All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 80 - Xiangyang\\\'s weakness

“Xiangyang’s starting height is higher than yours, which will increase the difficulty of our internal attack, so at the beginning we played fast breaks and used speed to break them down.” Xiangyang’s starting set was prepared to block the priest. However, it is not suitable for Xiangbei. Xiangbei has Akagi and Sakuragi, which can limit their inside attack, and there are Miyagi, Rukawa Maple and Sakuragi who are suitable for fast attack. The original Zhongbei is also used Fast break to catch up with the score.

The game started because Xiangling had already defeated Lingnan, who was also the top four. Xiangbei was not as scared of Xiangyang as the original. In addition, the four players had not played the whole game before the start. They had already held a lot of strength and came up. , Miyagi’s steal resulted in Rukawa Feng’s fast-break dunk.

Akagi was instructed by the coach. At the beginning, he focused on the offense. After scoring two shots in the shape, he adapted to his offensive style. He and Sakuragi Flower Road sent consecutive blocks. Xiangbei quickly led 10-4.

Fujima was a little unable to sit still, and Hiroshi blocked Fujima’s appearance with his eyes, trying to use the advantages of the four big men to grab a rebound and get a second offensive opportunity to score.

“I’m coming!” Nagano missed a shot, Takano blocked Akagi, and Hanako tried to grab a front-court rebound and score.

“This is mine!” However, seeing the flower-shaped fingertips about to touch the basketball, he was jumped from behind by Sakuragi Flower Road, and took the ball away from his head. Then he took a second jump before Hasegawa and rebounded. Hold it firmly in your hand and quickly pass it to Miyagi, “Small Palace, catch it!”

“Attack!” Miyagi held the ball quickly, and Ito desperately slowed down Miyagi’s speed, allowing Hana and others to land, and placed a 1-3-1 joint defense formation in the penalty area, which locked the penalty area.

There was a lock in the penalty area, but Mitsui Shou was missing from the outside. Miyagi faked a pass to the Akagi under the basket, tricked Ito from jumping, and took the opportunity to pass the ball to Mitsui Shou. Mitsui caught the ball and made a free shot to hit easily. The difference widens to 13 to 4.

It’s Xiangyang’s turn to attack, Hanako pulls Akagi out of the penalty area and shoots, Takano blocks Sakuragi, Nagano grabs a rebound and hits the shot. This time the tactics are achieved, Fujima seems to see hope to sit down again.

Looking back, Rukawa Feng couldn’t make it in singles, Xiangyang once again got an offensive opportunity, the flower shape still pulled Akagi away, but this time Ruchuan Feng entered the restricted area, helping to stop Yongye, only Takano and Hasegawa could not stop Sakura at all. Mu, “The rebounding king Sakuragi is here!”

Hua Dao once again scored a rebound, and the flower-shaped plan went bankrupt. Seeing this scene, Shen Long was very relieved, and Rukawa Feng’s team spirit had gradually emerged.

“Teng Zhen must play!” Shen Long said when he saw the score was doubled. “This is Xiangyang’s second weakness. Now there is only a flower-shaped ball holding point on the field. Restricted, there is no second person who can hold the ball to attack, and the rebound is controlled by Sakuragi Flower Road. Their attack has been locked by us. “

In addition to the flower shape, Xiangyang ’s four elders all have better defense than offense, and lack the ability to hold the ball like Futian Jizhao; Hainan has three scoring points: Amu, Qingtian, and Ashen; Lingnan has Xiandao, Yuzhu and Fukuda, Akagi, Mitsui, Rukawa Kaede in Xiangbei, Kanagawa’s top four teams have the worst scoring ability in Xiangyang.

Five minutes into the game, the score on the field was 18-6. Fujio called for a timeout, replaced Ito to debut, and Shen Long made corresponding adjustments. “Xiangyang’s defensive focus is on the penalty area, then we will attack Outside, Mitsui, you have to take the responsibility of scoring, Akagi, help Sakuragi to block people when attacking, Hua Dao, and the frontcourt rebounds are up to you. “

Teng really played to give Xiangyang one more point of attack. He quickly used a breakthrough drift shot to help Xiangyang recover two points, and then intercepted the ball from his hand after Sakuragi Flower Road took the rebound to assist the flower-shaped score.

However, Xiangbei did not panic, Mitsui Shou slipped the bottom line to get rid of Hasegawa by Akagi’s block, and received a pass from Miyagi to the bottom corner on the right side to make another three-pointer. Rukawa Feng looked at Mitsui Shou’s running position. Thinking.

“Change defense, Takano, and after Mitsui Shou gets rid of Hasegawa for a while, you follow.” Fujima immediately took the countermeasure and tried to get a three point shot in front of Miyagi.

Mitsui once again ran out of position, Takano followed closely, so that he had no chance to shoot, only to pass the ball to Akagi, Akagi’s strong attack was blocked, Fujimaki launched a fast break to the next city.

Substitution in Xiangbei, Mumu came on to replace Rukawa Maple, “Rukawa Maple, you take a short break, you will need to score and attack.”

Mumu debuts, Xiangbei’s rebound is weakened, but Mitsui Shou enters the penalty area to help Sakuragi block people and make up a little one or two. When attacking, Xiangbei has two three points of Mitsui Shou and Mumu, allowing Xiangyang to defend. As a decoration, Fujima had to draw another person from the basket to guard Mumu ~ ~ But in this way, the defense of the basket was weakened, Miyagi passed the ball to Mitsui, Mitsui fake shooting point Driving Hasegawa’s pass to the inside, Akagi Dunk scored with a flower-shaped dunk.

“It’s worthy of coach Anxi, Fujimaki is too tender compared to him!” Tian Gang in the stands sighed with emotion. Every change of Xiangyang was restricted by Xiangbei, and Fujimaki had to dominate the offense and think about it on the court. Tactics and physical exertion are very expensive. “If you go on like this, Teng really can’t stick to the audience.”

At the beginning of the second half, Fujima used a half-time break to think about the strategy for Mu Mu. He realized that Mu Mu’s athletic ability was not good, and he planned to stick to the inside line and wait for Mu Mu to catch the ball before going to defend. Unfortunately, Shen Long did not give up in the second half. Mumu came up, but replaced Rukawa Feng who had recovered his strength.

Rukawa Feng’s breakthrough and shooting messed up Xiangyang’s inside. On defense, Miyagi adopted a strategy of anti-shooting and anti-outburst against Fuji Zhen. Fuji Zhen had to break through and get into the inside again and again, consuming a lot of physical energy, the second half Halfway through, Fujima was exhausted and panted.

“Xiangyang is over! Their defense is okay, but the offense is too bad, and only two people, Teng Zhen and Hua Xing, can’t kill Xiangbei.” Mu Shen looked at Teng Zhen with a complicated look, this year’s In the joint finals, this opponent who has fought with him for two years will be absent.

Waited for the score to open to fifteen points, Shen Long began to rotate again, let the bench come to experience the high-intensity game, Xiangyang slowly recent score, but time is not enough, and finally Xiangbei won by eight points.

Although the score is not big, the rhythm of the whole game is firmly in the hands of Xiangbei. It is worth mentioning that Sakuragi Flower Road even filled the whole game this time and was not sent off.

“Coach, we have reached the joint finals!” The players in Xiangbei burst into tears with excitement.

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