Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 91: The Purification

The week leading up to the departure for the Academy was a whirlwind of activity.

In addition to his daily training, Regalus dedicated time each day to performing multiple layers of binding spells on Richt, coupled with healing magic to maintain his stamina. Regalus was determined to purify Richt before heading to the academy.

Their efforts bore fruit; by the third day after their return to the royal castle, Richt began to show signs of improvement. By the fifth day, he could almost engage in conversation, though his mouth was still gagged.

“Isn’t it about time we tried purifying him?” Regalus suggested to Oliver and Althea as she administered healing magic to Richt. It was the day before their departure to the Holy Sacrament Academy.

“I think it’s feasible,” Oliver replied hesitantly, “but the real issue is whether Lily’s mana will hold out. Purification magic needs to be done all at once to be effective. We were cutting it close with Cartlis. This time, I’m not sure if we can finish before running out of mana, which could trigger self-limitation.”

Self-limitation, as Oliver described, is the body’s mechanism to stop the use of mana to preserve life. The alternatives to this are either a mana overload or the user’s willpower surpassing the instinct for self-preservation, effectively leading to the same outcome.

“Yeah, running out of mana is a constant worry… I heard there’s a special magic stone in the royal treasury that can share mana. Can we borrow it?”

As they pondered this, a voice called out to them from above. They looked up to see Cartlis smiling down from the entrance to the 'secret room.'

“Cartlis! Are you okay?!” Regalus exclaimed.

“Thanks to you all, I am. I’ve heard most of what’s happened from Sieg. I owe you all an apology for the trouble I caused, especially for that night in the garden at the start of summer vacation. But we can discuss that later,” Cartlis said as he descended into the room.

“About that special magic stone…” Cartlis continued.

“Did you try to borrow it?” Regalus and Oliver asked in unison.

“Yes, but unfortunately, it wasn’t possible. Misuse of that stone can drain all your mana. It’s a double-edged sword.”

“A double-edged sword, huh?” They mused.

“Exactly. Since we can’t use it, the only option is to purify while replenishing mana. Cassandra Nightshade-Norland.., the Head of the Magic Department, entrusted me with this.” Cartlis handed a small bottle to Regalus. “It’s Aether.”

“Aether?! From my mother?” Oliver said in surprise.

Cartlis nodded. “She anticipated we’d need it soon and sent it with me.”

“Why give it to you and not me?” Oliver grumbled.

“Don’t be petty. She gave me an excuse to come to the Monclair estate,” Cartlis said, patting Oliver on the shoulder.

“Well, if that’s the case, I guess I can’t complain. But are you really okay now?”

“Yes, I’ve fully recovered my memories,” Cartlis confirmed.

After being purified by Lily, Cartlis had been recuperating at the Magic Department. He awoke two days ago and, after a day of tests, was sent on this errand today.

“Now that Cartlis is back and we have the mana replenishment item, shall we attempt the purification after lunch?” Regalus suggested.

“Sounds good. I’m starving,” Oliver replied in a playful tone.

After lunch, Regalus, Althea, Oliver, Lily, and Jean headed to the underground 'secret room.' Cartlis, still recovering and likely not much help, stayed in the living room with Sol and the others.

“Are you sure about this?” Lily whispered to Althea, clinging to her arm. Oliver, walking ahead, replied.

“If Regalus and I say it’s okay, then it is.”

“If Regalus says so… it should be fine,” Lily murmured.

“Hey, what about my opinion?!” Oliver retorted, turning around to protest.

“Uh, we’re about to perform a purification… maybe we shouldn’t argue,” Althea intervened gently.

“Don’t worry, Althea. Oliver and I always bicker like this,” Regalus said, his tone exasperated. “Oliver, I’ll be sure to tell your mother about this.”

“No, please! Don’t tell her! She’ll experiment on me!” Oliver pleaded, then turned to Althea with a desperate look.

“Lady Althea, I didn’t mean to upset you. I apologize. Will you forgive me?”

“Well, I’m not angry, so there’s nothing to forgive…” Althea replied, bewildered by Oliver’s sudden change in demeanor.

“Really? Thank you, Lady Althea. You’ve saved me,” Oliver said, visibly relieved.

They arrived at the underground 'secret room,' where Richt, still fully bound, looked at them with a pained expression.

“It must be tough with his mouth bound too,” Lily noted, her fear giving way to sympathy as she saw Richt’s tearful eyes.

“It’s to prevent him from chanting spells or biting his tongue,” Regalus explained. “Lady Lily, if you feel sympathy for him, could you purify him? Once he’s purified, we can release the bindings.”

Lily listened, gazing at Richt. She nodded slightly. “I’ll do it. It’s too cruel to leave him like this.”

“Just as I thought,” Oliver said, presenting the Aether they received from Cartlis. “Lady Lily, this purification will likely use more mana than Cartlis’s did. So, take this.”

Lily stared at the small vial, unsure of what it was.

“It’s called Ether, a mana recovery potion. If you run low on mana during the purification, drinking this will restore it,” Oliver explained.

“I didn’t know such a potion existed,” Lily murmured, looking between the vial and Oliver.

“It’s hard to make these days. But your purification is worth using it for,” Oliver reassured her with a smile. Lily, seeing his smile, felt some of her tension ease.

"Alright, I'll trust you," Lily said, taking the bottle.

"Let's begin," Regalus announced. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Regalus cast a sleep spell on Richt, who gradually closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber. Althea then moved to his side, opening her magic book.

'Creatures of the earth, your time of unrest has passed. Seek peace and be released—Complete Restraint Removal.'

As Althea's spell took effect, the restraints slowly fell away from Richt's body. Regalus and Althea then began their wind magic, encasing Richt in a gentle, yet firm, wind barrier to keep him immobilized.

"He's still asleep. Start now, Lily!" Oliver urged.

Lily took her position beside Richt, clasped her hands together, and began her purification spell.

'I, the one who weaves the words of light, command the purification of this being.'

A soft light emanated from her hands, enveloping Richt's body. The three continued their spells, with Oliver watching over Lily.

As time passed, Richt's expression softened, indicating the purification was working. However, Lily began to tremble, her magic power waning.

"Sorry, Lily!" Oliver quickly opened her mouth and poured the Ether in. As she swallowed, her trembling subsided, and she continued the purification.

After several more minutes, the purification was complete. Richt, freed from the enchantment, remained asleep due to his exhaustion and the lingering effects of the sleep spell. Regalus lifted him with wind magic, and Jean carried him to a guest room where he would recover.

With their task complete, the four returned to the living room to report their success to Cartlis, who then left for the royal castle to inform Siegfried.

The four of them, relieved and exhausted, drank tea prepared by Laila, specially brewed by Althea, in silence, savoring the moment of peace.

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