Alien Queen

Chapter 1756 - Xiao Ni\\\'s perseverance


“Queen… Lord God?”

Just saw Li Junshan’s appearance, and the “fallen angel” Kinskman, who was excited and fell down, heard this sentence and immediately had the same expression as Barbara and Angela-all three were dumbfounded.

“The queen’s achievement as the Lord God is not long. It is still timely. At least in the final decisive battle that has just happened, we won a short victory without any blood, and the queen also has a lot of credit.”

Inverse aliens are the main gods that Li Junshan achieved when they went to their plane group in Mitchell, and King Skman did not know what the alien queens did to achieve the main gods. It was only half a year since the last time. I thought that the queen became the main **** and The ultimate decisive battle with the dark iron-blooded family of “Mosnil” is that it may be dragged for tens of hundreds of years or even longer. At first glance, Li Junshan is so overwhelmed.


Before waiting for Barbara and others to ask what was going on, they had dragged the huge “Dragon Class Warship” over the “main temple” and the inverse shape was a sharp hissing sound. In the eyes of doubt, in the eyes of more believers and the people, six “golden aliens” rose up into the air from the cracks that appeared in the base of the alien statue that collapsed behind the “main temple”.

The body is not large but strong enough to show the earthy yellow light of the mystery. The six “golden aliens” have no big movements or magic chants. Only two incomplete hind limbs and a large base are left. The statue of the different gods flashed the earthy yellow light but disappeared out of thin air, and the large amount of earth element light that appeared was not attributed to the bodies of six “golden aliens” or disappeared into the void as most people imagined. However, the earth elements like the tide flowed into the “dragon-class warship” carried in the alien shape.

“Be careful of energy sources!”

Some people understand what they want to do against the alien shape. Li Junshan is both angry and funny. Previously, he used the supreme master artifact “Cut Wind Sword” to break the “Dragon Class Warship”, which was far less than the main ship’s powerful energy defense cover, and rushed into the inside. Murderously. Although no one was alive in the ship at this time, Li Junshan, who did not ignore the energy body of the warship, unconsciously sent out spiritual exchanges to the six “golden aliens” and inverse aliens.

A huge “creak” sounded through the “main temple” or more than half of the city of Auston. It sounds like a weird sound of a metal vessel being kneaded and deformed with great force. The huge “Dragon Class Warship” began to distort and deform in the eyes of everyone except Li Junshan.

Losing the existence of the most fundamental energy defense cover, the “Dragon Class Battleship” is probably a mass of metal that they can knead in the eyes of the six “golden aliens”. The material of the “Dragon Class Battleship” itself is not as good as The main ship did not use “magic alloy”, at least six “golden cricket shaped” unreserved shots are enough to squash it round.

It suddenly became smaller, and a large number of fissures in the ship’s hull were squeezed as much as possible by the wide internal space, and the airflow ripples visible to the naked eye were ejected, but within a few breaths, the huge “Dragon Class Battleship” shrank by dozens. Times.

The scene that made everyone other than Li Junshan even more incredible appeared. The ship’s body that had been sharply reduced already saw no trace of fissures, but it was in the center of the “Dragon class warship” that hadn’t seen its original appearance. The black metal in the location was like ripples flashing on the surface of the water that was blown by the breeze. A group of light beams with a diameter of more than 100 meters, which is perfectly connected to the metal base, shone with chaos and bright and blurred light, directly disappeared from the ship’s ripples.

The counter-shaped index finger and **** of the “Dragon Class Battleship” have been released and they are put into the mouth to blow a sharp whistle. After being thrown out by her, the “Tellasqui monster alien” floating on the side honestly collided from a distance, and it was about to collide with the “energy body” floating in the air. The giant tail of the “Terasquib Beast Alien” that had stifled his body in the sky slammed in the sky…


The void in the void was easily struck by a wide and long fissure, but the six “energy aliens” carefully manipulated the “energy body” to move it into the claws of the “Terasqui monster alien”. In the huge “black hole” formed by the tail-tear, the “Master of Light” Manacido in the holy white light flash flew straight out of the “black hole”.

With a stroke of his hand, the “energy body” was sent into the “black hole”. “The Lord of Light” Manacido’s right hand immediately closed the “black hole” with a slight grip, but almost at the same time, the void that had just recovered calm suddenly raised like a balloon balloon, but when Manacido The right hand pressed slightly into the void, and the raised abnormality returned to its original state.

Rinkong fell to Li Junshan without looking at it, and Manacido’s curious eyes were fixed on the “Dragon Class Warship” that had not stopped distorting.

Only the three men beside Li Junshan had seen the “lord of light” Manacido, only to feel that a sacred and restrained light power breathed on the face, and this now has a very restrained killing on his “fallen angel” The light’s sacred power is not overbearing, and he didn’t quite understand the meaning of the “light god”. A look of panic appeared on his face.

Barbara and Angela have never seen Manacido. They didn’t know the identity of the other party. They didn’t appear abnormal. They just glanced at Manacido but turned their heads to the “Dragon class warship” that had formed a rough outline.

“Solve it?”

Li Junshan looked at the “Lord of Light” Manacido and asked, “At least we didn’t run any of the ones we ran into?”

“We and the’Dragon-class battleships’ both received the order information at the same time. You are in such a hurry. Those’Dragon-class battleships’ also have to coordinate with each other to attack, but they are not as flexible as us. Dial, none of the thirteen’Dragon-class battleships’ ran, but they still defended two more. Now Mitchell is still guarding that coordinate, see if I can hit a few more.”

Manazzi smiled a little, “Nicholas, you don’t have to worry too much. Mitchell gave Ster, Zico and others a task that must be completed when you came. When you came back anxiously and didn’t pay attention, I did I heard and saw it. Stir and others are urgently making you a device that can lock their spatial coordinate positions through the communication between different warships, and they are not difficult for this thing. A family has already developed a prototype, but later gave up considering some factors, and they can get out within a day or two at most.”

“That’s good!”

At least it saved the “Aoston City”, and Li Junshan, who couldn’t take care of many, released more alien gods and allowed them to spread out on the Aran continent. He could only try to keep his hometown first. The face of Li Junshan is having a headache. How to deal with more “Dragon class warships” that will definitely spread out and will not be sent together to the same coordinates. After listening to Manacido’s words, his heart is finally a little certain.

“You really have a leisurely mood!”

Weird eyes turned to Li Junshan, and Manacido turned his head to look at the prototype of the alien queen statue formed by the shrinkage and deformation of a huge “dragon class warship”. “You said:” But also, your queen has just become the main god, and removing it can “draw two” your other alien powers, your queen’s own main divine power is still a little weak, and a lot of belief power will let it The power becomes stronger, and the miracle in front of you will probably make your queen have more devout believers.”

“The queen is still guarding my parents and relatives in the plane of the elves. It doesn’t know what happened here.”

Li Junshan looked at the figure of the alien queen formed by the “Dragon Class Warship” under the “carving” of the talents of the six “golden aliens”, and he began to show the unique bone scales on the surface of the body. Zhong triumphantly looked at the inverse alien of this vast project and said: “It’s all this guy’s ghost idea.”

“The statue of the gods has become a spiritual symbol of you, the gods. We were destroyed by them half a step later. Now we can rebuild a more spectacular statue of the gods with the corpses and battleships that crushed them in the center. Today, this campaign will be spread by these things again. At least the reputation of the gods in these planes that you have connected is afraid to reach a new height.”

Manazido smiled while pointing to the ground and holding a large number of “Magic Memory Crystal Balls” in midair, who were excitedly recording people who could only be “miracles” in front of him.

“No matter how many followers there are, there are not as many followers as the Lord of Light. I have heard from other Lords that almost all of the planes in our plane group have the existence of followers of Light God. Compared with you, we The atheist believers are just nine cows and one hair.”

Li Junshan also smiled.

“Bright God!”

Barbara and Angela straightened with excitement and looked forward to the statue of the strange **** being However, they did not ignore the conversation between the unknown person around them and Li Junshan. In front of them, they only thought it was Li Junshan’s strength to meet in another plane group. It was not the person they could imagine that was the “Lord of Light”, and it was they who had killed the “Pope” by Li Junshan and destroyed a lot of “Light Gods”. Barbara and Angela were taken aback by the Holy See, the “Master of Light”.

“No matter how much faith my believers give me, it’s not as good as your six main gods, aliens. The alien queen’s awesome power. I can’t do anything about the mystery. I think in terms of pure power, that McGee And the powerful Mondo in Bakwe’s mouth is probably not as strong as the alien queen who has absorbed the alien power of your other gods.”

“The Lord of Light” Manacido smiled slightly at Barbara and Angela, and immediately turned to Li Junshan to start a conversation: “Busy after doing things here, let Mitchell go back to Stir and they look at the equipment. No, I’ll go back to my main **** world and turn around, and it won’t take long for me to come to you. No matter where I am, it is useless here. Normal and lower plane world main gods will cause elemental turbulence when they don’t pay attention. The plane is collapsing, you have to be careful about your little inverse, she’s always shot is not important.” (This site. Your support is my biggest motivation.) T


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