Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

75. All Star – Epilogue 1 of 3


On route to Fox News, NYC, USA, 09:00 Fri 4 March 22

Me: "This is ridiculous." I stated, bopping the back of my head against the side panel in the back of the van.

Michael: "Come on. The world's only just learning about the existence of the Dragons. If you'd have given me the exclusive I asked for 2 days ago, like you promised, when I actually asked for it, we wouldn't have to be hiding you in a van." I pulled my head off the vibrating panel to retaliate with an answer to Michael.

Me: "See it from my perspective, please? It was only about 3 days ago you set me up to find Skiff. Since then I've been around the world chasing leads, our ship was shot out of the sky, finding dozens of fellow Vanguard bodies in the search effort. We raided the SkyTech base, took hours to get through it, Wrex was injured, Jinx lost an arm and I finally got my kids back. Don't you think that after that we deserved a rest? Even for just a day?"

Michael: "I know, I know. But the executive producer here was going to fire me until we told him we were getting an interview with you. The only reason I still have a job is because we broadcast the footage you gave us."

Me: "Don't even get me started on that! You're complaining that I didn't keep to my word. You jeopardised this whole reveal of the Draconians! If it wasn't for the base footage of mine that you broadcast as well, our reception by Humanity would have been very different! This was exactly why I asked you not to publish anything until we had spoken! People are still trying to make their minds up if we're hostile or not!"

Michael: "You didn't give me the exclusive when I needed it! That's where the problem's come from! News is big business! Fast! The more instantaneous the better!..." I slumped back, arms folded, my armoured back and wings scraped against the side of the van. It was pointless trying to argue with him, all these media types were same - Get the news, by any means necessary and if you don't get it all, make up the details, blow it all out of proportion, scaremonger the people - that's what sells. "...Alex, this interview will clear everything up, I promise."

Me: "How can you promise that?"

Michael: "Trust me, I know."

The van bumped over a slight step as it turned and the light being shed in from the front windows dimmed to pulses as we passed under unnatural, man made, lights.

Me: "Well, I hope you're right." I felt the van turn around, then back up, then come to a stop. Michael instantly got to his feet and headed for the back doors and I reluctantly got to my own feet to join him. The doors opened and Michael gasped, so I peered around him to see what the issue was. 2 well suited gentlemen stood about a dozen feet away, both of them arms folded, leaning against their black Dodge Charger. I recognised these 2, the FBI agents from Michael's office that day that Reikon took complete control of me.

Michael: "H-hiya, f-fellas... What can I do for you today?" He nervously asked, unmoved from the back doorway of the van. The first agent, the grey haired senior agent looking guy was the first to speak.

Agent 1: "Mr Jones. Just need to ask a few questions."

Michael: "B-but... You questioned me yesterday? I'm not sure I have anything else to give." He stepped off the rear step of the van, the 2 suited gentlemen almost simultaneously stood up straight and took a couple of steps closer to us and the van, the elder of the 2 pulling his jacket back and placing his hands on his hips as he came to a stop. Whether this was a comfort position or whether this was to advertise his side arm nestled in his holster on his left flank, I wasn't sure.

Agent 2: "Not you, your lil' friend here." The younger, short black haired guy replied.

Agent 1: "Why don't you introduce us, Michael?" He waggled a finger between himself, his colleague and me a couple of time before putting his hand nack on his hip.

Michael: "I err..." He looked between me and the agents as I stepped off the back of the van myself and stood beside Michael "...Alex, this is Senior Special agent Lee Rowland, and this is Special agent Jake Monroe..." He said, gesturing to each in turn, the agents now stepped to within arms length of Michael, "...Gents, this is Alex."

Lee Rowland: "Does Miss Alex have a last name?"

Me: "Nope, just Alex."

Lee: "Well then, Miss Alex, pleasure to formally meet you..." The senior agent extended his hand to me. I hesitated for a moment before reaching my armoured hand out, accepting the greeting. Jake then was quick to extend his hand too as I finished the shake with Lee.

Jake Monroe: "My apologies for opening fire on you last time." I shook his hand too, being to make the grip a bit firmer but not injuring. I noticed he subtly flexed his hand as he pulled it away.

Me: "No harm done, apology accepted."

Lee: "Happy to hear that. Miss Alex, I myself have been working on this case a few years now, regarding Dragons and possible links to Sky High Technologies. In actual fact, it was closed due to lack of progress and was only reopened after the incident in London. Mr Jones here had been a valuable asset in gathering us intel during the whole time, even with a gag order that had been issued on him by Sky High Technologies. With the recent footage you have supplied Mr Jones, we feel that, you too, could make us real headways to putting Sky High Technologies through the proper judiciary system. They need to face the consequences of their actions. We need to formally debrief you. There are still a lot of questions that need answering. Time in this sort of matter is of great importance to make sure that those who need to be held accountable, don't slip away unnoticed. Would you mind coming with us please?" He gestured to the black Charger behind them.

Me: "Erm, while I appreciate the offer, I need to get my head straight. I am only here to give Michael here, the interview I promised him. After that, I want some time off, recent events have been hard hitting on me, mentally and physically. I need some time to... Recuperate, so to speak. I have family matters to attend to." Lee didn't look impressed, he looked rather put out actually, momentarily glancing at Monroe before back to me.

Lee: "There are certain aspects of this matter that may well not be suitable for the public eye, things that should be kept under wraps. At least for the time being anyway, we wouldn't want to cause a panic. We'd really like to discuss with you what can and shouldn't be disclosed with the population in any form, before you have this interview."

Me: "I appreciate your concern, but I have to entertain the thoughts and opinions of the Draconian government as well. That's the Dragons by the way, that's what they, or 'we', call ourselves. I'm trying to defend and appease 2 species here, simultaneously. So I already know what needs to be shared."

Lee: "I don't know... Could we at least discuss what you're planning on telling the world first?"

Michael: "I er, we don't really have the time, my boss is waiting over-" he thumbed off towards the lift of this loading bay, where there were some suits waiting patiently at the bottom of the lift, intently watching over us.

Lee: "Shut up Michael." He said bluntly.

Michael: "Yep, ok, shuttin' up." His lips smacked and locked, whipped his hands behind his back and he stayed on his spot, rocking silently on his heels.

Me: "Still, what he said." I tipped my head to Michael.

Jake: "We're asking you nicely."

Me: "And I nicely declined."

Jake: "Lady, you have no idea what is at stake, if you jeopardise this investigation we could charge you for obstruction of a federal investigation and halting us from bringing known criminals to justice."

Me: "I have every idea!, Don't you dare threaten me, Special Agent, because you have no idea what I am capable of."

Lee: "Now hold on now, let's all not get carried away here..." He stepped between us, hands raised in a stopping motion and waved us down, giving his subordinate a stern disapproving stare before turning back to me, "...what my partner is trying to say is that it will be in the interests of everyone for you to answer our questions, sooner, rather than later."

Me: "Let's make a date then, shall we?"

Lee: "Yes, please, let's..." Now satisfied that things had calmed, stepped back beside his partner, "...Are you at least available later today? Or maybe Tomorrow?"

Me: "Let's make it Monday, Ten A.M. Does that work for you?"

The agents looked between each other for a moment,

Lee: "I guess if that's the earliest you can do, then yes, please..." He grumbled displeased, "...Let me just give you my card, so you've got our addr-" I looked it up as he started rummaging through one of his jacket's inner pockets.

Me: "26 Federal Plaza, 23rd floor. And I know where your office is."

Lee: "Ohh... Ok, well you'll at least want my number, in case there's any issues." I looked up all personnel on the Bureau's database, found Lee's contact details and mentally called his phone. It started ringing, it's dull factory ring tone that sounded as though it was from the early 2000's, just as he pulled his card from his pocket and was about to hand it to me, 

Me: "It's me." I stated as he fumbled for his phone in his other inner jacket pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the screen, confused and surprised.

Lee: "How'd you do that?" I tapped a clawed finger against my head as I ended the call.

Me: "I'm a bit of a technical whizz. I'll explain all at the debrief if you don't mind. I need to get this interview done."

Lee: "Yes... Of course... 10 o'clock Monday. Don't be late please." He reminded me as he turned to leave.

Michael: "Well that was intense. I was starting to get worried there'd be a fight and they'd try to arrest you or something." He said when the 2 agents were back in their car and out of earshot.

Me: "Meh, was nothing. Just standing my ground. So that's your boss over there?"

Michael: "Yeah, some of them."

Me: "And I gotta talk to them first?"

Michael: "Well, they're keen to meet you, plus it would look good on me if you did."

Me: " *Sigh* alright, let's get this over with. I want to get on and get going."


A little over 2 hours had passed since I got collared by the Fox Execs. In that time, I had to chew the fat, show off a couple of little party tricks and reluctantly take pictures with each of them. We also went over a few shots and bits of info that weren't to be shared, due to dark nature or not wanting to incite panic.

So Michael and the crew in charge of setting up this interview hustled me upstairs. Some make-up girls insisted on trying to get something on my face - I told them where to stick it... The crew then led me through into a dark studio, the main light source being the light set up and cameras pointed at a set that looked like it was from a talk show. A sofa and a single seater armchair sat in front of a 2D back drop of a cityscape through some supposed windows.

Finally, I was lead and sat down on a sofa under so many lights and cameras, it was getting a little bit overwhelming.

Me: "Is all this really necessary?" 

Michael: "What?..." He realised I was looking around all the lights and cameras, "...normal set up for a studio. You'll get use to it." He tried to pacify me as he sat down in a single seater opposite me.

Me: "I don't plan on it." I grumbled to myself so that Michael didn't hear as he sat down in a single seater more or less opposite me.

Michael: "I just want to thank you again for this. You've changed my life."

Me: "No worries. I promised you. I stick to my promises."

Michael: "Thank you. While the guys just finish setting up, can I get you anything? Anything you want to discuss?"

Me: "I just want to point out now, I won't be giving away any details on my past life, from before I was changed."

Michael: "What? Why not?!"

Me: "Because I still have friends and family from my past life. I don't want them to become targets."

Michael: "I-"

"Alright Michael, we're ready." One of the crew from behind the camera announced. I tried my best to hide my nervousness as I looked to the camera, then back to Michael, then realised he looked slightly nervous as well.

Me: "Shall we?"

Michael: "Yeah, okay..." He shuffled in his seat opposite me to looking more relaxed. "...right, ready."

"Count you in... And 3, 2, 1, rolling." One of the voices announced from behind the lights.

Michael: "Good evening, I'm Michael Jones from Fox News. You're joining me tonight for extra special segment by someone extraordinary indeed, someone we have seen so much about recently but haven't heard a peep from, Alex! Welcome! How're you doing?"

Me: "Er, thanks for having me Michael, and I'm fine, thank you very much."

Michael: "Great! Now, Alex, in the past few months we've seen you in reports, some harrowing footage at times and in the last few days, we've seen what many people thought was an invasion, what with space ships over Iceland, Dragon creatures raining from the sky, but that's just not the case, is it?"

Me: "No, not at all. They were much needed reinforcements to take down an illegal operation being conducted by Humans."

Michael: "So Dragons aren't of Earth?"

Me: "No, these Dragons, they're called Draconians, they're actually an alien race from Draconia. They has existed longer than Humans and have been traveling here since before Humans are what we know them as now."

Michael: "So this attack and recent events of the past couple of months aren't targeted against us Humanity as a whole?"

Me: "No, Humanity has only ever been a subject of interest for them on a curiosity level. Despite their ability for war they are firm lovers of peace. They have only attacked a select corporation here. Can I say the name?"

Michael: "I think we should name and shame, yes."

Me: "Sky High Technologies."

Michael: "I see... A company, as I am aware, which prides itself in medical and technological advancements, clean energy and space travel, and military tech as well I understand. So what have they done to upset these Dragons?"

Me: "Experimentations, it's more what they're doing to Humans that's the cause for concern."

Michael: "Care to elaborate?"

Me: "Well, there's no way to sugar coat this. But they have been kidnapping innocent people, and by way of using a complicated transfusion, they've been able to convert Humans into full Dragons."

Michael: "That is a bold claim! But to what purpose? How would this benefit Sky High Technologies in any way?"

Me: "Experimental secret warfare. They are being grown and having their memories blocked to be trained and used in black ops style warfare. To be sold to the highest bidder. Dragons can be silent and deadly, I won't lie, and if one was to be discovered and killed there'd be no way to point the blame at, no particular country or company."

Michael: "Yes... I have seen pretty damning evidence, from footage you've either taken yourself or data you've acquired from their sites. But tell me Alex, where do you fit in with all this? I don't mean any disrespect, but you're clearly neither Dragon, nor Human. Have you always been like this? Or have you been one or the other?"

Me: "No, I wasn't always like this. I was once Human, just like you, or anyone else sat at home. I was kidnapped by SkyTec- Sky High Technologies and experimented on as well."

Michael: "Wow, that's err, quite astonishing. You've certainly gone through some changes then. I feel like we need to learn more about you and what you represent and what your intentions are. Maybe, if we were to start your story back in Iceland, where your footage, that we'll show you, our viewers, in just a moment. But is what we're about to see, is this where and how you were created, or rather?"

Me: "Woah woah woah... Hang on... If you start the story there, that's gonna be confusing for everyone. For this to make any sense, we need to tell the viewers everything. Like, from day 1... Well almost everything, I will leave out some particular unimportant details. Pretty much every day from the start of my story here has been a learning curve. I fucked up a couple of times... ok, so quite a few times, but that's how we learn, right? And sorry for swearing... I died a couple of times too... got raped... I won't go into that too much, rather not talk about it. I still don't have all the answers as to how or why everything happened the way it has. Let's wind back to day 1... The day I got kidnapped..."

(-Smash Mouth)

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