Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 90: Fathers and Children

"It’s curious… I wonder what Father was thinking, sending the Prince himself to fetch me."

Althea grumbled as she walked, a hint of frustration in her voice. Siegfried, who had been watching her with an amused smile, finally spoke up.

"It's because you were playing with Liliauge. She would have undoubtedly thrown a fit otherwise. Aside from me, the only person who could smoothly separate you from Liliauge would be Mother. Hence, it naturally fell to me to come and get you."

"I see… But Princess Liliauge is quite the agreeable girl."

"Well, she did fuss a bit earlier, didn’t she? With anyone else, she wouldn’t have listened at all. Perhaps it’s because of the age gap; she’s been spoiled and allowed to be a bit selfish. She's quite adorable to be honest with you."

—So adorable—

Hearing the word "adorable" from Siegfried, who was reputed to dislike women, Althea couldn’t help but smile. As she did, Siegfried continued, a hint of embarrassment creeping into his voice.

"Is it that funny? Honestly though, you’ve been a great help to me."

"Me? How so?"

"Yes, Liliauge looks up to you. Whenever she’s especially stubborn, we—Father, Mother, and I—use your name to persuade her."

"Really? Well, if invoking my name helps, feel free to use it as much as you like."

Althea laughed, offering a playful bow. Siegfried, mirroring her playful demeanor, replied with a mock serious expression, "Then I shall take you up on that offer," and they both laughed as they continued toward their destination.

Eventually, they arrived in front of a familiar room, one Althea had visited long ago for a secret ritual to seal her magical powers.

"Father, it’s Siegfried. I’ve brought Lady Althea."

The door opened, and Althea followed Siegfried inside, bowing her head as she had done when she first visited at the age of five. The only difference now was that Siegfried, not her father, stood in front of her.

After a few steps, Siegfried stopped, prompting Althea to halt as well.

"Raise your head."

The voice, authoritative and unchanged from ten years ago, brought a wave of nostalgia to Althea as she lifted her face with a smile.

Seeing her expression, Adrian smiled broadly and said, "Ah, you remember."

"Yes, hearing those words in this place again brings back memories and a keen sense of how much time has passed."

"Indeed, I feel it too. It’s good to know we share that sentiment."

Siegfried, watching their warm exchange with a puzzled look, interjected, "Pardon me, but I don’t quite understand what you mean, Your Majesty."

"Ah, forgive me. I hadn’t fully explained it to you. When you were seven, Lady Althea visited this room for a ritual to seal her magical powers, through the 'Secret Garden.'"


Siegfried's eyes widened as he turned to Althea.

"Your Highness?" Althea asked, concerned by his intense gaze.

"My apologies, it was rude of me to stare. Please, don’t mind it," Siegfried said, looking away, though his expression suggested he had more to say.

As Adrian watched their interaction with a knowing smile, a familiar voice chided, "Your Majesty, that’s enough."

Turning towards the voice, Althea saw her father, Thomas, smiling warmly at her.

"It’s been a while, Althea. How have you been?"

As Althea finished greeting her father after a long time, Adrian, who had been waiting patiently, began to speak.

"Have you finished your greetings? Then let’s proceed. First and foremost, this meeting is an informal, private one. What is discussed here must remain confidential. Moreover, let’s dispense with the formalities. From now on, do not address me as Your Majesty."

Thomas, shaking his head in exasperation, responded to Adrian’s usual antics.

"Honestly, you’re still the same… Do you want my daughter to call you by name that badly?"

"Yes, I do. Is that a problem?"

"Fine, fine… Althea."


"Today, during this meeting, you are to address this willful… gentleman as Lord Adrian, not by his title."

"W-What?! Lord?"

"We mustn’t call him by his position, correct?"


Though Adrian seemed slightly embarrassed by Thomas's retort, there was an unmistakable hint of delight in his demeanor. Siegfried and Althea watched the two of them with amused smiles.

"Ahem! Now, let’s get to the real matter at hand."

Clearing his throat after their playful exchange, Adrian resumed his serious tone.

"First, we need to discuss the true extent of Lady Althea’s magical power. This is something I learned from Thomas earlier."

Althea looked at Thomas, and Siegfried shifted his gaze to Althea. Observing their reactions, Adrian remarked,

"Hmm, it seems you knew about this, didn’t you, Siegfried?"

"… I apologize."

Siegfried bowed deeply to Adrian .

"It’s fine. I’m sure you had your reasons. Now, Althea, you’ve probably already heard that the Pope has secretly requested another magic measurement. Correct?"

"Yes, I was informed by my mother this morning."

"Good. Now, the date and place for this secret measurement have been set. It will be held in the headmaster’s office during the summer break, a week from today. The only people present will be the Pope and the headmaster. You will have a bodyguard until you reach the academy, but you must go to the headmaster’s office alone. Do you know where it is?"

"I’ve never been inside, but I believe it’s in the central building."

"That’s enough to know."

"Wait, Father."

"What is it?"

"Althea… I mean, Lady Althea, was targeted separately from Lady Lily before the summer break. Even if it’s within the academy, sending her alone is too dangerous…"

Siegfried, clenching his fists, spoke with evident concern.

Seeing this, Thomas approached and knelt before Siegfried.

"Thank you for your concern for my daughter, Your Highness. However…"

Though Thomas hesitated, Adrian completed his thought.

"Only the Pope and the headmaster. Do you understand the significance of that? Moreover, they specified the headmaster’s office."

"I don’t understand."

"How are the Pope and the headmaster chosen?"

"They are chosen based on whether they can reach the 'Sacred Place'… Ah."

"Exactly. That’s why they want Althea to go alone. At least, that’s my assumption. Nonetheless, we can’t risk an attack before she gets there. Therefore, I will assign one of our kingdom’s knights to escort her until she enters the academy grounds. What do you think, Lord Listrand?"

"Yes, that would indeed put my mind at ease. Thank you for your consideration."

Thomas agreed with a slight smile.

"That’s settled then, Siegfried. I’m assigning you the duty of knight for three days, starting a week from now. Protect Lady Althea."

"W-What? Yes, sir!"

Nodding in satisfaction, Adrian turned to Thomas, whose expression had grown more serious.

"Your Highness, please ensure that Regalus does not find out about this."

Thomas requested earnestly.

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