Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

56. Can You Dig It?

---13 days after The Heart destruction---

Me: "You sure you've got enough security in place? I don't see enough-"

Sora: "Pleeaassee, I have my Honour Guards stationed at the immediate perimeter and at the outer boundaries, doing checks on everyone coming in, and I have some under cover, no one will be able to pick them out."

I surveyed the interior of the building that had been chosen for the gathering. My suggestions of music was echoing around the majestic architecture of this church like structure. As per usual of Draconian buildings in Axis Mundis, this place was grand, an artistically carved stone based structure and rather pretty actually. We were stood on the mezzanine floor that over looked the main hall of which hundreds of Draconians filled it's space, some dancing most talking, a select few stood to the sides, alone, looking rather disconnected, my suspicions telling me these were the more depressed ex-Humans.

The only remaining odd ones out I could pick out, were a dozen or so Draconians amongst the crowd that had a more 'stiff' posture... The undercover Honour Guards.  Even if my overly analytical mind and vision, could pick each of them out, highlighting and informing me of the name and complete service record of each, they did kind of stick out... To me anyway.

Me: "If you say so..."

Sora: "Relax! What are you so stressed about?"

Me: "I don't know, maybe the fact that this is the first open public event her majesty has attended since her crowning?"

Sora: "I'll be fine, Alex, thank you. Look, worst case, I have you here, ok? Please, go mingle with our guests, they'll want to meet you. I'll join you all down there in a bit."

Me: "Yes, s'pose that will do. Any trouble at all, the slightest hint, you call me, ok?"

Sora: " *chuckle* Yes, yes. Now go, please." She gestured down the floor below.

Me: "Alright alright, I'm going I'm going." I smiled back at her as I left her by the guard rail, passing a few of the guests that had clearly wanted to avoid the bustle of the lower level, towards the grand staircase in the centre of the room. I made my way down the majestic looking stair case, it's artwork and architecture reminding me of the staircase that I had seen pictures of from the Titanic, only made of stone as opposed to wood and there was no central hand rail.

Following the right hand side of the staircase down, I reached the bottom, my hand leaving the rail, only to be caught by a Draconian hand, causing me to gasp in shock subtly. I spun my head to see Wrex, with his usual charming smile beaming back at from beside the staircase, emerging from the shaded area.

Me: "Ohh... Wrex!"

Wrex: "Hello beautiful." - I resisted the urge to blush... it wasn't working...

Me: "You scared the crap out of me."

Wrex: "Sorry. But you didn't know I was here? Thought you always knew where I was?"

Me: "I don't track your whereabouts all the time, I do give you your rightful privacy."

Wrex: "Well, thank you I suppose. Shall we get some food? I'm famished."

Me: "Yeah, why not." I replied back, now smiling back at him. He stepped up beside me and offered his arm to mine, so I gingerly hooked my own into his and he started leading me through the crowd to where the buffet was located. The more we progressed through the crowd, the more anxiety I started to feel. Now back when I was Human, I loved music, but hated parties and clubbing. I always felt so awkward, especially as even though I can dance better now than I use to be able to as a guy (Satan's Hollow proved that) I still couldn't dance to save my life. I realised now though that I was being eyed up quite a bit as we passed people and it was really starting to make me feel uneasy. I guess Wrex, must have sensed this, either my tensing up, my huddling up closer to him or my subtle but yet not so subtle glances I was  making to each and every stare I was receiving.

Wrex: "Hey, are you ok?"

Me: "Can we move a little bit quicker, please?" I could feel my breathing getting quicker and so could he I guess, because without another word he broke his arm lock with me and actually placed the same arm around my back and guided me along quicker, holding me close. But rather than taking me towards the buffet, he took me towards one of the nearby side exits to the building where the crowds thinned out substantially. It wasn't until we got away from the relatively loud music chatter and out through the fairly large wooden doors that I could tell by how loud and violent my breathing and heart was beating, sharp and shallow breaths were escaping my mouth, I felt dizzy, I felt out of my own body, like I was watching a blur of hazy footage...

I was having another bloody anxiety attack...

I gasped for air as Wrex lead me past the Honour Guards stationed on the door and lead me to a bench, more or less pushing me down onto it and he crouched down in front of me, holding on to each of my forearms,

Wrex: "Hey hey hey, focus on me, ok?..." He pulled forwards and kissed me on the lips, "...slow, steady breaths..." He gave me another kiss, "...come on, calm down, everything's fine, nothing to worry about, that's it, deep breaths..." And another kiss, "...I'm here for you, ok? You're my girl..." And yet another kiss, it was working, his egging on with the kisses was enough to distract me... "...and I've got to look after my girl because I can't live without you, alright? Come on now, that's it..." He pulled me in for a light cuddle, "...there we go, that better?" He asked from behind my head. Indeed, his comforting tone combined with his kisses, had done the trick, I was starting to calm back down my breathing now just down to loud pants through my nose as I buried my face into his shoulder and pulled him in tight.

Me: "I'm sorry." I tried so hard not to start crying, feeling that my eyes were already starting to fill up.

Wrex: "What are you sorry for?"

Me: "The crowd, it felt like they were all watching me in hate, I let it get to me. I'm so weak and pathetic." He pulled away to look me dead in the eyes.

Wrex: "Heeeyy... They do not hate you and you are certainly not weak. You are the strongest person I know." He used the back of his finger and wiped away an escapee tear that was making it's way down my face.

Me: "I certainly don't feel like it at times like this."

Wrex: "Well-" was all Wrex got to say before someone approached us without us knowing...


The voice that had cut off Wrex, had actually startled us both and we both snapped our attention to the owner. Stood maybe a dozen feet from us was a female Draconian, light green eyes, looking rather awkward and sheepish staring back at us. I quickly made a sniff and wiped my eyes,

Me: "Yes, sorry?"

Female: "Forgive me, I hope I'm not intruding?"

Me: "Er, no... No problem at all, are you ok?"

Female: "Just fine actually, yes, thank you. Actually, that's why I wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to say, thank you, for freeing me. It would be nice to go home, but I am so thankful that I am at least alive and free now of that company's control, and for how nice and helpful that the Dragons here have been to me since then. Which I guess is all down to you." Her heartfelt appreciation forced my reluctant self to smile slightly in response.

Me: "Well, it was a team effort. I can't promise I will get you home, but I will certainly try my hardest. What's your name?"

Female: "Kaylyn, Kaylyn Jackson."

Me: "Well, miss Kaylyn Jackson, you're most welcome."

Kaylyn: "Thank you Alex. I do have 1 request though, but you can say no, if you'd rather not."

Me: "And what would that be?"

Kaylyn: "Can... Can I have a hug? Please?" She rather sheepishly asked.

Me: "Oh, erm, I guess so?" Wrex stood up and stepped back just in time as Kaylyn almost bounded over to me. I barely had time to stand myself before she grabbed me in a strong embrace.

Kaylyn: "Thank you... Thank you..." She mumbled into my ear. I returned the embrace only for a couple of seconds more before she broke it though, " look beautiful by the way, this outfit really suits you." She gestured down at my blue and silver cat suite.

Me: "Oh well, thank you. Are you just heading in?" I gestured to the hall with the  bass of the music thumping and escaping it's walls.

Kaylyn: "Yeah, thank you for organising this too by the way. I don't want to bother you or take up any more of your time, but seriously, thank you again, so so much. I guess I'll see you in there?" She replied while backing up, and gesturing towards the side exit we had left through earlier.

Me: "Er, yeah, sure."

Kaylyn: "Great! See you soon. Thanks once again Alex." And with that, she turned and headed for the door, even casting a glance over her shoulder at us again at one point.

I turned to Wrex, seeing him grinning, almost smugly, with arms folded.

Me: "What?" I asked worried.

Wrex: "Got yourself a little fan there."

Me: "A fan? Noo... I was just... Erm-"

Wrex: "No need to defend yourself, but just goes to show, not everyone hates you."

Me: "Come on, that's like, 1 person?"

Wrex: "1 person is still a fan. Want to head in yet? Or you need more air? Or do you just want to call it quits and we'll go home early?"

Me: "Noo... We can't go home early, I'm expected here, I need to make sure everything goes alright for them all."

Wrex: "You task yourself with too much. This is supposed to be a night off for us as well you know." He smiled while lightly shaking his head.

Me: "Welp, no rest for the wicked I guess, eh? Come on, I'm ok for now, thank you. I'm just gonna keep my hood up, I won't feel as exposed then." I replied, pulling my silvery white hood up and over my head, gesturing Wrex to join my side by offering my arm out to him.


The evening went rather smoothly, it might sound stupid, but keeping my hood definitely seemed to help my mental state. Sure there were 1 or 2 guests that were clearly not happy about their situation, but it turns out my earlier panic attack was rather unnecessary... many of guests, both true Draconian and ex-Human, were actually quite interested in talking to me about... Well... Pretty much everything. Thanking me, just as Kaylyn did earlier, (which I did bump, into again at one point, she gave me another "Hi Alex", a happy smile and continued on her merry way).

There were some also asking about my Hybrid form, my role in everything, what the plans are for everyone, how much involvement I had in the arranging of this evening, how far into my pregnancy I was... the list was endless. To be honest, the friendliness of most people and the fact the music was played at a settled level, not too quiet that you couldn't hear it, but not loud enough that you had to shout over it either, had put my mind at almost complete rest.

I had been that busy actually, that I hadn't spoken to Kay, Sora or barely even Wrex and the most I had seen of Sarah was at one point when she waved her replacement limb from across the hall at me in greeting. Just as she had said, it wasn't completed, pretty much all of the arm was just bare metal skeleton with some wiring and electronics thrown in and a faint purpley red glow coming from an area just below the shoulder joint - the only bit that was covered.

Sora: "Alex!..." I spun to see her heading straight for me, smiling, 2 Guards in tow, "...quite a success wouldn't you say?"

Me: "Indeed. Shame SOME couldn't make the effort."

Sora: "Who are you referring to?"

Me: "Jinx and 42. I upset Jinx yesterday by telling her how it is, she didn't like it and threw a tantrum."

Sora: "Well- Ahh... 'speak of the devil and they shall appear' ? I think is the phrase you Humans use?" She notioned behind me. Confused, I turned to where she suggested... Although I had the inclination as to who she was referring to, it still took me a couple of moments to see them, seeing as everyone in here was a fair bit taller than me. But through the crowd, I could see 42 and Jinx making their way toward me too.

Sora: "I'll leave you to it." She gave a quick suggestive nod and smile and headed off into the crowd again, Guards following her once more. I turned back to the direction of 42 and Jinx and waited for them to arrive.

Me: "Didn't think you were coming?" I accidentally said in a more of a snidey tone than I intended.

Jinx: "42 suggested we should come." She said plainly as possible.

42: "Actually, Jinx said she felt really guilty for the way she acted yesterday and- argh!" Jinx punched him hard in upper arm twice, glanced at me then looked to the floor embarrassed.

Jinx: "He wasn't meant to tell you that bit."

42: "Normally, a guilty admission would require one to say sorr- Ow!" She punched him in the same spot again, causing him to rub it.

Jinx: "Yes alright!, thank you..." She said through gritted teeth at him. "...*sigh*... Yes, ok. I'm sorry, I've just been tired and worn out. I'm just not use to this kinda training, even the prison didn't push us this hard."

Me: "I know, I'm sorry. We've just got limited time to get in what it takes Strike Teams years to practice."

Jinx: "I know I know......" She replied while looking around sheepishly, "...So erm... Any food around here?" 42 chuckled at her request, flinching slightly as Jinx snapped an unamused look at him which then caused me to chuckle.

Me: "There's a buffet table, along the wall over there, there might be some grub left on it if you're lucky." I had pointed her off in the right direction.

Jinx: "Thanks." She gave a small grin which quickly disappeared and walked off.

42: "I'm sorry she's so rude at times." He stated once Jinx was out of ear shot.

Me: "It's fine, I remember being a little shit at her age. She'll probably grow out of it by the time she's 20 odd. I can tell the prison and Skylen has gotten to her, she use to be so happy to begin with, now I can tell she just feels... 'meh' all the time. Thank you for talking her into coming."

42: "As you say, I'm hoping she'll grow out of it. But it's no problem, I just reminded her that all we have right now is each other, and that a night out might actually do us some good."

I felt... Something... The usual sixth sense feeling, telling me that something bad was going to happen. I started looking around, this way and that.

42: "Something wrong?"

Me: "I don't know... Trouble... maybe."

Male: "Hey, Alex, right?" A male Draconian had approached me from behind, startling me slightly.

Me: "Err, yes, yeah. Hi." i replied, still slightly distracted by my 6th sense.

Male: "Hi there, name's John. I see everyone else has come up and spoken with you this evening, thought I'd give my personal thanks as well." A call came in from Jinx, so I answered.

Jinx: "Alex, come in."

Me: "Go ahead." I answered in my mind.

Jinx: "Meet me at the buffet table, quick." And she ended the call.

John: "Err, Alex?"

Me: "Sorry, John, I appreciate you taking the time, got a lil problem I need to sort, another time maybe." I started sliding off through the crowd towards Jinx.

When I arrived at the table, I was pleasantly surprised to see that most of the food had gone, but there was still enough for Jinx to stack her plate high. However, she didn't really seem to be interested in the food, she was slowly putting food on the already full plate and kept glancing over her shoulder in the opposite direction to me.

Me: "Everything alright? Or have they run out of the KFC style chicken fillets?" I mocked. But Jinx continued to pick out the odd bit of food here and there and piling it on her plate, ignoring me seemingly.

Jinx: "Draconian male. I know that doesn't narrow it down, but on my 4:30, about 10 meters away, talking with another male. They both kinda stick out a bit. I heard one mention Sora by name."

Me: "There are Honour Guards undercover here tonight, no armour, probably one of them."

Jinx: "Ever heard one of the Guards mention Sora by name only? It's always 'your Highness' or 'her Majesty' then maybe her name after, never just her name."

She had a point, certainly one worth looking into. I scanned through the crowd, as I had been doing it a lot already tonight, the technical side of my mind scanning each face I had passed. Each had brought up a profile, I form of ID, be it either Draconian born or ex-Human, all of which were all profiled once they were housed and spoken to by doctors. It was certainly possible that I had missed a few faces due to the number that were in here. After scanning a few faces, I picked out a couple of innocents that I hadn't spoken to yet as well as some I had... but then...

'ALERT' Flashed up red on my HUD, accompanied by, what can only be emphasised by and described as, three distressed sounding beeps. This individual was highlighted flashing red momentarily before simply just outlining him as a red to signify him as a target, named 'Sekrad', bringing up his Vanguard profile along side him, history listing him as ex-Executioner and AWOL

'ALERT' flashed up again with same distressed beeps, highlighting the  Draconian to his left, highlighting him red as well. Same deal, his name was 'Finn', Vanguard, ex-Excutioner... AWOL. Both were staring intently towards Sora who was talking to a couple of guests. The pair gave subtle nods to each other and separated, slipping through the crowd in long arcs towards her.

Me: "Wrex, get to the Queen, now." I called sternly over the coms.

Wrex: "On it."

Me: "Jinx, take the one on the left." She nodded and fast paced walked around the side of the room towards Finn, plate of food still in the hand. I meanwhile cut through the crowd,

Me: "Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, excuse me..."

I kept an eye on Jinx, she had met her target just as I started getting close to mine.

Jinx: "Oh shit- Hey buddy, can you hold this for me?, my shoe's come untied." She said tapping him on the shoulder and thrusting the plate into the Finn's chest as he turned. He had no choice but to accept, but he looked down at her clawed bare feet all the same.

Finn: "What?! You don't have shoes!"

They both looked down at her feet.

Jinx: "Oh yeah!" She drew her fist back as Finn dropped her plate of food, spinning a blade, a small dagger out from the underside of his gauntlet, but Jinx was actually quicker than him and finished her swing, landing straight in the end of his snout and knocked him to the floor with shocked gasps from the nearby crowd. Sekrad had seen the same commotion and was now intent on making his way to Sora.

Me: "Excuse me, get out the way, move!"

I said as I barged my way through the crowd. I was so close! But I saw Sekrad pull the same small dagger from his gauntlet, same as Finn did, keeping concealed against his wrist and by his side. Just as he made the final push for Sora, readying his arm for a swing and spinning the blade...

Me: "Move!, MOVE!" I screamed while I armoured up... He swung, Sora's Guards completely unaware and were still distracted by the commotion being made by Jinx trying to restrain Finn with undercover Honour Guards rushing to her aid. Thankfully, Wrex stepped between Sekrad and the Queen, grabbing him by the wrist, halting his plunge of the blade and headbutt him hard in the snout.

Sekrad dropped the blade and stumbled back in shock, close enough now for me to grab him and hold his arms behind his back. He resisted and flung me around, in comparison to his weight, I was probably like a bag of sugar. He burst his wings open, bursting my hold of him open with explosive force and sent me crashing to the floor on my back. Ignoring me and Wrex, he made one final ditch attempt for the Queen, opening his tail blades, but before he could do anything, there was a small, bright bright ball of light that travelled so quickly I barely saw it, with a barely audible 'zipp' sound it flew straight into the back of Sekrad's head leaving a small bloody trail slowly oozing and sizzling out from the barely noticeable hole. He went still mid stride, then slowly fell forward smashing his face into the floor and he moved no more.

The crowd had fallen silent in awe and pulled back in a wide circle I had only just realised. Wrex stepped over the body and offered me a hand which I gratefully accepted and with ease, he pulled to my feet. I looked behind to see what had taken out Sekrad... Up on the mezzanine, was Kay, along with Sarah, who jolted her prosthetic arm in an odd way, and a long barrel pulled back in through the wrist area and into the skeletal structure, her hand reforming it's natural position once the apparent weapon was concealed. Sarah gave a small casual salute before getting on the coms to me by talking into her arm.

Sarah: "Sorry that took so long, I had designed this thing to work with my HUD, so without my armour on I had to eyeball it. Everyone ok?"

I turned back to Sora, more Guards had arrived now to check that Sekrad was actually dead before removing his body, but Sora was actually just smiling at me,

Sora: "Well done Fury..." She stated with a real proud tone, even turning to Wrex, "... your training is paying off it seems, captain, nice work."

I turned and answered back to Sarah,

Me: "I think we're good down here Sarah, thank you. Nice shot by the way."


---13 days after The Heart destruction---

The morning after the party, I was fine, I didn't drink of course, and neither did Wrex, so as to not tempt me, not that I would have done. As per usual, I didn't need that much sleep, so despite the late night, I was up spritely early, good thing too as Sora had asked me to speak with her in person. So here I was, taking in the fresh morning air, making my way through the palace. I could Jump, but that would just be lazy. I made my way to the conference room, Sora's makeshift combined office/study, since the tower had been destroyed.

Me: "Good morning." I greeted the Honour Guards stationed outside the closed doors.

"Good morning Alex." The 4 guards chanted in unison.

Me: "The Queen has asked to see me, may I enter?"

Guard 1: "1 moment please." The Guard turned, unlocked the door and partially stepped in.

Guard 2: "Your majesty, I have Alex requesting to join yourselves."

Sora: "Ah, of course, show her in." I heard her voice emit from the room so the Guard opened the door further and stepped aside.

Guard 2: "You may enter, Alex."

Me: "Thank you." I gratefully entered the room.

Sora: "Alex, somewhat perfect timing really." she started from the far head end of the table. Sarah was at the end closest to me, armoured up in her black and purple armour, but with face plates open. She gave me a smile and friendly nod which I returned.

Me: "Oh, morning Sarah. What's going on?"

Sora: "Last night up until a certain point I'm sure you will agree, certainly felt like a success."

Me: "Indeed, up until the couple of party crashers."

Sora: "Which is why I asked you both here. Alex, at which point last night did you realise that they were both Executioners?"

Me: "Jinx actually spotted them before I did."

Sora: "Ok, but Sarah said you managed to call up facial recognition and call up their profiles. Is that correct?"

Me: "Shall I just show you what I saw?"

Sora: " 'Show' me?"

Me: "I can play back to you what I saw."

Sarah: "You had no armour on until near the end, you wouldn't have caught much, surely?"

Me: "My mind is computer-like. My HUD can be constantly displayed if I choose it to. I can record memories like save file data, exactly like you would from a camera. The memory I watched the other day, I guess that was like playback but in virtual reality, in my own head. So working with that idea, I can SHOW you what I saw..." I accessed different points on my armour, sensors mostly, reconfiguring them into projectors. In the same fashion as before when I revisited the memory I recalled it from an outside perspective, like watching it in VR once more, only this time, out here in the real world as opposed to in my head. I set the memory starting at the point where I met Jinx at the buffet table and uploaded it. Light exploded and filed the room from all over me, creating the scene from last night.

Once again anything that the past me wasn't looking at was hazy, lacking in any sort of clarity... Make sense really, I can't remember or 'save' what I didn't look at... Sora and Sarah looking around the image in awe.

Sora: "You can show us pictures of what you were looking at?"

Me: "Better still, VIDEO, of what I was looking at. Shall we?" I drew their attention to the opposite side of the room where the memory of myself and Jinx were stood at the buffet table, paused.

Me: "I had been scanning faces all evening, in the background in my head, half the time I didn't even realise I was doing it so it doesn't bother me. But with so many attending last night I still hadn't seen them all, so as I say, Jinx saw them first, credit goes to her." I then played the memory,


*Past Me: "Everything alright? Or have they run out of the KFC style chicken fillets?" Jinx continued to pick out the odd bit of food here and there and piling it on her plate without looking at the past version of myself.


I quickly realised that the music and crowd chatter was quite loud, so I played with the audio mix, turning those down so that any chat between us could be heard more easily.


*Jinx: "Draconian male. I know that doesn't narrow it down, but on my 4 o'clock, about 10 meters away, talking with another male. They both kinda stick out a bit. I heard one mention Sora by name."*

*Past Me: "There are Honour Guards undercover here tonight, no armour, probably one on them."*

*Jinx: "Ever heard one of the Guards mention Sora by name only? It's always 'your Highness' or 'her Majesty' then maybe her name after, never just her name."*


Me: "I had realised she had a point, so I tried to identify who she was talking about." The three of us watched as my vision panned around and looked over the crowd, all of which came into clarity as they came into view of my past self.

'ALERT' Flashed up red over one of the individuals in the crowd, 'Sekrad', actually there above his head, and not on my HUD. He was highlighted red along with the three distressed sounding beeps. Hovering beside him was his Vanguard profile.

'ALERT' flashed up again with same distressed beeps, highlighting the 'Finn' to his left, highlighting hin red as well.

Sora: "Can you pause this?..." I did as she requested, the movement, the faint chatter of the crowd and the music slowed to a stop. "...Soo... You added this in now to show us? Or is this actually what you saw?" She asked stepping through the crowd and waving at the highlighted characters along with their profiles.

Me: "This was exactly what I saw."

Sarah: "It's a similar set up Heads Up Display that my armours have when powered up, maybe upgraded and customised a little bit by Alex and her Shard, but it's the same basic idea. I would guess that when Alex merged with the Shard and one of my armours that she can incorporate it into her vision any time rather than requiring to have her armour on."

Me: "Spot on."

Sora: "How interesting. So you have to have your helmet on to be able to see this sort of thing Sarah?"

Sarah: "On but not closed. Our armours are linked to our nervous system, wirelessly, Alex was the only 1 that was ever hard linked. The suits send the signals directly to our brain and incorporate it into our vision."

Sora: "Fascinating..." Sora stated with genuine interest it seemed. She then looked around the crowd and scoffed, taking a few steps off in one direction, stepping through the holographic representations of the crowd and coming to a halt infront of a Draconian female looking directly at her face.

Sora: "But do you know what is most interesting?... This Draconian?, She is one of my Guards, I recognise her..." Sora stepped to where the Guard was stood, within her image, then took large paces through the crowd towards where Sekrad, the closest AWOL Executioner to the Guard, "...1...2...3..." She counted aloud with each step until she reached Sekrad, "...3 paces... that's all this Guard was away from one of these assassins. And you?, You were..." she started from Sekrad and counted her paces aloud once more, "...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12..." She now reached the memory of myself, "...You were 12 paces away from Sekrad. He was right under my Guard's nose and she didn't even know, completely oblivious. Not her fault I know but you were almost halfway across the room and you picked the pair of them out in seconds..." She shook her head in disappointment before continuing, " on please."


Both Sekrad and Finn gave subtle nods to each other and separated, slipping through the crowd in long arcs towards her.

*Past Me: "Wrex, get to the Queen, now."*

*Wrex: "On it."*

*Past Me: "Jinx, take the one on the left."* We watched as Jinx nodded and fast paced walked around the side of the room towards Finn while the past me cut through the crowd,

*Past Me: "Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, excuse me..."*


Me: "I think my problem here is that I am too small, everyone else in here was probably a good foot taller than me and certainly stockier. Made it a problem for me to try and get to you."


*Jinx: "Oh shit... Hey buddy, can you hold this for me, my shoe's come untied."* She thrusted her plate into the Finn's chest, which he had no choice but to accept, but he looked down at her clawed bare feet all the same.


Sarah: " 'My shoe's come untied'?! Is that seriously what she said?!"

Me: "Well, gotta give her credit, it worked to distract him didn't it?" Sarah shook her head in disbelief but continued to watch.


*Finn: "What?! You don't have shoes!"*

They both looked down at her feet.

*Jinx: "Oh yeah!"* We watched as she drew her fist back at the same moment that Finn dropped her plate of food, spinning a small dagger out from the underside of his gauntlet, but too slowly as Jinx landed her punch straight in the end of his snout and knocked him to the floor.

*Me: "Excuse me, get out the way, move!"* Our attention was drawn back to the past version of myself desperately trying to barge my way through the crowd. Sekrad pulled the same small dagger from his gauntlet, keeping concealed against his wrist and by his side. Just as he made the final push for Sora, readying his arm for a swing and spinning the blade...

*Me: "Move!, MOVE!"* ...He swung... Thankfully this is where Wrex stepped in between Sekrad and Sora, grabbing him by the wrist, halting his plunge of the blade and headbutt him hard in the snout.

Sekrad stumbled back in shock. This was when I had jumped at his back and held his arms behind him, using as much strength as I could to try and hold on as he thrashed. He burst his wings open, bursting past me off of him and crashing to the floor onto my back. Sekrad made one the final ditch attempt for Sora.


Sarah: "This is where I come in." She stated proudly.


A small, bright bright ball of light that travelled quickly, accompanied by the barely audible 'zipp' sound before hitting the back of Sekrad's head. He went still mid stride, then slowly fell forward smashing his face into the floor mere foot in front of Sora and he moved no more.


I stopped the footage there and shut the projection down.

Me: "And that was pretty much the end of it."

Sora: "Sarah, what did you use to kill him?"

Sarah raised her prosthetic forearm, made almost like a downward elbowing motion, like she was cocking a gun maybe? It was still the bare skeletal structure as it was last night, but it split and transformed, her hand separated into sections, the pieces twisting downward unnaturally and a foot long barrel extended quickly from the end of her wrist.

Sarah: "I use to be quite good on the range when I was Human. The plasma jets on our armours were never meant to be used as weaponry and the problem with plasma rounds is that they're large, and slow traveling, which also get less accurate at long range. So, I decided to give my arm a dual purpose, making it so that it can convert and focus the plasma jet already built into it, into what essentially is a sniper rifle."

Me: "I have to say Sarah, that is pretty cool."

Sarah: "I know right!..." She made the cocking downward motion again with her elbow and her arm reassembled itself into is more natural form. "... still need to finish it and get some armour on it, but I'm glad it worked last night."

Sora: "As am I, truly. Sarah I want this Heads Up Display system shared with us if you could please, I would like our Vanguard implemented with it as soon as possible, if you agree."

Sarah: "On one condition, I want a bigger work space, I can't work in the closet you've given me so far."

Sora: "Done. And... I'm not fully decided yet myself, but how would you feel about outfitting the Vanguard with similar versions of your armour?"

Sarah: "It's a possibility."

Me: "Is that a wise thing to do? You retired the Executioners because they were too powerful. To outfit the Vanguard with these armours will make them almost as powerful. And look just as threatening to the rest of the world. I'm not saying 'don't', I'm just expressing concern."

Sora: "This is why I am undecided on the matter. I need to think on it a lot more, weigh up the pros and cons. My main issue is that plasma weapons exist out there already and are being used on our forces, illegally I might add. So I'm stuck in a predicament. If I legalise plasma weapons, even if just for Vanguard use, then we'd be setting a bad example. But if we don't implement them, then these pockets of resistance that keep popping up will continue to do so anyway and will keep hurting us."

Me: "So what have you done with Finn?"

Sora: "Locked up in the prison ward."

Me: "Has he said anything?"

Sora: "Oh plenty. Calling me traitorous, ill equipped to handle the throne, even called me a bosh'tet apparently!"

Sarah: "A 'Bosh'tet'?"

Me: "Yeah, that didn't translate for me either Sora, sorry."

Sora: "Oh, err, bosh'tet in my language... Closest thing in your English might me 'bitch'? Or maybe 'bastard'? It's an insult really, not a nice name you would really call anyone."

Me: "Fair enough. But has he said anything useful? Like where the rest of them have gone? Numbers? What their plans are?" Sora shook her head.

Sora: "Apparently he's been rather closed lip on that front, wouldn't give anything strategic away... *Sigh*... Unless either of  you have any more questions?..." She looked between the pair of us and we both shook our heads in response, "...then I will ask you both to kindly leave me in peace. I have some decision making to do. Thank you both for your time. Sarah, I will have someone get back to you regarding a new workspace."

Sarah: "Thank you." She said with a nod of her head and made her way for the exit, looking to me to follow, I gave a friendly nod and smile to Sora before joining Sarah.

(-Brian Tyler)

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