Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

76. Who Wants To Live Forever – Epilogue 2 of 3

A little over 4 months had passed since the assault on the SkyTech base (which we since found it was code named 'Chrysalis').

Ok, so I didn't tell the world every single detail in that interview about what happened to me, my past, details about the Shard, intricacies of my life since my life changed, my relationship with Wrex, and Reikon. They were all left out of the topic, either due to not being relevant or posed a security risk or I just didn't want to cause a panic.

So here's an update on all that's happened for you all since then...

Skylen and Reikon were nowhere to be found after we were blown from the window of the boardroom. We've had the Vanguard's sensors scanning 24/7 for Shard usage... Nothing, beside my own of course. Vanguard are listing them both as MIA, I'm not so sure, but a significant length of time has passed and I've had next to no inkling to suggest that Reikon is still about, so I'm just accepting it but being wary. After all MIA merely means there were no bodies recovered. Which leads on to the next update. Ember.

She also went 'missing' after she left my side in the Chrysalis base, and not long after, (we're talking less than an hour), Craven also mysteriously went missing from the brig of Relentless, a few crew were rendered unconscious and by the time they were discovered, Craven was missing. A warrant is still out for Craven's arrest... But between you and me, I know they've settled down on a little private island near Japan, but literally only I know that. I don't think even they know that I know, and as far as I'm concerned, I think they've earned it, they're doing no harm. The Vanguard won't leave them alone otherwise.

Sky High Technologies was shut down within days of our proof being made public. They tried denying it of course, claiming false accusations and slander, but with how much evidence we had and the Vanguard allowing officials access to the base in Iceland, they didn't have a leg to stand on. There were reports though that some divisions may have splintered off, so we're working with MI5, the FBI and other authorities around the world to track them down.

In the mean time we let the world relax slightly, but those people who were converted were slowly returned home in batches from Draconia. They were going to have tough lives ahead of them, being reintegrated back into society. Dragons were a new thing, completely alien to Humanity, (no pun intended,) but to be told that some of the Dragons were once Human, it didn't sit too well with some Humans having to accept that it was going to become a part of daily life. But they had no choice, they were entitled to return home, the world will just have to accept them.

Sora had made contact with the world leaders at a peace summit, extending a hand of friendship. She had also, (with prior arrangement and reluctant agreement with me of course,) appointed me as Ambassador between the Humans and Draconians, due in most part thanks to my hybrid status and ties to both worlds, I was 'the most logical and ideal candidate.' she told me.

I have also been approached by Pop!, Hasbro, Mattel, Lego, Sony, Microsoft and a few other brands that want to make toys and games of me?! How weird is that? My deal with any of them has been this, 30% of profits goes to families of those converted who are trying to adjust, or who have lost loved ones to the experiments. Another 30% goes to creating infrastructure, public access, health care and specialist jobs for converted Dragons and many other things. 10% goes to Jarvie Industries... This isn't greed, we have plans to use this money to do good things with, but more on that another time. The remainder I allowed the companies to keep on the agreement they offer roles to Converted Dragons as well. Granted, some of them weren't happy with the profit margin and having to accept Draconian staff AND having to convert buildings and cater for them, but I put it to them as "Look at how your company would look to the rest of the world. Creating jobs and infrastructure for converted out of charity, kindness, care, and respect would boost your company's appearance at a time when charity is needed." They all accepted this after a couple of days of mulling it over.

Mine and Wrex's 3 little ones were hatched into the world, healthy as can be. Dr Barrill was, unfortunately for me, correct. 2 girls and a boy, I still say that something has gone wrong somewhere but I'm not ungrateful... So the firstborn girl we named Star Light, as we had already decided. The boy hatched next, we decided we both like 'Kai', Scottish name quite literally meaning 'Fire', because, you know, why not?... Then the last one hatched, the second girl, we named her Skyler. It was Wrex's idea and a play on the 'Skylen' name. After a bit of poking, I managed to get him to admit, that in the last few moments with his step brother, Wrex wouldn't have had it in him to actually kill Skylen and that despite all he had done, Wrex missed him. So 'Skyler' was a nod to him and a compromise to not use his actual name.

Which I was fine with... Now you're caught up...


Woking, UK, 08:28, Wed 20th July 22

"Come on Oscar or you'll be late for school!..." The woman shouted as she opened up the door as I held my hand still, inches from pressing the door bell. "...*Gasp* Jesus... You scared the living daylights out of me." The brunette woman with blonde highlights stated as she relaxed slightly upon seeing my transfigured state. She looked like a typical mum, baggy work clothes, a Tesco uniform to be precise, medium build, hair tied up in a bun and glasses on top of her head.

I had perfected my transfiguration, I didn't really have to even think about it any more. It was second nature to me now, 4 months of down time, or, 'maternity leave' as Jinx kept calling it gave me plenty of time to practice. In fact, it wasn't really down time, all I had been doing since the assault on the SkyTech base, between raising the kids, it was interview after interview. It seemed the whole world wanted the story of Sky High Technologies wrong doings. Now I was wearing a formal get-up white blouse, black jacket and trousers and plain black shoes.

Anyway, sorry, back to the present...

Me: "Ms. Halewood?"

Halewood: "Yes?" She asked, somewhat bewildered by my presence.

Me: "Ms. Halewood, pleasure to meet, My name is Alex. I have some interesting news for you, but you'd have to come with me for me to tell and show you."

Halewood: "I really haven't got time for this, I've got to get my son to school, it's his last week before end of term and I have work and we're going to be late as it is."

Me: "It's all taken care of, your son's school has been informed and instructed, your work has been paid for inconvenience and they have drafted in cover for yourself."

Halewood: "What are you talking about?? I have bills to pay! What is this?!"

Me: "Your wages have also been covered by us, you have nothing to fear." She scoffed at me, turned back into her house,

Halewood: "Oscar!, Now!" He came running down the stairs grabbed his bag and stepped up beside his mum. He was scrawny, mousey blonde brown hair, scruffy uniform as all teens do. Surprise rolled over his face as he laid eyes on me, clearly not expecting me there.

Oscar: "Who's this?"

Halewood: "No one, get in the car." She ushered him out the door and locked it after her.

Me: "Ms. Halewood, I have a message-"

Halewood: "Good for you, now get away from my house please." She pushed past and I willingly obliged, stepping to one side of her path so as to not cause obstruction or seem that I'm doing anything to stop her from leaving.

Me: "-From Jenny." She froze as she stepped past me, so did Oscar. Oscar snapped his head round to me, then to his mum, then his mum snapped attention to me, stepping close to me. She was at least half a foot shorter than me, but she looked angry, her face turning red, her eyes welling up slightly.

Halewood: "Don't you dare!..." She subtly growled at me, "... don't you dare mention her name!, I don't know what kind of sick prank you're trying to pull but get the hell out of here! Think you can get a rise out of upsetting me by mentioning me dead daughter's name! You sick fuck!" I imaged up a phone in my hand, it was fake, just to not cause confusion, but then I played a message from my invisible armour, pre recorded by Jinx before I left, she asked me to play it in case things got heated, because, in her words, 'my mum's a bit feisty'.

"Hi mum... It's me. I'm sorry it's been so long, and that I went missing without a trace but that wasn't my doing at all, I was kidnapped. But I am alive and well, Alex here saved me, helped me, looked after me, she's almost family. But she's not you, and she's not Oscar... I'd like to see you both, please, but you need to go with Alex, trust me, she can be trusted. Again, I'm fine, I'm completely safe, nothing wrong with me, I just need to see you guys again. Go with Alex and you can come and see me. Please... I love you both."

Halewood: "What is this? *Sob sob* th-they found a b-body?! *Sob*"

Me: "It was a trick. Let me guess, body mangled beyond recognition? No photographs? and they told you DNA tests were a perfect match?..." She started blubbering more but nodded frantically then grabbed my jacket and pulled me close while looking up at me. "...they did the same thing to me. Now I help others like me and her."

Halewood: "She's alive?!"

Me: "Very much so. But there are some complications... Ones I cannot explain until we are with her."

Halewood: "But she said she was fine?! What complications?!"

Me: "All will become clear but I need you to come with me."

I gestured down the path to the road, where a limo just pulled up. She looked to the car, then back to me.

Me: "Come on, all will be fine." I stated giving them both a gentle shove to the car.


It was 3/4 hour drive to Heathrow, but security at the airport had their instructions once we arrived at the boundary fence entrance to get airside, waving us straight on through the gate. We were driven around the runways toward a private jet, away from the majority of the larger airliners. The limo came to a stop and I got out from the passenger seat and stepped up to the rear door. I rode up front only to avoid being questioned on the journey over. Ms. Halewood exited first, Oscar following just after.

Halewood: "Where are we?"

Me: "Heathrow airport."

Oscar: "We're going on a plane?"

Halewood: "I don't have our passports!"

Me: "Relax. Not needed in this situation."

Halewood: "So we're staying on the UK?"

Me: "Not quite. Just, while you're in our care, you won't need them. Would you like to step aboard?" I gestured over to the Jarvie Industries liveried jet and the steps folded down to the floor. Oscar took his mum's arm and gently guided her to the plane as the ground crews finished their work and started vacating the area. I followed them up and onto the plane, I could see the plush interior was something neither of them were used to as they stepped into the main cabin, they both looked around gob smacked.

Me: "Please, take a seat, get comfy. I'll go tell the pilot we're ready to take off."

Oscar: "Where are we going exactly?"

Me: "Ever been to the states kid?" I smiled at him. They both looked shocked as the took their seats facing me.

Halewood: "The US?? I can't go there I have things to do! Bills to pay! Oscar has school! He's missed too much this year-" she jumped back up from her seat. I stepped up in front of her placing a hand on her shoulder.

Me: "All is taken care, Ms. Halewood. You have Jarvie Industries to thank for this." I said with a smile.

Oscar: "Jarvie Industries?! THEE Sarah Jarvie?!"

Halewood: "Who's she? Who's Jarvie Industries?"

Oscar: "Only like the smartest woman on the planet, you've never heard of them?"

Me: "I'll let you explain Oscar. Be right back." I smiled again and stepped away from the cabin and into the cockpit, which was completely empty, no one was in here.

I closed the door behind me and interfaced with the controls. Pre-flight checks were already done for me, I literally had to fire it up and take off. I cycled through pre-start and ignition sequences, the engines started, whirring into life... Yes, I had downloaded and worked out how to fly planes and helicopters during my 'maternity' leave. Once ready, I set up 2 almost identical copies of myself as pilot and co-pilot to take control from there and left them to it, stepping back into the cabin.

Me: "We're good to go. We're taking off in the next few minutes. Normally would require you to keep your blinds open, but once we're in the air, I'll ask you to keep them shut please."


After only a couple of hours, we touched down at Sarah's private air strip. Yes, I say a couple of hours because I Jumped the plane, and yes, I've been practicing with larger objects than a hospital bed, a plane is the largest I've managed at the moment. It caused some confusion for Ms. Halewood and Oscar, but I managed to convince them that they fell asleep, much to Ms. Halewood's disbelief, but she reluctantly accepted.

I actually drove us in another limo to Sarah's mansion, out into the hills of Malibu. Little did I know until recently, that in the weeks leading up to the latest events in Iceland and in the last few months, Sarah had been liaising with her uncle, Richard Jarvie, into rebuilding and restoring the mansion to it's former glory, with a few subtle modifications. The south wing of the building, the section that had collapsed in the attack and ensuing fire, had been rebuilt. Most of the north wing was still surrounded by scaffolding though.

I drove car down the ramp into the rebuilt underground car park. All the old crushed cars and debris had been removed, leaving the area very empty. Getting out and closing the door made a loud echo throughout the car park.

Me: "We have arrived. I apologise for the tattiness of the place, we're currently going through a re-model." I gestured around at the wires hanging down at staggered intervals along the ceiling, a couple of mobile scaffolding towers, reels of cables dotted around, work lights positioned here and there, as I opened the door for Ms. Halewood and Oscar once more.

Halewood: "We've travelled half way round the world and you still haven't told me anything!"

Me: "I can tell you more once we step in through those doors..." I gestured over to the nearby bunker blast door style doors that had replaced the old up and over shutters, " let me say, what's beyond those doors, is top secret, what you see and hear can be repeated to NO ONE. Do I make myself clear?" Jinx's mum stayed quiet and still, and it was Oscar this time that answered.

Oscar: "You got it. Our lips are sealed."

Me: "Alright then..." I smiled, "... let's head in." I opened the left door remotely, it slid open with a dull hum as we walked towards it.

What was once the once garage space had be completely overhauled, dug out, into a vast cavernous space that extended below a few levels. It still had Sarah's old garage/workspace vibe, but on a much larger scale. A railing about 10 meters into the space, created a sort mezzanine, which I stopped short of and turned to face the pair once more. Once they were close enough, I closed the door behind them.

Oscar: "What is this place?"

Me: "Now we are in privacy, I can reveal all. You may have seen on the news in recent months about Sky High Technologies and the nasty work they've been doing. Well I am Alex." I dropped my transfiguration, my normal Hybrid form returning, but returning my outfit to my favourite casual set up, white and black Converse, black skinnies and white and black accented hoodie. Ms Halewood stepped back in shock with a gasp while Oscar looked delighted.

Oscar: "Cool! I knew you looked familiar, you're thee Alex! Raided the Sky High Technologies base in Iceland!"

Me: "The one and the same..." I answered proudly, "... however, this isn't about me, this is about your sister Oscar, your daughter Ms. Halewood. I just wanted to warm you up to what you're about to see..." I stepped along the hand rail, gesturing them both to take a look over the edge. Oscar started stepping forward, before stopping to look at his mum,

Oscar: "Mum, come on." Whether still in shock or just scared, she remained still in the spot until Oscar jogged back, grabbed her hand and dragged her to the railing. I looked down at the same time to see Jinx, sheepishly standing in the middle of the room, about 2 floors down, give an equally sheepish wave with her left prosthetic arm.

Me: "Ms Halewood, Oscar, this is Jenny, although she's now nick named 'Jinx'."

Jinx: "Hi guys."

Ms Halewood started toppling over and in a flash I jumped next to her and caught her and lowered her down gently to the deck. I quickly scanned her vitals... As I thought...

Oscar: "Mum?!" He said jumping to her other side.

Jinx: "Is she alright?!" She shouted up.

Me: "She's fine, she's just fainted. Too much shock for her. I'll bring her down." Railings popped up from the floor forming a large square around us, big enough to get a couple of cars on, and this separated section started lowering down to the same floor Jinx was on, who was now stepping up to the edge of the platform.


Once Ms. Halewood came around again, I made sure she was alright, I gave her and Oscar the key points of what Jinx had been through, and that there was no going back for her. Then after letting Ms. Halewood calm down again from that, I brought the trio upstairs and sat them outside the rear of the property so they could talk amongst themselves in peace and a calm setting. I then asked one of Sarah's staff to cater for their needs, before heading upstairs and finding Sarah on the balcony on the south wing.

Sarah: "That was still sweet of you." She said without looking at me as I stepped up to the stone guard rail beside her to see what she was watching. Jinx was giving Oscar the ride of his life, she was substantially bigger and stronger than Oscar now, so gripping on tight to her back as she belted around the massive rear garden, a few acres worth, left Oscar whopping with joy.

Me: "That was sweet of YOU..." I corrected, "'s your money, you offered to do it."

Sarah: "Yeah well, she's warmed up to me a lot more since I built her an arm as well. I think she needed it, to see her family that is. She's been acting a little weird since the base attack, she's been fixated on the Crystal copies for some weird reason."

Me: "She's mentioned that to you as well?"

Sarah: "Yeah, I did think it was odd."

Me: "Well, she is right I suppose. Now we've had some time off, we'd better go destroy the copies. You know where they all are, right?"

Sarah: "Of course. There's one at each of my homes, bar Maryland of course."

Me: "And you've already destroyed that one, right?" She nodded.

Sarah: "Well, actually, there is one that I don't know where it is." she glanced over to me.

Me: "Ember's?..." She nodded once more,

Sarah: "Are we destroying ALL of them?" I made a sharp inhale as I thought about it,

Me: "I don't know... We should probably leave that one be. I think Ember is too close and protective of her. You saw how she was back on the Relentless a few months back, she was prepared to throw her life away to protect her from me."

Sarah: "Yeah that could have ended messy... She could've killed me, right here, downstairs, just a few weeks prior to that."

Me: "That the fight you were talking about?"

Sarah: "Yeah... she has gotten very powerful. It would probably be very evenly matched between you 2."

Me: "Are you serious?"

Sarah; "Deadly..." She looked to my dumfounded expression, "...she doesn't have her own Shard, but she might well have. It's weird, it's almost like she was always meant to be a Dragon, and turning her into one only unleashed her powers. As time goes on she gets more and more powerful, she was way more powerful when we last saw her than when she first came to me for help."

Me: "Well... She's not done wrong by us. Let's not make her an enemy."

Sarah: "Agreed."

"Indeed, she's not worth the trouble, Alex." My own voice said, but it didn't originate from me, it came from the other side of Sarah, startling us both. Another copy of me, exactly the same, although armoured up to the shoulders stepped up to and rested their arms on the stone guard tail as well.

Me: "Oh noo..." I ducked my head into my hands as I leant on the guard rail.

Sarah: "So..." She looked either way between us both as she stepped back, "... you're not controlling this one?"

Me: "Nope... And it's never a good thing when this happens." I now hung my head over the guard rail and sighed in frustration.

Copy: "Quite right."

Me: "So come on then, which future are you from? What's about to happen? And what should I do? WAIT, don't tell me, you can't tell me directly or it will affect my future choices." I mocked.

Copy: "No. I've tried Alex, I've really tried, but you seem to just ignore every hint I throw at you, whether it's stupidity or ignorance, I don't know, but you're just too unpredictable. Every time I throw something your way to try to get you to do something in particular you seem to do the exact opposite."

Me: "What are you talking about? I've done everything you've ever directed me to! Where are you from? which future?"

Copy: "All of them."

Me: "Eh?"

Copy: "Your mind is too young to even grasp the concept yet, but I've seen it all, done it all, except your path. Something isn't right about you, you're different, odd. Something about this timeline doesn't add up and it's pissing me off."

Sarah: "What do you mean? What's not adding up?"

Copy: "She's too powerful. Again and again I've tried working it out, but every time I come back to the same answer, she's too powerful for her age."

Me: "But, I'm 32, we're both only 32... well, I mean you can't be much older than me if you're from the future. How far ahead are you from? How old are you?"

Copy: " *Sigh* We don't age Alex, it's our curse. I stopped counting shortly after 10,000 years."

Me: "Ten-?... You said ten thousand years? I misheard you, right? You said a thousand years, similar life span to normal Dragons, right? 3000 years or so, right?" I asked, my anxiety increasing at the thought.

Copy: "No... 5 figures, I'm over 10 thousand years old."

Sarah: "How?... How is that possible?!'

Copy: "The Shard of course. It's a constant energy. Producing power since the dawn of time. It's constantly rejuvenating us."

Me: "But, I can't do that, I can't outlive my friends, my family??"

Copy: "It happens, but someone is messing with our lives, as if the Heart, and therefore the Shard's purpose, will never be fulfilled, until they are stopped."

Me: "Who?, Reikon?"

Copy: "Reikon is a microbe compared to this entity."

Me: "Are you not going to tell me who it is, or how to find them?"

Copy: "I can't tell you who, because even I don't know who. But someone has been playing games with us, inserting bit's of themselves here and there throughout our lives, moulding it, shaping it, directing it to go down a path which I believe leads us away from them, leading us to believe that Reikon was the real villain this whole time."

Me: "You're telling me she wasn't?"

Copy: "I'm telling you, I think she was a puppet. The power she was fed since she was a child only twisted her into what we knew her as."

Me: "Ok, so you haven't actually told me how to get to this entity, you said you knew?"

Copy: "Well, the short cut would have been the Heart... We both know you've seen it." I thought about it for a few moments.

Me: "You mean the dimension inside the heart? It was that maelstrom thing, wasn't it? That's a portal? A Jump?!"

Copy: "Yep, that was the first step..." She looked out across the Jarvie estate, taking in the view, "...but with the heart destroyed in your time, I don't see any other way of getting there."

Me: "I'll work something out. I'll get there."

Sarah: "Alex... We're talking about eternal life for you here, what... The other you... Is saying, is that if you stop this entity, that's it, you'll die just like the rest of us."

Me: "Is that such a sin? Or is it more of an evil watching your children die of old age, and their children, and their children's children? All the while I don't age a day. You ever heard that Queen song, 'Who wants to live forever'? I don't think I do." Sarah stayed quiet, clearly mulling this over.

Me: "How come you haven't got to this entity then?" I turned back and asked the copy, but she was gone, completely vanished.

"MUUUMMM!!!" A screaming tyke came bounding over to me from the doorway. It was Star Light, closely chased by Kai and Skyler. They all bounded towards me, the size of a springer spaniel, or a basset hound maybe. I crouched down with open arms and all I managed to get out was a playful "Argh!" Before I was playfully tackled me to the floor.

I need to concentrate on the moment for now... But it was food for thought... My aging process was on hold, and maybe that won't change, but I need to try... Also, an entity messing with my life? Why? To what end? Other than to stop me getting to them, which is exactly what I was going to do now I was aware of their existence... But not right now... Live in the moment for now... I chuckled as the little buggers jumped all over me, I briefly caught Wrex standing at the doorway, leaning to one side, arms folded, with the proudest, happiest and most charming smile I've ever seen on him.


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