All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 94 - Asing\\\'s special features

“Yeah, as long as I want to see it, I can see it.” A Xing said while wiping sweat.

“Then what color do you look at my underwear?” Sanshu still didn’t believe it.

“You didn’t wear it!”

“…..” The third uncle was so scared that the smoke fell. This time I really believed it. He hurried back to the mahjong table and randomly took a few mahjong cards with their backs up and buckled. “What is this card?”

“Mahjong tiles!”

“I ask you what brand!” The third uncle was depressed.

“Mahjong tiles made of plastic!”

“I asked what brand did you buckle?” Sanshu wanted to hit someone.

A Xing Ning Shen looked at it, and at a glance he saw what card he was wearing, “Three fortunes in the middle, four red in the right, three whiteboards in the left, that’s all.”

Looked at the three uncles, and suddenly scared, “My mother, what the **** god!”

The third uncle did n’t even sleep, and took Axing and Shen Long as minibuses to the most prosperous place in Xiangjiang to open their eyes. “I tell you, the high-rise buildings in this building are all money. , Xiangjiang and other places are full of gold, depending on whether you will pick it up! “

Actually, it is not necessarily right. It is not false to have money in Xiangjiang, but it is not so easy to pick up money. Shen Long glanced at the third uncle, otherwise you would n’t come to Xiangjiang for decades, or this is a desolate look.

There are many high-end restaurants on the roadside, but the third uncle has no money. He went to Kaifeng and bought some fried chicken cola. The three of them sat on the roadside and ate. “Axing, you said you were seriously ill at the age of nine. There is a special function, do you know your superiors? Did you arrange work for you? “

“Of course there is. Let me patrol the street at the beginning. I watched it on the road every day. Once I found that the buried water pipe was broken, I asked the municipal department to repair it. The next year was even more serious. I was sent directly to the customs to work. Responsible for checking luggage, but then they introduced a X-ray machine, I was fired on the spot! “A Xing said.

This is a bit nonsense, it seems that the director who made this movie doesn’t understand the situation in the mainland at all. Let’s not mention that the mainland is now an iron rice bowl, and there is no such thing as unemployment. The special features of the mainland have been hot in recent years. Qigong is hot, but the Qingyunmen deserter Han Li has not heard of it?

Everyone knows that Axing has a special function, he has been offered as a master for a long time, can he be reduced to unemployment and come to Xiangjiang? Is it just a joke!

“Okay, I must send it this time!” The third uncle smoked beautifully, and he has now begun to wonder how to make money with the special functions of Asing.

“What’s going on?” A Xing didn’t understand yet.

“As long as you use your special functions in gambling, can you not make a fortune?”

“It’s good to make a fortune, can’t you go back to your home and build a new house with a lot of money?”

“If you want to listen to your uncle, ask your uncle if you don’t understand. Uncle takes you to make a fortune.” As the three uncles got up, they planned to take Axing to meet the world in Languifang.

Hey, the fate of a person is always limited by his own knowledge. The third uncle only knows gambling one day, so once he knows the special function of Axing, he immediately thinks of gambling; if the third uncle is playing wenwan jewelry, he will definitely Take Axing to gamble stone, then this movie does not need to be called “Gambling Saint”, just called “Golden Eye”.

If the third uncle is a surgeon, he does n’t need to say anything, he will immediately let A Xing go to study medicine, can see at a glance what is happening in the patient, and can definitely become the world ’s top surgeon, then this movie can be renamed as ” Great Doctor A Star!

If the third uncle is a **** stick, then A Xingke will be ruined. It is estimated that the third uncle will be packaged as a reincarnation of Bodhisattva or something. This seems to be better than gambling. This is much more dangerous than gambling.

The neon lights of Lan Kwai Fong flickered, and fashionable men and women dressed in and out, seeing A Xing and San Shu spent their eyes; after seeing the prosperity of Xiangjiang, San Shu took them home to teach A Xing to gamble Basic knowledge comes.

Shen Long was not interested in this. He said hello, “Sanshu, A Xing, I went out to see if I could find a chance, and I would come back later.”

“Crazy thread, just follow Axing to pick up the money, and go out and do what you want? If the opportunity is so easy to find, I will be poor now?” After Shen Long left, the third uncle scoffed at Shen Long’s approach.

In the future, Dundas Street is a famous food street in Xiangjiang. The streets are full of shops selling a variety of snacks, from Cantonese snacks and porridge shops that Xiangjiang people like to Japanese-style octopus balls, Baodao flavor. The spicy fish eggs, fried meatballs … dazzling, everything.

Because of its cheap price and many styles, it is loved by many people. Many young people in Xiangjiang like to come here to taste. There are often scenes of diners occupying the streets and crowded with people. Many snack bars can be said to be daily advances. … if this shop is their own. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But that is the result of the increasingly developed traffic between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon in the future. Now the streets are relatively deserted. After a few laps, I see shops that do business for nearby residents. There are not many snack bars.

“Boss, did you transfer this store? What’s the price?” Seeing someone posted a notice about the store transfer, Shen Long went in and asked, “Is it just subletting and selling the store?”

In this year, Xiangjiang ’s housing prices fell briefly, and then quickly increased. House prices rose faster than a year, and it did not reach its peak until 1997. At this time, it is still very cost-effective to buy shops; if you can own a house The store, even if it is only a few square meters, can wait for a lifetime on the rent and comfortably after the Dengda Street snack street is booming.

“Wow, mainlanders are so rich now?” Hearing Shen Long’s accent, the boss was obviously stunned, and then hurriedly invited him in to talk about the transfer price.

Walked from the street to the end of the street, and asked all the shops that posted the transfer notice. Shen Long bought some roast goose and porridge and brought it back. “Sanshu, A Xing, I brought you back for supper.”

It is strange to say that Shen Long will be fine to call the third uncle, and A Xing will get out of control as soon as he calls, and do not know the reason.

“A Xing, learn a little and see Arondo smart!” These two guys patronized to learn gambling, they were already hungry, and they cried when they smelled the smell of roasted goose.

“Aron, you also have something to eat. After eating, Uncle takes you to make money!” After training by Uncle, A Xing has basically mastered the rules of various gambling methods. Uncle will definitely take them to bet in a short while. Make a fortune.

“Oh, Aron, A Xing said you are a veteran, then you should be able to fight, you will protect A Xing in a while!”

“no problem!”

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