Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 38: …We are very sorry!

Chapter 38: …We are very sorry!


I left my house and entered the residential part of the city. Houses on each sides of the street and even some small markets that sold vegetables and other small things were stationed from time to time between the houses.

Honestly, I could just buy some vegetables and get done with my shopping. However, my love for meat is something that I doubt will disappear even in a thousand years.


Not that I want to eat meat for a thousand years straight, i'm just joking...

I don't need any mysterious god hearing my thoughts to suddenly make me unable to eat vegetables and prolong my life span to thousands of years, just for making fun of me.

As I always say, better to prevent than to cure...

"Hmm...?" Suddenly, a great multitude of people starts approaching me.

"What's this? More problems...?"

The people stop walking before looking directly at me.

Hmm... This people look completely normal... Maybe they are disguised cultists?

What to do... what to do... Maybe I could just use some strength to break their limb-

"""...We are very sorry!"""


Oops, seems like I'm being a bit paranoid. Let's just not break anyone's limbs...


For now...


"Why are you apologizing...?" I scratched my head while saying so.

Although they were a bit startled by my answer at first, the one that seemed to be the leader of the group soon recovered and started explaining their reasons.

"We... did not even consider asking your side of the story, and mistook you as a horrible person!"

Hoh... There's someone actually apologizing...

Well, not that I cared about it that much... the only thing that annoyed me was the awkwardness of the atmosphere every time I went out to buy food...

"It's okay, just try to think before judging a person just by some stupid rumors..."

"O-oh yeah, and thank you for protecting this city Sir Aspen..." He bowed sightly as well as all the persons behind him.

"No worries..."

They made a path for me to continue walking after our conversation ended.

Maybe I could have nagged them a bit more... However, my stomach was asking for food, and I'm no one to negate such a thing to my partner...

So I just wanted to leave fast this place and go buy ingredients for today's lunch...


Suddenly I noticed another group of persons approaching me...


"""...We are very sorry!"""

Oh no...


An hour later...

"""...We are very sorry!"""


'For fuck's sake! Are they really apologizing?! Or are they trying to starve me to death?!'

How many times has it been today already?! Five?! Eight?! A hundred?!

My mood was already ruined!

"O-oh... sorry"

Yeah, you better be.

I finally reached one of the stores of my old acquaintance Ashwin Gold.

You don't remember? 

Well he is the merchant that I met before arriving to this city for the first time.

As one of the people that actually didn't care about my reputation during all these years, he was my first and probably only option when it came to buy resources and food.

All the gel in my inventory came from his store, after all, I'm too lazy to go outside the city just to kill slimes.

Why go outside when I can just buy everything I need in this beautiful store? I'm rich, so there are no problems regarding money.

Remember that when I arrived at this city I had just 10.000 oris available to buy whatever I needed? (The currency of the human kingdom that appeared in chapter 11 and 13...)

Well, with me saving money, and being many times commissioned as an alchemist by the militia in just 6 years, my bank account now had the great amount of 14 million oris.


Flexing money is really great.

Anyways, with the help of his stores, I was able to avoid going out of the city just by buying everything I needed from him. And he didn't seem to care about my reputation at that time!

Probably because he knew I was pretty rich... But that's unimportant!


A few minutes later...

After a really boring adventure, I finally bought everything I needed to survive inside my house for another whole month without going out.




I may be a NEET, but I'm the strongest and most self-reliant NEET of this world.

And I'm on a break, so I will just spend my holidays at home eating, sleeping, practicing magic, and maybe even sleeping.

"Hmm?" I suddenly noticed that a certain group of persons started approaching me from behind.

 "This guys just can't leave me alone huh?" I muttered under my breath.

I may have to reconsider using the "breaking limbs" option from earlier.

When I was about to turn back and tell them to fuck off, the sound of metal cutting through air reached my ear.

'A sword?'


"What a peculiar way to apologize..."

I dodged whatever was approaching me, and made some distance to get a clear view of my enemy.

"Hoh~... The cultists actually came?"

Ten people were looking at me with obvious hostility in their eyes, all of them wore a black mask that covered their whole faces, and a blue robe.

Damn... there were even some women there... Hmm... The robes actually looked wonderful on them...

Ahem... I'm getting a bit drifted of the topic here.

Soon, without even waiting for me to say anything more, they launched their attacks towards me. There were some mages on the back that kept shooting fireballs at me, and some archers that helped them by barraging me with projectiles.

Sadly for them, I was not alone.

"Neo!" I raised the finch staff high in the sky and soon my little friend came out from a small portal that generated in the middle of the air.


"Attack the archers and mages, I'll take care of the guys with the sword"


Well... it seems that the operation "Breaking limbs" is on the march!

"I've accumulated a lot of stress in the past few hours, and I'm really-really hungry right now. And since you guys came here offering yourselves, I don't think you will mind if I relieve a bit of my anger with you guys, right?"


"I'll take that as a yes"



"""…We are very sorry!"""

"Say that to the judge my friends"


I really feel relieved now!


"Yeah, nice to see you again partner"

The cultist were now scattered on the floor unable to move due to having their bones fractured. While some let out some grunts from time to time, some others were unconscious on the floor.

Soon the militia finally arrived and retrieved the cultists to put them into prison. As that seems to be the only purpose of these guys...

Well that was really nice... Time to go home and cook some food for my little stomach.


I better hurry up because I'm starving.


"You want to eat with me?"




Are summoned beings even able to eat?


I was kinda energetic today, so here's a chapter. Just so you don't forget about the story while I edit and do some other shit about this story.

I really don't understand this site...

I mean, I go on a Hiatus and suddenly a few days later I got into the top 3 in trending?... It's just completely incomprehensible...

Anyways, that's all for today.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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