All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 62 - A world apart

The meeting place is still in Li Kuiyuan ’s restaurant. Today, this hotel is already one of the finest restaurants in Beijing. The daily flow of guests is endless, but Shen Long and Li Kuiyuan do n’t take this little money into consideration anymore. It is mostly used as a place for gathering and business reception.

Today, except Gao Yue, there were no outsiders. They were all at the educated youths. Gao Yue looked at these people curiously. From the perspective of dress and temperament, these people have been clearly divided into two classes, Shen Long. Jiang Shaoan, Hu Jianjun, Sun Xiaoxia and others over there are well-dressed and well-talked.

On the Zhong Yuemin side, except Zheng Tong and Jiang Biyun, everyone seems to be not having a good time. From the face of it, we can find the traces of long-term poor life. Zhao Dayong, who has been riding three rounds all year round, has become a hump. Guo Jie ’s milk-carrying skin became bronze, and his hair was already gray; Qian Zhimin laid off a bicycle repair booth after he was laid off, and his hands were full of green bars, and it was dark like two old tree roots; Li Ping was less than five At ten years old, he is as old as sixty years old.

At first glance, Gao Yue didn’t believe that both sides were an old person. Zhong Yuemin, an educated youth, looked much older than the educated youth in Qinling.

Cao Gang and Zhao Dayong seemed very restrained. They dared not look at them with Jiang Shaoan. After listening to them telling about their own situation over the years, they were even more disgusted.

“… Thanks to Kui Yong, he has always told us not to forget to study. Before I resumed the college entrance examination in 1977, I specially sent a letter instructing that I was admitted to China University of Mining and Technology and I was admitted as soon as I returned to Northern Shaanxi after graduation. Reuse … “Hu Jianjun was glowing red, and he has been a senior leader of the Mining Bureau for so many years.

“I was unlucky. I was admitted to the provincial government the second year after graduation. Now I am living in the provincial education department …” Liu Weihong is now deputy department level, his children are filial piety, and now he is waiting to retire with his grandson at home. .

“I got into the capital in college and stayed in the capital after graduation. In the first two years, I went to the sea and worked with people. I couldn’t compare with Kuiyong and Yuemin. Let’s get mixed.” Jiang Shaoan said modestly, relying on Shen Long’s help He is also very expensive now.

The educated youths who came out of Baidian Village were either in high positions, had rich family property, or became experts, all of whom are high-end people who Ishikawa Village educated youths can’t usually reach.

We two educated youths are separated by a deep ditch. Why is the gap so big? Zheng Tong was in deep thought. The educated youth in Ishikawa Village, he and Zhong Yuemin, barely managed to keep up with Jiang Shaoan, but they could only say that it was just barely. The narrow ditch in the past seems to have become a rift.

Perhaps these are the roles of that guy. From the origin and family, Baidian Village is similar to the educated youth of Shichuan Village. No, they may even be worse. After all, most of them are from Xi’an, but they are all from Beijing’s.

However, some people in Baidian Village urged them to study and find ways to find a way for them. In Shichuan Village, Zhong Yuemin stayed for less than a year and left. Zheng Tong himself only looked at books all day, and he did not take care of Cao Gang. Cao Gang, they could n’t jump out of their horizons to see the problem, they did n’t learn much on weekdays, and after entering the city, they also followed the trend, and were gradually eliminated by society.

However, compared with other educated youths, the educated youths in Ishikawa Village are still lucky. Zhong Yuemin is a loyal character. Now he has a certain amount of capital. Seeing that his former companions are not doing well, they immediately help. They solved the problem of work, and let Cao Gang have no worries for the time being, so they can go back to Northern Shaanxi with the brigade.

This time the big guy did not take the train. Shen Long, Zhong Yuemin and Jiang Shaoan drove four or five cars, took Cao Gang, Zhao Dayong and others to eat, drink and have fun. It took three days to return to Jingbian County.

“Oh, is this still the Jingbian County we had been in? You shouldn’t have led the wrong way?” When I arrived in Jingbian County, I saw the county’s wide roads, neat greenery and tall buildings, Cao Gang They were dumbfounded.

“Yes, I have been working here for more than ten years. Since the coal mine in Baidian Village was discovered, the lives of ordinary people in Jingbian are getting better and better …” Hu Jianjun happily took them around the street In a circle, I pointed to the landmarks and introduced their origins and allusions one by one.

Finally, they took them to the Jingbian County Museum for a visit. At an eye-catching location in the museum, the big guy saw pictures of Li Kuiyong, Hu Jianjun and others when they were young. On the photo they held a few dark coals. He smiled with a white tooth, clearly written above the photo, this is the scene when the coal mine in Jingbian County was discovered.

This photo made the big guy stunned and alarmed the director of the museum. As soon as they heard that they were back, they would immediately inform the county leaders to entertain them to thank them for their contribution to Jingbian County ~ ~ Shenlong They quickly quit.

After a night ’s rest in the county town, I went to Baidian Village early the next day. Bai Mingchuan, the old party secretary of Baidian Village, got news that he came to the county town to pick them up early. He also brought his own car. The body is still tough, and it seems that it can still be tough for many years. Now that he has retired, several children in the family have provided supporting services for the coal mine. These years have been issued.

When I came to Baidian Village, I saw that the old caves were no longer visible. Every family built a small villa, but the original educated youths still remained. It seems that people often look after them. In Bai Mingchuan’s words, it is thanks to these The educated youth can live a good life in the village.

In recent years, because Shen Long often brought students from Shuimu University to teach in the village, the children in Baidian Village realized the importance of learning. Almost every year, children were admitted to key universities. These children will also use the holidays to help the school To tell their younger siblings and juniors about the outside world, the school in Baidian Village has become a famous local school.

After enjoying a sumptuous lunch in Baidian Village, in the afternoon the big guy came to Ishikawa Village, separated by a ditch, and it was quite different just by two villages separated by a ditch.

Thanks to the economic development of Jingbian County in these years, the road has also been repaired to the entrance of Shichuan Village, and some villages have some patience to earn money outside to build buildings, but several buildings are scattered in a pile of dilapidated In the middle of the old house, it is not very beautiful. In the village’s primary school, several children are running around, and their clothes and temperament can’t be compared with the children in Baidian Village.

From Baidian Village to Ishikawa Village, I suddenly felt the same from the developed European and American countries to the Third World. It seemed that Zhong Yuemin was full of taste. He looked back at Zheng Tong, “Zheng Tong, do you say we are a little bit Not something? “

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