Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 78 : Construction of Azulon Capital City

Azulon City has been under construction for one month, and the progress has truly exceeded all expectations. Every race has genuinely worked together to build this city, taking turns working 24 hours a day.

On the outskirts of Azulon City, there are many camps used by the monster races as temporary residences until their homes are fully built. However, the residential district is now almost complete because Azaroth decided to prioritize its construction.

In addition to the residential district, the **Great Temple of the White Goddess**, located in the heart of the city, has also been completed. Every day, people pray to the White Goddess at this temple, though not all at the same time—each individual does so regularly.

For instance, the orc race prays every night, while the ogres pray during the day, and other races follow different schedules.

Moreover, the industrial district now features a factory, though only one has been built so far—a wheat processing plant. This factory will process all the wheat produced by Azulon City.

Naturally, this factory is under the management of **Omega Corporation**, which was recently established by Aurelle and her staff. Omega Corporation also has a headquarters under construction in the central district. It can be said that nearly all of Azaroth’s resources, along with support from the inhabitants of the Abyssal Forest, have been mobilized for the construction of Azulon City.

Aurelle is currently walking through the central district with some of her subordinates, including those from outside Azaroth.

Everyone living in Azulon possesses a "White Book," which contains all the rules and regulations within the city. One of these rules states that there is no need to show deference to anyone from Azaroth while they are engaged in construction work.

"This is going to be an impressive building," Aurelle remarked.

"Indeed, Aurelle-sama. The blueprint designed by Exypno-sama for the Omega Corporation building is truly perfect," said Xilven.

"This will also serve as a symbol of the company’s future greatness," added Philea.

Xilven and Philea are **Pure Primordial Demons** who serve under Aurelle on Alice’s orders. In Azaroth, there is an unofficial hierarchy with Alice at the top, followed by the Twelve Servants, such as Arina, Aurelle, and others. Beneath them are the **Pure Primordial Demons** and the seven Demon Commanders.

Aurelle nodded in agreement with Xilven and Philea’s words. Around Aurelle and her entourage, many people were bustling about, including undead, golems, and demons, all busy with construction.

Some workers could be seen taking lunch breaks, and no monster race in Azulon dared to look directly at the servants, as it was considered very disrespectful unless addressed directly.

The sounds of construction were loud, but they did not bother Aurelle.

Azulon City is divided into 18 districts, including:

- Central District: Houses the government palace, administrative buildings, the central bank, military headquarters, council buildings, a luxury hotel for state guests, wide roads for military parades, and many other facilities.

- Industrial District: As the name suggests, all industrial factories, food processing plants, and blacksmiths are located here. This district will be equipped with several barriers and special magic to suppress the air pollution generated by the industries.

- Temple District: This district serves as the religious center of Azulon City and has the strictest security, aside from the central and industrial districts. It revolves around the **Great Temple of the White Goddess** and several smaller temples nearby. In the temple courtyard, there is a statue of the White Goddess stepping on a dragon, symbolizing her triumph over evil.

- Military District: This district is the hub for military logistics and operations. It functions as the second military headquarters after Azaroth, serving as a backup base. In addition, monster races are trained here to be enlisted into the military.

- Waste District: This is one of the most important districts as it handles the sanitation and waste produced by the residents of Azulon City. The district contains many facilities where waste is incinerated with black fire by the demons of Azaroth.

- Economic District: This is the economic center of Azulon City. Markets, shops, and banks are located here, all of which are overseen by Omega Corporation.

- Colosseum District: The Colosseum is the focal point of this district, serving as a major entertainment venue and the site for the annual tournament that determines the strongest person outside of Azaroth. The district also has numerous stores selling various equipment, including armor and weapons like swords.

- Enlightenment District: All media controlled by Omega Corporation is headquartered here, including a special factory that produces daily newspapers. All media will be under the strict control of Omega Corporation.

- Agricultural and Livestock District: This is the largest district, encompassing all agricultural and livestock areas outside Azaroth.

- Education District: Schools and orphanages are located here. Exypno specifically created this district to ensure that all residents of Azulon can read, write, and become more familiar with the White Goddess they worship. Indoctrination is the goal. Additionally, this district serves as a training center to prepare the monster races to work in Azulon City.

- Healthcare District: All clinics and hospitals are centralized here. This district is equipped with a teleportation magic circle that connects to all districts to ensure that, in emergencies, no one will be delayed in reaching the hospital. Naturally, Alice does not want her worshippers to die, so this district was established.

- Entertainment District: This is the hub of entertainment, where various performances, such as orchestral music and drama, are held daily.

- Residential District: This is where all the residents of Azulon City live. There are six residential districts in total.

The workforce in Azulon City approaches one million, mostly composed of low-level undead such as skeletons. These undead work continuously for 24 hours.

This concludes the explanation of each district in Azulon City. Exypno has designed Azulon City to be a highly organized place because he does not wish to tarnish Alice’s name.

It has been nearly one month since construction began, and Azulon City’s progress has reached about 15%, which is quite surprising.

Aurelle then approached Archdemon, one of the construction staff responsible for building the Omega Corporation headquarters. The staff member immediately knelt and bowed his head upon seeing Aurelle approach.

"Aurelle-sama, is there something I can assist you with?"

"No, I just wanted to check the progress of the Omega Corporation building."

"Understood. The construction is estimated to be about 20% complete and should be finished by next month at the latest."

"Good," Aurelle responded.

"Thank you."

After inspecting the Omega Corporation headquarters, Aurelle went on to check the other buildings in the central district and was impressed with the detailed work designed by Exypno.


Experiment Prison, Exypno's Workspace, Azaroth

Exypno was currently in her office, standing directly in front of the prison. Inside the cell was a person in a horrifying condition, his body extremely emaciated, with parasites growing all over him.

"Your name is Kelton, right? I always forget your name, forgive me," Exypno said.

She smiled, even though there was no response.

"There is some information sealed in your mind, and we can't unlock it. Are you still trying to hide it?" Exypno asked.

Kelton gave a faint smile upon hearing her words.

"Justice will prevail, and one day, you'll be imprisoned just like me."

Hearing Kelton's words made Exypno laugh.

"Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA! What nonsense are you spouting now?"

"You can’t kill me because you're afraid, aren’t you?"

"No, we believe that killing you would be too much of a loss. Well, I could kill you anytime if I wanted."

Exypno's tail suddenly extended and entered the cell, effortlessly destroying Kelton’s right arm.

"Unfortunately, Alice-sama doesn’t want you dead, so I won’t let you die."

"Hah... All of you are evil demons and enemies of the Goddess. She will wipe you out one day!"

"Yeah, I don't care. Children, come here!" Exypno clapped her hands once.

"Have some fun with this man."

Three large orcs appeared and immediately entered the cell. The orcs began sexually torturing Kelton, but for some reason, Kelton never gave up.

Meanwhile, the fates of Nash and Cliff were much worse. They had already died because Azaroth had tried to forcibly extract information from their brains, and then Azaroth decided to destroy their souls to prevent the use of resurrection magic.

As for Edward, he now worked under Boo in the Dark Origins organization, and Catrinna had become a research subject due to some unique aspects of her body.

"Exypno-sama, I bring a message from Aurelle-sama."

A red-haired woman appeared, running towards Exypno, and she immediately knelt and bowed her head before handing over a letter.


Exypno took the letter, curious as to why Aurelle hadn’t used **[Telepathy]** to communicate with her.

"The letter says, 'Exypno, I am truly amazed by you. You’ve created such a detailed design for Azulon City, and the design for the Omega Corporation headquarters is perfect. Oh, it’s just filled with praise.'"

"Oh, and Aurelle-sama also mentioned that Alice-sama will meet with the entire Azulon Council today."

"Alright, you may return to your unit."

"Yes, Exypno-sama."

The red-haired woman then left the room, and Exypno also departed, heading towards the throne room.


In the Throne Room...

Alice was currently seated in the throne room, and Exypno had just entered.

"Alice-sama, I have returned," Exypno said.

"Hoo... Good. You will accompany me in meeting with the council."

"I understand, Alice-sama."

Exypno walked over and stood next to Alice, feeling very proud to be by her side.

Not long after, 19 people entered the room—members of the council, representing all the races residing in Azulon City. None of them dared to look at Alice directly.

However, standing in front of them was Aether, their leader. While the others bowed completely before Alice, Aether only knelt.

"Goddess-sama, the council has come to see you."

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