All Stat Slayer

Chapter 29: (part1): Season 1 – Preparation

Park Sung-hyung currently led the Korean Union. As Hyun-seok had sensed, he was an outstanding leader. Inheriting the spirit of the Executioners, the Korean Union had already firmly established its position as the representative organization for Slayers.

When one or two people praised you, it could be dismissed as mere flattery. If around ten people praised you, one could question the sincerity behind their words. However, when not just ten, but hundreds and thousands of people echoed the same sentiment, it revealed the true character of the person.

The guild members of I’UET, the high-ranking officials of the Union, and even those who knew Sung-hyung personally all praised his leadership. The common consensus among people regarding Sung-hyung was that he possessed ambition but didn’t succumb to selfish desires that would compromise his integrity. Sung-hyung’s perception of leadership reflected these qualities. In him, there was a unique and captivating charm that captivated people’s hearts.

Just before boarding the helicopter, Sung-hyung spoke.

“This could be a great opportunity for us.”

He didn’t say anything more. It was indeed a good opportunity, but it could also be their last chance. If they died, everything would come to an end. Hyun-seok knew what Sung-hyung meant. Ever since the establishment of the Korean Union, they had gradually revealed the current plight of the Slayers, who were being exploited by the government, or so it seemed. As a result, many Slayers were now demanding the restoration of their rights.

The Korean Union had received helicopter support from the government. The squad assigned to exterminate the Cyclops consisted of around 80 members. The group of 80 individuals divided themselves among the helicopters.Hyun-seok was feeling incredibly anxious. Despite using the fastest available means of transportation, he couldn’t shake off his restlessness. Cyclops, bizarrely enough, was sprawled out on the playground of Wonju High School, peacefully taking a nap. What was even more astonishing was that the government seemed incapable of dealing with such a defenseless monster. Using weapons more powerful than missiles could potentially harm the children within the school. While there was talk of seeking refuge underground, the use of even more destructive weapons was still pending.

Apart from his unease, Hyun-seok found himself contemplating the current situation more deeply. It was something he had been pondering for quite some time, but it became more tangible as he listened to Sung-hyung’s words.

“At present, Cyclops is a monster beyond the government’s control.”

If it were an open field, they could unleash their firepower, but one encounter was in the mountains, and the other in the city. It was difficult to mobilize firepower, and even if they did, there was no certainty that it would inflict any damage.

‘It was a brilliant decision to form a squad from the Korean Union.’

Under the assumption that they wouldn’t die, of course. They had to risk their lives to slay the beast. Cyclops was an immensely powerful monster with a magic power measurement exceeding 9999. Just organizing a squad under such circumstances was already commendable. The citizens were already applauding their sacrificial spirit and courageous determination. As for the slayers who embarked on the mission, they were more acutely aware of the terror of failure than the sweet rewards that awaited them upon success. Nonetheless, the fact that over 80 individuals volunteered for support was nothing short of remarkable.

When one side is elevated, the other naturally becomes diminished. The government was failing to effectively address the current situation. Regardless of the reasons, they were unable to handle the situation. Consequently, while it couldn’t be directly attributed to the government’s mistakes, they received a substantial amount of criticism.

‘In this situation… If the Strike Squad succeeds in slaying…’‘First and foremost, the price of Greenstone.’

Of course, the price of Greenstone, and…

‘Excessive taxes.’

While gaining profits from Greenstone, they were burdened with a tax of up to 5 million won per piece. Compared to 100 million won, 5 million won may not be a significant amount, but considering that the supply of Greenstone exceeds 50 pieces per day, the government is pocketing over 200 million won in taxes. It ultimately means double taxation.

‘That was possible until now.’

There were always replacement Slayers for dissatisfied Slayers. Moreover, the monsters were not overwhelmingly threatening creatures. Even if they were not Slayers, even with resistance to modern weapons, the military could handle them.

But if a monster appears that only top-tier Slayers can deal with, to the extent that it’s uncertain if they can handle it, the situation changes. Now, there will be no replacements for them, and only they can deal with the monsters. It means their value has skyrocketed.

‘Perhaps the situation will change now. The authority of the Slayers will greatly increase.’

The attention of the world is now focused on Korea. CNN and other international media outlets are paying close attention to Wonju. The changes in Korea are tantamount to their own future changes.

‘If there is a background called the Korean Union…’

If that’s the case, he believed it was right to give his all in this slaying. If he had made up his mind to deal with monsters from the start, he had to do it decisively. The government was powerless, so he had to show that he had the power to handle things on this side.

‘But… will my power be effective against that creature?’

It wasn’t certain. Hyun-seok had never engaged in unsafe slaying before. Even when slaying with I’UET, he only attacked from behind. When conquering dungeons, he always moved after obtaining sufficient information about them. The same applied when slaying monsters.

Ultimately, slaying an unknown monster was a first-time experience for him. If Min-seo wasn’t involved, there was a high probability he wouldn’t have made a move this time either. Nevertheless, he acted, and now he was trying his best to observe the current situation with a cool and composed mindset.

‘I think taking on the vanguard position would be better.’

In the current slaying, the concept of a vanguard was quite close to “defense.” It could be likened to the notion of “tanking” in online games, drawing aggro and focusing on defense. The concept of a “rear guard” was akin to that of a dealer.

Although classes diversified as they entered normal mode, the overall structure remained similar. It was a form of attacking with melee weapons. If the attack power was high, the defense power would naturally be high, and if the defense power was high, the attack power would also be high. So, it was not strictly divided like a “tanker” or a “dealer,” but it could be seen as a similar concept.

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