Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

57. Sabotage

Sarah: "Impressive little light show back there." She complemented after we had left the conference room and the doors were closed behind us by the Guards.

Me: "Thanks. Got the idea across easier, eh. You really think that giving the Vanguard Jarvie Tech armours is a great idea?"

Sarah: "I don't know... Humanity? No definitely not, we're- Sorry, still getting use to that line of thinking... the Humans are too greedy. Plus Human minds just won't be able to cope with the feedback, like I said before. Draconians, and especially the Vanguard, I get a feeling they're less greedy. So if anyone was to have the designs I'd rather it be the Vanguard. That's all I'm thinking."

Me: "Hey, don't distance yourself from Humanity too much, don't forget that's what makes Fury different, we all have a connection to Earth somehow, it's what sets us apart from the rest of the Vanguard."

Sarah: "Easy for you to say, you're half Human, you can easily live a life in both worlds and no one would bat an eye. Bit harder for me to blend in on Earth now. My Human life is over now, let's face it, so is every other ex-Human."

Me: "Hey, it's not over until we say it's over, alright? We still got to sort out SkyTech, we still have to free every other converted Human. So at some point we'll have to go back to Earth, one way or another. And you never know, maybe the Humans will warm up to us."

Sarah burst out laughing,

Sarah: "Oh, Alex.... You can be so naive at times. You think Earth will welcome us with open arms? You got another thing coming."

Me: "Well they're not really going to have much choice soon eh? We're going to be dropping ourselves into the limelight pretty hard soon enough."

Sarah: "Doesn't mean they will accept our friend request- *Gasp* I forgot! Alex, this morning when I got my armour on there was a message waiting for me."

Me: "Okay? Who from?"

Sarah: "That's the problem, I don't know."

Me: "Well, what did it say?"

Sarah: "It said... Hang on, let me call it back up..." I watched her eyes move as she stared into space as she was clearly going through her HUD to find the message again, "...It said 'We know what happened to you. We know that you've seemingly disappeared off of the face of the Earth. Considering all of your contribution to this problem you've caused we're amazed you've just upped and left. We have some information for you and your friend Alex that might be of interest, if you're not the coward you've seemed to have become. Respond to accept.' "

Me: "Who's 'We'?"

Sarah: "I have no idea."

Me: "Well who would be able to message you way out here?"

Sarah: "Anyone who had my number from before. I linked my phone with the coms buoys that the Vanguard have set up on Earth."

Me: "Well that narrows it down..." I replied sarcastically, "...what did you reply with?"

Sarah: "Nothing yet, I wanted to wait until I spoke to you."

Me: "Do you even want to reply?"

Sarah: "Kinda do, kinda don't. I've fallen off the radar, what if it's someone trying to track me down?"

Me: "Want me to reply then? After all it is addressing me as well."

Sarah: "Well if you do, then they will know that I'm alive and shared it to you won't they?"

Me: "Well, I'll just say I claimed your phone when you died."

Sarah: "No, don't say that, if that is the case, can you just tell them you're currently sorting my affairs while I'm away?"

Me: "Err, okay?"

I accessed Sarah's suit, communications, found the message in question, downloaded to myself then opened it... What a mistake...

My head filled with static then overlayed by a distorted voice, I was barely able to grip onto reality...

*"Ahh... We had hoped you would retrieve this message from Sarah and open it, Alex. Rest assured, we mean you no ill harm, not yet anyway, as soon as we are aware of your true intentions then we will make our decision on how best to deal with you, if required. However, until then, we do indeed have some information for you. You will find we have handed it to your acquaintance, Michael Jones. We advise you visit it him at your earliest convenience before the eager character that he is, uses for his own means."* The static faded and my surroundings returned...

Sarah: "-ALEX! You with me?!" She was shouting near enough right in my ear, enough to make it ring, while she was holding my upper arm. Apparently I had slumped partially to the floor during the message and Sarah was kneeling next to me, supporting me upright.

Me: "Whoa... Jeez, yes, I'm with you, could you stop shouting at me, please? You're making my ears ring."

Sarah: "Oi, you were having a seizure! You froze up!, eyes rolled back into your head! I've called Wrex and the medical teams-" I quickly pulled myself to my feet,

Me: "There's really no need, honestly, I'm fine now, thank you. There was something in that message. It was obviously fine for you, but it was targeted at me. As soon as I opened it it there was a voice message codded in, hidden. I should have checked really but I didn't even think about it."

Sarah: "So, you were hacked?"

Me: "Kinda, yeah... Like a Trojan Horse message I guess."

Sarah: "Are you sure you haven't been infected at all?"

Me: "I don't think so, but I'll check myself anyway, run a scan, so to speak."

Wrex: "Alex?! Alex!" He called, screeching around a corner on all fours, bounding towards us.

Me: "I'm fine Wrex..." I said to him as he ran up, almost sliding to a stop just as he reached me immediately stepping up beside me to support, "... honestly."

Wrex: "Having a seizure is not fine."

Me: "It wasn't a natural seizure, it was triggered."

Wrex: " 'Triggered'?- no, doesn't matter, seizure is a seizure."

Me: "Wrex, Sarah, please, I'm fine, seriously. But I need to get to Earth."

Wrex: "No! No way! The only place you're going is the medical wing." I threw him off me, just about skipping away from the pair and turning to face them.

Me: "Wrex, I am going to Earth, that's final. If you want to join me, then please do."

Sarah: "Alex, what if this is a trap? You know what usually happens when you run off on your own, you get in trouble and caught."

Me: "Hey, not every time!"

Wrex: "I agree, I don't want you going, not in your current condition at least."

Me: "Even more reason for you to join me then, eh? Guys look, some information has been given to Michael Jones, I know him from Fox News in New York. I know what he's like, he's keen, the voice was right, it won't be long before he acts on it."

Wrex: "Wait, what? What voice? What information."

Sarah: "I received a message this morning from an unknown. They said they have information for us, but when Alex opened it she heard a voice recorded message, telling her that the information had been given to this guy."

Wrex: "But why him? And who sent you this message?"

Me: "We have no idea, but Michael is a journalist fixated on anything to do with SkyTech or Dragons..." Wrex went to open his mouth again, "...Wrex, just stop asking questions or arguing, get your armour on, we're going."

Sarah: "I'm coming too."

Me: "That's fine by me."

Sarah: "But err, what about Jinx and 42?" I thought about it, even if it was just for a second...

Me: "They're still on leave. They need the break so leave them out of this for now, just us 3. Suit up Wrex, we're going as soon as you're ready."


Lenox Hill, New York, USA, Tuesday 1st Mar 22 18:22

We left the Jump, arriving on the roof top of an apartment building, my metallic armoured feet clattering to the floor, Sarah and Wrex following me out.

Me: "Aaahhh..." I sighed to in relief as I took in the sights and sounds of the city around me, "... good to back."

Wrex: "You like New York?"

Me: "Well, I don't dislike it. I couldn't live here, I would like some sleep occasionally..." I joked, "...But I just mean Earth in general, it's home, y'know... Come on, I'm getting distracted."

Sarah: "Wait wait wait wait! Alex! I wasn't expecting you to drop us on top of a building in the middle of New York!"

Me: "So?"

Sarah: " 'So?' So you can hide yourself in plain sight, myself and Wrex sorta stick out a bit!"

Me: "Hmm..." I looked down at myself, my armour retreated, revealing my old casual disguise, the black hoodie, dark skinnies and red Converse, hiding my Draconic extremities in a wisp of red and purple, just as before and I stood presenting myself in a content fashion.

Sarah: "You know we've seen this disguise for you before, right? But-"

Wrex: "-But no offense deary, but we don't have the same powers as you, we can't hide ourselves in plain sight like you."

Me: "No, but 'I' can hide YOU." I stepped towards them and tapped each of them in turn with my index and middle finger on the chest and they both promptly turned invisible. Better in fact than an Executioner's armour cloak, making them invisible to the naked eye.

My vision swapped out, changing to the mode to see energy signatures. I could see them both now, glowing yellow. They were looking over themselves, checking their hands and down their bodies.

Me: "Best I can do for now I'm afraid. Hopefully you should be able to see yourselves and each other, but you're invisible to everyone else, but you're not inaudible and you're still solid. You bump into someone or make a noise and they will know something's going on. Oh and don't wander too far from me, it's taking a lot of my energy to keep myself disguised and both of you cloaked."

Wrex: "Don't strain yourself my lovely."

Me: "I'm fine, honestly. I'll give you both plenty of warning before I have to drop the cloak, alright? As soon as we're inside his apartment and I've warned him, I'll unveil you. You both ready?" Wrex shrugged,

Wrex: "Not that I'm entirely sure what we're in for, but yes. You obviously know where we're headed, so, after you." He gestured across the roof. I took the lead, heading for the rooftop fire escape door. I used my telekinetic powers to push the bar on the other side of the door to get it to open and the door popped towards me, enough to grab it an make my way in down the staircase. I made my way down several flights of stairs, checking behind every so often to make sure that Sarah and Wrex were following.

We arrived on the correct floor, just as I rounded the bottom of the stairs for this floor, your typical shady looking guy, leather jacket with a hoodie underneath, hood up, rounded the bottom of the flight of stairs, wolf whistling as he passed me,

Pervert: "Mm-hmm... sexy momma! Whatchu doin' all alone baby?" He asked while turning and slowly walked backwards up the stairs while continuing to stare at me. I heard Wrex growl faintly then I watched him gently swing his tail in the path of the man's legs. The guy tripped over Wrex's tail to fall back onto the steps with a groan of pain.

Me: "I'm not alone." I replied with a smile.

Perv: "Wha da fuck... Fucking voodoo shit, fuck you." He said quickly getting to his feet and scrambling up the stairs, I chuckled in amusement.

Wrex: " *Grumble*... Why you like this planet is beyond me. It's one thing residing in a remote area, but these cities, these people..." He said to me over the coms.

Me: "Oh I agree on the people comment, people I don't like. It's Earth itself that I love... Right here." I replied only in thought once more on the coms channel. I stopped outside apartment door for number 104 and knocked hard 3 times.

My vision mode that allowed me to see people's energy signatures, the one I had kept on since turning Sarah and Wrex invisible, now showed me Michael running up behind the door, creeping at the last moment. He spied through the  peephole at me.

Me: "You gonna open up Michael? It's me, Alex."

There was a moment's silence before the frantic sound of multiple latches and locks and chains being undone or removed. The door flung open and Michael grabbed my arm and yanked me in.

Michael: "Get in, quick!" He almost squealed in desperate hushed tone. He went to close the door behind me before the other 2 could make their way in,

Me: "Whoa, wait." I over powered him and held the door open and held him back

Michael: "What are you doing?! Close it quick!" In that time, Wrex and Sarah had made it through anyway, so indeed, I closed it and Michael quickly set about returning all the locks to their previous state.

Me: "Michael?... Are you ok?" He didn't reply until he finished the locks and chains then spun with his back to the door to face me.

Michael: "No one followed you up here? Right? You didn't see anyone? Anything out of the ordinary?" I glanced round at where Wrex and Sora stood before answering.

Me: "Of course not, what's this about?"

Michael: "I don't even know why I let you in but-... Hang on a minute, are you pregnant?!" I don't know why, but I looked down at my ever increasing bump, as if I needed to look to even confirm it for myself. I was about the size a woman around maybe 6 months now, the baby bump definitely couldn't be doubted now.

Me: "Yeeaahhh... a little bit."

Michael: "But... how?! You didn't remotely look pregnant a couple of weeks ago?!"

Me: "Well, I'm part Dragon, and Dragon pregnancies work a little differently."

Michael: "Yeah-! but-?! How-?! Err, wha-?! You know what- doesn't matter, err- congratulations are in order, I guess?"

Me: "Thank you. But anyway, we're getting side tracked, you were saying?"

Michael: "I err, well, things haven't been right since you showed up at my work. Someone or something has been following me."

Me: "What? Who?"

Michael: "I don't know, that's the problem I have no proof. But I'm telling you someone has followed me almost every day, I haven't seen them but I know they're there, it's like I can feel them watching me. They're in my computer too, my phone, my tablet, everyone of my devices... I've scanned them all, factory reset too, but things still aren't right. I can't explain it, it's like little glitches, I'll see them but as soon as I investigate I find nothing, nada. It's like whoever it is is doing it deliberately to spook me."

Me: "Want me to take a look?"

Michael: "Don't get me wrong, I grew up building computers and programming. I've been through everything on all these devices and found nothing so I don't know what you're gonna-."

Me: "Michael, I send you emails from my mind."

Michael: "I-... Well... Alright then, if you think you can do better." I accessed his wifi... Accessed his PC... Scanned EVERYTHING... eww... Ok, wish I didn't scan that folder... Jesus... This guy really needs a girl... Other than that, everything seemed in place... Wait... No... Right there... A gap, no, more like a void in the programming, right far down in the BIOS... Something there, but at the same time, it's like it wasn't there, it was nothing, just a void, it was like a bubble, wedged between the lines of code of the operating system.

I tried accessing it but it wouldn't let me, I couldn't see what was inside, so I tried more aggressive hacks.  No matter what I tried, I couldn't break the shell, it kept adapting, changing, at every attack I gave it, almost like it was alive and predicting my next move. I gave up on the PC and decided to check his other devices... A little digging and same thing, his phone, Ipod, smart tv, xbox, playstation, tablet... Everything had the same bubble wedged in the operating system code somewhere. I pulled myself from the digital realms of his network and back to reality, opening my eyes with a deep inhale.

Michael: "What happened there?"

Me: "I've just searched all your devices. Trouble is, you're looking for something extra, but what you're looking for you can't see, because it doesn't want you to. It's there, but it's not there, if that makes sense?"

Michael: "Like a virus?"

Me: "Kinda, but viruses, even the best, you can still find in the code. This doesn't want you to see it, but it's there, maybe tracking you."

Michael: "What?! Am I bugged?!"

Me: "I don't know for sure, even I can't access it."

Michael: "Well it started happening just days after you disappeared. But who is it going to be? Is it the Feds? Do you reckon they're digging for information like what you sent me yesterday?"

Me: "Yesterday? I haven't sent you any information?"

Michael: "You did, last ni-... Oh no... It's this bug, isn't it?" He replied in realisation.

Me: "I don't know... Could well be... What was the information?"

Michael: "Hey, before I give you anything else, I want that exclusive you promised me!"

Me: "Michael, I promise you, you will get it, when the time is right. I can't just jump into spot light and reveal myself without any real, hard evidence to back up my allegations, that won't do me or you any good."

Michael paused before replying,

Michael: "Yeah... Yeah alright. Anyway, this information, it might point us towards what we need anyway."

Me: "Well, spill the beans already, what have you got?"

Michael: "Err, hold on, Need to grab, er..." He went to run off out of this combined living room/kitchen. The main windows along the far wall to the front door were boarded up from the inside, meaning the place was only illuminated by the dingy ceiling lights that looked as though they were from the 1940's. Hell, most of the decor in this apartment of his looked to be of the same era, the only things giving it away that we were in present times was that there were countless pieces of nerdy merchandise that lined almost every flat surface. Lord of The Rings, Terminator, Sonic, Pacific Rim, The Matrix, Gundam, Alien... Every pop film or gaming icon, be it figures or scenery or props, anything since probably the 60s were scattered absolutely everywhere, shelves, worktops, whatever had a flat surface.

Anyway, back to Michael... I didn't really think about it, neither did I have time to stop him. He ran, full pelt, with a mighty thump, straight into the invisible Sarah, who I guess only stepped back in shock from his sudden motion more than being moved by the force of his impact. Michael crashed backwards to the floor in a groan of pain, holding his face.

Me: "Shit!... Sorry Michael."

Michael: "Gahh... Fuck! What the fuck was that?!" He demanded while shuffling back on the floor away from his point of impact.

Me: "I may have brought some friends... But not the sort I can publicly show. So I kept them hidden until I could introduce you. I'm sorry though..." Michael groaned as he rolled to his hands and knees, then used the nearby kitchen worktop breakfast bar to help himself back to his feet. "...Jesus." I stated in grimace upon seeing his face emerge from behind the counter.

His nose was crooked and was starting push a seriously unhealthy amount of blood out. I rounded the bar to continue helping him up and help him to one of the bar stools. Once seated, I rounded back into the kitchen, grabbed the kitchen roll, teared a couple of sheets off and handed them to him.

Me: "Your nose is broken..." I quickly looked up online how to realign it, just to make sure I was doing it right, "...I can put it right if you want me to, but it will hurt..." He nodded in reply over the quickly red staining tissues he was holding under his gushing nostrils. I grabbed either side of his nose with my fingers of both hands, "...ready? On 3... 1... 2... 3" there was a loud cracking noise as it straightened back into place, followed by a large pained grunt again from Michael who doubled over in pain in his seat.

Michael: " *Grunt* Fuck me!" He exclaimed sitting back up and his eyes starting to water up. I tore off some fresh tissue the tore it in half.

Me: "Might want to swap that out and stuff these up your nose." He did as I instructed, dropping the larger mostly blood sodden piece on the side, taking each half of the sheet and stuffing a half gingerly up each nostril.

Michael: "Oooo... That's tender *grunt*... So come on, what the fuck did I run into?"

I looked back to where I could see Wrex and Sarah stood, quietly and patiently looking in my direction.

Me: "Sure you're ready? They're quite scary looking, but they're the good guys, my family." Michael nodded slowly while supporting his tissues, so I turned back to the pair and clicked my fingers. Their cloak disengaged, revealing the pair of armour clad Dragons, their face plates opening as soon as they were visible once more.

Michael: "Fuuuccckkkk meee..." His jaw dropped in awe as he slid off his bar stool into a standing position in astonishment. I stepped towards the pair and faced Michael.

Me: "Michael, allow me to introduce, Wrex, my other half. And Sarah... Who I hope you will recognise her full name, Sarah Jarvie." Sarah gave Michael a small wave.

Sarah: "Sorry about your nose." She apologised sheepishly.

Michael: "Noooo!... THEE Sarah Jarvie?? Of Jarvie Industries?!"

Sarah: "The very same."

Michael: "You...? You got converted? SkyTech got to you?!"

Sarah: "No, not SkyTech... It was either this or I died, I have Alex to thank for the conversion. It's not so bad actually." She smiled back at him.

Michael: "Well, it's err... It's a privilege to meet you, you're looking, erm, 'well'? At least. And Wrex... 'Wrex'... 'Wrex the Dragon'... Where have I heard of you before?"

Me: "You know the history of how SkyTech was started? Skylen's involvement? The initial donor for the DNA samples? Wrex was there, World War 2, he fought along side the allies on black ops missions, including bringing down the factory or labs that Skylen was at in Germany."

Michael seemed to get over excited at this information, his eyes widened more so than they were already.

Michael: "You! You were there! A Dragon! A real live Dragon! There were rumours that a Dragon thought with us against the Germans! But it was always dismissed as a preposterous rumours! A story imagined up to strike fear into the Germans! But you're really real! God damn! I mean, sir! It's and honour! I'm so thankful for what you did for us! Fuck, a real live Dragon!, Wow... If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?, Like 90? 100 odd? You're looking good!-"

Wrex: "I'm 1197."

Michael: "Ha ha ha!, good one!, come on, how old are you?"

Wrex: "I am, 1197 years old." He stated again more firmly.

Me: "Draconians live very long lives Michael. Through a very complicated method, I know, I've seen it, it's true.

Michael: "I-... Wow... This is- this is unreal! God, I have so many questions. For all 3 of you!"

Me: "Michael? Interview later. You said you had some information for us?"

Michael: "Err, right... Excuse me..." He stepped towards Wrex and Sarah, " more invisible friends for me to smash my face into, I hope?..." He jeered as he parted Wrex and Sarah, both of them stepping aside, " guys are huge!" He stated glancing between the pair and then some more as he steped past them into another room. Wrex turned back to me.

Wrex: "Is it wise to use him? He seems very...-"

Me: "-excited?"

Wrex: "I was going to say, 'distracted'."

Me: "He's done plenty of research into SkyTech's wrong doing and Dragons in general, but has never met one in person, besides me, but I barely count, this is probably quite a big moment for him."

Michael scurried back into the room, a file clutched under his arm as he parted Wrex and Sora once more. He arrived back at the breakfast bar once more and dropped the lone file on it.

Michael: "Take a look."

The title on the file... 'Riley Skiff'... I eagerly opened it. There wasn't much in here, but there was enough. Date of birth, address of her home in Swindon in the UK, next of Kin, immediate family, a very basic background. More interestingly were recent reports from SkyTech, putting her on indefinite leave with minimal pay to allow her to at least somewhat recover from PTSD. And even more interestingly, she's not currently living at home. Apparently her medical condition and lack of funds has caused a great amount of tension at home so she has removed herself from the family altogether... Nice and supportive family eh...

Michael: "Apparently she was some big shot at Sky High Technologies, but something happened at work, according to that report there anyway, but most of what happened and the findings of the report have been redacted."

Me: "Anyone know where she is now?"

Michael: "No, but since receiving this last night, I shared it amongst my groups, so I've got some contacts looking into it, she won't stay hidden for long."

I sent Michael a text, I heard his phone go off a second later.

Me: "I just sent you my number, don't bother handing it to anyone else, it only works with numbers I recognise. But you let me know if and when you find where she is, ok?"

(-Beastie Boys)

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