Alien Queen

Chapter 1723 - Despair

~Date: ~November 07~

The dive plan has a good start.

However, this is only the case. The fate of the “Bee-class battleship” is not as expected by Li Junshan and Mitchell after passing a certain “Dragon-class battleship” carefully and using the blind eye method to return directly to any of the two main ships. One.

“Two dragon-class battleships have been entered, one is the blast, and the one that has just left is the lightning…”

Li Junshan’s spiritual language echoed in the empty and void “spiritual world”: “Just after leaving the battleship Blitz, only one of us was in at the time, and at least 50 or 60 ships seemed to fly aimlessly towards them. In all directions, including some of them went directly to certain planes along the cracks in the turbulence.”

“Wait a minute, these people are the most precious wealth for the Mosnir family. They have an irreplaceable role of the lord of the blood, and the dark iron blood will definitely bring them if they want to leave.”

The other main gods did not speak. They had already awakened from the shock of the magical “spiritual world” owned by Li Junshan. They looked at Mitchell, who frowned and said: “It is estimated that they are afraid of us tracking , So this kind of eye-blocking method is used a few times, and then wait patiently to wait and see.”


Whether Li Junshan is willing or not is already the case, not to mention the current situation. At least the probability of the dark iron-bloods finding that they are not “Inner” but “Nicholas” they want to kill is almost zero, and there is currently nothing. The good idea Li Junshan can only say: “Maybe after McGee’s hands on their side, these’Bee-class battleships’ like we are riding on will return to the main ship.”

“According to the expected time, they should also be shot.”

Li Junshan’s nihilistic and real “spiritual world” doesn’t feel the passage of time, but Mitchell’s “Kemo instrument” is not affected by this space, which also has elemental power. Looking at the time, he said: ” There will be results soon.”

Ended the spiritual communication between several main gods. But Li Junshan looked at the absolutely luxurious rest cabin in the “Bee Class Warship”, the family of Zike. Regardless of the two sons, daughters-in-law or daughters and sons-in-law, they were very curious about everything in the cabin like the three children. Obviously, they had little contact with these things in their ancient rural life.

“What should I do? Do you want to ask them why they haven’t returned to the main ship?”

Qi Ke’s voice sounded in Li Junshan’s mind: “We passed two Dragon-class battleships in an hour but did not do any Wang. I think there is a problem in this, maybe they did not want to send us back to the main ship now. .”

“You don’t need to ask. It’s a white question if you ask, just wait and see.”

Li Junshan looked curiously at the light screen with various light points flashing in front of him. At the same time, he said to Qi Ke during the spiritual communication: “We are just a group of people, and there is another way that will interfere with their vision. By then, I think the situation will definitely appear. Variety.”



“Has it been received?”

A bee-class battleship floats in turbulence rather than flying. Gnomester threw the exquisite wine set in front of him together with his favorite “strong brew” on the ground. In the crisp crackling sound, Sturt roared thunderously: “How long has it been, even if just sending a smallest “Bee class warship” is enough to take them all back…” “

“Sir, please calm down. We have sent another “Bee class warship” to the above request, and your loved ones should have boarded the ship now.”

A Jagged Warrior entered the cabin and responded. He pointed to the elf maid who was timidly collecting debris on the ground and said, “Anyway, lord, ask her what she can do. She doesn’t know anything at all.”

“I want to communicate with them, I want to see them…”

“Bee-class warship” did not go directly back to the main ship, which made Steve feel that things were not right. He pointed angrily at the blood-blooded warriors whose knees were higher than him: “Now, right now.”

“I’m sorry, because of some changes in the situation, we are forbidden to contact the outside world, even if our own battleship is our own. This command is issued by the master ship personally. So you have to be patient. Wait some time.”

The Jagged Warrior turned and walked out of the cabin.


Stirling slammed the fruit tray on the table to the ground, and the elf maid no longer disturbed him, but bowed and retreated with a panic.

Angrily caused destruction in the cabin, a dwarf with no chicken power in the eyes of the Jagged Warrior can ignore the destructive power of anger itself, at least in their view, Stir did not lose his mind at this time, under the control of the Lord The light screen in the cabin watched Stir as he climbed the table angrily to smash the recreational “video light screen” together with the surveillance probe on it. Seeing a flash of light turn into a black screen, the two Jagged Warriors smiled similarly and closed the screen.

The anger on his face faded in an instant. Ster jumped from the table, but limped and walked to the door in spite of his injured ankle, making sure that he had destroyed the door control system, at least after he could not open it from the outside. Then he quickly jumped to the table and reached out to sweep the **** from the above destruction to the ground, but took out a thin ferrous metal from the space ring.

The latest generation of portable “Kang Pu Pu Te”, this quirky name is also derived from the name of the main engineer who developed it, “K Pu Pu Pu”, at least like Stewart, Zico, etc. in the field of “Ke Mo” The “Ke Mojia” who have an irreplaceable role are all one man.

The short ten fingers slammed on the cumbersome metal keys, and soon entered the “Sky Eye” system. As most of the time in the main ship, Steve called it proficiently and wandered in the home plane. The “eye star” above the place where your own people live.

The light screen of “Kang Puyut” was replaced by a clear picture. When he saw his clan running in the clan steadily, Stern extended his hand tremblingly to magnify part of the picture. When he saw himself that day The really cute granddaughter was crying and held by the clan, but wanted to rush towards a **** corpse not far away. After seeing the familiar robe that the corpse was wearing, Stern’s throat squeezed out a change. Cries.

The son died, the granddaughter cried so desperately and so helpless, the “sacred tree” planted by the grandfather’s hand ignited the sky’s fire. It is anger, the more anger and the more fear.

Taking a deep breath and wiping the turbid tears to try to calm himself down, Stewart switched to the “Eye Star” above the base of his hometown plane, but when the light screen flashed, he saw that the original base was not small. The huge potholes were replaced, and the ground further away was full of corpses.

“A big deal, a big deal!”

Because of fear, Stewart’s body began to tremble violently, but within a few seconds he calmed down.

Quickly switch between the “eye stars” in different plane worlds, and the pictures he sees are basically the same, but Stewart has not thought of any effective methods. Even if he gritted his teeth, he could not care if he was ironed. What happened after the first family discovered it was that they opened the “back door” among the new generation of “eye stars” that were used in all planes of all warships when they were originally designed.

Steve has no ability to know the prophet. All the personnel involved in the research within the rules of the iron-blooded family do not have the right to control these devices. Stet, who is the chief engineer of the “Sky Eye” project, has habitually reserved a “back door” among all the eye stars. “Channel” in order to upgrade in the future, but he also used this method to protest to the iron blood that probably never knew this.

“The core maneuvering ability of “Eye Star” is in your blood, and the command of “Eye Star” is also in your blood. But you don’t know, as long as I want, two main ships, any one “Dragon class warship” or even In any plane, as long as I want to know where the main ship is and what is happening to a certain’Dragon Class’ warship, the plane, you can see it clearly even if you don’t feel fart, what are you talking about? I can hear it completely.”

He murmured nervously, but Steve’s men didn’t stop switching the “eye stars” in different planes, but he still couldn’t figure out what the iron-blood family wanted to do. He directly connected his teeth.” The monitoring system in the main ship.

The development of the “Eye Star” was completed by Sister, including the monitoring system on the main ship and the “Dragon Class Warship”. The development of hardware and software has played a more important role than the “Kemon” of the Iron-Blood family. To be successful and he has long been accustomed to reserving the “back door channel”, he can completely call any “eye star” or even any monitoring probe without anyone being aware of it.

I directly saw the scene that made Stein cool. The main control cabin of the main ship “Iron Blood” was standing in the main control cabin that Steve knew or did not know, and was facing the largest light screen in the main control cabin. The picture in the picture is recorded and transmitted to the “Kumpy Pewter” screen in front of Steve.

In the picture, an unusually thick white light beam with a diameter of more than a kilometer is blasted directly in front of the main ship. That is not the thick light beam that anyone can resist. The colorful and blurred chaotic flow path directly hit a huge black hole through The rapidly expanding black hole, Steve clearly saw the collapse of a plane.

“All the people who should be picked up are finished, and we have informed the main ship Mossnier that apart from the gathering of our warships and the planes of the shuttle flight, the destruction operation is now officially launched.”

“Antimatter gravity cannon! They want to…”

Hearing the sound of somebody in the picture who didn’t know who was making it, the whole body was cold and his body shook like a sifter, completely desperate. (To be continued…

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