feeling the same. We made our way down the stand to Wrex as the others slowly and weakly piled out the hangar.

Me: "They did alright eh?" Wrex looked out of the door off in their direction to make sure they were out of earshot.

Wrex: " *Sigh*... I've got a lot of work to do."

Me: "They weren't that bad were they?"

Wrex: "No, but I'm sure you saw, they all got very different weak points and sure, 42 and Jinx work well together but Sarah doesn't, she's good but... I'm not sure if I can get is all to work together in time for three weeks time."

Me: "Need me to help?"

Wrex: "Unless you can suddenly un-impregnate yourself then no, there's nothing you can do."

I gave a thoughtful "hmm" in reply, that he didn't pick up on. But I had an idea, might just need to practice it tonight though.

We left the training hall and had caught up with the exhausted trio when the floor started shaking and a rumble joined it as it intensified.

Kay: "What is that?! An Earthquake?!"

Wrex: "No... That's a ship taking off!"

An alarm, a loud claxon sounded around the Vanguard base with an announcement..."Warning! Unauthorised launch detected! All personnel in the docks take immediate cover! I repeat: Launch is NOT authorised!"

Wrex ran back down the hall, to an exit in this corridor that lead to the palace and we all sprinted after him, joining him outside. Sure enough, a ship, fairly large, must have been a good mile and a half long. The main hull was primarily black, covered in 72 plasm turrets, as far as my HUD could identify anyway. Everywhere else was covered and protected by large white thick armour plates that intersected at angles with minimal gap between them. It slowly rose and turned off in the distance, thrusters emitting from the underside of the hull to provide the necessary lift for it to gain altitude... The Draconian Destroyer - 'Kneel and Beg'... No sooner had I read that read that on my HUD, Wrex had repeated it in a state of awe and worry.

Wrex: "Kneel and Beg..."

Jinx: "Where's it going?"

Wrex: "Hopefully only somewhere else on Draconia... Noo... wait..." We watched as it slowly rotated in the air and angled slightly upwards and engaged it's main engines and shot off up into the clouds, "... That's heading off world..."

Kay: "Where would it be going?"

Wrex turned to us as the rumble faded out of existence.

Wrex: "Then there is only one other habitable planet that we can travel to within range." He suggested.

Me: "Earth..." Wrex nodded in confirmation. "...We need to find out who was onboard."

Wrex: "Captain Wrex to control, come in control." He had obviously switched his incoming audio to external because we all heard the response...

Control: "Apologies Captain, now is not the best time." The female replied.

Wrex: "I can appreciate that, I just need to know, who was on Kneel and Beg?"

Control: "I can't give you that information right now Captain, sorry."

Wrex: "Can't or won't?"

Control: "Sorry Captain, orders from the top."

Wrex: " *Sigh* Roger Control..." He turned back to us, "...Guys, head back to the rooms. I Think me and Alex need to talk to her majesty."

Jinx: "Ok, sure."

42: "Call if you need us and let us know when you have something." He replied, tapping Wrex's shoulder and the group proceeded back into the corridor.

Wrex: "Wanna do that weird mind searching thing you do and find Sora?"

I looked to the floor in thought, scanning for her mind... It certainly was not as easy as it use to be when the Heart existed it had to be said, there seemed to be so much background noise... When I searched before for someone, like Wrex, I only had to know him, I had to have been near him to be able to understand him, then I pretty much could find him anywhere on the planet, like just finding the voice that stuck out more than everyone elses in a crowed as I raced towards it. But now, finding Sora's, which maybe was only a mile or so a way, she was being spoken over by every other voice in between. So picking her out and finding where she was was really difficult. I screwed my face up slightly in concentration...

Me: "She's... She's in the Vanguard control."

Wrex: "Can you get us there?"

Me: "Of course." I opened a Jump next to us and gestured Wrex to take the lead.


We left the Jump, arriving in some kind... Well, it could only be described as a what look like an aircraft control tower, a view looking out of all the the windows showing most of the Vanguard base and all of the docks. There was a bustle of activity and chatter, a few eyes being cast over us as we emerged from the portal but none remained locked on is except Sora and her Guards.

Sora: "Should've know you'd be nosey..." She turned her attention back to the attendant she was stood next to, "...what about the call back overide?" The attendant shook his head,

Attendant: "Tried that."

Wrex: "Hey, you wanted me back in the Vanguard, so here I am meddling in the Vanguard affairs. Now who was on that ship?"

Sora: "What about... Just complete remote shut down?" She asked the attendant, completely ignoring Wrex.

Attendant: "Tried that too."

Sora: "Back ups for that?"

Wrex: "Hey..."

Attendant: "We have literally tried everything in standard procedure, they've more than likely disabled them all."

Sora: "What about-?"

Wrex: "HEEYY!" Wrex barked loud enough that everyone in the room momentarily stopped to look at him, and for the Honour Guards to tense and ready up to start defending the Queen.

Sora: "Executioners." She tuned back to us and said bluntly.

Me: "Why are Executioners heading for Earth?" I asked as clearly and calmly as possible.

Sora: "I don't exactly know why, but I know I'm the cause... yesterday morning I came to the conclusion that if Axis Mundis was to be more of an inclusive society and less of a threat then I came to the decision to retire the Executioners."

Me: "What? Why?"

Wrex: "They're too secretive, too powerful, you've seen them yourself, they're too dangerous. Some of the world objects to the Vanguard as it is but puts up with them, but they're scared of the Executioners. It's a wise move to gain the planet's trust."

Sora: "Exactly."

Wrex: "So I guess that they didn't take the news of being forcefully retired just like that then?"

Sora: "Somewhat correct. I wasn't that harsh to just put them out on the streets. They were all offered other roles in the Vanguard for the same pay and conditions."

Me: "Well that's good then, right? What's the problem?"

Sora: "The issue is, is that some 90% of the remaining Executioners didn't like that idea and have decided to go AWOL." She gestured up at the sky through the nearby window.

Me: "Right, but WHY have they gone AWOL?"

Wrex: "It was well known that although Vanguard should remain impartial, most, if not all Executioners, sided with Reikon back when we had the insurrectionist wars. News of her return and her death... as in, her second death, and Sora taking over as Queen and making this decision... It's probably pushed them over the edge."

Me: "So they've gone to aid SkyTech!"

Sora: "One can only assume."

Wrex: "You said 90% of what was left... How many is that? There was about a thousand when I last served. Kneel and beg could easily carry 500 personnel, I know, but only needs a small crew to actually operate the ship."

Sora: "We're missing 324. We don't know how many of them fled to Earth, other than most of them. There were a few that have disappeared elsewhere on Draconia, but maybe only a couple of dozen at most."

Me: "So there's potentially some 300 odd Executioners about to arrive at my home world..." I said feeling rather worried, past experience told me that three Executioners was a challenge, there's now 324 that were now against us.

Wrex: "No, we have time. Even at full light speed it takes about 3 weeks roughly to get to Earth in a ship without assistance of the Heart."

Me: "Well that's coincidental timing eh?"

Sora: "Indeed. I'm re-enacting travel to Earth again, for military use only and I'm sending all Strike Teams to chase down the Executioners, along with two Battalions. Except Fury of course."

Wrex: "Is that going to be enough?"

Sora: "2100 troops?, I should hope so, but not forgetting the Earth is now very aware of what comes into their atmosphere, our ships are stealthy, but not invisible, except for the Stalker class of course. But the Strike Teams' goal will only be to track down Kneel and Beg and monitor. The Warrior battalions are only back up, should they be needed. When you and the rest of Fury are ready you can join them, I'm sure Alex will be more than happy to Jump you. Alex, you said you cut Skylen's link to the Shard, can you do the same to Executioners?"

I shook my head in response before replying,

Me: "If I could see each one individually then maybe... hopefully, but with Skylen, I was only able to cut him off because he was never naturally attuned to it, he was easy. Reikon I manged because she and I were linked, which is why I destroyed the Heart to stop her because she was naturally linked, it will be the same case for the Executioners I think."

Sora: "Sorry guys... I've just unintentionally made your job a lot harder." She looked glumly. I looked back at Wrex again, trying to force on a smile,

Me: "Well, we had better train harder then."

---Four days after The Heart destruction---


Alex: "Wakey wakey sleepy head."

My eyes gradually opened to see Alex, knelt beside the bed next to me, the sun's rays from the balcony door behind her illuminating her like a goddess in her pristine white armour. I groaned slightly as I stretched,

Wrex: "Morning beautiful... What time is it?"

Alex: "06:48... I know your alarm is going off soon, but I couldn't wait to show you something."

I sat up partially on the bed,

Wrex: "And what's that?" She stood back up and gave a twirl on the spot.

Alex: "Notice anything?"

Wrex: "Erm..."

Alex: "Or rather, notice something that is not there to notice?" My sleepy head just wasn't computing as I watched her oscillate from side to side rather majestically.

Wrex: "I err... Other than you wearing your armour today?..." She swayed again now pointing down at her belly... And the lack of the little bump and my eyes shot wide as I shot up right, "...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!" I screamed at her in a panic.

Alex: "Whoa whoa whoa! Easy easy!... Maybe... 'SHE' can explain." She pointed off toward the doorway of the bedroom and my jaw dropped in confusion...

In stepped ANOTHER Alex, this one wearing her dark blue and silver cat suit that she was wearing yesterday, present with baby bump and all.

Wrex: "What the?!... I'm going back to sleep, this is a dream-"

Armoured Alex: "No no, no dream,-"

Pregnant Alex: "-It's real, I-"

Armoured Alex: "-promise you."

My head was darting between the pair,

Wrex: "What the fuck is going on?!"

Pregnant Alex: "I made a... Let's call it a 'copy'-"

Armoured Alex: "-of myself. This way I can keep the babies safe and train along side you as well."

Wrex: "Wait, a copy? How?"

Armoured Alex: "You remember how I saw you on the moon?"

Wrex: "Yeah?"

Pregnant Alex: "Well, I created a copy of you up there, well, sort of... it was like a 3D image of you, just the outline sort of thing. That's how come you didn't need to breath up there."

Armoured Alex: "But this copy is as real as you or me now, flesh and blood, the lot."

Wrex: "But I don't get... So now there's two of you? Forever?"

Pregnant Alex: "Nooo, I can get rid of the copy any time I want."

Wrex: "By killing her?!"

Armoured: "Nooo... She is me, I am her, I control her from my mind using the Shard."

I burried my face into my hands,

Wrex: "It's too early in the morning for this... soo confusing... So I guess you are the real Alex? MY Alex?" I directed my question to the pregnant version at the door. She nodded with a smile and made a grabbing at the motion with a hand at the copy, which also smiled at me and I watched her fade from existence in a cloud of red and purple rolling mist until there was nothing left. I turned back to my Alex at the door to see her wobble on the spot, her eyes rolling back into her head and she started falling forwards into the room. I launched myself down the bed, falling to the floor purposely to successfully catch her and soften her fall.

Alex: "I'm fine I'm fine..." She said instantly in my arms, " just takes a lot of effort to control two of me at once... Kinda took it out of me a bit... But thank you." She said looking up at me from my arms.

Wrex: "Well I don't want you doing it again if it will put you and the kids in danger."

Alex: "The whole idea of it IS to keep the kids out of danger."

Wrex: "But it's clearly not working..."

Alex: "It will. I'm just a bit tired, I've been up all night practicing."

Wrex: "But we went to bed at the same time?"

Alex: "Yeah, you fell asleep, but what you said about 'un-impregnate' myself, was plaguing my mind, I couldn't sleep and with the Executioners yesterday... I had to think of something so that I can help and train along side you, this is what I came up with. It will work I promise you, I just need some rest." She started pulling herself back up with me helping her to her feet and I stood up beside her, continuing to support her.

Wrex: "You alright?"

Alex: "Yeah I'm just... gonna get into bed." She made her way around the bed with myself following and guiding her along and she climbed into it, pulling the sheets over her. I knelt down beside the bed and stared into her eyes as they started drifting closed almost immediately.

Wrex: "Hmph, guess you won't be joining us today." I mused as she closed her eyes entirely, so I leant over and gave a kiss on her forehead, Alex giving a satisfied "hmm" in response.

Alex: "Yes I will." Her voice said quietly next to me, I whipped my head in shock to see another armoured, non-pregnant version of Alex knelt next to me,

Wrex: "Bah!"

Alex: "Shhh! You'll wake me up!"

Wrex: "Wha-...? But...? You... How can you be asleep and controlling this one as well?"

Alex: "Shall we talk out there?" She whispered getting up and walking out of the room, I took a glance back at the Alex in bed who was already lightly snoring and got up to follow the copy out of the room and into the front room.

Wrex: "How are you here if you're asleep in there?"

Alex: "Right, have you seen Doctor Strange?"

Wrex: "The Marvel film? Yeah. Why?, What's that got to do with this?"

Alex: "Right well that's where I got the idea from. Remember the scenes where Dr Strange projects himself as an astral projection? That is what I have done, but taken the idea to the next level. I am asleep in there, but I controlling this copy in my head, but can also do it while I'm awake."

Wrex: "Yeah, with great difficulty, won't this no be draining you?"

Alex: "No, controlling two of me takes a hell of a lot of concentration and energy, as I say, I was up all night practicing. So while I'm resting I can concentrate on just controlling this copy."

Wrex: "So what are you? You say flesh and blood, but-"

Alex: "I'm as real and alive as you or myself in there..." She gestured to the bedroom, "...but this version is just an image. I can get rid of her any time."

Wrex: "But, doesn't she feel? When she... This one, YOU... Get zapped out of existence, doesn't it feel pain? Does even realise it's dieing?"

Alex: "You're thinking about this wrong... I'm not alive, I'm not dead either, just an image, a representation or copy of the real me. We feel everything the other does so I know that when I wipe this one away, she doesn't feel anything because she is just me and she's not real."

I rubbed my face with my hands again,

Wrex: "Oh god this is confusing." I muffled into my hands. As soon as I pulled them down Alex was there meeting my lips with her own and pulled back.

Alex: "Did that feel real?"

Wrex: "Err... Yeah?"

Alex: "Then that's all you need to worry about..." She said with a smile. "...Well, come on, we've got some training to do."

(-Nine Inch Nails)

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