All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 79 - 1 way high song

“Huh? A Mu, do you come to see the game in Xiangbei?” Next to the vending machine in the basketball hall, Xian Dao Zhang accidentally saw the first player in the county, the shepherd of the Hainan team.

“I heard that Xiangbei won Lingnan in the practice match. I want to see if Xiangbei has made progress too fast or you have stepped back!” The shepherd is very concerned about the opponent’s dynamics. Before the national competition, he will go to Aichi Prefecture to see Aichizhi. Xing, now I heard that Xiangbei won Lingnan, so why wouldn’t it come?

“Ho ho, maybe you and Fujin have no chance to meet in the joint finals this year.” Xiandao was not angry because of Amu’s words, “Your Hainan’s hegemony may not be guaranteed.”

Returning to their seats, the game is about to start, and Shen Long is doing the final mobilization for them, “Today’s starting lineup is Akagi, Mitsui, Miyagi, Rukawa Maple, and Sakuragi Flower Road, Akagi, Mitsui, remember you only At half time, at the beginning of the second half, I will replace you no matter how many points you lead. Rukawa Feng, this time is the same. If you score more than three times as many assists, I will replace you. “

It’s too silly to lead so much in the original book and let the main force play for so long, not only lost the opportunity to exercise as a substitute, but also easily injured.

“Yes, coach!” Five starters came on stage and the game officially started.

Miyagi’s sharp breakthrough, Mitsui Shou’s precise three-pointer, Akagi’s basket attack and Rukawa Feng’s singles soon smashed Miura, and Sakuragi Flower Road also played well after adapting to the game, rebounding and fast break The layup is all correct, but the foul is a little bit more.

“There are so many outstanding players in Xiangbei, Xiangyang is really dangerous.” A Mu murmured in the stands. At the end of the first half, Xiangbei had already achieved a lead of more than 30 points.

In the second half, all the starters except Sakuragi Flower Road came to an end. The five players on the field were replaced by Sakuragi, Mumu, Kakuda, Yasuda and Sangtian. Shen Long arranged tactics for them. “Antian, you should control the pace of the game and try to slow Some, first pass the ball to Sakuragi, Sakuragi when attacking. When there is defense, try your fake layup and pass without a chance. Yasuda and Mumu will run out of space. “

Missing four main forces, the strength of Xiangbei was greatly reduced, Miuradai seemed to see the opportunity to chase points, but Yasuda controlled the rhythm very well, and almost every 30 seconds was consumed for each attack.

Sakuragi’s fake action succeeded twice, and then lost its effect. Fortunately, he still remembered the coach’s words and helped Yasuda and Mumu score a lot.

When he was sent off, Xiangbei was still leading by more than ten points. At this time, only seven minutes from the end of the game, Akagi came back to stabilize the situation.

In the second match, Kono was weaker than Miura. After 15 minutes of main play, Shen Long replaced them. At this time, Xiangbei scored 60 points, while Kono only took 10.

Even if it was a substitute this time, the score was not lost to the opponent. In this way, it was bad luck to be eliminated in the first round of Xiangbei in the first two years. I met the top 16 teams in one year and the top four in the second year. Lingnan; if Akagi and Mumu meet Kakuno, I am afraid they can easily win.

After the main game, the defensive pressure was all on Sakuragi Flower Road. In the 14th minute of the second half, Sakuragi Flower Road retired with five violations, but this time he left a double-double with 12 points and 13 rebounds. Qualified main force.

It is worth mentioning that with Sakuragi’s rebound protection, Mumu and Yasuda also got double-digit scores. Although it is the reason for the opponents’ too bad, it is still good for building confidence in them.

The time came to early June. Xiangbei ’s opponents were replaced by Takahata. Takahata ’s strength was slightly stronger. Shen Long did not withdraw the four main forces at one time as in the previous games, but instead adopted a rotation strategy. Mitsui and Rukawa respectively Feng led the team to play for a while, and Sakuragi Flower Road insisted on leaving until fifteen minutes in the second half, which was an improvement over the previous one.

His experience is slowly accumulating, and he has a vague understanding of the scale of defensive action. In two more games, it is estimated that it will not be easy to fill up and exit.

In the fourth round against Jin Jiuwu, stimulated by opponent center Nanxiang Jiichiro, Sakuragi Flower Road ushered in a big explosion, grabbing 23 rebounds in the audience, breaking the county competition record and firmly restricting Jin Jiuwu The three-point tactics of the game created multiple opportunities for fast breaks and second attacks for Xiangbei, allowing Xiangbei to finally defeat Jin Jiuwu.

Unfortunately, Sakuragi Flower Road was still full in two minutes before the game, otherwise the county’s rebound record will rise.

After this game, Xiangyang was the only team left in front of Xiangbei. As long as they beat Xiangyang, they could reach the joint finals.

“Dad, why do I get sent off every time, UU reading must be the referee against me, you want to find a way.” Sentenced four times in a row, Sakuragi was very depressed.

“Sakuragi, in fact, you have improved. In the first game, you only played 33 minutes, and in the last game, you can play a full 38 minutes. What a great progress!” Shen Long praised, ” This shows that you have gradually adapted to the game and have a clear understanding of the referee’s penalty scale. It is enough to play two more games. “

“Ahahaha, because I am a genius!” Once praised, Sakuragi Flower Road cannot find North.

“Sakuragi, Xiangyang, but there are four players with more than 190. Whether you can win the next game, your rebound is very important. The hope of Xiangbei is on you.” Shen Long knew that Sakuragi was in the previous He is rarely praised and valued in life, so encourage him whenever he has the chance.

“It’s good to be wrapped in this talent.” Speaking of rebounds, Sakuragi is not at all ill.

“Today I will teach you something! Your bounce and speed are very good, so sometimes if you ca n’t fully grasp the rebound, you can first move the basketball to yourself with one hand, then take the rebound and take the rebound. In this way, your number of rebounds will increase. “Xiangyang’s four eldest men bouncing and bouncing speed are average, learn this hand, the game will not play so hard.

“Dad, I get it!” Sakuragi Flower Road started a new round of special training with full of energy.

In the final round of the qualifiers, all four seed teams made their debut. The first game was Xiangbei vs. Xiangyang. Shen Long glanced at Xiangyang’s bench. Coach Fuji was really doing the final arrangement for Huaxing and others.

After the announcement of the starting lineup, Shen Long said to them, “See? No, Xiangyang’s trump card is still sitting on the bench. Your task is to push him out of the game within five minutes.”

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