Alien Queen

Chapter 18 - Fisherman

The movement of the Black Dragon, the intrepid performance of the Dragon Clan is most vivid.

   The wings fluttered suddenly, and the black dragon’s huge body hadn’t flown, first opened his mouth with a roar, and issued a powerful dragon power. Not to mention that Li Junshan was so guilty that he almost wanted to run away. Even the nine-level Warcraft Golden Eye Demon Eagle could not help but wave his wings and took a few steps back.

  The black dragon rising from the sky, flicking its thick tail, hit the back of Hickory in the air in an instant, and at the same time, a large black mist squirted out of the mouth to the golden eye magic sculpture.

  Nine-level Warcraft already has wisdom, and the Black Dragon endures the two tiny humans in its eyes fighting in front of it, just waiting for the opportunity. If it wasn’t for the injury before it was about to lay eggs, the strength was only a few percent of the original, and the Black Dragon had already attacked.

Hickory was unavoidable. Laurat had already completed a Sky Thunder spell. Hickory, who had lost his protective shield, had thick lightning above his head, and behind the giant tail of the Black Dragon, he gritted his teeth and waved a wave. Jianmang turned to Tianlei, and all the remaining fighting energy gathered in the back, and he was hit hard by the Black Dragon.

   “Wow!” Hickory spewed a blood arrow. His sword’s awn blocked the thunder spell, but his body was drawn by the black dragon’s giant tail, and he was hit a few hundred meters away and rolled to the ground.

   Laurat is also not easy. The dragon power of the dragon family is an innate gift of magic. Even the same level of Warcraft, the mind will be disturbed under the powerful dragon power, resulting in irresistible fear.

   While using his mental power to appease the golden-eye demon vulture, Laurate’s mouth continued to have magic spells. Seeing that the dark mist floated in front of him, Zi Zi… A large dense grid appeared out of thin air, heading towards the dark mist. In the gap formed by the intersection of the power grids, some subtle arcs can’t keep away, seemingly impervious to the wind, and the black mist is enveloped in it, and there is no leakage.

   Black Dragon flew Hickory in one stroke, and at the same time as the black mist sprayed out, the giant claw pressed down on the Golden Eye Demon Eagle.

   At this time, Li Junshan clearly saw a wound comparable to his body size in the abdomen of the black dragon, and with the flying of his body, he spattered the pus blood.

   “Fisherman benefits.” Li Junshan flashed a word in his mind. He just raised his foot and wanted to leave on the alien back. He instantly changed his mind. He held his body again and held his breath to wait for the best opportunity.

   The golden-eye demon has recovered under Laurat’s appeasement, flapped his wings and flew, and spewed out his tongue to meet the black dragon.

  The elemental immunity of the dragon clan is not covered. In the face of the flaming tongue, the black dragon couldn’t help but rushed up and pressed his hands against the back of the golden eye demon eagle, and the tail flicked over.

  Laurat jumped down as soon as the golden-eye demon eagle flew, standing on the ground with a nervous expression, the magical spell in his mouth kept reading, and he was preparing an advanced thunder magic.

   The flame tongue of the Golden Eye Devil is useless, it simply doesn’t use; and the black mist of the black dragon is obviously not sprayed casually, they actually wrestled in the air. The two huge warcrafts fought fiercely in the sky. They were very magnificent. The feathers of the golden eye devil and the scales on the black dragon fell straight down like rain.

The elemental immunity of the dragon family is a talent skill, but it does not mean that it is immune to all magic. The fire tongue of the golden eye devil is not afraid of it. However, when the thunder and lightning sounds from the dark clouds in the sky, the black dragon opened his mouth and issued a long Strange syllables.

   “The legendary dragon language magic?” Li Junshan was a little scared in his heart and couldn’t help bending over and backing back dozens of meters.

  Laurat’s magic was finally completed, but still the thunder arrow in front of him, rumbling and projecting down to the black dragon. At this time, the white robe on Laurat’s body was soaked, and he looked very weak, almost standing unsteady.

  When the thunder arrow is about to fall, a peculiar ripple ripples out of the atmosphere at the top of the black faucet. In an instant, the sky seems to be torn apart, and a slowly expanding crack appears.

   “Not good, the Black Dragon broke open the space and wanted to escape.” Laurat was very anxious and anxious, using his mental strength to give the Golden Eye Demon Eagle the command to entangle the Black Dragon anyway.


   disappeared for a long while, Hickory jumped out of nowhere, rushed into the black dragon’s body in a flash of yellow fighting spirit in the air, and the broad sword in his hand thrust into the black dragon without the dragon scale covering the soft neck.

   The black dragon made a screaming tremendously. The golden blood spring in the wound on his neck spewed out more than ten meters, and the torn space in front of him instantly closed. The black dragon screamed and stretched his wings to hit the ecstatic face of Hickory, and his tail was drawn on the golden eye magic sculpture that stretched out and pricked the wound on his neck. He could no longer bear the pain of his body and fell to the ground. Rolled down to the valley mouth.

Laurat was overjoyed to see Hickory splaying blood toward the mouth of the valley with his broad sword, and he didn’t have much magic power at this time. He quickly let the golden-eye demon fly over to stop Hickory, struggling towards Taniguchi ran over.

At the mouth of the valley, the black dragon rolled over hundreds of meters. The long body dragged on the ground like a dead snake. The wound on the abdomen was split, and the blood spring was flowing along with the wound on its neck. Blinking his eyes, the black dragon shed big tears, and under its abdomen, a dragon egg about one meter was laid.

  Li Junshan was covered with sand and only gasping for breath. He was less than ten meters away from the black dragon. His violent heartbeat forced him to thump his chest with his hands to decompress.

“What should I do? What should I do?” Li Junshan’s mind is full of huge question marks. From hearing the news of the black dragon to the previous second, he is playing the idea of ​​the black dragon. Now the black dragon is weak and seems to have no resistance. Lying in front of him, he didn’t know what to do.

   The golden-eye demon eagle in the valley was still fighting with Hickory. The weak Laurat had no magic power at all. He struggled and ran over. Suddenly, Li Junshan heard the messy footsteps outside the valley, and he was more anxious.

“It must be Sally. They didn’t persuade the Dragon Slaughter Team from Fenghuo Town!” Li Junshan took a few deep breaths and thought, a strange-shaped egg appeared out of thin air, almost instantaneously. The giant mouth pounced on it.

  Let the oocysts find the black dragon appendage directly. This is Li Junshan’s plan, and it is also his purpose to dare to find the black dragon. Summoning the Black Dragon, he believed that there was absolutely no possibility.


   The black dragon opened his mouth, and the faint black mist spewed out. The face-worm was covered by the black mist, and suddenly turned into pus blood.

“There is a play.” Seeing the poisonous mist sprayed by the Black Dragon instantly dissipated, it was far from the previous few times. Li Junshan was overjoyed, his thoughts moved, and he summoned a special-shaped egg. This face-worm was thrown into the air. Heilong suddenly opened his mouth and groaned, and Longwei burst out.

   The weak face-worm was hit by Longwei in the air, lost his spiritual connection with Li Junshan, and fell to the ground to die.

  Long Wei could not attack the same creature twice in a day. Li Junshan had heard this truth, and this time he was hit by Long Wei in the front, and he didn’t have the feeling of splitting his heart.

   “There are two left.” Li Junshan was almost suffocated nervously, and another shaped egg was called out, too nervous and excited, his body could not help shaking violently.

Poison Fog Attack, Longwei and Black Dragon have consumed all their energy. I watched this little strange creature pounce on my face, before I waited for it to bite. Its throat slipped into its body. Before he could figure out the situation, the black dragon passed out.

   “Who are you?” Laurat finally ran over, watching Li Junshan vigilantly.

   “Dear Mr. Magician.” Li Junshan saw the face bug falling stiffly from the black dragon’s mouth, finally letting go of his heart, and said with a smile: “Hello.”

   “Let your Warcraft put down the dragon eggs.” Laurat glanced at the corner of a strange warcraft he had never seen and picked up a one-meter-long dragon egg from the belly of the black dragon, and screamed to Li Junshan coldly.

  A teenage boy, Laurat did not put it in his eyes. Fearing that Hickory rushed over to pick up the bargain, he let the Golden Eye Demon Carver drag Hickory to death by all means.

   “I’ll say it again, let your Warcraft put down the dragon egg.” Laurat held out his palm, and there was a fist-sized thunder ball in his white palm.

   Higher-level magic Laurat can’t let it out, but the low-level magic of the lightning bomb can’t help him.

   “Dear Mr. Magician, don’t do it.” Li Junshan panicked and commanded the alien to walk towards Laurat holding the dragon egg. UU reading

   As if he didn’t see the road clearly, he walked abruptly and was suddenly tripped by a protruding stone. His body was crooked, and the dragon egg in his arms was about to fall on the stone.

  Although knowing that the shell of the dragon egg is very hard, Laurat was still tight, and his thoughts were all drawn.

Suddenly, Laurat, who had been baptized in countless battles, felt that the atmosphere was not right, and all the hairs stood up, struggling to avoid a step.


   A sharp pierced tail bone quietly hidden behind him pierced a large hole in the ground.

   has torn his face, Li Junshan’s thoughts moved, and all the aliens were summoned. Nine aliens covered Li Junshan and the alien holding the dragon egg behind him, and gave a roar to Lauraqi.

  Laurat’s body instantly stiffened, his pupils contracted at a rapid rate, startled and horrified.

The whispering wind sounded, and the golden-eye demon eagle sensed that the owner was in danger and flew over, blocking a clear voice in front of Laurat. There was blood oozing from his neck, and a blood bag on top of his head, where was the original Junyi.

   Well, Hickory also flew over. His appearance was even worse, with blood on the corners of his mouth, a disheveled hair, and his clothes were almost caught by the Golden Eye Demon Carving.

   “Go to death.” Laurat appeared on the back of the golden-eye demon eagle, flew into the air and yelled, and the thunder bomb flew straight down to Li Junshan.

   Li Junshan had already climbed onto the back of the egg-shaped alien, and the creature could not be put into the space ring, and he had no contractual relationship with the dragon egg, and could only hold the alien-shaped weird.

With a whine, the egg-bearing abnormity receded a few tens of meters at a rapid speed. The other nine abnormities, four won’t magically greet Hickory, and the other five kicked the hind legs, leaping a dozen meters high, Use talent magic to hit Laurat in the air.

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