Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 77 : The Birth of A Nation : Greater Azaroth

August 2, 756.

Two weeks have passed since the Blue Blood Team was annihilated by Alice, and all its members were taken to Azaroth. The battle between Alice and the Blue Blood Team was also broadcast live on a virtual screen in the center of Azulon, allowing everyone to witness Alice’s power.

On the other hand, the Lunarian Theocracy tried to revive them, but all attempts failed. The reason the Blue Blood Team was sent so recklessly was that they could have been revived by the Lunarian Theocracy, but they were truly unable to revive any of the Blue Blood Team members.

Is it because they are all still alive?

Alice is currently in the throne room, waiting for all her Servants to gather, and only Alicia is beside Alice.

“If I want to gain followers, the only way is to conquer other territories, but that is risky because I don’t know much about this world yet.”

According to Alice, attacking a country at present is a very foolish action due to the lack of information. In any history, insufficient information before a war only leads to disaster.

“Creating a country and then increasing the number of followers is the best idea for now. The more followers I have, eventually I can summon all my Servants.”

Alice then looked at Alicia with a smile.

“Alicia, what do you think a country is?”

“A country? Hmm…” Alicia thought for a moment.

“A country is a large territory!” Alicia answered innocently.

“I see… Do you think this forest is large?”

“Yes, I’ve been out a few times, and this forest is very large!”

“I see.”

“Do you want to create a country, Alice-sama?”

“Correct, a country where everyone worships me.”

Alicia immediately showed an expression of great amazement upon hearing these words.

“Really!? I can’t wait to see Alice-sama’s country!”

Alice then patted Alicia’s head with a smile.

“I promise you will see that country soon.”

“Alright, Alice-sama!”

A few minutes later, the throne room door opened, and all of Alice’s Servants entered the room in a line, with Arina at the front, followed by Exypno, Aether, Aurelle, and Boo.

Upon reaching Alice, all of Alice’s Servants bowed deeply, including Alicia.

“We are here to see Alice-sama.”

“Raise your heads.”

All the Servants lifted their heads.

“Alright, I will get straight to the point. We will establish a country with territory across the Abyssal Forest.”

Naturally, hearing Alice’s words shocked all the Servants, but they were all very pleased because it was finally time to conquer the world, according to the Servants.

However, Alice had another goal: first, she wanted to gather as many followers who worshipped her as possible.

“So, what do you all think, starting with Arina?”

“Given that we have already gathered many races in Azulon and have a large army, we have met the basic requirements for establishing a country,”


“This is a highly strategic step in building a country, which will later become a foundation for controlling this world,”


“This forest is very suitable to be the territory of our country due to its rugged terrain and difficulty for enemy forces to penetrate. It is an ideal location for building a country,”


“Considering that we are just beginning to build our economic foundation with Omega Corporation as the economic center, establishing a country will lead to economic growth,”


“In my opinion, this is a great step, and I am also starting to build an intelligence network through my organization, Dark Origins, as per Alice-sama’s orders,”

Alice did not ask Alicia because she had already discussed this matter earlier.

“Alright, so do you all agree with my idea of establishing a country?”

“Yes!” All the Servants answered in unison.

“Good, next, we will discuss the name of the country.”

“Anyone have any ideas?”

“Azaroth Empire!”

“Abyssal Kingdom!”

“White Empire!”

“Greater Azaroth!”

Alice was immediately interested in one of the names.

“Alright, we will use the name Greater Azaroth. Is there anyone who disagrees?”

All the Servants shook their heads.

“Next, for the leader of the country, I want to appoint Arina as the head of state.”

This naturally surprised all the Servants, including Arina, who immediately asked.

“But Alice-sama, isn’t that a position suited for you?”

“No… Because I will be the Goddess of this country,”

Alice’s words surprised and impressed all the Servants, and they all agreed that Arina should be the head of state.

“This country will not be a kingdom, and Arina, you will become the Supreme Chancellor, serving as both head of government and head of state. Are you capable of this?”

“Yes! I will do my best and dedicate my entire being to this task!” Arina replied with a firm and serious tone.

“Then the city of Azulon will be our capital. Aether, will all the races be part of the council in the city of Azulon?"

"They have all chosen their respective representatives who will form the Council, and it seems they are all increasingly comfortable staying in Azulon due to the ample food and guaranteed security. In total, there are nineteen council members from seventeen races."

"Good, for the time being, you will remain the Governor of Azulon City. Don’t forget to continue listening to the council’s aspirations and suggestions."

"As per your orders, Alice-sama."

"Exypno, do you have any suggestions regarding the positions of the ministers?"

"Yes, I have a suggestion, Alice-sam."

"Explain your suggestion."

"I suggest that the ministerial positions be filled by individuals from the civilian sector."

Of course, this surprised the other Servants, who immediately fixed their gazes on Exypno.

"This is not without reason. Most of us excel in combat, not in administration. However, we will not just choose anyone, as the person must have absolute loyalty to Lady Alice and must have passed a rigorous selection."

Alice thought for a moment and agreed that Exypno's suggestion made a lot of sense.

"Alright, I agree. But for now, it seems that the ministerial positions will be held by the Pure Primordial."

"Yes, until we find the right candidates," Exypno said.

"Next, regarding currency, I want paper money, and I will entrust this task to Aurelle."

"I understand, Alice-sama."

"Fortunately, I will prepare the national emblem myself. Lastly, we need recognition from two other countries."

Alice then summoned a table and took a map from a black hole, placing it on the table.

"Stand up. Which countries do you think we should choose and why? Let’s start with Arina," Alice asked while standing in front of the table.

"In my opinion, perhaps Igrasian and the Drazon Empire. Igrasian because their situation is unstable and thus easily exploitable. As for the Drazon Empire, they have a very revolutionary Empress, and there is a possibility she might be willing to cooperate with us," Arina replied.


"I agree with Arina. There is no other reason, and perhaps just because their location is close to the Abyssal Forest."


"I will go to Lizuinia and the Nagrand Kingdom. Both are small countries, making it easier to gain their recognition. All we need is the recognition of other nations."


"I agree with Arina!"


"Haha, I will choose the Navian Empire and the Demon Lord Domain."

Naturally, all the Servants were surprised by Exypno’s choice, as they did not expect her to mention two major countries that might be difficult to gain recognition from.

"Why?" Alice asked.

"The Navian Empire is currently in a civil war between the Emperor and Princess Es. This civil war is likely in its final stages or may already be over, but their situation is still unstable, making it relatively easier to gain their recognition. This is a great opportunity."

"Besides recognition, we could also establish cooperation with a superpower like the Navian Empire, which would be highly beneficial for us in the future."

"Superpower countries like the Navian Empire would typically be very difficult to diplomatically engage with if they were in a stable condition."

"And for the Demon Lord Domain, they are very mysterious due to their isolationism, and many of us come from demon races, so gaining their recognition should be easier because of our shared race."

Alice thought for a moment. It seemed that for now, Exypno’s suggestion was the best.

"Alright, I will go with Exypno’s suggestion. Is there anyone who objects?"

All the Servants shook their heads, indicating no objections.

"Very well then, it’s decided. We will establish Greater Azaroth."


At the same time…

Navian Royal Castle, Vliz Capital City, Navian Empire.

Afew weeks ago, Princess Es successfully won the civil war and overthrew Emperor Raymond Albertus. Now, Princess Es has officially become the Empress of the Navian Empire, the most powerful country on the Western continent.


Empress Es is currently seated on her throne in the throne room. The throne appears frozen due to one of Empress Es's passive skills.

It can be said that Empress Es is the strongest user of ice elements in this world, possibly rivaling or even exceeding Alice’s elemental ice power.

"I feel like something big is coming. Do you feel the same, Theodor?"

Theodor Cavlery Krauss, one of the four celestial rulers and a Servant of Empress Es, has been a guardian for the pure-blooded Navian for centuries and is someone who never removes his armor.

"I’m sorry, I don’t know, Empress-sama."

"Yes, I feel that something might be approaching us, so I want the entire border area to be tightened and we need to expedite post-civil war recovery."

"I understand, Empress-sama."

"This world is too cold. Only those who can endure the harshness of this world will survive, and if they give up, they will freeze along with this world."

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