Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 111: Days With No Daylight

The next morning arrived, yet the darkness showed no sign of lifting.

People everywhere trembled in fear of the unending night, causing panic among nobles and commoners alike across all countries.

If days continues with no sunlight, horrors in all shapes and forms will soon come after one and another.

Societal collapses will become apparent.


At the academy, classes were disrupted by the uproar, hastily suspended with an additional decree forbidding anyone from leaving the premises without "legitimate approval from the school head," an unprecedented measure that left most students stranded in their rooms, trembling in isolation.

Unaware of this decree, Althea quietly awaited Regalus in her room after having breakfast.

"...The darkness truly hasn't lifted," Althea murmured, seated on the sofa in their dormitory room, gazing outside. Her words caught Laila's attention.

"Huh...? Ah, yes. It's morning, but it's so dark... It really feels like night. I heard there's a directive not to leave the academy grounds. Did you hear about that?" Laila responded, surprised to learn of the decree for the first time.

"Eh? Is that so? We can't leave the academy? Oh dear, that's troublesome..." Althea sighed, realizing the gravity of their situation.

"Yes, leaving is prohibited... Um, did you say something after that? I couldn't quite hear," Laila asked, struggling to catch Althea's muttered words.

"No, it's nothing. Anyway, what time did brother say he'd come today?" Althea changed the subject.

"Probably very soon," Laila replied as a knock echoed on their door.

Opening it, Laila found Regalus standing there. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Althea. I was delayed at the academy," he apologized.

"Welcome, brother. You were at the academy... Was something wrong?" Althea inquired.

"Not exactly... You know classes have been suspended, right?" Regalus asked.

"Huh? Classes too? I heard we can't leave the academy grounds from Laila just now," Althea confirmed.

"Yeah, that's right. Classes are suspended for now. There's a lot going on with handling this darkness. Some magic user students might even join the extermination squads. I discussed it with the school head," Regalus explained, entering the room and taking a seat opposite Althea.

"Extermination squads?" Althea's interest was piqued.

"Yeah. Even though major cities and villages are protected by barriers, no one knows what might happen if this darkness continues. Hence the extermination squads... Ah, never mind," Regalus trailed off.

"?" Althea queried, but Regalus swiftly changed the topic. "Anyway... Althea, how are you feeling today? Your health okay?"

"Um... yes, I'm fine now. But there's something I want to ask you and Laila," Althea said, looking serious.

"To us?" Regalus raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Laila, come over here, please," Althea called, and Laila moved to sit beside her.

"No, sit here," Althea tapped the seat beside her. Laila glanced at Regalus and then nodded slightly before taking the seat beside Althea.

"Okay, I have a favor to ask of both of you."

Althea then proceeded to explain her request: the encounter with a fairy during her magical aptitude test at age 10, naming it "Ciel," how the fairy had intermittently appeared to aid her, including saving her hair during a martial arts tournament months ago, and its subsequent disappearance.

After recounting her tale of the fairy's companionship and disappearance, Althea concluded, "I want to find the fairy. It seems it hasn't left the principality, but with this unexpected prohibition on leaving the academy grounds... Is there any way we can get outside?"

As she earnestly appealed to them, Regalus, initially silent, pondered deeply.

'Certainly, there were several instances that came to mind. Since her magical aptitude test at age 10, there had been many occasions when she seemed happy alone. Althea had always been bright and smiling, so it hadn't seemed strange, but thinking back, she had seemed to be talking to someone... Though I had thought it was just a monologue.'

Regalus, having softened his tone, looked directly at Althea.

"I... understand now. That's why I can't let you search for the fairy. I don't even want to leave this room," he declared firmly.

"W-why would you say that...? Even if I meet the Maiden――"


Althea flinched at Regalus's raised voice, startled. It was the first time she had heard him so agitated; he had never shown such emotion in front of his beloved sister before.

Seeing Althea shrink back in surprise brought Regalus back to himself. He gently touched her hand as if to console her.

"I'm sorry for startling you... But I can't let you go searching this Maiden and that. Not even mention her name. Not just me, even Laila... I don't want to offer you up as a sacrifice to the gods. Even if it means this darkness persists forever," Regalus explained.

"But... what about the monsters? Since daylight has gradually been letting monsters come, won't there be damage to small settlements outside of the barrier?" Althea argued.

"They are currently investigating," Regalus replied. "Investigating... means they're assessing the damage, right? Logically, small settlements should be under attack. Isn't that right?"

"Even so, a single maiden can't do much. The Maiden of Dawn hasn't appeared. Darkness can't be dispelled without both of them... As for monsters, knights and mages from each country will handle them. Magic students are also being called in. So please, Althea. Could you stay quietly in your dorm room?"

"...So, if the Maiden of Dawn were to appear... you would let me go?" Althea pressed.




"Sigh... Alright, I understand," Althea relented.

"Do you understand, Althea?"

"I understand your reasoning, but I'm not convinced. However, arguing about this further here won't change anything... But I still want to find Ciel. Whether he's here or not will greatly impact my actions from now on," Althea said earnestly.

"...A fairy?" Regalus questioned.

"Yes... Most people can't see fairies at all, right? But Ciel can take a humanoid form and show himself. I believe he'll be useful in monster exterminations. Besides... awakening him is what the goddess wants..." Althea stopped abruptly.

"The goddess? What do you mean by the goddess?" Regalus asked after a pause.

"...I met her in a dream... She told me many things, including about Ciel. She said Ciel can connect with the goddess. That's why... I absolutely have to awaken him," Althea explained.

"I see... Well, I understand why you want to awaken the fairy now. But couldn't someone else search for him instead of you?" Regalus suggested.

"But... it seems I'm the only one who can awaken him. Please, I won't search alone. Brother... Since you're being called, and Laila could come with us..."

"I'm being called, but they said within a week, so there's still time... Fine. I and Laila will go together. However, we have five days, including today, until the last possible day I can respond to the summons. If we can't find him by then, we'll have to give up on searching for the fairy. That's the condition," Regalus stated firmly.

"...Understood. I'll abide by that."

"Good. Once decided, we'll need to get permission from the school head to leave. We'll need to figure out what reason to give," Regalus pondered aloud. "There's no way we can say we're going to search for a fairy at the goddess's behest."

"That's okay. The school head already knows I can perceive fairies, so searching for one shouldn't be a problem," Althea reassured him.

"What... How did they find out?"

"At the end of the long vacation, I went with the Pope and the Headmaster to confirm the quality of magic. At that time..."

"Did you accidentally mention that you can see and talk to fairies?"

"Oh, no, I just said I felt a 'light.' I decided with Ciel not to say I 'saw and spoke' in order to keep from causing more trouble."

"I see. That's a relief... If the Pope and the Headmaster know, they might consider you a top candidate for the maiden. If so, the fairy that glowed around me stopped worrying recently, so I'm worried. And I think I can understand that."


Regulus's words prompted Althea to hurry back to her room to prepare.

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