All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 63 - Return and reward

“We stayed in Ishikawa Village for so long, suffocated the fellows enough, and then patted the **** and left, letting the village continue to be so poor …” Think about what you did, and look at the person next to me Zhong Yuemin was quite uncomfortable with Baidian Village and felt that he should do something for Ishikawa Village.

“If you want to change a place, you have to start with education. If you feel that you ca n’t make it through your life, you can build a hope primary school in the village, and then stay in the village for a while to see if you can find an economic model suitable for Ishikawa Village and help them. Get rid of poverty. “Shen Long made his own suggestion.

“Well, I think this method is reliable.” Zhong Yuemin remembered his conversation with Hanwa, what did you do when you grew up? Let the sheep save money to marry the daughter-in-law! and then? Bring the child up, let him save the sheep and save money to marry his daughter-in-law! If this has always been the case, it is difficult to see the future.

“Or Gaoyue, you will go back with them in two days, and I will live in the village for a few more days?” Zhong Yuemin took Shen Long’s words seriously and planned to do so.

“You have been drinking with Lao Maozi all these years, understand that there? Or should I stay and work with you to think about it slowly!” Finally, you can stay with Zhong Yuemin for a while, and Gao Yue was reluctant to leave.

“If there is anything you need to help, please speak.” Shen Long and Hu Jianjun told them that they stayed in the village for a few days before going back. The educated youths in Shichuan Village did not mention it. The educated youths in Baidian Village are now all there. As far as the news is concerned, as long as Zhong Yuemin can find a suitable project, it is not difficult for Ishikawa Village to change things.

Zhong Yuemin’s brain is alive, really willing to work hard and surely can come up with a way. He stayed in Shichuan Village for a while and watched Hope Primary School stand up with his own eyes, then he and Gao Yue figured out a set of suitable paths for Shichuan Village.

In the past few years, there have been more and more rich people, and their eating habits have become more health-conscious. Many coarse grains that no one used to eat have sold for a high price, and the water and soil in Ishikawa Village are very suitable for planting millet, so he made For a sum of money, he also used Li Kuiyuan’s channels to sign supply agreements with some hotels in Beijing to start special cultivation in Ishikawa Village.

And registered his own brand, let the advertising company design fashionable packaging, the first season of Xiaomi was a success, after a few years, Xiaochuan in Shichuan Village even became Jingbian County and even the whole North Shaanxi Dangdang one With a business card, the days of the folks are getting better.

At this time, Zhong Yuemin rested his mind and continued his adventure. He drove the old Maozi battalion buggy to the Taklimakan Desert to find the ancient city of Loulan.

Shen Long, after his business empire was on the right track, quickly retreated and returned to Shuimu University to bring up students and live a quiet life with Qinling.

Until the timeline approached the real world, Qinling left the world peacefully, and their children have grown up and are engaged in their favorite industries.

The long-lost system finally came the news that the mission completed and can return. Shen Long stayed in this world for decades. The Li Kuiyong family all had a good life. Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang became business giants. Li Dani changed her nice name to stay. The school teaches and has made great achievements academically.

After Li Erni graduated, she entered the government organization. The youngest Li Kui should go to the United States to help manage foreign companies. Their children are all very promising. The Li family went from a small Nanheng Street to the world; I think Li Kuiyong would be pleased to see these. ?

After the white light flashed, Shen Long returned to the real world, which seemed to be a systemic role. After coming out of the world of Scarlet Romance, the real world memory quickly covered up the memory of the mission world, turning those into memories, real world The memory became clear again.

This kind of help is still very necessary. It only takes a few days in the world of “Jin Yu Man Tang” and it does not affect it. In the world of “Dragon Ball”, the world is not too serious for a few months. After decades of Shen Long, without this help, Shen Long did not know how long it would take to adapt to his identity.

Wake up after sleep, the aftereffects of the soul wear have completely disappeared, Shen Long ’s mentality has completely returned to normal, go to work in the private restaurant as usual, and return home after work to prepare to see what rewards this time.

This time the reward was a bit beyond his expectations. He originally thought that Li Kuiyong had few things he could use, but the result surprised him a little. Li Kuiyong sent the stamps he collected when he first entered the mission world, The badge also has banknotes.

After clicking Accept, those familiar things fell into his hands and opened the box. They looked exactly the same as when he left the world of Scarlet Romance, just like most reborns ~ ~ When wearing it, I collected a lot of valuable collectibles and waited for appreciation to sell money. Who ever wanted to make money far faster than the value-added rate of these collectibles, so these things have been left with him, and he is regarded as the past Memories.

And now, these things have fallen into Shen Long’s hands, and they still carry traces of decades, so they can be directly auctioned without using them.

One piece of “The National Mountains and Rivers are Red” can sell more than 7 million. I have two full editions here. How much can I sell? Thinking of the value of this stamp, Shen Long froze for a moment.

Should I be able to buy a nice courtyard house in Beijing? It ’s not always a matter of renting someone ’s house. If you can, it ’s best to get it yourself.

Shen Long turned on the computer and checked the materials, and found that the full version of “The National Mountains and Rivers Are Red” never appeared in the auction market. The only appearance was at the China Post Expo in 1997. Twenty years later, the value will definitely only be higher.

At the 1997 Guardian Spring Auction, a four-party “The National Mountains and Rivers” was sold for 748,000 yuan. If calculated according to this standard, the full version of Shen Long can now sell at least 100 million yuan.

I searched the real estate website in Beijing and looked at the market of the quadrangle. Shen Long found that if there was one hundred million yuan, if he did not deliberately pursue the location, it would be enough to buy a quadrangle.

Then, in the past two days, I found a reliable auction house to sell a version of the stamp. The remaining version was kept in my own collection, and then I bought a set of courtyard houses to renovate and move.

This private restaurant Shen Long still intends to keep it. When he came to Shen Long, he thought it would be interesting to cook. Secondly, he also knew a lot of people here. This time, he got a lot of help from them when he successfully completed the task. Useful place.

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