Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 72 – Sharing Secrets

The two of them walked in silence until they returned to the middle of town.

Both had questions they wanted to ask, but neither knew how to start.

Althea was curious about the black mist that emanated from the young man and how to deal with it.

Siegfried was curious about the healing magic that saved the middle-aged man and the movements of the dagger that seemed to act with a will of its own.

They returned to the town in silence, bought drinks from a street vendor, and decided to rest on a bench a little off to the side.

Once they sat on the bench, Siegfried started to speak first.

"Earlier... I'm sorry for losing my composure. Considering your personality, I knew you couldn't just stand by and watch silently... Yet I thought of you as just another ordinary noble lady, based on how you were at the academy."

"I'm glad you're calm now, but... calling me an ordinary noble lady... am I really that different?" Althea pouted as she responded, intrigued by part of Siegfried's words. Smiling at her rare display of irritation, Siegfried replied.

"Yes, you're different. Because you wouldn't quietly let yourself be protected, right? You'd say something like, 'I don't want to just be protected, I want to fight alongside you.'"

"Why do you know that...? No, I do consider my actions before taking them, you know? Like whether I'd be a hindrance if I got involved... That's why I didn't join the fight earlier."

"True, you didn't join the fight, but no ordinary noble lady would throw a dagger."

"That's true."

"That dagger... it moved as if it had a will of its own. Is it some special kind of dagger?"

"No, it's just an ordinary dagger from Lystrand. I only cast a wind spell on it before throwing it. When you cast a spell on an object, it moves according to your will. But it only works on inanimate objects and within your line of sight."

"I see, wind magic... So that's why the dagger, which should have passed by, came back and attacked."

"Yes. But why are you asking about this now? You seemed to know about this wind magic."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because you told me where to aim during the attack, so I thought you were certain it was enchanted."

"Certain... Actually, I've only read about the magic in books and didn't know much about it. I didn't even know you could use that magic. I just had a feeling that the dagger would attack. By the way, when did you learn that magic?"

"Recently. While practicing magic in my room, the spell came to me... But I didn't expect it to be useful in such a situation."

Althea chuckled softly, and Siegfried, who had one more question in mind, decided to ask.

"One more thing, that middle-aged man's blood loss was abnormal, yet when I saw him after the fight, the bleeding had stopped. Healing magic using wind and earth elements is intermediate or higher, right? When did you learn to use healing magic, Althea?"

At these words, Althea, who had been laughing, suddenly looked down and clenched her hands in silence.

She doesn't want to talk about it... I guess I'll have to let it go.

Just as Siegfried was about to give up on the question, Althea gathered her resolve and stood up abruptly.

"Sieg, let's move to a different place."

They moved to the pavilion within the academy.

"It's a day off today, and no one will hear us here."

"Is it something that must be kept secret?"

"It's not exactly a secret, but... it might be hard to believe for most people."

Then, Althea continued, looking slightly downward, and Siegfried was stunned by her words.

"Sieg, do you believe in the existence of fairies?"

— 'Fairies' —

A species whose very existence is ambiguous but appears in history lessons. They are said to have served the goddess who created various principles of this world. Occasionally, someone claims to have seen a 'ball of light,' which is revered as a blessing, while those who clearly state they have seen a fairy are often deemed delusional and eccentric.

Proportionally, one in a thousand people can see a 'ball of light,' and two people claimed to have seen fairies a thousand years ago but were imprisoned for deceiving others. People seem to dislike those who can see things they cannot.

"The existence of fairies...? I believe in it. I've seen 'balls of light' a few times."

Siegfried didn't entirely disbelieve in fairies. He had seen 'balls of light' before. As a child, he thought the girl he saw in a secret garden might have been a fairy. Now he has a guess about who that girl was...

At the mention of seeing 'balls of light,' Althea's eyes widened with joy.

"Really? Then... Ciel, come here."


After responding, Ciel, in her usual form, started flying around Althea in circles.

"Sieg, do you see anything?"

Althea asked anxiously.

Suddenly, Althea called out an unfamiliar name, Ciel, and then asked if he saw anything. But he saw nothing.

As he was still confused about what was happening, Althea mumbled something to herself, and suddenly, 'balls of light' started circling around her.

"Oh, 'balls of light'—"

"You can see them?"

Althea, relieved, smiled brightly.

"Yes, but I only see 'balls of light.'"

"That's fine. This 'ball of light,' Ciel, healed that man's wounds."

"The 'ball of light' did? Wait a moment."

Siegfried paused, feeling dizzy, and sat down on a pavilion bench.

That 'ball of light' healed the wounds? And she calls it Ciel and communicates with it?

Siegfried sat down, holding his head in his hands.

'Althea, are you sure it was okay to reveal me? He seems troubled...'

"It's fine with him. But since he can't see you, it must be confusing."

By Siegfried's side, who was sitting and holding his head, Althea spoke in a whisper with Ciel.

'Shall I use some magic to take a human form? That way, he can see and believe me.'

"Can you really do that?"

'It takes some magic power, but yes. Today, it will only be temporary because I've already used healing magic. But if that's okay with you.'

"Will it deplete your magic power?"

'No, I'll rest before that happens. I want to stay with you, Althea.'

"Then, please, just for a little while."


Speaking softly, Althea finished talking and then called out to Siegfried, who was still holding his head. “Sieg.”

When Siegfried looked up at her voice, he saw a handsome man with blue hair standing next to her. Startled, he stood up and immediately assumed a defensive stance.

“Get away from Althea!”

Siegfried's cold voice demanded. He hadn't sensed anything, yet this man appeared suddenly—clearly suspicious.

Althea quickly stepped between them, trying to calm Siegfried, who seemed ready to pounce at any moment.

“Please wait, Sieg. This is… Ciel.”

“…A fairy?”

Siegfried asked cautiously, still stunned.

“Yes. He said if he took human form, everyone could see him. But it’s my first time seeing him like this too. He’s the one who used healing magic.”

“I did my best because Althea looked like she was about to cry.”

“I… I did?”

Ciel nodded happily, confirming his statement.

At first, Siegfried was too shocked to speak, but as he watched the two interact, he felt an inexplicable sense of being left out.

As the crown prince, I can’t respond inappropriately.

With that self-reminder, he took a deep breath and asked, “Excuse me, but… are you really a fairy? Aren’t fairies supposed to be smaller?”

Feeling a bit miffed at having his conversation with Althea interrupted, Ciel replied with a slight pout.

“Normally, yes. But I received a name. The stronger Althea becomes, the stronger I get. She practiced magic late into the night, which allowed me to take human form, though only for a short time… Oh, sorry, it looks like I’m at my limit.”

With that, Ciel disappeared from their sight.

Siegfried sighed deeply and sat back down on the bench.

“Do you… believe me?”

Althea asked hesitantly. Siegfried remained silent.

“Do you… not believe me?”

“No, it’s not that I don’t believe you. It’s just that everything happening right now is a bit overwhelming… I’m sorry, but could you give me a few minutes? Just five minutes.”

Althea nodded and sat down next to him, leaving a small gap between them.

A brief, quiet moment passed.

As the late afternoon sun began to gently shine on their faces, Siegfried broke the silence.

“Althea, can I ask you a few questions?”


“How long have you known that fairy?”

“Since the magic power measurement when I was ten.”

“Three years… almost four. Can you tell me more about this fairy Ciel, as much as you can share?”

Althea hesitated but, trusting Siegfried’s sincere gaze, began to speak slowly.

She explained that fairies typically have their own territories and can’t usually leave them, but naming Ciel made her his territory, allowing him to move freely. He can always come to her when called.

Siegfried listened quietly until she finished.

“That must have been hard to talk about, especially with those stories about people being imprisoned for claiming to see fairies. Thank you for trusting me, Althea,” he said with a gentle smile.

Reassured by his response, Althea decided to ask her own question.

“Sieg, may I ask you something?”

Siegfried, curious about her rare request, nodded.

“Why did that young man turn into a two-legged beast? You seemed to know how to handle it.”

It was a fair question. She wasn’t just a passive lady; she was curious and attentive.

How should I explain this… if I say too much, she might get involved, but I want to be honest…

As Siegfried struggled, he noticed Althea’s earnest gaze.

This incident must be one of those confidential matters I heard about during my last visit to the castle. I’ve informed Regalus, who will fight alongside us, but I don’t intend to involve Althea in the battles. Yet, as just Sieg, I want to be honest with her.

Making up his mind, Siegfried began to speak.

“Althea, this matter is likely a confidential one. I can’t go into detail. But you were a victim this time, and it could happen again. So, I’ll share a bit. Please promise to keep it a secret.”

Surprised by his unexpected words, Althea nodded.

“Thank you. So…”

Siegfried explained that there have been reports of demons that possess people. The black mist was likely such a demon.

Demons aren’t unheard of in their world, but they’re usually small, like rabbits or mice. These are no real threat to people. But the emergence of possession demons was alarming.

“It must have been shocking. This information is still under investigation, and only a few know about it. If you notice anyone behaving strangely, please tell me or Regalus. And promise me you won’t act alone.”

Althea, grateful for his honesty, nodded.

“Thank you, Sieg. I promise to keep it secret and to be careful.”

As he listened, Siegfried remembered his father Allen’s warning during his last visit to the castle:

“It feels like something unseen is moving. Even in the principality, we must stay vigilant. Be careful.”

He silently prayed for the continuation of peaceful days.

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