All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 93 - Life at the bottom of Xiangjiang

“Black-faced Tsai, don’t you mean to pick up your nephew? Why don’t you leave?” In the room rented by Sanshu, four people chatted while playing mahjong.

“Really don’t say, actually I am a little bit afraid of my nephew.” The third uncle told them about his situation. “Do you know that I have congenital out-of-control disease? My nephew calls my uncle and it’s okay. Calling my uncle That’s awesome, I will soon lose control and everything will work. “

“Is it that serious? What will it do?” Hua Gu, who has been in love with the third uncle, asked.

“I will **** you!” The third uncle exposed evil light, but Hua Gu was ecstatic in his heart, wishing that he would run out of control and accomplish a good deed. At this time, the third uncle got a good card and listened to him. Too.

“Hahahahaha, I have touched the eighteen villages in a row. If I sold Aping by hand, I would n’t be able to pay for it!” The third uncle laughed proudly, but it was thirteen. If he touched it, he would win. Too.

“Ah, even if Aping wants to sell it, it will be sold to me!” Aping’s favorite Yu Sheng expressed dissatisfaction.

It was the turn of the third uncle to touch the card again. He felt wrong when he squeezed it in his hand this time. He carefully rubbed the card out, and it turned out that it was 90,000 and 13 Yao touched it! The third uncle stood up excitedly, holding 90,000 to announce the Hu card. Who ever heard someone shouting behind him at this time, the third uncle suddenly got out of control, messed up the table, and thirteen yuan wasted in vain.

“It’s your kid!” The third uncle hated that he called a gritted teeth and could not wait to eat A Xing.

“Three uncles, it’s me, I’m your nephew A Xing!” A Xing knew nothing about it, and he hurriedly waved to the third uncle on the fence door, “I’m here in Xiangjiang!”

The third uncle was out of control again, holding fish-selling Sheng to do insignificant movements, and still screamed “sticky sticky sticky sticky” in his mouth; would it really get out of control? Hua Gu was tempted. When Axing shouted to the third uncle, she hurried to the third uncle and wanted to throw herself into the net. Who would have thought that the third uncle saw her face suddenly sober, “What are you doing, do you think you are a bully?” ! “

“Sorry, I’m sick, sorry, I’m sick!” Hua Gu escaped in shame.

There is one less person. Mahjong can’t fight anymore. A Ping and Yu Sheng also go back. There are only three uncles, A Xing and Shen Long in the room.

“Three uncles, this is my cousin Shen Long, Along is my good brother, just returned from military service and did not work, so came with me.” A Xing introduced Shen Long to the third uncle.

The uncle San San Yao who was already in his hand was called by A Xing, and he was depressed. When he saw A Xing like this, he began to scold, “Look at you, virtue, three points are like people, seven points like ghosts, and even long hair. It ’s all fake … “

Not finished yet, A Xing took off the wig, “I think Xiangjiang is popular.”

“You are popular! You still wear it, will you take it off?” The third uncle scolded and took out the cigarette, looking for a lighter all over his body.

Shen Long didn’t speak beside him, just quietly looked at the layout of the room. The living room was small, and the space of the smallest Mahjong table was occupied. He and A Xing squeezed on a double sofa, through The bedroom door can be seen with a bed in it, which is probably the residence of A Xing and San Shu.

The room is in a mess. It is estimated that Sanshu usually doesn’t clean much, and can’t see any high-end things. It can be seen that Sanshu’s life in Xiangjiang is not very good.

His friends are similar. As the name implies, they sell fish in small shops. Not only do they have to get up early and sleep busy, they also have to pay rent, pay protection fees to the triad, and can’t save much money; A Ping is a dancing girl and accompanies Drinking and dancing to make a living, Hua Gu seems to be a dancer before, but now she is too old to have a guest.

Xiangjiang is a city where the rich and the poor are very differentiated. Li Ka-shing and other rich people live in luxury villas in Taiping Mountain. The ground floor like Sanshu and Aping can only be squeezed into such a narrow rental house.

Xiangjiang has a small area and a large population. In addition to its full development over the years, every level of the market is extremely saturated. Under such pressure, it is very difficult for the bottom to turn over, not by hard work.

In the mainland, if you are a small merchant such as Yusheng, you can also accumulate initial capital through hard work and honest operation to expand the store, but it is difficult in Xiangjiang; most of the money he earns every day is given to the landlord. The rents of shops in Xiangjiang are not cheap, and the rest have to be provided to the underworld, and the remaining profits are not much left except for daily life.

Moreover, the rate of rising house prices and rents often far exceeds the rate of economic growth. The development of the Xiangjiang economy has created a lot of super rich people, but it has not much benefit to the people at the bottom ~ ~ So many people in the bottom of Xiangjiang like gambling. On the one hand, it is to find something to pass the time to alleviate the pressure of life, on the other hand, it is to put the hope of getting rich on gambling, because gambling, stocks, horses and slack hopes are overturned, it is basically impossible to work hard and get rich. .

They have no culture, no capital, no way to be a lawyer or a white-collar worker … Even starting a business is very difficult. They have only a handful of strength or a youthful body, but such young people like Xiangjiang are too much, Going to work in the factory can only be a mixture of food and clothing, and in recent years, the factories in Xiangjiang have moved in batches, and the opportunities for finding jobs have become fewer and fewer. Then they can only mix gangs and play cards and gamble.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiangjiang gambling and gangster films are popular. If you were born at the bottom of Xiangjiang and mixed up with a public school of average teaching quality until you graduate, you ca n’t find a job at university.

“Where did my lighter go?” Shen Long thought for a long time, and the third uncle had not found his lighter.

A Xing blinked, pointing at the cookie jar on the table, and said, “Three uncles, the lighter is in that iron jar.”

The third uncle opened the cookie jar, reached in and touched it, and really found a lighter. After smoking a cigarette, he sucked twice and continued to scold Axing. He had n’t responded yet. He did n’t notice that Axing could be seen through the iron can. Something inside.

Listening, Axing suddenly tense, pointing at the wall opposite, shouting, “That little girl is about to fall, be careful, be careful, fall!”

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the sound of a tumbling fall next door, and then the cry of the little girl sounded. Hua Gu and others hurriedly opened the door and saw that the little girl was crying on the ground.

Uncle San turned his head suddenly, can you see it across the wall?

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