Alien Queen

Chapter 170 - Death knight

The **** tail bone was pumped into the dark cloud of heavy black mist above the gold Asmore’s head, and a thunderous thunder suddenly sounded. At the same time, a huge black shadow shot out and the gold degree was faster than the **** tail bone. There are dozens of avatars. Rushed to the big black.

Dahei keenly caught the dangerous huge body and twisted the golden tailbone naturally, and then changed his mind. The direction gradually pulled towards the sudden shadow.

“Bang!” A violent collision sounded. The black shadow summoned by Asmore from the undead space, but also unable to withstand the power of the **** rushed back in the air dozens of steps.

Several pieces of bone on the tailbone recovered by Dahei were scattered and some minor injuries were also suffered. Open mouth, roar and roar! “Daihei put the golden-brown zombie zombies in his hands into his mouth. Ni rushed towards the black shadow without hesitation.”

It was a giant riding a dark horse wearing dark gold armor: Midoga’s guide body hidden in the armor was full of powerful force. He held a silver sword with no blade in his palm with black silk gloves. The dark golden helmet with sharp horns guarded his head tightly, and two red flames were burning in the exposed eyes. The body of the black horse is astonishing with a height of seven meters. It was ten meters away from the gold. Its thick four-hoofed feet were riding a hot black flame. The body was also wrapped with a layer of black soft armor. The spiral gray gray horns on the top of the head shone with a sharp light. There was a black mist with Mars spraying from under the eyes and the tall and strong armor knight riding on its back. No matter who looked at it, there was an illusion, as if the one person was riding the same body gold without distinguishing each other.

Death, violence, terror, cold,

With the emergence of one person and one ride, these negative atmospheres filled the sky and earth. Gold is the fearless skeleton army of gold on the ground. Under this terrifying terror, the Lord will not retreat. Open loop

In addition to the powerful physical attack and some magic, Death Knight also has the metamorphosis ability that can avoid most dark magic. The peak strength equivalent to the 9th-level Warcraft and Human God of War ranks is the ultimate undead that Asmor’s Undead God can summon now.


The **** tail bone brought out a residual image and gradually ruined it. At the same time, a sturdy acid was sprayed from the mouth to cover the staggering death knight in the acid like gold, and half of the self-twisting golden hair zombie corpse was sandwiched between gold.

“Howl,” the black nightmare horse under the crotch of the death knight was also unwilling to let the gold beetle out of the soft armor. The flaming black flame spewed out with sulfur smoke. The golden tumbling flame rubbed shoulders with acid, and the black nightmare horse raised its four hooves in the air like a flat rush to the black. Go up

The **** acid poured the death knight like a waterfall. The death knight was not affected by the slightest influence. Ni Hei night horse was even more direct. “Teng” burst out a black flame tightly wrapped around the body. The flames extended to the body of death riding on the body, and the high-temperature flames that were spitting and spitting would instantly steam the acid that was on the body.


A shocking sound like a violent shock made the black nightmare’s front hooves step on the **** neck while slamming the broad sword more than two meters long in the palm of the death knight under the **** left wing.

The sound of a clear and audible fracture sounded like a burst of beans. Part of it came from the **** wing bone. Part of it came from the black night horse’s hind leg. It was gradually while the death knight and black night horse hit the big black. Its coccyx draws backwards from behind. Severely cut off a hind leg of the black nightmare.

Under the wings, a crack was cleaved by a broad sword, and the black gradually became dark, just like the unconscious undead creatures, generally ignoring the pain of the black nightmare horses that were struck by it. The body hit the forelegs and squeezed the helical unicorn coccyx of its head from the back. The sharp tail pointed back and Jin Jinrui’s fierce python “sizzled” and Jin slammed into the death knight’s back.

Relative to those dull, dead creatures, the death knight clearly has considerable wisdom. In the face of the tail tip gold that came from the back and “sizzled” from the back, he did not feel that his armor could resist such an attack and he would not care about extending the giant kiss to the black nightmare. The **** bang on the horse’s head turned back toward the **** tailbone.


The sound of the **** tongue running through the black nightmare’s skull has just sounded. The death knight’s broad sword stretched out to block the **** spur and the tail tip hit his body like a straw blown by the strong wind. The place where Ni Kuojian was stabbed in the tip of his tail pointed out a tremendous shock and burst into a flaming spark.

Undead creatures have no pain gold, but they have a unique soul gold. After being pierced into the skull by the **** tongue, Ni Hei night horse only feels that the soul has been bitten by a great force, like a mad black night horse. “Howl” called the forelegs. Facing the **** neck, there was a burst of crazy kicking out of the shallow four pits.

The Black Nightmare has its own strength equivalent to Level 8 Warcraft.

“Boom!” The **** tongue was another flick. This note was originally slammed into the black night horse’s eyebrows because of its fierce struggle. The gold straightly penetrated the black night horse’s right eye socket. The gold stirred up a black water and eroded organs.

The death knight, who was silent and cruel to the extreme, was finally angry, and his tightly closed lips screamed, “Oh.” The rotten and smelly breath erupted. The death knight stretched out a sharp bone spear in his left hand out of thin air and cashed his right hand with a broad sword to block the **** and stabbed back bone. The left hand bone spear struck the **** with a relatively soft neck covered by dragon scales. .


The three loud noises merged into a single sound, and the three black lights of the black fire wings demon hit the bone spear gold of the death knight’s left hand. Obviously, the texture of the bone spear formed by the dark elements is not very hard. The black light condensed and shattered violently.

It’s not that the Black Fire Wing Demon responds slowly, and after the wisdom is completely released, the Black Fire Wing Demon feels extremely dangerous when the death knight appears. Ni subconsciously wants to cooperate with the **** to attack him. It’s just that Dahei and the death knight met in a crazy attack. The large body of Jin Dahei almost completely covered the death knight’s body. Ni Heihuo’s defense was not as powerful as Dahei’s, so he was avoiding the flying bones. The beasts and sporadic ghosts attacked to find the correct position within a few seconds, and the black light coagulation shot in time and the black fire wing devil almost swung the strength to the extreme.

The battle between the **** and the death knight Ni has fallen into a complete singles fight alone. The other flying bone beasts and even the bone dragon are gradually unable to get close to the battlefield of the **** and the dead wide knight. The sharp and straightforward blade of the battlefield gold The few bone beasts that were approaching were either torn or squeezed into powder.

The death knight blocked the tail bone of the **** bamboo obituaries in the broad sword and at the same time finally made a magic dark crystal

The dark elements condensed into a blade-like sharp air blade. The air formed a sharp multi-edged diamond blade that straightened like the ice gold on the glass in the early morning of winter. The left hand of the death knight burst into bloom. Ni Ji flew to the neck of the **** .

The black fire winged demon attacking such a close range from the sky to avoid the attack of two bone dragons was obviously too late to stop Jin Dahei from feeling the danger keenly. The distance was too close and it only had time to block the left wing of the fan back in front of him.

“Huh,” blood and bone flakes flew out of the golden black meat wings. A terrible wound appeared on the wings. Several bone spurs spread on the wings. It was turned into fragments by this extremely lethal dark crystal, and it has been The **** chest spins a wound the size of a human head. The dark crystals dissipated in the air.

“Roar!” Dahei made an angry roar and slammed his tailbone into the death knight’s right shoulder with lightning.

Even if an undead creature gradually casts dark crystal magic, the movement of the golden death knight is inevitably slowed down, but gradually it has only time to sideways. The dark gold armor with a hard body slams under the **** sharp tail. Stabbed into it, directly through the death knight’s right shoulder.


The black nightmare made a deformed roar of gold. After paying the price of the unicorn being broken by the big black, he finally managed to get rid of its control gas. The black nightmare dragged a twisted deformed hind leg and hurriedly exited dozens of meters. Yuanjin opened the distance with Dahei.

Innumerable tangible black mist flew up from the ground and was eroded by a large black acid, or a skeleton of a skeleton stepped on by heavy armor and shaped into powder The wounds in the countless wounds were slowly closed to the naked eye.

The death ritual bombardment is the innate magic bombardment of the death knight. It can use the soul power of the undead creatures to repair the trauma of the death knight. This is also one of the most terrifying magic of the death knight. It can even be said that as long as there are undead creatures in Gold around the death knight The death knight will only get stronger and stronger unless you kill the gold in seconds.


The black fire winged demon took six chances and six black fire rays hit the black nightmare horse whose hind legs could not be avoided. The violently burning black fire “teng” wrapped one person and one ride; “Bang!” Six black lights condensed The blunt salvo came, and the black nightmare horse and death knight beaten by six-in-one gold tremble like the steel ball Jin Jingli in the bullet sweep.

Even with the six black lights, Dahei’s huge body flew at the death knight.

Compared with the fierce fighting in the air between several interest. It’s much more spectacular on the ground.

More than two hundred and fifty heavy armor aliens have trampled thousands of skeletons into bones, and their unstoppable collision gold was finally blocked a hundred meters away from Asmore.

The five ghost lords finally completed the long elemental gathering. A semi-arc-shaped gas wall barrier covering the range of 100 meters blocked the impact of the heavy armor. These gas wall ray shields with colorful lights are the ghost lord Talent magic. But it is necessary for the five ghost lords to gather elements together to succeed

No two people can perform the magic at the same time or the harmony of water and milk. The five ghost lords are Asmore who have worked hard. The gold that was carefully selected for five superb ghosts took ten years to cultivate with the magic array, and even tacitly understood as if it were one body in one body.

The heavy armor abnormity blocked by the magical gas wall still slammed into the gold. More than one hundred magical aliens stepped on the broken bones and rushed into the magic range. While blocking the flying Warcraft attack in the air, the gold strange and strange magic Sprayed the magic shield gold

The magic of free electric light, ice rain colliding with debris, diffuse red mist, black mist gas arrow, and white light group bursts into the magnificent and bright scenes of the sky.

The protection of the ray magic shield is not infinite. The original ray magic shield of the colorful light slowly dimmed, and the magic of the alien magic army is not inexhaustible gold but it is not as straight as the battlefield of the dense gold ground. The glued state.

Twenty-six giant golden skeleton warriors, the six rushed skeleton warriors only cut a few bloodless gaps on the heavy armor shaped stone skin and were crushed by the heavy armor shaped rushing. The remaining twenty will no longer go out, standing beside the deadlocked dragon surrounded by black mist.

Undead magicians do not have powerful lethal creatures to attack magic gold horrors. They are their biggest reliance. After trying a few debilitating and addictive magic, Gold Asmore sees that the alien army is not affected. The gold simply stopped. Mana cost.

The tragedy in the air was beyond his imagination. Seeing that the Death Knight had been shocked by the severely injured gold undead **** Asmore within ten seconds from its appearance.

“Did the Warcraft in the Dark Swamp mutate so much?”

Asmore usually shrinks in the mountains of death to practice magic and spiritual power gold, or summons undead creatures to travel outside the dark swamp. Of course, he is also afraid that his territory will be out after going out. Occupied by other powerhouses, after all, such a natural defense is excellent and there are many places where the undead can be summoned.

“Who is such a powerful gold that can drive so many dark warcraft to attack? The ancient legendary beastmaster?” Asmore didn’t believe which summoner could have so many beasts.

Magic shield charcoal can threaten a zombie dragon can block more than two hundred heavy armor aliens and more than a hundred magical alien golds. Asmore is still not sure. Besides, there is a strange black fire wing in the air. The devil’s eyes are Twelve golden zombies that were spread by black fire were still burning violently in front of his eyes. The black fire burned them into bald bodies, but the golden stone zombie’s hard body like gold stone was Not burned.

Asmore felt that his bone shield magic shield would not be able to withstand such a long time burning gold. Summoning the death knight has consumed nearly half of his mental power to blast him to see the death knight who is still out of the air and fighting with the black dragon. Intuitively, he also noticed the uneasy and dangerous atmosphere. Asmore did not dare to take it Golden Retriever zombies who can fly around are sent to assist the death knight. With a wave of the dragon bone staff in his hand, he opened his mouth to recite the undead summoning spell. “Boom Fanfan”

Asmor’s male duck’s voice just sang a few words of loud noise, and the ground under his feet and the stone cave behind him swayed from the mountain and shattered in vain. Generally flying to the terrified Necromancer.

The big chapter of “Baihai” is very hard for me, who has very little time and very slow codewords, so it’s hard to get it. Then be reasonable and brave, and ask for a vote! ! !

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