Alien Queen

Chapter 1724 - The war has already begun!

“I’ll come first. Pull Niu Niu m

Touching the big bald bald head, “Destroy the Lord” Bai Kui laughed and said: “It’s time for me to hold back for so long.”

“No one is arguing with you.

McGee ate a few bites of the crispy “crispy meat” in his hand, but said to the “Ming God” Wiener: “Xiao Nizi’s craft is getting better and better. The taste of’I think it’s all salivating now, and then go and give me a whole dish.’


“Fate God” Wiener nodded with a smile, turned around and walked out with a look of depression-Wiener increasingly found himself useless, and the only thing that made these main gods remember their existence was themselves. Will make good dishes.

“Just destroy a “Dragon class warship”” If you don’t deliberately want to show your head and confuse those *Jagged blood sights, those fast moldy planes in the cabin can be sent out. Are you still afraid that we will fight with you for this?

Unexpectedly, he licked his fingers with chicken skin and foam. McGee looked at the flashing red light spot on the light screen of the main control cabin. Then he turned his head and said to “Destroy the Lord”: “Okay, that ship in this distance.” The Dragon-class battleship’s lack of space jump is enough for you to get close to the shot.”

“Just waiting for you.”

“Destroy the Lord God” hehe stood up with a smile.

Reaching for the “skylight” button in the main control cabin, McGee was afraid that this more impulsive Benzhan would rush to the “dragon-class warship” and “slay” it, but he was not assured. Dao: “Remember to give them about half a minute to react, otherwise their main ship wouldn’t even know what was happening, and we were doing useless work.”

“Unforgettable, you can put 120 hearts on it.”

“Destroy the Lord God” Bai Kui responded impatiently, and he flew out immediately after the “skylight” on the beard opened.

McGee, Drayte, and “Death Master” looked out through the transparent “lookout window” on the front of the main cabin, others could not see clearly, but they were clearly seen by these master gods, a gray light from the bright turbulence Passing through it, not long ago, a huge blazing fireball burst into the distant turbulence that the main **** could not see clearly.

“Where are we going to fly?”

Time has passed for a day and a half, and it is not so much Qi Ke as Li Junshan who can’t sit still. The first one called an iron-blooded warrior who manipulated the flight of a “bee class warship” and asked impatiently: “Go around, Entering four’Dragon Class Battleships’ one after another, there is no stop, and you are going around in the turbulence between these planes. What the **** are you doing?”

“The main ship does not allow us to enter, and this is only temporary.”

The order received in this retreat operation was also different people and different treatments. Zike, who participated in the development of the important “Magic Nuclear Bomb”, definitely belonged to the ranks most in need of care. In the face of his questioning, the Jagged Warrior did not dare to slacken. , But explained patiently: “Adult, you should also know that we are just ordinary soldiers, not even elite. We can only accept the orders issued by the main ship and do not dare to have any questions, so we cannot explain. Adult doubt.”

“What was the last command you received?”

Zike frowned tightly and said, “My elephants are all on this “bee-class battleship” that has no defensive capability at all. If it is really like you said, a certain plane or the entire plane group should be friends. In an unprecedented riot, the rebels are not without warships. Do you want to go down like this in case you encounter them? Do you think I can sit in the cabin with peace of mind? Can I count on this big slap warship and several of you to protect me Is your family safe?”,

“This will never happen.”

The iron-blooded warrior responded immediately: “Adults also rarely realized that we were hovering within a limited range. However, there were more than twenty “Dragon-class warships” around us, and a defensive network had been established. It is absolutely impossible for you to appear. The situation said.”

“If the latest order is sent, I will know it as soon as possible.”

Seeing this, Qi Ke couldn’t tell why, and immediately frowned and waved his hand.

“Got it, sir.”

The Jagged Warrior bowed slightly and retreated.

“It seems we take things too seriously.”

In the communication and dialogue between Zike and the Jagged Warrior, Li Junshan quickly told the people in the “spiritual world”, his eyes fixed on the alien queen standing in the center of the Yin carpet, the “lord of light” Manacido Sighed: “People like Zike are important enough for the Iron-Blood family, but they are not important enough to let the Iron-Blood family run the risk of being mixed in. We will take them back to the main ship and rely on this method to approach or even sneak in. The main ship, I guess it’s unlikely.”

“Maybe they want to use these people as bait to attract us to appear.”

“The Lord of Fate” Helen looked more interested in the magical “Yin blanket”. She had recorded a piece of it in her hands and had looked at it for a long while. She looked up and said: “Now Nicholas, this’bee class battleship’ It’s just a turbulence in a limited space. I guess the main ship of the Iron-Blood family will not be too far away, or we…”

“No, that’s too risky.”

Mitchell clearly knew what Helen the “Master of Destiny” wanted to say. He shook his head and categorically refused: “With the means of the Iron-Blood clan, once the warship we ride out of their designated flight range, no matter who is sitting there to greet He must be an artillery attack and once we leave Nicholas’ spiritual space, if the main ship is not too far away from us, it will definitely sense our main divine power, unless we can instantly determine the location and approach of the main ship. Otherwise, we will not be greeted by the general energy artillery fire straight tower is the anti-matter gravity attack.

“Then what should we do? Keep waiting like this?”

Li Junshan’s voice rang in the “spiritual world”: “If we haven’t been in direct contact with them, if the Jagged family would go directly to our plane group, wouldn’t we still be nested in this’bee class warship’?” Watching them destroy the plane world of our plane group?”

“That wouldn’t be too much but we haven’t been forced to that part yet.”

Mitchell naturally understood why Li Junshan’s voice was a little anxious. He smiled bitterly: “We can only pin it on McGee. If they can convince the Iron-Blood family that we all attacked them on that’Dragon Glass Battleship’ Provocation, it is estimated that the iron-blooded family will take back all the people who are important to them like Zike and others to the main ship so that we have a chance.”

“What if this method doesn’t work?”

Li Junshan asked somewhat aggressively: “If after McGee they started, what would we do if the Jagged family hadn’t let this’Bee Class Warship’ return to the main ship?”

“Then I will be a bait.”

Mitchell said calmly: “I also believe that the main boat will not be too far away from the space we have been circling. As long as I go out to the main ship to attack me, you will also find his position. It will depend on your luck to approach the main ship and launch an attack in the shortest time.”

No one said anything. Although everyone admired Mitchell’s decay, the method he said was not a good idea at all and others couldn’t think of a better idea for a while.

“The “Blue Dragon” and the “Black Dragon” “Dragon-class Battleship” have been destroyed. According to the information sent back, the shots are “Destroyed Lord God” Baikui and “Light Lord God” Manacido… …”

Among the main ship “Mosnil”, there are not many aliens in the huge main control cabin except the iron-blooded clan with orthodox descent. Even more staff who are manipulating the main ship in an orderly manner are basically iron-blooded.” “Hybrid”, one of the descendants who should appear to have been born after the marriage between the Orc Werewolf and the Iron-Blood family, said that the picture received by the main ship was released on the largest light screen in the main control cabin.

The time is not long. From the top level of the Iron-Blood family, I have not known how many times I have read through the materials. The well-known “Destroyed Lord” Bakwe and the “Light Lord” Manazido appeared until the screen disappeared into darkness, but it took about half a minute. Time, no matter whether the Iron-Blood Patriarch Arend or other high-level officials frowned.

“What do they mean?”

Ah 偌德 frowned and asked: “Our actions in various planes must not hide from them, do they want to provoke us with this way or want to drag us into this plane group into the rule of war?”

“We have to figure it out first.”

“Master Arbitrator” Mondo repeatedly asked the staff to receive the main ship several times in a row, but took over the patriarch’s words and said: “Just destroy a “Dragon class warship” and they can send Some gods can do it, so why not pay for it yourself, and the people who appear each time are different.”

“It may be that they want to declare in this way that they have decided to make a positive relationship with us.”

Derek opened his mouth while thinking: “Anyway, we have to Don’t just sit back and let them go on ruining like this.”

“The war has already begun!”

Patriarch Arendt became a patriarch not because of his own strength, but because of his strategic vision, but after thinking for a moment, he said: “No matter what they want to do, let those withdraw from all bases The’Dragon Class Battleships’ gathered in the direction we specified, destroying them one by one or directly destroying a large area with them.”

“Contact the main ship “Iron Blood” and give them the space coordinates that we have gathered for the “Dragon Class Warships” to stop them from “destroying operations” as long as the anti-matter gravity cannon is locked far away from that space coordinate. “

“It’s the same with us. Remember not to let any “Dragon class warship” approach our current position, even if we imitate the cost of all the “Dragon class warships” out of control, our two main ships must also The main **** who will definitely appear is bombarded in that space.”

Arder’s decisive voice resounded in the main control cabin. No matter whether the “arbitrator” Munduo, the elder Sanchez, or other “Iron-Blood Lords” did not question his decision, countless staff members were nervous and relaxed. The orders of the patriarch and captain were sent out one by one. (To be continued)

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