Alien Queen

Chapter 1658 - Jagged Arbitrator

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1658

A warship large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people carries almost all the high-end power of the main gods such as the “Mother God of Light” Manacido, and the large number of cabins in the battleship are enough to allow them to live in it without being crowded. Naturally living in a spacious cabin with a good environment

Almost at the same time that all the main gods entered the battleship, the “beast-class battleship” made a loud noise between the roaring and trembling, opened a huge black hole, and immediately plunged into the turbulent space.

As soon as he entered the battleship, “Destroy the Lord” Bai Kui and “Dark Lord” Drayte entered a cabin, waiting for Mitchell’s subordinates to enter kindly and tell them that the cabin was enclosed in the walls of food and drink, etc. The usage of “Kemo device”, “Dark Lord” Drett used his main divine power to close the cabin.

Whether to comfort or to discuss the conspiracy behind the ground, it is estimated that the latter possibility is greater based on the understanding of the other main gods on Dreit, but he can now make Baikui Yin unable to at least not cause trouble at the moment, so everyone will already be very Satisfied

“Then what is the magic energy wave saying?”

Looking out through the transparent lookout window, the turbulent turbulence in the ridiculous space looks like a beautiful dreamlike world. Li Junshan asked Mitchell around him: “You can recognize and capture this magic wave, and Should it be possible to crack the information in it?”


Mitchell shook his head: “The information composition of the magic wave is the ancient language of the dark iron-blood family. It is not the lingua franca of our main **** world. It is precisely because this language can’t be deciphered by our plane group, so they are like this. The energy radio communication has never been handled by the encryption method they already have, because they know that we received the magic energy radio with the equipment they made and they don’t know what it said.”

“How about you?”

Li Junshan turned his head to look at Bingxuefeng and asked, “They said that the person who has the deepest understanding of the civilization and language of the Jagged family is you. Can you find anything in this message?”


Bingxuefeng stared at the instrument that recorded a signal with a noisy sound. He had already listened carefully for a long time. He shook his head and said: “The ancient language is not the master of our generation. How can someone who is considered to be a mixed-race person who has no access to the core have the opportunity to learn a language that is noble to their eyes”

“But Alice certainly can”

Bingxuefeng’s words turned and said: “It has all the knowledge memory of the original wisdom brain or the king. If this language is the same as the ancient language of the armored blood and iron family, then Alice can definitely recognize it.”

“Who is Alice?”

Mitchell smiled, “Is that what you said was an armored blood?”

“Wisdom Brain, maintain a Wisdom Brain program that is about the same size as the dark iron-blooded main ship and is called a base warship

Li Junshan pointed to the side and Instein was surprised and was asking Isaac, a subordinate of Mitchell, to answer: “Alice was made by him, if he thinks that Zhinao can recognize and read this paragraph The information of the magic energy wave, then Alice can certainly do it.”

“He has confirmed”

Shen Xuefeng said: “Although Isaac doesn’t understand, he is sure that Alice can crack this language, because after all, the armored blood and the dark blood have the same ancestors, they belong to the same race and have the same before the split Art and language

“Would you like to go to the base first?”

“The Lord of Fate” Helen listened quietly on the side but couldn’t help but say: “This information is very important, we have to know how much the dark iron blood knows about our plane group? Their main ship is in the position of Lord Mitchell. Face group? Or have you already come to us?”

“I mean the same”

Mitchell nodded in agreement: “We have to figure out whether the dark iron-blooded main ship is in our plane group or has arrived here, or is about to arrive here, this is very important.”

“Then go”

Li Junshan also planned to go back a long time ago, leaving Isaac, Instein and Mitchell to allocate their own “Sandy” to help him transform the “base”, such as Yaqina, Phip and Thunderstorm, Fatt, etc. People, Li Junshan also intends to keep them together at the “base”

“War, it is better to start in the plane group that you already have a lot of holes”

Li Junshan looked at Mitchell and said, “As long as the few of us flash your faces once in your plane group, I believe that no matter whether the main ship of the dark iron blood is your plane group or comes to us, as long as we are the main gods News, they must still go back to your niche group”

“This is no problem”

Mitchell nodded without hesitation: “Let’s also let the plane groups of those who are used to gaining powerful power by manipulating Koroma weapons look at the real power. These have forgotten hatred and abandoned dignity. People, even if our battle with the dark blood causes them to suffer a lot of casualties or even be destroyed together with the plane world, this is nothing.”

Frowning, Manacido, “the Lord of Light,” apparently disagreed with Mitchell’s remarks, but he didn’t say anything after all.

“My intention is to be willing and trustworthy people and everyone, to enter my spiritual world, we first use thunder means to sweep the dark iron blood in Mitchell, their base group, different plane world base, we First let the dark iron blood know that we are here”

Li Junshan said it was a slight meal, his abruptly contracted pupils looked into the distance through the transparent lookout window in front of him

Among the colorful and terrifying and terrifying space turbulence, a huge turbulent vortex appeared at the end of the line of sight not far away. The scale alone was enough to engulf the two “beast-class warships” side by side. The turbulent flow disturbed a large empty space, and Li Junshan could not help turning his head to look at Mitchell

“Go directly to the base”

Although Isaac was talking with Instein and Sandy about the “Kemu devices” on the battleship, which are far more advanced than the “base”, obviously he also heard Li Junshan and Mitchell talking about them. The old guy who was several decades younger didn’t seem to worry that the turbulent vortex in front would swallow the “beast-class battleship” and shred it to pieces, but he smiled at Li Junshan: “We have the space coordinates where the base is located, we used it before The “space-oriented blasting bomb” is also based on this principle. I really want to feel how the space jump we have always wanted to do but dare not experiment at all.”

“Jump directly to the coordinates of your base?”

Mitchell looked at Li Junshan with questioning eyes

“it is good”

Li Junshan nodded without hesitation, and asked curiously: “Your warship can also make space jumps?”

“There is no problem between homotopic groups, and heterotopic groups will not work”

Mitchell explained: “Dragon class warships can perform space jumps between different plane groups. Beast-class battleships are slightly worse. Its strength is not enough to support the space jump between heteroplane groups. Degree, we only dare to try this kind of isotopic group at the moment and know the spatial coordinates”

Helen the “God of Destiny” and Manacido the “God of Light” are still in the fog, but they are still very curious. Not far away is that the Lord God is nothing and will not directly hit the vortex in the past, but he wants to see Mi. Cher, what will they do?

Three Mitchell’s subordinates have started to move. In the fierce eyes of Isaac and Instein scratching their heads and scratching their heads and wanting to replace them, the three men’s hands quickly flashed on the main console with a large number of buttons of different colors flashing Pressing alternately, it took less than ten seconds to apparently have completed the preparation for the “space jump”, and they all looked at their master God Master


Mitchell nodded


The roar of the magic engine suddenly increased, staring at the transparent lookout window in front of him, Li Junshan’s colorful chaotic space turbulence in their line of sight was instantly distorted into light and shadow flying backwards, only feeling his body slightly backwards In one meal, Li Junshan’s own estimated warship had reached the light in the shortest time

Including the huge vortex, it was also distorted into a large group of grotesque light and shadow, and the vortex that was about to hit in an instant suddenly disappeared.

There was a moment of confusion in space and time. When Li Junshan came back to them, they found that the huge vortex was missing, and the turbulence in the space outside the battleship was almost negligible compared with the front.

Two huge metal thorns protruding like giant guns blasted out a huge ball of light between the white electric spurs and blasted flashes, apparently having jumped from the turbulence in the space of the main **** plane to the warship of the lower plane. A huge black hole flew out and flew out


The surface terrain of the “base” Li Junshan naturally remembers clearly. He pointed to the ground diagonally along the battleship lookout window and said, “Just there, underground”

The roar of the magic engine gradually fell, and soon the battleship fell towards the ground



“Within three days, the unusually chaotic space and turbulence fluctuate four times in a row. It is not that Heavenly Punishment will never have such a big movement, what does it mean?”

Among the main ship “Mosnil”, the captain and the head of the “dark iron” clan Arnold Shen said: “Four days of punishment means four main gods, plus the original five main gods of the plane group, a total of Ten main gods, such power, if you let them go directly to the main ship, unless you directly activate the anti-matter gravity gun, and the energy defense cover can’t stand the bombardment of the ten main gods, you can’t afford to lose the energy defense cover. Our The main ship Mossnier is just a flying iron lump in front of the main god. They are faster than antimatter gravity guns and the same powerful main divine attack will definitely tear us into pieces in an instant.”

“Isn’t it an achievement to kill one?”

It can be seen that the captain is in a bad mood today. He has successfully removed the word “Vice” and Rising as a Commander. Nigel took the “Cigar” bitten in his mouth and wiped it out, frowning and said: “Just According to the information we have found, their main **** will kill the strong who is about to become the main god. Now he will achieve four main gods in three consecutive days, unless those main gods change their minds, otherwise I think those strongest peak gods unless they want to die How could it be possible for four people to achieve the lordship in three days? Did Mitchell and McGee find them?”

“We think so”

Arnold nodded slightly: “The magic wave sent by the Bee class warships sent back for a period of time just proved that the four days of punishment occurred in three days, because they worried that we would be exposed earlier, so they did not follow. The center of space and turbulent turbulence to find which plane or what actually happened, but according to our analysis, ten *Mitchell has found them”

“It must have been found, as long as Mitchell reached that plane group”

Nigel Shen Sheng said: “Heavenly punishment, not only our people can feel that as long as there is a person who achieves the Lord God, then the punishment of the heavenly punishment will definitely attract Mitchell and them. I want to know our existence, those The Lord God will no longer stifle other powerful gods who have achieved the Lord God, and may even try to help them, so that within three days, the plane group will only experience abnormal spatial fluctuations four times.”


Arnold glanced at Nigel approvingly, glancing at the faces of the upper core figures of the main ship “Mosnil” in front of the conference table, and continued: “Obviously the communication and navigation device on the battleship has been Mitchell. They have been dismantled, so we can only choose to believe that Mitchell has reached the fourth group and has connected with the main **** there. The situation has changed. Our original plan will also change accordingly. From now on Under the leadership of Lord Dark Lord, our main ship, Mossnier, will go to plane group No. 4. Whether they know it or not, the five main **** worlds with their main gods and the chaotic world opened by their so-called galaxy battlefield, regardless Those main gods are not in their main **** world, it is necessary to make those five main **** worlds disappear in the four plane group within a day”

“Master Dark Lord?”

It was the first time Nigel heard the name. He was a little surprised that the captain and the patriarch of the company had to add an adult to the name. What kind of person should that be?

Not only Nigel, the other people in the conference room obviously thought the same way, but they did not express their opinions on this plan, which was not too good, but they all stared at Arnold strangely.

The door of the meeting room was tightly closed, and no one saw any anomalies, but in an instant, next to Captain Arnold’s spacious chair, the space fluctuated like a rippled water surface, followed by a person dressed in “Iron Blood Warrior” “The people with standard equipment appeared

His height is a rare kind in the Iron-Blood family. Nigel and others have at least two meters and five visually. A black armor covers the strong body. How does it look that he is not much different from the ordinary Bronze Warrior, only But the helmet mask is different.

The mask made of the fierce and ugly face of the pure iron-blooded family, the magic pattern circulating on it makes people feel cold and scary at first glance, so they stand still, and everyone in the conference room is as real as him The mask of the face looked away immediately

“Master Dark Lord has just arrived from the main ship of the Iron-Blood, because of the spy inside us and about to attack a full plane group, Lord Dark Lord came to us with six demon guards together. “Snier”

Arnold stood up after feeling the appearance of “Dark Lord”, but explained to everyone with a smile: “I know that some of you have been secretly thinking that the development of the science and technology of civilization has abandoned the cultivation of magic power. Xihui is a kind of depravity, so today I can tell you clearly that it is only those who are almost all who give up or make up, most of you have been systematically learning magic power, and still have our dark iron blood family The warriors of orthodox bloodline did not reject the magical and powerful magic power”

“He… Lord Dark Lord… is he the Lord God?”

The speech was about Gorgo, a half-orc who has always been very reticent. His identity is the chief of the “Mosnil” main ship responsible for security, but he is a dark-level **** who is extremely keen on the practice of magic power. , Who was extremely sensitive to the power of darkness, stammered in surprise.

“According to the magic world, Lord Dark Lord is the main god”

Arnold said with a smile: “For the first time, everyone sees Dark Lord, and we will live with Dark Lord for the next period of time and we must cooperate with each I am here by the way Introduce in our Iron-Blood family, Lord Black Devil is Abbitry, which is translated into our current language that is the arbiter or referee. Lord Black Devil has the right to investigate and execute anyone, including me and the Lord of Blood. Any one of the elders and elders on the ship”

There was a snorkeling whisper in the field, once thinking that the patriarch and the elders were already the power of the dark iron-blooded family of “Monisini”. At first glance, this one came above their power. “Arbitrator”, there was a drop in the conference room

“Of course, like me, like the elders, although the Dark Lord has the power to investigate, but if you want to make a decision on one of us, you have to pass the decision of the council of elders, and the arbitrator itself is strictly The selection is decided by the elder council discussion, but it is mutually restrictive”

Arnold said with a slight pause, glanced around the conference table, and then continued: “Tell you these, I want you to know that the Dark Lord’s command on our main ship Mossnier is equivalent to My orders are even higher than mine. No matter what orders he gives, you must follow them unconditionally.”

Everyone stood up in unison, but the “Dark Lord” from the beginning to the end stood quietly beside Arnold without saying a word

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