Alien Queen

Chapter 33 - Pirate tips

“Ah!” Lei Xuan seemed to be more surprised than him. He walked a few steps and said strangely: “I didn’t use my full strength. I just watched your speed. I must have practiced fighting spirit. Why don’t you use fighting spirit to resist it?”

  Li Junshan lifted his sleeves and wiped the blood stains on the corners of his lips. He smiled and shook his head. He said: “At most, it has been transformed by the alien gene. What kind of **** am I doing, careless.”

   “Come on.” Li Junshan only played a trick with him, and knew that he was not Lei Xuan’s opponent by physical strength alone, and said, “I’m going to release the summon beast.”

   Lei Xuan nodded and stepped back a dozen steps. Seeing Lei Xuan standing still, Li Junshan moved, and the alien with the jumping rabbit gene was released by him. As soon as the alien with unique fierce temperament and fierce and evil characteristics came out, it caused a burst of exclamation.

   Lei Xuan saw the abnormity, his eyes flashed with light, and he looked a lot cautious.

   “Whoosh.” The abnormity jumped tens of meters high, and threw it down at Lei Xuan fiercely, while the tail turned forward, and the long tailbone flew at the top of his head.

   Lei Xuan spirited, not only did not retreat, but jumped on the ground violently, jumped more than three meters high, avoiding the forefoot in the air, and punched the alien chest with a punch.

  Instinctively grasped the body to avoid Lei Xuan’s right fist flashing the arc. The body fell as far as possible, flicking the tail, and the tail bone flashing cold light slammed down Lei Xuan’s back.

   Lei Xuan had a third eye in the back of his head. His body moved slightly in the air, avoiding the coccyx of the abnormity. After his body sank, he chased down the alien.

   The shaped tailbone pierced an empty space, and when retracted, it circled in an arc shape. The fierce collection will avoid the inevitable Lei Xuan’s right leg. When landing, the abnormity threw Lei Xuan **** the ground.


   The loud sound of Lei Xuan falling on the ground made the trainees onlookers unable to resist a burst of color change. Alien sees that the attack is in effect, and the tail drags Lei Xuan’s burly body back.

   “Zi…” The mouth dripping with saliva could not help but uttered a scream, and quickly retracted the tail, but was hit by Lei Xuan’s right fist wrapped in an arc on the tail.

   flashed to the alien, Lei Xuan drew a sharp breath, and his head swiftly swung away from the alien spiky coccyx. The left fist flashed with flame and hit the alien chest, and the alien screamed and flew out.

   Lei Xuan kept his body in a hurry, grabbed the tail dragged in the air in a hurry, and wanted to get up and fall to the ground. Suddenly, he heard Fici scream: “Be careful.”

   Lei Xuan only felt a sharp chill and murderous opportunity behind him. He could not help but cold rash, his body suddenly froze. Slowly loosening the shaped coccyx in his hand, he turned his head hard and couldn’t help but look ashamed.

Behind his head, a huge mouth with a saliva like a river, the hyoid bone contracted into a small group, staring at Lei Xuan with cold eyes without emotion, the sharp tailbone flashing with death light was on him. The head was raised high.

   College naturally has the regulations of the college. Challenges are common and injuries often occur, but they will never be allowed to kill. Although Lei Xuan knew this in his heart, he couldn’t help being straight.

   “I lost.” Lei Xuanhuai sighed sighedly. He didn’t even notice this alien. If this alien just hit the killer…

  Li Junshan smiled slightly, the alien was born as a cold-blooded assassin, and was definitely a master of sneak attack. Moreover, Lei Xuan’s spirit was attracted by the first alien, but he didn’t notice that the second alien he had released was copied behind him.

   recovered the alien shape, and Li Junshan hadn’t spoken yet, and a voice came from the sidelines.

   “Lei Xuan, you haven’t lost yet.” Fici shouted loudly: “You put on the black iron armor, take the sword and hit him again.”

   “Shut up.” Although Lei Xuan was a little simple and acted out of joy and anger, he was not stupid. When he heard Fici’s words, she didn’t know that she had been used by their brothers and sisters and strode to Brandon.

  Brandon took a subconscious step back and explained palely: “Lei Xuan, listen to me.”

“Say a fart.” Lei Xuan scolded: “Hearman family bastard, you listen, next time there is such a thing, I will break your bones. Damn, every day I know that bullying is weaker than you. , Or insult the civilians. Something, the uncle has looked at you for a long time.”

   “And you, stinky woman, it seemed interesting to see you, but I still wanted to use me. Two bastards, blind your dog eyes, roll away.”

  Brandon and Fici didn’t dare to quit, the former had a pale face, the latter had a black face, and he bowed his head and walked out. A few other noble teenagers looked at each other, and they spread apart in a tacit understanding.

   Lei Xuan sipped at the back of the two of them, turned and walked to Li Junshan, and he was still scolding.

   “There are two sons, I think you are not bad, get to know.” Lei Xuan walked to Li Junshan and stretched out his hand, said cheerfully: “Lei Jia Lei Xuan.”

   “Uh.” Li Junshan took his hand, blinked, and said, “Harriman Family Nicholas, you can call me Hill.”

“Uh!” Lei Xuan was dumbfounded, scratching his black hair, and said a little embarrassedly: “You just said that the **** cousin called Brandon, I forgot. Your injury is okay, I just saw you did not Dodge and regain some grudge.”

   “Oh, it’s okay.” Li Junshan was just uncomfortable for a moment at the time, knowing that his men were merciful, and smiled heartily.

“In fact, I might not lose.” Lei Xuanjian saw the lively people slowly dispersing, and whispered to Li Junshan: “If I put on the black iron armor my mother gave me and the Thunderbird sword is in hand, your call The beast can’t get anything cheap. One day we have time to try again.”

   “You will lose.” Li Junshan grinned and said in a small voice: “I still have a few such beasts. Three days ago, three of them tore a war division alive.”

   “Ah!” Lei Xuan stunned, then laughed.

   “Interesting, let’s go, I invite you to drink.” Lei Xuanhao patted Li Junshan’s shoulder coolly.

  Li Junshan smiled and said: “Forget it, I live in room 309 on the fifth floor. I will find you to drink when I have time. Now I have to go to a tutor.”

Lei Xuan mysteriously hugged Li Junshan’s shoulder and whispered: “It’s Randolph, it doesn’t matter. The old guy is famously a pervert in the college. I heard that he used to go to the girls’ dorm to peek at the female students to take a shower. It was a hard lesson. It was easy to deal with him. If he has an opinion on you, you come to me and I will help you settle it.”

   “Lei’s kid is talking about me bad things again.”

   Lei Xuan and Li Junshan looked up and saw Randolph walked around.

   “Mr. Randolph, how dare I say bad things about you.” Lei Xuan said with a smiley hippie: “The hill is my brother, and I will trouble you to take care of it in the future.”

   “Get out of here.” Randolph smiled and scolded. Lei Xuan walked towards the North District of the college with a smile, and said aloud: “Small hill, I will come to you at night and take you to a fun place.”

   Passing by Fat, Lei Xuan stopped again, patted Fat on the shoulder, and said aloud: “It’s a friend of the hill, you are very sturdy, not bad.”

  Fat’s right shoulder sank, and he immediately grinned, but Lei Xuan turned around and walked away.

   Li Junshan nodded with a smile to Fa, and saw him walking towards the Magic Teaching Building, which only followed Randolph.

   “Go home, no class today.” Randolph yelled at the summoning class student who was pointing at Li Junshan.

  The group of students in the summoning class stood far away, all a little bit excited. Hearing Randolph’s words, they beckoned to Li Junshan far away, and then they dispersed.

  Cedern and Nancy stood far away, and looked at Li Junshan with a complex expression. When he saw him, they turned around and left.

After catching up with Randolph in a few steps, Li Junshan asked him: “Teacher, who is Lei Xuan? I think he scolds Brandon and the Harriman family as if they are unscrupulous. Also, his grudge is blue , Which is a senior warrior, but I feel that his strength is stronger than that of the war division, and I almost suffered a big loss just now.”

“This kid is a freak.” Randolph’s eyes were taken back from a female student passing by, and said while walking: “His father is the Marquis of Leiwei, a famous military commander of the empire. Breaking through the war sage to the level of God of War, but his temperament is much more stable. Lei Xuan’s hot temper mostly comes from his mother Murong Linghuo, she is also a warrior, she is a fighter of the fire department, and is a big warrior, but his temper is much more irritable. Now.”

“Lei Xuan, a freak, cultivated thunderfire dual-fight fighters five years ago. Although only the blue fighters of senior warriors, but with the assistance of dual-fight fighters, his strength is indeed even stronger than that of ordinary combatants. His mother Murong Linghuo is especially short-sighted. In the college, he is not afraid of fear, and no one wants to provoke him. But his temperament is good, and he usually does not provoke others, just lustful, often around the beautiful girls in the college. But I haven’t seen any one who can get along for too long.”

   “Lust? You’re so embarrassed to say. Who dare to compare with you, even dared to run to peek at the female students to take a bath, for the old disrespect.” Li Junshan secretly murmured.

   “It’s no wonder that that day, the **** guards of York could battle for a while, but they couldn’t take Lei Xuan’s empty hand. It seems that this kid is indeed a freak.” Li Junshan said in his heart.

   During the conversation, the two returned to the empty summoning class. Randolph took Li Junshan to the corner and asked, “Your summon beast is very strange. Where did you come from?”

  Li Junshan was asked this question not once or twice.

   Randolph frowned and asked, “Where did you learn the summoning technique before?”

  Li Junshan shook his head, took out the summoning booklet he carried with him, and said, “I learned it all by myself, just follow this summoning secret.”

   Randolph took a few pages and turned his brows, saying, “This thing you got from there?”

   “I bought it.” Li Junshan said: “The family handbook from an old beggar is said to be a textbook written by Mr. Anoriva when he taught at Imperial College. It is now out of print.”

  Randolf stared at Li Junshan with an idiot-like look, and said, “Heirloom? If it is a solitary book, I take off my pants and take it to the Imperial Museum to be used as an antiquities exhibition.”

“The summoning technique has developed to the present day, although some of it has declined, but the teaching materials are written along the wisdom and experience of the predecessors. You are not only ancient, but also full of loopholes. It is estimated that Mr. Anoriva’s previous summoning hand Zangang At the time of the rise, some people copied it outside. It was still out of print, pirated. At that time, it was worth a few copper plates at most.”


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