Alien Queen

Chapter 34 - The hole card is about to be exposed

“Ah!” Li Junshan was completely stunned, and he was stupefied for a long time before he came back and asked quickly: “Mr. Randolph, then my spiritual strength has not made progress. Is it related to this book?”

   “That’s for sure.” Randolph said: “This book is obviously based on hearsay. It’s correct in the front, but there is a problem in the back. It is estimated that it was completely made up by speculation.”

With that said, Randolph walked over to the front podium and found out a transparent crystal ball with a milky white light. He walked to Li Junshan and placed it on the table, saying, “You put your right hand on the test ball. , Just concentrate your mental strength.”

  Li Junshan walked according to his words, calm and calm, and his head was empty, and suddenly, the crystal ball radiated a faint blue light.

   “Well, yes, the mental strength has reached the level of the big summoner.” Randolph smashed his mouth and put away the crystal test ball.

   “Great Summoner?” Li Junshan was confused, and asked, “Mr. Randolph, didn’t you just say that this booklet is wrong? Why did I become the Great Summoner again?”

   “The front is right, but the sign pattern on the back is all wrong, and the method of spiritual training is not accurate enough.” Randolph said: “You are already a big summoner, you can summon the sixth-level Warcraft.”

   Li Junshan became more and more confused. Since he studied in Fenghuo Town, his summoning technique has only broken once, and he has not grown in the future. Is it a breakthrough to the big summoner?

“No,” Li Junshan wondered, and said, “I tried in the Luoyue Mountain Range before. When I summoned the big water rhino monster, my mental strength was almost exhausted, and I couldn’t succeed. Later, I used the method of forced summoning to threaten my life. The Water Rhinoceros cub was finally successful.”

“Forced summoning?” Randolph stared at him and said, “Not to mention the summoner, that is, the summoning of the holy master and the summoning of the imperial master. It is not necessarily successful when summoning Warcraft, and it is compared with patience and mental strength. You are obviously big. Summoner, summoning Level 6 Warcraft occasionally succeeds, where is the forced summoning. Forced summoning refers to leapfrog summoning, there have been examples of this before, but most of them died under the spirit of the summoning beast, and you dare miss you.”

“It is extremely laborious to summon Warcraft above level 6 and the success rate of cubs is much higher. The two Level 6 Warcrafts of Cedern and Nancy, you have also seen it, it is a big price from the family. The cubs bought by mercenary unions are fed with the best food every day, playing with them, and it takes two years of effort to summon them successfully.”

“When Fenghuo Town meets the Black Dragon, the magician with the 9th-level Warcraft Golden Eye Magic Eagle is only as powerful as the other warrior, which is inexplicable. Now it sounds that the magician has accepted the Golden Eye Magic Eagle. The method is similar to that of Cedern.” Li Junshan thought to himself, speechless.

   was also said by the half-hanger of Fatt at that time. He didn’t understand it and believed it to be true. He didn’t think he was already a big summoner, and he had the ability to summon the sixth-level Warcraft.

   “What about spiritual space?” Randolph almost forgot this crucial question and asked: “Just now you can summon two Warcrafts, how big is your spiritual space? Can you feel it?”

  Li Junshan asked him for advice, and he tried to say: “It’s unclear, that feeling is very mysterious. It seems to be about the size of our college, and there is no way to describe it accurately.”

   “What.” Randolph showed a surprised expression for the first time in front of Li Junshan. He stood up involuntarily with a shocked expression.

   “Same size as George College?” Randolph was a little unbelieving and asked again.

   “It should be.” Li Junshan suddenly regretted that the words had already been exported and he could not deny it, so he nodded.

  Randolph slowly sat down and looked at Li Junshan with complicated eyes. After a while, he asked: “How many summons can you summon now?”

“Uh, ten at most, but a few were lost during the training in the Luoyue Mountain Range. Without encountering the appropriate World of Warcraft, there was no summoning.” Li Junshan tentatively said, Randolph’s expression made him feel in his heart. Whispered.

   “It’s the mental power that limits you.” Randolph frowned tightly, and suddenly asked another irrelevant sentence.

   “I haven’t had time to read your file. Who is your father? Are you in Auston City?”

  Li Junshan shook his head and said, “My father is a viscount in Florence, and this time he came to George College, it was arranged by the Marquis of Sweet.”

   “Marquis Sweet.” Randolph read it again and thought for a long while. He looked up and said to Li Junshan: “You go back first, and there will be no classes on the first day today.”

  Li Junshan bowed slightly to him, turned and walked out.

   “Here is not suitable for him.” Watching Li Junshan’s back disappeared outside the door, Randolph murmured, got up and went out, and stopped outside the school gate. He stopped a carriage and sat up.

   “Go to Lyon.”

  The driver answered happily and drove the carriage away from George College.

  Li Junshan walked around the college a few times, only to feel a little bored, and walked directly to the dormitory area of ​​the West District. From afar, he saw a very majestic building with a six-storey height and a great span.

   Dormitory management is an old man. Li Junshan showed the student certificate before he was put in.

  George College’s dormitory building management is very simple. Each dormitory room door has a simple small magic circle. You must open the door with a special student certificate made by the college. Obviously, the privacy protection of the students is well done.

  This small magic circle is very simple, and there are so many students in the academy doing free labor, which is a measure of both sides.

   It was already evening. Many students in the corridor went up and down. Li Junshan walked to the fifth floor. He pulled out the student card and wanted to open the door, but the door opened. Fatt stood at the door and smiled restrainedly.

   “Master, I just saw you coming up.”

“The dormitory management in the college is quite user-friendly.” Li Junshan walked in and took the tea from Fatt. “That’s fine, don’t be afraid that others can come in at will, you just set up a magical gathering in the room. Meditation inside.”

   Fa nodded and said, “Master…”

   Before he finished speaking, Li Junshan interrupted him and said, “You can call me my name if you like, and correct you many times. You are not my slave, and here is the academy, what is the master.”

  Seeing Fatt’s embarrassed appearance, Li Junshan waved his hand and said, “Forget it, don’t want to call your name, you should still call it Young Master.”

   “Young Master.” Fatt’s face was lightened up, and he said with some excitement: “Empire First Academy is really extraordinary. The magic instructor’s lecture is very simple, much better than that of my previous instructor.”

   “Just get what you want.” Li Junshan nodded and said, “I think there are more people older than you among the magic students, you don’t have to have any pressure, just study hard.”

   “Hmm.” Fa nodded, seeing Li Junshan lying on the bed, squinting a little sleep, and then quietly walked to his bed and sat down to meditate, without disturbing him.

   Early in the morning the next day, after Li Junshan woke up and washed up, he said farewell to Fatt and walked to the class of the summoner. He went in and saw a few students sitting sparsely, but he didn’t see Randolph.

   “Master Nicholas.”

   Suddenly heard someone calling himself, Li Junshan looked back, and saw Bernie standing outside the door looking at himself with a smile.

   “Mr. Bernie, why are you here?” Li Junshan was curious.

   “Master Marquis let me invite you back,” Bernie said respectfully.

   “He used to call him only you, but now he is changed to you.” Li Junshan is a little strange, and he feels that his eyes are different from the original, which seems to be more respectful.

   followed Bernie out of the college gate, and Li Junshan and Bernie rode in a carriage to the south of the city.

   “Is Lord Marquis having trouble with me?” Li Junshan was a bit strange in his heart and couldn’t help asking.

   “You will know when you go back.” Bernie looked at Li Junshan with an impeccable smile.

  Also felt that he was asking something abruptly, Li Junshan stopped talking. Soon after the carriage stopped, Li Junshan and Bernie got out of the carriage and walked into the residence of the Marquis of Sweet.

   walked all the way to the living room, and Bernie motioned for Li Junshan to go in, keeping himself outside. Li Junshan knocked on the door, and when he heard the answer, he pushed open the door and went in.

Seeing a middle-aged man in a white robe in the hall at a glance, Li Junshan was taken aback and almost turned to escape.

   “Nicholas, don’t be afraid.” Marquis Sweet said: “Come in.”

  The heart was beating violently, Li Junshan lowered his head and took a few deep breaths, and slowly walked in.

   The middle-aged man in white robe was none other than the magician Laurat whom Li Junshan had seen in the barren hills north of Fenghuo Town.

There were four people sitting in the hall. Apart from an old man sitting in the middle, the other three were Randolph, Sweet, and Laura.

  The old man in the middle suddenly laughed a few times and said, “Nicholas, um, how old are you this year?”

  Li Junshan was somewhat puzzled and replied: “I’m almost fifteen years old now.”

“Fifteen years old.” The old man smiled and said: “Yes, UU reading is a teenager. You don’t know me, hehe, I am Aldridge, according to the family generation, you should call me grandfather.”

   “Duke Aldridge.” Li Junshan passed by this message in his heart, and was surprised.

  奥德里奇#Harriman, is the owner of the Harriman family generation. He used to be a famous military commander of the empire, but now he has retired and retired at an older age. It is said that he was already the warlord rank more than ten years ago.

   “Having seen my grandfather, Nicholas didn’t know it was you, it was rude.” Li Junshan didn’t think that this seemingly sloppy old man was the owner of the house, and his heart was full of waves, but he was respectful.

“Sit down.” Aldridge waved his hand and saw Li Junshan sitting rigidly on the bottom chair. Then he looked at Laurat and said, “If you didn’t go to me, I really didn’t know that our family was actually Out of such a genius, at the age of fifteen, he owned the Black Dragon Summoning Beast.”

  Laurate looked a little ugly, barely smiled and stared at Li Junshan.

“Nicholas, I heard Mr. Laurat say, you got a peculiar black dragon summon in the barren hills north of Fenghuo Town, and got a black dragon egg. Is this the case?” Aldrich asked Li Junshan, seemingly Cloudy eyes flicked a beam of light.


   At this time, there was absolutely no way to hide, Li Junshan had to admit.

“How did you do it?” This time Laurat asked like a cannon, he stared at Li Junshan, and said: “Mr. Randolph said that you only have the strength of a big summoner. How can you summon a black dragon? What kind of monster came out of that black dragon’s belly? And when I arrived there was a Warcraft egg opened at the top in front of the black dragon, and a dead multi-claw strange little Warcraft on the ground, what’s going on?”


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