Alien Queen

Chapter 19 - Alien black dragon pulling the wind

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  Red fog, black fog, light flare, flames, paralyzed lightning, five magical moments were sprayed by five alien jumps in the air towards the golden-eye magic sculpture.

  Laurat was in the air, and he was shocked again.

   “Obviously five identical World of Warcraft, how can magic be so weird?” Too late to think about, Laura commanded the Golden Eye Demon Eagle to swipe a few meters away, evading the alien magic attack. At the same time, a sky of thunder descended from the sky on a deformed body exhausted in mid-air, and the fire tongue of the golden eye demon squirted another shape.

   “Not good.” Li Junshan moved his mind and took two seriously injured aliens back into the spiritual space. At the same time, there was also an alien over Hickory who was cut down by his grudge, and Li Junshan retreated helplessly.

   “One face loses three aliens.” Li Junshan felt distressed for a while, but there was no way. The alien possessed by the black dragon hadn’t broken yet. He could only hold on.

   Hula, Gukou embraced a large group of people, Li Junshan let the aliens gather together, looked up in his busy schedule, his heart could not help sinking.

  The dragon-slayer team led by Harissa and others finally arrived.

Laurat stopped singing the magic spell in mid-air. His magic power has been exhausted. There is no way to deal with more than three hundred people. His golden-eye demon vulture is not much better than him. The body of the original Fengjun’s feather feather is a wolf. Ji, every half of the wings flapped a blood rain.

  Hickory was standing in place, his chest vigorously undulating, and his face was iron blue. He cut a shape with a sword, and he also had a bowl-shaped hole in his leg.

   “Black Dragon is dead!”

   “Dragon Egg!”

   “Hey, isn’t that a hill?”


  Fenghuo Town’s Dragon Tu team after a brief shock, talked eloquently.

   “Ready!” Harissa saw the situation as soon as she rolled her eyes, and shouted. Dozens of bows and arrows pulled away the long bow and aimed at Laurat, dozens of soldiers greeted Hickory, and a dozen magicians began to chant magic spells.

  Harissa greeted Li Junshan with a dozen mercenary commanders and elite.

   “Bold.” Laurat screamed in the air and said, “I’m Laurat, the court magician of the Reims Empire. You dare to offend me!”

   “I am Baolong Empire and Saint Hickory. If you don’t want to face the crazy revenge of the Baolong Empire Golden Lion Knights, put away your arrogance.” Hickory said coldly.

  Harissa’s footsteps stopped, his face twitching. These two people are definitely not something he can afford.

   “Hill.” Huck, Andry, Fatt, and Sally came over, and Li Junshan signaled that the abnormal shape in front of him made a gap, and let them walk in.

   “Master.” Fatt was surprised and happy, staring at the dragon egg, and said, “You really got the black dragon egg.”

   “Oyama, what’s the matter with these Warcraft? Is it all yours?”

   “What’s the matter? Is the black dragon dead?”


  Andri looked surprised and kept asking questions.

   “I don’t want to be low-key.” Li Junshan smiled bitterly, coping with his mouth casually, but his eyes were fixed on Harissa’s face.

   “Do it.” Banier, the head of the Fire Dragon Mercenary Corps, squeezed in front of Harissa and whispered: “As long as we grab the dragon egg in our hands, it is the biggest weight, afraid of an egg.”

   “Preparation.” Harissa gritted her teeth and raised her hand to indicate the direction of attack to the mercenaries and adventurers.

   The target he pointed at was Li Junshan surrounded by aliens.

   “Sure enough, I didn’t expect it.” Li Junshan sneered in his heart, but he was very anxious, and the alien shape had not yet broken. He definitely could not leave here, besides, the black dragon was a treasure all over, where could he please leave at the last moment.

   At this time, a wonderful feeling emerged from Li Junshan’s heart. He suddenly felt that there was an inexplicable connection between him and the unconscious black dragon.

  Harissa’s “hands-on” had not yet shouted. Suddenly, the dead black dragon in everyone’s eyes shuddered violently, and the huge body waved. With a sharp cry, the black dragon’s abdomen exploded violently, and a fleshy head was detected.

   Everyone was unclear. So, he was stunned, and the golden-eye demon eagle in mid-air twitched a few times, and felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

   “Fuse the genes of new species, obtain the appearance evolution, obtain the flying ability, obtain the high physical resistance ability, obtain the basic magic immunity ability, obtain the acid attack ability, obtain the momentum oppression ability…”

   A series of messages floated through Li Junshan’s mind. He was already stupid. The whole person was shocked by huge ecstasy, and even a moment of consciousness was lost.

   “Dragon Crystal!” Barnier’s eyes were sharp, and he saw the black dragon’s head bitten out of a big hole by the little monster rushing from its body, and rolled out a black bead.


   The golden-eye demon eagle in the sky flew down, Hickory also rushed over, and Harissa and Barnier led a group of people and rushed up.

  Guru, the little monster in everyone’s eyes swallowed the black dragon crystal core into his mouth. Everyone looked surprised and angry in his eyes, but no one stopped and rushed past.

After swallowing the dragon crystal, the alien larvae were instantly enveloped by the black mist. The black mist continued to expand. The golden eye demon eagle that rushed to it winged its wings wisely, and Hickory also stopped. shape. One of the unlucky mid-level wind magicians in the mercenary might have been disturbed by the appearance of Longjing, and he was blasting the wind at the forefront. He had just come into contact with the black mist and could not help rolling with a scream. His body had rotted at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and large pieces of skin kept falling, and he swallowed instantly.

   A dragon yelled through the world, and the black mist was like the rivers returning to the sea.

  What is Warcraft? Is the black dragon advanced to the holy level?

   After the black mist disappeared, everyone was stunned, looking at the huge Warcraft in front of him, and his brain burst into a sudden sound.

  Strong hind legs, the forefoot is slightly shorter, more than 30 meters tall, about 40 meters long, its whole body is covered by dragon scales, but with the breathing scales, it is not the skin but a cartilage. Two sharp dragon horns on the huge head, red eyes filled with violent and ruthless.

Its skull is like a smooth bone cover, a few strong bone spurs are erected on the top, full of streamlined beauty, in the open giant mouth, between two rows of sharp teeth like a guillotine, one is like a second mouth Things, with a small mouth swallowing black smoke. On the side of the body, a wing with a length of 100 meters was spread, and some sharp bone spurs were added, which was cold and not lacking in beauty.

   Behind it swayed a thick tail not inferior to its length. The tip of the tail about ten meters long shone with metallic luster. The ancient fierce and violent breath filled the world.

  It is like a dragon, but it is more lethal than the dragon’s body. Everyone has no doubt that it can easily tear everything that blocks his footsteps.

“Sure enough, as long as you encounter a gene perfect host, the shape of the alien will still change.” Li Junshan was overjoyed, driving the alien of the egg to the front of the Warcraft, standing on tiptoe and standing on the alien back. A noble ceremony was performed gracefully.

   “Please allow me, the great Dragon Warriors and Dragon Summoners to extend their cordial greetings to everyone.”

  Following his movements and words, the alien black dragon sent his huge head to Li Junshan, let him stand on his forehead, and raised his head to open his mouth.


  The machete in Huck’s hand fell on the stone ground. Andri’s hammer hit his foot. He even lost his pain for a while.

   Sally covered her mouth and was terrified.

   The dragon slaughterers were tremble with fear, and Harissa and others were sprayed by Longwei, and their hearts were broken and fell to the ground.

   The golden-eye demon eagle in mid-air sensed the master’s anger, gave a clear voice, flew his wings and flew east. Laurat was riding on his back, his heart was boundlessly angry and helpless, his magic had been completely exhausted.

  When the teenager jumped over the head of the alien black dragon, Laurat knew he had no chance, no matter the black dragon’s body or the dragon egg, he had no chance.

   Laurat feared that his golden eye devil was strong enough to fold here. Perhaps if he did not leave, his life would be threatened, and he wisely flew to the Reims empire.

   At the same time, Hickory had already ran to the western mountains, where he rushed past, the trees collapsed and the boulders splashed, expressing the anger in his heart.

   It was too late when Li Junshan reacted. The birth of the alien black dragon made him fall into unprecedented ecstasy, and the magician and the war holy escaped for a while. Looking at the black spots on the horizon in the distance, and the rolling dust in the mountains on the west side, Li Junshan thought about it, or gave up his plan to pursue, he did not have full confidence to leave them.

   “Master!” Fatt rushed out of the crowd and ran excitedly to the alien black dragon, kneeling down like an ant.

   Commanded the alien black dragon to lean down, Li Junshan jumped to the ground, walked in front of Harissa, he smiled and said: “Captain Harissa, did you seem to have pointed the wrong target just now?”

  Harissa was shot in front of the dragon, and at this time, Suo Suo shook his head and did not dare to lift it. Hearing Li Junshan’s words, he could not help but bow his head desperately.

“Small hill, oh no, the great Dragon Warrior, I was blind, and I **** it.” The ground in the valley was all rocky, and Harissa shuddered his head as if losing his sanity, only a few clicks, his forehead was broken, no Stop bleeding blood.

   “Master!” Fatt walked down to Li Junshan, anxiously said: “Look.”

   Li Junshan looked back in the direction he pointed, and jumped three feet high in anger. UU reading

  The black dragon of the alien bowed his head, and the giant mouth tore a large piece of meat from the black dragon’s body, chewing slowly. Other ordinary aliens stood far away, salivating like rivers, and under the strong power of the alien black dragon, although they also wanted to divide the meat, they did not dare to pass.

   A few steps, Li Junshan waved his hand and quickly put the black dragon’s body into the space ring.

   “The original inhabitants of Fenghuo Town all stood up.” Li Junshan stared at the alien black dragon with some dissatisfaction, turned around and shouted to everyone.

  Andri, Huck and others walked past according to the words. The adventurers and the mercenary teams felt a sudden fear in their hearts, and they followed the past intentionally, but they knew that it was impossible to hide Li Junshan’s eyes.

In addition to Andry and others, there are fewer than 20 permanent residents in Fenghuo Town. They also know that even if the dragon is successfully slaughtered, their hair will not be evenly divided. It is also to see the legendary dragon. of.

“You have two choices now.” Li Junshan leaned on the stout black dragon’s hind legs and said, “First, be my servant to me, but I am a real noble child and will not treat you badly. Second, Be the food of my summoned beast and pay the price for your unreasonable behavior just now. I personally suggest that you choose first. Everyone spends so much time in Fenghuo Town. I don’t want you to be eaten by my summoned beast, it will become tomorrow. A poop.”

   “We are willing to do your obedience.” The heads of the several mercenary regiments knelt down to the ground, and cried out, in front of the alien black dragon, they did not even have the slightest heart of resistance.

   “In the near future, you will be proud of your wisdom.” Li Junshan smiled and gestured to them.

  Fat just thought this sentence was familiar.

   “Let’s go home.” Li Junshan looked up in the direction of Fenghuo Town, excited.

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