Alien Queen

Chapter 1659 - 1 Must come back alive!

Chapter 1659 Must Be Back Alive

“It seems that when we came to our plane group, the people of Mosnil’s dark iron belt were stronger. Of course, I am not talking about fighting power but technological civilization, otherwise this armored blood is in your place. The face group stayed for more than 36,000 years and did not develop an anti-matter gravity gun.

In the shortest time to understand the situation of the “base”, Mitchell’s statement is still a little more tactful, in comparison, McGee is simply indirect

“Are you sure what kind of armored blood and dark iron blood belong to the same clan?”

With a disdainful face, McGee grinned and smiled: “It took a hundred years for the dark iron blood to develop a weapon of science and technology that can kill the main **** and destroy a plane world. What kind of gadgets are suffocating under the ground Has this virtue been over 36,000 years?”

“This adult is right”

Isaac knew all about the past of the “Armored Iron and Blood” clan, but he glanced at Mitchell and then turned his head to annotate to McGee: “At that time, when the Armored Iron and Blood clan and other bases landed, there were a lot of them on the ship. Almost all of the elites with good technical knowledge have been killed and wounded. Most of the survivors are soldiers who are good at fighting. In addition, they are worried that they will be stared at by the powerful people of this world. They are extremely cautious. It’s rare to leave this ground in a century, and it’s natural to develop slowly.”

“Weakness is weakness, there are not so many reasons”

McGee said disdainfully: “Although so many of our plane gods have died in the hands of dark iron and blood, and although we are chased by them like a dog, they live alive and breathlessly in all plane worlds, but this does not prevent My admiration for them must be known. According to our later understanding and investigation, the dark iron blood sent almost everyone to the low-level world at that time to collect magic alchemists and various magic props for research, or use force or their technology. Weapon temptation, the dark iron blood does the publicity but is not cautious, this is the real iron blood, your armored blood is like a weak caveman compared to them.”


Li Junshan smiled quietly: “I think so too, the Lord God’s attitude towards the various lower planes is irrational. If the armoured blood is bolder and the steps are bigger, it may be as beautiful as the dark iron blood now.”


Isaac shook his head: “The most core technicians were killed and wounded when they landed at the current base, that is, the original main ship. Obtaining these people is equivalent to obtaining their scientific and technological civilization advantages, and I don’t know how many years it took. Relying on the data in the main ship has trained some excellent technical personnel. As for the dark iron blood, I think they must have more people alive when the main ship traverses to the plane world, and there are many technical talents in them, so they can Within such a short period of time, we developed anti-matter gravity guns and other lethal and terrifying science and technology weapons.”

“Technology and talent are the keys to determine the power of science and technology or science and technology. Dark iron blood is stronger than armored blood in this respect, so they can occupy your plane group, and armored blood uses 36,000. After years of lurking and slowly researching and developing, he was eventually wiped out by Master Nicholas alone.”

Isaac made a summary judgment of this dialogue with his own point of view

“The news has been analyzed”

The light screen in front of everyone rang a nice female voice before Isaac’s voice fell. The smart appearance of “Alice” appeared on the light screen immediately. The bright female voice said, “Twenty-three thousand and three The magic radio waves studied 144 years ago are the same means of communication, but this is obviously more advanced, at least our magic radio waves are accurately transmitted in the space turbulence of the distant plane groups and the main **** world. The rate of accurate transmission is too low. The news that you call the magic energy wave is too advanced, it…”

“What does that magic energy wave say?”

I don’t know if Isaac’s “Alice” was too intelligent or was endowed with too much humanity. After analyzing and cracking a “magic wave”, “Alice” realized “Beast-class warship”. Li Junshan, who was shocked and surprised by Instein, who was still in the base of the base, saw that she would continue to speak endlessly, anxious to figure out what this “magic energy wave” was talking about. The chatter of “Alice”

“This is the transmitted radio wave. Just like the abnormal disordered space fluctuations I have monitored in the first three days, the warships of the Mosnil clan that have reached our plane group have also arrived and detected the punishment from the sky. The earth and earth elements and space fluctuate abnormally, and they sent these situations to their judgment and sent them to their main ship.”

Regarding the request or order of Li Junshan who has the highest authority of “base”, “Alice” will naturally not violate it, but has responded quickly: “This also includes the two main gods named Mitchell and McGee. Propose that they judge that these two main gods have come to our plane group”

“No response?”

Li Junshan couldn’t help showing a disappointed look on his face, he had thought that there would be information about the “main ship”, but he didn’t think about it.

“All I get is this piece of news. If you have more, I can analyze whether there is a response.”

“Alice” answered softly

“There will be no response”

Mitchell opened his mouth, frowning slightly, and he said in a condensed voice: “It is probably only the bee-class miniature warships that have been inspected and detected. Such battleships have a large number of dark-blooded warships, including elite warriors of the bee-class warships. There is no shortage, they know that we have come to your plane group and they know that the beast-class battleship, but unilaterally receiving this magic wave, they have received the information. They will not take the risk of leaking, and will not respond. To ignore the life and death of that bee-class battleship”

“That was the original plan”

In the final analysis, even the “Lord of Light” and “Lord of Destiny” who have been convinced of the powerful heterogeneous invasions all want to try to change the future, but they are not willing to hit their world with “dark blood”. The Lord God is curious about the formation and wisdom of “Alice”, and at the same time Shen Sheng said: “We go to your plane group and only need to show up once. I think the dark iron blood no matter whether it sends the main ship to our plane world, they Should all go back to your plane group to find us”

“It’s not too late. The main ship came here is just a matter of space leaps. I think they can receive the magic wave and they must have our space coordinates. Just like we are here, the main ship wants to come over. It’s just a matter of time, let’s start now”

Li Junshan did not want to start a war with the iron blood in this plane group that he had lived for a long time-in case the “Aran Continent” and the medium “elven plane” were defeated by the main **** or “Mosnil” in the battle. The anti-matter gravity bombardment completely collapsed, which is the most difficult for Li Junshan to want to see and accept.

“Able to go at any time”

“Death Master” spoke rarely this time, and the sharp voice of the soul said: “Don’t drag on, go one day early and deal with it. I really don’t believe that so many main gods can’t take them. The most indirect The method is to destroy, and keep destroying. When they reach their plane group, we see one plane destroying one. No matter whether it is the higher or lower plane or even the main **** plane, the collapse of the plane will also make the turbulent space into chaos. A terrible state, a black hole large enough to swallow everything, I believe this also includes the main ship”

“This approach is too dangerous”

Mitchell shook his head and said: “Not to mention how terrible the black hole caused by the continuous destruction of a certain number of plane worlds, is it that we can’t get rid of the unimaginable huge space black hole, and the huge force swallowed and finally ripped into torn into Fragmented into invisible, when we start to destroy those plane worlds, I believe that the dark iron blood has enough time to mobilize the main ship to destroy us”

“Don’t forget that their main ship can make space leaps between different plane groups. We may destroy a large number of black holes in the plane world. It is very likely that we will eventually destroy ourselves. Dark iron blood is when things are out of control. Decisively a space jump is enough to deal with trouble”

Mitchell added another sentence

“Still follow the established plan”

Li Junshan said: “The task of attracting their attention is given to me. You can choose to stay in my spiritual world, or you can choose to wait with Lord Mitchell in this beast-class battleship. The dark iron blood is in that plane. There are so many bases in the group that exist in various planes. I swept over one by one randomly, and I don’t believe that their main ship can continue to show their heads.”

“I think so”

Mitchell nodded, and the “God of Light” and “God of Destiny” on one side were also an action

“You wait for me on the battleship, arrange here, we will start”

“it is good”

Several other main gods went out immediately, but the Ice Blood Wind followed them up and took those people to the “Elevator” that went directly to the ground. Li Junshan looked at the figure of “Death Master” floating unexpectedly-he I originally thought that “Death Mastery” would definitely call Instein who was asking Isaac about the formation of “Alice”, but he did not expect that “Death Mastery” ignored Instein.

“Everything you see, as long as you are interested, Isaac they will definitely teach you all, you will have the power to use any laboratory in the base, and all you have to do is to communicate with Isaac Together they make the base stronger, regardless of defense or attack”

Li Junshan walked in front of Instein and said indirectly: “Of course, I personally hope that your initial focus can be on the defense. With Shandi helping you, I think this should not be too difficult. The research directions in many directions are still the same, and what is lacking is the advanced level.”

“This is no problem”

Instein’s old face smiled like Daisy, saying: “I also have my own requirements, Nicholas, I am very curious about this kind of thing called the Kemo civilization, if you master it, you will take me to continue to help him develop those me I don’t want to touch the main artifact anymore, you have to help me deal with this problem”

“As long as you are willing to stay, I assure you that no one wants to take you away from here”

Li Junshan smiled confidently: “At this point, you can rest assured that anyone who can threaten the base will go with us to another plane group. If we can defeat the dark iron blood and come back, as long as I am alive, there will be no How can people treat you”

“That’s good”

Instein smiled extremely happy, but then turned around and grabbed the thick operation guide on the console to look at Isaac: “I need a version of the main God World universal language for this thing, don’t say no ?”

“No hurries”

What I like to do is to get close to people with the same hobbies, especially the talents like Instein who are poor in power practice but are second to none in magic alchemy. Some thoughts and strange ideas have made Isaac praise him. He smiled and said: “There must be a process, you can rest assured, wait for the assistance of Alice and a potion and props, I guarantee you in the shortest time Can understand at least any words, signs and symbols you want to understand

“Start now, why wait for a while”

Instein took out a bottle of black medicine and swallowed one, and the whole person was upright and spirited: “Hurry up, there is such a good thing as Shenwan, sleeping is a completely impossible for me to go. Let’s get started now.”

“Sandy, help them well. If you have anything to help me, I can come forward now.”

Li Junshan quietly smiled and turned to look at the man that Mitchell transferred to him

“To win the dark iron blood, to clean up all the races that should not appear in this world more than the undead than the undead, even if no one is left, this is the only thing I hope adults can do.”

Sandy’s expression is very solemn

“We are going to your plane group for this purpose”

Looking at his expression, Li Junshan estimated that the “dark iron blood” family must have a deep hatred against him, and the expression nodded, then he turned and left the main control cabin.

Soon came to the clean side cabin, Li Junshan intended to release Yaqina, Thunderstorm, Fatt, Kingsman, and the Boneless King, including his own son Phipp, but he didn’t wait for what he said, obviously already guessed His thoughts, Ya Qina looked at him solemnly and said: “But you think about it?”

“Think of it”

Li Junshan nodded his head, glanced at the faces of the closest people, and said softly: “The last time I told you when I came to the Lord God World, this time it is the same, and this trip is dangerous, so I Can’t bring you”

“You are staying here. Originally, I planned to leave the ice blood wind here, but he insisted that he would follow me and it would be dark and bloody, so I will leave Ude and other exiles with God. If they are there, then In addition to the defensive strength of the base itself, I think as long as it is not the dark iron blood, you will definitely have no problem with your safety.”

“Dark iron blood should not be killed, because I will do everything possible to attract their attention and strength to another plane group, and I will try not to let their warships kill us. Face group or base and our hometown plane”

“You don’t need to say anything, it’s useless to say, at least I will not bring one of you, this time is no more than before, it is only a battle to decide whether to survive or die in the end-or we are **** A bombardment, or we destroy their main ship. This is not like I used to go to the Devil World or to the Lord God World. This time it takes only a few days from receiving the news to starting. We have no extra time to consider other things. Facing a group of powerful enemies that can kill the main **** and destroy a plane world…”

Li Junshan said solemnly, but Thunderstorm couldn’t help but interrupt his voice

The beautiful face was full of worry, and thunderstorm trembled and said, “Can’t it be avoided? Do I have to go?”


Li Junshan nodded: “In the face of a force that can destroy a plane world in one shot, we have nowhere to hide, not to mention that I have their natural enemy alien, not taking advantage of the opportunity that all the gods finally come together to face them. , Probably it will be easy to do it in the future if you want to destroy the dark iron blood”

“To be honest, I don’t worry about the dark blood…”

Yaqina stared at Li Junshan and said, “Aside from the **** avatar, the five main gods plus two alien plane main gods, demon pupil Sadze, Xiao Ni and six main **** aliens, and if you can borrow the main **** alien ability It’s another main god. I think it’s enough to face the dark iron blood with such power.”

“What I worry about is between your Lord and God”

Yaqina lowered her voice subconsciously: “The Lord God of Destiny, this Lord God who can’t see through you, you can only have three points of trust in the face of her but still maintain a seven points of vigilance, because compared to darkness and destruction. Enemies in the light, I continue to think that God of Fate is scarier

“I understand this”

Li Junshan said: “I believe no matter what kind of conspiracy she has, including the wishful thinking in the hearts of the other main the dark iron blood or their two main ships have been handled by us, what will everyone fight? Ideas should come out”

“Just understand”

Yaqina said softly, “Also you have to be careful about death and control. This person should now be a person free from the power of the Lord God, and you describe his strength as horrible. If he wants to be right with darkness and destruction of the Lord God, You are disadvantaged, I suggest that you must deal with the relationship between the two main gods of the eccentric plane, because the **** of fate may eventually find you unreliable at the end.”

“Oh, I see”

Li Junshan responded to Yaqina’s proposal without thinking about it.

“There is one more important point”

Just looking calm, Yaqina suddenly became a little woman, but said with a tremble: “I don’t care whether you win or lose, I don’t care what method you use, I want you to promise me, I must live come back”

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