Alien Queen

Chapter 169 - Alien Wars Undead

The zombie dragon under Asmore’s crotch lifted up the broken neck. The golden eyes of the white eyes reflected the light of death. The rotten lips of the mouth were a deafening dragon roar. The gold was accompanied by the majestic dragon. The black mist with a strong smell smelled out of Jin Ning without looming over its huge figure.

Zombie dragon’s black mist breathing magic bomb is Asmol’s favorite skill gold. This old monster gold who has been in the dark for hundreds of years is used to hiding himself no matter who he is.

Before the zombie dragon flew out of the cave, the golden and golden zombie zombies and golden skeleton warriors moved, and the two golden shadows shone like the golden lightning, breaking through the night sky and flashing outside.

In the mountains, countless skeletons swarmed out, and Ni sky was suddenly covered with ghosts. Ni’s body with various lights was like a luminous hole squeezed into a cluster, and the countless flying bones and beasts circling in the valley, flying gold as early as early. There are preparations for ambushing general gold waiting for aliens to throw nets.

“Roar! Boom.

If the roar of the zombie dragon is deafening, then the black roar of the dragon roared like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. The dragon’s roar, which was several times stronger than the zombie dragon’s roar, was like an invisible ripple attacking the cover in all directions.

Undead creatures are not bone racks. They also have special lives and souls. Gold faced this powerful dragon power. They shuddered. Ni those low-level bone skeleton warriors who were rushing were gradually hit by Long Wei. Soul Fei San scattered directly on the ground.

“Hoo! The big body of Bian Ni Dahei appeared in the golden darkness above the valley, but he still hadn’t shown his true body. The acid like a squeeze was carried in the black mist. The gold was like a downpour.

“Black Dragon? A real nine-level black dragon.” Asmore, hidden in the layers of skeletons, was shocked and subconsciously blessed himself with a bone shield magic shield and gradually waved the staff with his hand. The shrunken lips chanted the undead to summon magic spells. The sky above his head gradually The black mist gathered sharply to form a large black cloud.

The undead summons on the same plane and even the undead creature gold summoned from the undead space even if they had nine levels of strength before they died, they will undoubtedly retreat to about eight levels.The reason is very simple.Gold regardless of the dead bones in the same plane or the undead in the dead space , They have lost the most precious crystal nucleus.

The unique life gold unique to the undead makes them possess some of the original magic and strength to retreat, but it is inevitable.

Asmore possesses “Dementor enslavement. Boom magic. This kind of magic that can transform living souls into undead creatures will not affect the strength of Warcraft. But he rarely encounters the ninth-order Warcraft. The deepest of the dark swamp There are a lot of bombardments in the land of the abyss, but the strength of Asmore does not dare to easily go to the bombardment. Normally, “Dementor slavery bombardment is nothing more than some eight-level Warcraft.” Not to mention the rare dragon race.

The powerful ninth-level black dragon will naturally not stand by and let him cast the cumbersome “Dementor slavery. Magic.” Asmore, this is a powerful undead creature that was subdued by his slight imprint of soul in the summoning undead space. The **** squirted After the acid poisonous mist, the golden wings flicked violently and the long tail bones were as straight as a flexible python gas. There was a sharp gas explosion between the flicks of the air. None of the flying bone beasts in the air could only approach it. It was not scattered by the wings. It is pumped into powder by its tailbone.

“Roared. The four bone dragons flew sharply towards the big black, and all the flying bone beasts that were in front of them were hit by them in the air.

Five or six hundred ghosts squeezed into a mass of ray mushrooms of various colors and rays of magic, hitting the black. More than 500 bright magic rays illuminate half of the sky today.

The **** gold that can be immune to low-level or even some high-level elemental magic ignores the overwhelming ghost ray magic. The huge body squeezed its wings straight into the dense flying bone beasts and slammed its tail bones. All the flying bone beasts hit by it were destroyed without exception to disperse!

More than five hundred rays except partial radiation. Most of them hit the **** giant Ni, but the gold did not move like a mud cow entering the sea.

The **** giant kiss of “Roar” opened with a roar, and Jin drove a bone-winged Pegasus with a fearless rush to the front of his eyes, and then “snapped, bitten in half. Swallowed. At the same time as the half-horse bone horse, the **** wings combined a bone dragon rushed in the arms like a lover, and the long tail bone pierced through the gap between its abdomen and went straight into the chest. Crazy tremor.

“Giggle. The bone dragon’s bones, which are as hard as gold and iron, froze out suddenly and were suddenly distracted by the black trembling tailbone.

“Ka Daan Ni Dahei twisted the bone dragon’s skull. The hard skull was easily crushed between the opening and closing of the golden giant teeth like a crisp jelly bean in its mouth. Chewing the bone dragon’s skull Jinda Black icy and relentless eyes looked at the ground and greeted the two golden retriever zombies. Its wings fluttered toward Asmore, who was still chanting magic spells by the mist.

This cut gold is nothing more than a few breaths. When the **** appeared around the mountain, Jin burst into a violent “boom. The sound rushed over, and the ground trembles with an unbearable tremor and groans. The ghost body swells for two hundred within the range of bright light.

“”Xiaozhongjia stepped on the wild thunder-like stepped mountain body, and he was in the four drains.”

“Alas, there are more than two hundred silver skeleton archers surrounded by bone skeleton warriors, and the arrows are shot at the heavy armor. Their arrows are all sharp bones. When they rushed through the air, they crashed out. The sky blue phosphorous fire.

He was stunned by the heavy armor shape of the one-horned rhinoceros metamorphosis defense stone skin, that is, the moon blade projectile slammed and could not see the blood, let alone these bone arrows. More than two hundred locust-like bone arrows accurately hit the heavy armor abnormity that Mizaza squeezed together, either breaking or bouncing gold in vain.

Silver bone skeleton archers don’t care whether they are useless or not. They straighten their bows and shoot gold. Their abdominal cavity filled with bone arrows like natural quiver is gradually enough to consume dozens of salvos.

“Booming more than two hundred heavy armor abnormities almost simultaneously hit the bones of the skeleton army from all directions, and the bones were broken. The sound of the bones was mixed in the booming sound. The bone skeleton soldiers surrounded by gold in the outer ring had no resistance. Either being thrown up or crashing into a torrent of broken bones and heavy black armor, the heavy armor abruptly rushed into the layered encircling circle of skeleton armies.

Ni, who followed the heavy armor aliens, was more than 110 magical aliens. When the heavy armor aliens just entered the skeleton army, the neat magic sprayed into the ghost army squeezed into the air.

The raging magic and the magic rays of the ghost army crossed the gold and the entire valley was blasted. “Boom! Qi Xiaoyou’s physical body makes several magic attacks without targets. Different elements collide. The elements that explode explode. The ghost armor on the ground hit by ghost rays on the ground also suffered different levels of magic damage.

The main reason is that the group’s target is too obvious. The heavy armor alien bombardment hit by the ray magic has slowed them down in addition to freezing damage. Flames, lightning, and black mist did not hit them. Dozens of heavy armor shaped like a running flame are even more violent.

Seeing another violent elemental tidal explosion in the sky, five or six hundred ghosts blasted only a few hundred. Asmore didn’t feel distressed at all. In addition to the five ghost lords that were gathering magical elements on one side, these ordinary ghosts could summon a large group of people to give him a few days.

More than twenty giant golden skeleton warriors beside him waved rusty long swords and heavy bone spears toward the heavy armor. Dozens of black skeleton mages with bone rods squeezed in front of Asmore. Each time the bone rod was waved in the golden hand, a silver-white light projected from the bone rod between their phalanx and the gold escaped into the giant golden skeletons. The warrior.

These black bone skeleton mage gold will only cast bone-enhancing magic. This kind of magic that can greatly improve the skeleton defense. A skeleton mage can cast three times in a row. After the mental power is exhausted, the Ni Hei bone skeleton mage will also use the bone stick as a weapon and use the skeleton warrior to attack the enemy in a fearless and fearless manner.

Asmor’s magical mantra chanted faster and faster, and the black mist above the gold head dimmed as if to drip water. The black lightning crackled in the black cloud with the thunder.

Suddenly, the undead dharma **** only feels that he is locked in gold by a dangerous breath.This is the intuition that has been cultivated through hundreds of years of experience and the instinct of cultivating the summoning magic is about to be completed. The body of gold floats with six white light lingering bone shields. Asmore did not move.

The fifteen golden retriever zombies floated strangely and quickly, and they were firmly protected in a circle. Asmol was covered in the middle while six black fire rays slammed from the air and quickly entered the golden retriever zombie.

The Golden Retriever Zombie is not the kind of rotten and dripping low-level zombie gold. Even if there is a trauma on the It is also a sarcoma that is comparable to gold iron. The stiffness of their bodies is not far from that of gold skulls.

“Hoo! Boom. The six golden retrieved zombies were instantly engulfed by black fire. The body more than three meters high was like a ball of fire, but they did not react at all. Jin Wu floated in the air, and the green eyes were burning in the black fire. An Guang. The Black Fire Wing Demon appeared in the sky in the southwest corner. Six black fire rays emerged from the net, and six black light condensate radiated out from the tentacles. Those who were firmly protected by the black mist covered Asmore Fifteen golden retriever zombies were immobile. Six golden black light shots hit them. The golden force struck a few golden retriever zombies with a spasm of tremors. A hard body revealed a medium. The terrible four pits. But they couldn’t wear it. Through their bodies.

“Roar!, Ni

Along with the black fire wing devil’s third round of six black fire rays, Jin Dao’s black tail bones flew a golden retriever zombie, and the other golden golden zombie tearing off the large scales under its neck with sharp ten fingers At the same time, Jin Dahei’s forelegs squeezed it in his palm and vigorously closed it, and the golden retriever zombies turned into golden retriever pancakes.

“Hoo! Boom, the **** tailbone shattered the forelegs and body with a series of afterimages in the sharp sound of the tearing air, and after tearing a bone dragon, the golden tailbone pulled towards the cover of Asmore More than a dozen golden retriever zombies.””

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