All Stat Slayer

Chapter 28: (2): Season 1: Preparation

Articles burst out like a dam.

– The one-eyed monster Cyclops! Revealed in downtown Wonju, Gangwon Province!

– Cyclops, who suddenly disappeared, reappears in the city!

– Immediate response from the military in Wonju!

It was 12:30, and Hyun-seok, who had leisurely enjoyed a cup of coffee after lunch, abruptly stood up from his seat. He immediately made a phone call.


“Uh, Hyun-seok. Don’t worry, I’m fine. It’s a bit far from here. It appeared near the terminal.”

Hyun-seok collapsed in his seat as if all strength had left his body. Just hearing the name Wonju triggered a reaction in him. Wonju wasn’t just some ordinary school playground. Fortunately, his hometown was a safe place.

Wonju, located in Gangwon Province, was Hyun-seok’s hometown. It was also where Min-seo attended school. The Cyclops was wreaking havoc near the express terminal, destroying everything in its path.

Fighter jets immediately engaged in counter-attacks, but even the AGM-9 missiles fired by the F-5 proved futile. It was a state of emergency comparable to a war zone. Despite accurately hitting the monster with six missiles, the shield gauge barely budged. It was a level of defense that approached perfection, not just mere resistance. It was a monster far surpassing the levels of Trolls or twin-headed Trolls. It was certain now. It was a monster that exceeded the standards of normal mode.

The President quickly made a statement, making efforts to reassure the citizens, and the attention from around the world, including the United States, began to intensify. Korea had become the starting point of all slaying. It had reached the point where one needed to study Korea to learn about new monsters and dungeons. However, a monster named Cyclops was discovered within Korea. At first, it appeared in the mountains, but when no one touched it, it revealed itself in the urban areas, as if protesting why there was no slaying happening.

– Advanced scientific technology in the modern era. Useless against monsters!

– The military authorities. How will they handle this problem?

– Silent slayers. They cannot be blamed.

– Monsters exceeding the standards of the normal mode! Modern weapons are useless against superior monsters beyond the normal mode!

In a futile state where even missiles are of no use, what power could the slayers possibly possess? Though it was a valid argument, there was currently no power capable of facing Cyclops other than the slayers themselves.

Hyun-seok spoke up.

“Father, please stay inside the house without making a move. That thing is truly dangerous.”

“Yes. Don’t worry and focus on your work.”

Hyun-seok wasn’t a hero, nor did he have any desire to become one. The well-being of his small family, consisting of only three members, was more important to him than countless unfamiliar faces.

“Damn it.”

This time, he called Min-seo. Since Min-seo’s high school was near the terminal, it was convenient to contact her. (In reality, the distance between them was about 1km, but to Hyun-seok, it felt like a mere 100m.)

” brother!”

“Hey! If nothing happens, you should call your brother saying that nothing happened!!”

Hyun-seok shouted abruptly. Some of the employees who were enjoying their lunch break and rest nearby were startled and glanced at Hyun-seok, but understanding his situation, they sighed and nodded their heads.

Min-seo’s voice came through.

“We’re all currently taking shelter underground! The soldiers are fighting. Bang! Bang! We can hear really loud sounds!”

Hyun-seok’s legs trembled, and he gritted his teeth, grinding his upper and lower jaws together on the topic he could do nothing about.

“If there are slayers who exceed the standards of the normal mode, then there might also be monsters that exceed the standards of the normal mode.”

Hyun-seok stood up, pacing back and forth as if afflicted by a mental illness. The military units fought fiercely, but their efforts seemed to be in vain. Nevertheless, they had to fight. It was not fitting to merely watch as monsters ravaged their homeland. Even though they knew it was futile, they had to unleash missiles and launch attacks.

– Cyclops is currently crushing everything in sight and moving towards the west! The military units are engaging in counter-fire, but it’s having little effect on Cyclops’ shield…”

– Shops, houses, and even Wonju High School…

Hyun-seok abruptly stood up. His gaze was fixated on Cyclops, who had entered the sports field of Wonju High School. Without a second thought, Hyun-seok dashed out, unimpeded by anyone trying to stop him. There was no other thought in his mind. He simply thought he had to run as fast as he could. But then he reconsidered. It wouldn’t do any good to rush headlong. It was worrisome, but even if he unfolded a battlefield and ran, there was no way he could reach Wonju right away.

“By now, the Korean Union might be taking action too. Maybe we can find a means of transportation like a helicopter.”

Just then, in the midst of heightened senses brought on by the battlefield, his phone continued to vibrate incessantly. Initially, he ignored it, but as it persistently rang on, it became bothersome.

The name on the screen was Jong-won.

“Hey, Hyun-seok. We’re organizing a special forces team with volunteers, heading to Wonju. Isn’t Min-seo there? We have a helicopter ready. Hurry up and come! Let’s go together!”

Jong-won hung up the phone and grumbled.

“I hate showing off unnecessarily… This is definitely showing off… This is seriously insane… I don’t like playing the hero. Our mom told us not to show off. Min-hye also hates men who show off.”

He nervously scratched his head. Nonetheless, he couldn’t just refuse to go.

“My friend’s little brother is trapped underground. I have to go, what else can I do?”

The students took refuge in the underground hideout, but there was neither water nor food within its walls. Even if things were fine for now, with the passage of time, chaos would inevitably ensue. If they accidentally caught the attention of the Cyclops, the entire building could collapse. Numerous students could be crushed to death under the wreckage or fall victim to the Cyclops.

Jong-won continued to curse incessantly. Foul language spewed from his mouth, revealing his profound reluctance.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it! I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go.”

However, his body moved contrary to his words. It headed toward the helicopter.

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