Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 110: Emerging Danger

As Laila squinted against the intense and blinding light from outside, she instinctively closed her eyes. Once she could finally open them again, she hurried to Althea's private room to ensure her lady's safety.

Upon entering the room, she found it devoid of light and sensed no presence of Althea within.

"This can't be... I was sure she came into her room. Where could she have gone?"

In her rising panic, Laila took a deep breath to calm herself. She closed her eyes to heighten her senses. She felt a faint stir in the air against her cheek and followed the source of the breeze to the balcony, where she found Althea collapsed.

"Lady Althea! Lady Althea!"

Laila lifted Althea and called out to her desperately.

Though Althea was breathing, she showed no response.

Laila gently shook her, but Althea seemed to be unconscious, showing no signs of waking.

"Lady Althea... I must get you to bed and then call a doctor..."

Murmuring to herself, Laila carried Althea to the bed. As she laid her down, she noticed something unfamiliar on Althea's chest.

Curious, Laila carefully unbuttoned Althea's top just enough to see what was partially hidden, and she gasped in shock.

On Althea's chest was a mark shaped like "three triangles enclosing the lower half of a semicircle."

Frightened, Laila hastily rebuttoned Althea's top and looked around. Seeing no one else, she sighed in relief but pondered what to do next.

Why does Lady Althea have the mark from that old fairy tale? If it’s not just a story… But no, this can't be happening! I must protect Lady Althea. Calling a doctor would be too risky. What should I do... Lord Regalus! He'll surely have a good idea!

With that thought, Laila used her shadow magic to contact Regalus.

Under normal circumstances, it was unheard of for students to visit each other’s dormitories at night, but exceptions could be made for family in emergencies. If she properly informed the dorm supervisor, Regalus would be allowed to visit. The visit duration, however, was limited to an hour.

I’ll say she fainted due to the light earlier. I must inform the dorm supervisor, but I also need to make sure nothing is discovered if they check in…

Laila quickly buttoned up Althea’s top, put a jacket on her to conceal the mark, and covered her with a blanket. She then headed to inform the dorm supervisor of Regalus’s impending visit.

A few minutes later, Regalus, having received Laila's message, arrived at the room.

As soon as the door opened, Regalus, with a worried expression, grabbed Laila's shoulders.

"Where's Althea? Is she alright?!"

Facing Regalus’s uncharacteristic urgency, Laila remained calm.

The dorm supervisor is here too, as expected. I must ensure they don’t enter the room…

"Lord Regalus, please calm down. Thank you for coming, Dorm Supervisor. Lady Althea has awakened and is now safe. She was startled by the light earlier and fainted. I was also shocked seeing her collapse before me… I apologize for causing such a commotion."

The dorm supervisor, relieved, said, "I see. It's good that it's nothing serious. That light was quite surprising. What could it have been? Anyway, since she fainted, she must be frightened. It’s alright for her brother to visit, but only for about thirty minutes as it’s late."

Laila expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for your generous consideration, Dorm Supervisor. As you said, Lady Althea is anxious, and having Lord Regalus by her side will surely comfort her. Thank you again."

As the dorm supervisor left, Laila escorted Regalus into the room and locked the door behind them.

Puzzled by her actions, Regalus asked, "Laila? Why are you locking the door?"

"Lord Regalus, could you cast a soundproof spell on this room?"

"A soundproof spell? Why do we need that? Is there something you can’t say openly?"

"I’ll explain everything after the spell is cast. We don’t have much time, please hurry!"

Seeing Laila so frantic for the first time, Regalus quickly cast the spell and turned to her.

"What’s going on? And Althea?"

"Thank you, Lord Regalus. Over here, please."

Laila led Regalus to where Althea lay. Seeing her, Regalus rushed to her side and, after checking her condition, looked at Laila with a mixture of anger and fear.

"Laila, what’s this about?! How is this 'alright'? What happened?"

"Honestly, I don’t know. After the blinding light, I found Lady Althea collapsed on the balcony. She was unconscious, so I contacted you immediately."

"You said she woke up, didn’t you? In this state, shouldn’t we call a doctor?"

Anger evident in his voice, Regalus grabbed Laila by the collar.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"Seeing is believing. Lord Regalus, look at this and then decide."

Laila gently removed Regalus's hand from her collar, unbuttoned Althea's jacket, and revealed the mark on her chest.

"What... is this?"

Staggering back, Regalus stared at the mark in disbelief.

"If my memory serves me correctly…"

Laila took a deep breath and, with a trembling voice, continued, "It's the same as the mark from the 'Maiden of the Dusk' legend."

Regalus, now gripping Laila's shoulders, asked in a desperate voice, "Why?! Why does my sister have this mark? When and where could it have been placed?"

Laila, shaking her head, replied sorrowfully, "I don’t know. The only thing I know is that she didn’t have it when she bathed earlier today. So, it must have appeared…"

"After the light…"

Nodding, Laila confirmed Regalus’s suspicion.

In the dimly lit room, he pondered the implications of the earlier phenomena. If the ancient prophecy of "The Two Maidens" held true, then the ominous light was a sign—the world was being engulfed by darkness. He had observed the signs over the past few years and had made preparations. The possibility that a maiden would be chosen was always anticipated. But for Althea to be chosen... it was inconceivable. Everyone believed that the maiden would possess the power of both light and darkness. Yet, why was it Althea...?

Regalus sank to his knees, his strength drained. Without lifting his head, he called out to Laila.



"Who else knows about the mark?"

"Only you and I, Lord Regalus."

"Good. Keep it that way. We must hide it."


At that moment, Althea stirred slightly.

"Mm... Cie... Lu..."

Still kneeling, Regalus rose and spoke gently to Althea.

"Althea? Are you awake? Can you hear me?"

"Mm...? Brother...?"

"Yes, it's me."

He held her hand with relief.

"Brother, why are you here? What happened to me...?"

"You were exposed to a blinding light and fainted. Are you hurt anywhere? Any injuries would be terrible..."

"I was on the balcony... Did you carry me here?"

"No, it was Laila. I came when she informed me. I'm so relieved you woke up..."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Laila and brother. I'm fine; I don't feel any pain."

"That's good to hear. But you should rest for the day. I'll come back tomorrow morning. You should skip school tomorrow just to be safe. You're a senior, right? You wouldn't want to miss your graduation party. Rest well... Laila."


"Arrange for Althea to take a day off tomorrow."


"Alright, Althea, I'll head back to my room now. Get some sleep, okay?"

As Regalus gently tucked the blanket around Althea, she smiled softly.

"Okay, brother."

"See you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night."

"I'll escort Lord Regalus out, Lady Althea."

"Thank you, Laila."

"Good night."

"Good night."

Althea watched as Regalus and Laila left the room, pulling the blanket up to her face and staring after them.

Once the door to Althea's private room was closed, Regalus spoke softly to Laila as they moved towards the exit.

"Is it possible to keep that hidden from Althea?"

"It would be difficult. She would see it in the mirror, and hiding the mirrors would only raise suspicion."

"I see... So we must persuade her. Let me ask you this: do you want Althea to become the maiden?"

"Absolutely not. If I did, I wouldn't have called you."

"That's a relief. I feel the same. She's my precious little sister. I won't let her be a sacrifice to the gods."

"I feel the same. I'd rather see the world end than let her be sacrificed."

"Don't say such things, Laila."

"Aren't you the same, Lord Regalus?"

"I am. I want her to live, even if the world falls into darkness. So, tomorrow morning, we will talk to her together."

"Thank you, Lord Regalus."

"I'll arrange for the permission to visit tomorrow. Make sure the school is notified of her absence."

Regalus deactivated the soundproofing spell and left the girls' dormitory.

While Regalus and Laila discussed in the living room—

Althea, having heard the door close, sat up and checked her chest.

"As the goddess said... I really am the 'Maiden of Dusk'..."

She recalled the vision she had when she lost consciousness.

In that bright expanse of emptiness, Althea had met the goddess.

With her black hair and eyes reminiscent of a starless night, the goddess had introduced herself as Stella and spoke to the bewildered Althea.

"Maiden of the Dusk. I am Stella, the goddess who governs the primordial darkness. Soon, the time of darkness will arrive. We need your power. Will you lend us your magic?"

"Magic... Goddess Stella, as one of the wives of the Sun God... If the goddess of darkness has chosen me, does that mean I am the 'Maiden of Dusk'?"

Stella nodded with a sorrowful smile.

"I see... I am the 'Maiden of Dusk'..."

Althea pondered before asking the goddess another question.

"What happens if I refuse?"

"I do not know. However, the current Maiden of the Dawn has very little magic. She alone cannot fend off the time of darkness."

"What happens if the time of darkness is not averted?"

"The world will remain shrouded in darkness, overrun by monsters and demons who thrive in such conditions."

"A world overrun by monsters and demons... I see..."

Althea closed her eyes, deep in thought. After a moment, she looked up and met the goddess's gaze.

"I understand. I will do what I can. But if possible, I would like to find a way to survive. Otherwise, my family and friends would never forgive me..."

She swallowed her final words, gripping her hands tightly.

"Given the history of the maidens, it's understandable to worry. But fear not. As the one who has watched over the maidens for generations, I have noticed something. You possess the potential to choose a different path."

With a gentle smile, Stella shared her insights. Though they were surprising, Althea found hope in the possibility of survival.

Finally, the goddess gave her information about the fairy she had been searching for.

"Regarding your friend, his heart has been asleep here for months. Due to a curse, his heart and body were separated. The curse on his heart is lifted. If you find his body and call him, he will awaken. This will connect this realm with reality, which is crucial for saving the Maiden of Dusk. Search for him in the principality. Only you can find him. Now, it's time to return. Maiden of Dusk, may you—"

Her consciousness resurfaced before she could hear the last words.

Although she missed the goddess's final words, she understood her mission.

"I must find Ciel. Tomorrow, I'll tell brother and Laila. They might be angry, but I need their help. I have to persuade them."

Murmuring to herself, she lay down and closed her eyes.

The night passed with each holding their own thoughts. But when the morning came, the darkness had not lifted.

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