Alien Queen

Chapter 1755 - Fortunately,


As birds and beasts scattered.

Whether it is a huge metal castle that surpasses the civilians, believers and even the city defense forces of Aston, the guards of the palace, the so-called strong men of the lower planes, suspended in the sky, or easily destroys the statue of the gods. And more and more densely covered energy artillery at this time, in the face of these unheard and unseen attacks, a large number of believers on the “Central White Stone Avenue” and the “strong” who rushed into the air and tried to approach the metal castle were at the tip of fright. The birds and beasts dispersed in the cry.

Of course, not all. At least those believers who regard the glory of “other gods” as more important than their lives in their hearts, even the guards, deacons, and deacons rushed up angrily, and ordinary believers rushed towards the collapse. The atheistic “main temple”, flying guards, deacons, and deacons flew to the huge metal castle in their eyes in the face of dense energy gunfire, even if they were easily one by one, they were definitely not able to resist them. The energy bombarded into powder and even vaporized, but they also could not tolerate the blasphemy of the strange gods from the enemy who came out of nowhere.

The first to bear the brunt, the earliest rushing speed is also the fastest “Fallen Angel” Kingskerman is nearly a thousand kilometers away from the metal castle. It is obviously considered to be the first hidden danger to be eliminated, and the same stout energy as the statue of the destroyed god. The beam of light had reached King Skerman’s eyes.

“Charging so fast! Even in such a short period of time, it can even cast two magic kinetic energy rail gun attacks in a row!”

Too late to flash the thought in his mind, Kingskerman couldn’t even evade but could only desperately watch the beam of violent and violent energy rushing head-on.

The bright purple burst into a translucent film in the space. A huge purple light film like an umbrella immediately enveloped Kingskerman, almost at the same time that the thick beam of energy with horror energy blasted on the umbrella surface formed by the purple film.

“Boom” sounded a loud bang, even though the purple film that appeared out of thin air blocked the horror bombardment of the energy beam, but it was only when the terrifying impact that diffused was acting on Kingskerman. He spit out a blood spring, he fell like a broken pocket and fell down and smashed a stone house, only to know that the skeleton did not know how much broken Kingskerman turned up with the pain and stood up through the eyes of the rubble Fenmo looked into the air.

It’s not a long-range magical defense method. When Kingskerman looked up, the phantom of the purple light film giant umbrella that didn’t explode had just condensed a slim body. When the light was just the back, it was enough to make people When the stunning slim body flicked her purple hair and turned it around, she saw the familiar face with a wicked smile, and King Skman, who was in despair for the first second, was almost crazy.

“The pope is back!”

“He is back!”

It’s impossible to leave Kingskerman away, Angela can’t do it, and Barbara doesn’t want to leave behind the spiritual symbol of the pagan religion that he has worked hard for decades and finally got on track-“The Lord Temple “. When they were lucky that they did not encounter an energy artillery attack and flew to Kingskerman, they also saw the huge body that suddenly appeared in the air, Angela and Barbara could not help but shouted at the same time. With a cry.


A giant mountain-like figure crashed into the huge metal castle obliquely from high altitude in the cry of surprise from Angela and Barbara, the “Terrasque Giant Beast Alien” that several Kingsman has recognized With a scream that made the whole city of Auston tremble. The ordinary person can hardly imagine how many bodies should have hit the huge metal castle fiercely.

The metal castle couldn’t bear the violent impact, and it inevitably swayed out. Most of the body was pressed against the metal castle. The crazy “Tellasque monster alien” used its sturdy forelegs. , The hind limbs violently smashed the semi-transparent energy defense cover like a magic shield outside the metal castle, especially its big dragon’s thick tail bones slammed the energy defense cover and the large area of ​​space with each slam. That situation fell in the eyes of more shocked people in Kingskerman and Auston City. Their eyelids, hearts, even brains, and souls jumped with the attack of the “Terasquib Monster Alien”.

Ignoring all injuries, Barbara with the best eyesight even saw a thick beam of energy with a vigorous blood spring rushing out of the neck of the “Terasquib Beast Alien”, watching it more than a python The blood that stubbornly penetrated the cave was sprayed into the sky like a fountain, and the “Terasquib monster alien” attacked the huge metal castle as violently and crazy as nothing else. Barbara’s mouth opened indefinitely.

Obliquely swaying out of the city, the huge metal castle obviously can’t resist the brute force attack of the “Tyracque Beast Alien” which is not like a creature at all. The inside of the metal castle also seemed to be a fierce confrontation, when the more loud “bang” sounded in the dull popping sound. On the left side of the huge metal castle, a fissure with a length of 100 meters appeared between the fire bursts, and the sharply oscillating energy defense cover that was brutally and violently struck by the “Terasqui Beast Alien” was finally broken into The sky dust disappeared.

The completely misfired metal castle hit the tall wall north of the city of Auston, and Barbara, the virgin for decades, couldn’t help but look away-there was a huge inhabitant under the north wall The district, including the academy funded by paganism, is there, and the huge metal castle has fallen down. Barbara estimates that there are more than 100,000 residents and students there who are afraid that they will be smashed into meatloaf.

“This… this is too… too… too exaggerated!”

Angela’s transfigured exclamation made Barbara turn her head again, following the eyes of the former who had opened her eyes, and Barbara almost squeezed her eyes with a cry come out.

In the left hand, he grabbed a bone plate on the thick tail bone of the “Terasquib Monster Alien”. Barbara and others have recognized the negligible inverse species compared to the “Terasquib Monster Alien”. The alien is like throwing a puppy away, and the former is thrown away, and the giant net formed by the purple light diffused in her right hand is the huge metal castle net in it, flying with the inverse alien The metal castle was dragged by her to the sky above the “main temple”.

Only Barbara’s talents can see it. Other atheistic guards, deacons, and the “powerful” who flew from the imperial palace thought that the just-turned situation had changed again, even if it was a moth. They had to bluntly rush up, but they were blocked by Kingsmann who flew into the air.

It’s no wonder that everyone can’t see it. From time to time, there are dull popping sounds in the huge metal castle, especially the flash of energy sparks in the cracks and holes in the metal castle, which makes more people completely ignore the delicate inversion. With a different shape, more people think that the metal castle is about to launch an energy cannon that they can’t resist.


His eyes have always been attracted by the metal castle, but Barbara feels something wrong when looking at the “main temple”-the huge square in front of the “main temple” that has collapsed at the top is now full of people , Some squeezed from the “Central Baishi Avenue”, some ran out of the “Main Temple”, some of the crowd of people looked shocked and dull looking at the sky, some were kneeling excitedly on the ground This is not as Barbara imagined.

Most of the statues of alien gods have been destroyed, no matter if they are big boulders like hills or more stones are enough to smash the “main temple”, Barbara is ready to see the miserable scene, including the square More people were smashed and smashed and then completely buried, but when she looked at the boulders and crushed stones that had been violently smashed from the sky, they seemed to disappear from the sky, at least she could see The edge of the square is as clean as it was cleaned in the morning, and the Mo Crushed Stone has no dust at all.

“What about the stones that fell down?”

Straight dumbfounded, Barbara couldn’t help but asked Angela around her.

Shaking her head, Angela, still like a young girl, also looked blank.

“The twin aliens born from the host of the six Earth-based Supreme Divine Beasts, they are to smooth the entire Ketong Mountain range and make them silent, not to mention the complete disintegration of some rubble to become pure elements.”

A voice rang in the ears of Barbara and Angela, who suddenly looked back and looked surprised, while Barbara shuddered like a thunder, but immediately stiffened.

“Fortunately, if there is a little effort later in the evening, Auston City may be wiped out.”

With a shuddering expression on his face, Li Junshan stepped over to Barbara, and naturally reached out to hold this one, who now has absolute power in the plane of the Aran and other planes and is supported by trillions of people. Saint Jun’s smooth left hand, Li Junshan turned and looked at her with a slight smile.

Some stiff bodies slowly become Ignore Angela’s rather playful gaze, Barbara’s soft white tender cheeks have two bright red faces, and her black grape-like one The eyes are full of joy from the heart.

“What does she want to do?”

Like a simple reunion, at least on the surface, Barbara stretched out her right finger and dragged the inverse shape of the metal castle in the air. She couldn’t help but wonder, and she asked Li Junshan: “Why To drag that thing to the main temple?”

“This guy has become more rebellious and arrogant than before since he became the main god.”

Li Junshan smiled and said: “What she wants to do, as long as she thinks it is right, and has already become the queen of the main god, she will probably listen to it, but she will not disagree with me at all. Just now I was still in the battleship, she Just let me hurry out, but this warship has great use for me, I asked, this guy is mysteriously and secretly refused.” (This site. Your support is my biggest motivation.)



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